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Steve Sorrell 《Research Policy》2018,47(7):1267-1282
This paper identifies and evaluates the explicit and implicit philosophical assumptions underlying the so-called multilevel perspective on sociotechnical transitions (MLP). These include assumptions about the nature of reality (ontology), the status of claims about that reality (epistemology) and the appropriate choice of research methods The paper assesses the consistency of these assumptions with the philosophical tradition of critical realism and uses this tradition to highlight a number of potential weaknesses of the MLP. These include: the problematic conception of social structure and the misleading priority given to intangible rules; the tendency to use theory as a heuristic device rather than causal explanation; the ambition to develop an extremely versatile framework rather than testing competing explanations; the relative neglect of the necessity or contingency of particular causal mechanisms; and the reliance upon single, historical case studies with insufficient use of comparative methods. However, the paper also concludes that the flexibility of the MLP allows room for reconciliation, and provides some suggestions on how that could be achieved – including proposing an alternative, critical realist interpretation of sociotechnical systems.  相似文献   

AI systems offer organizations great benefits causing decision-makers to invest more in these systems. The advantages of AI cannot be achieved without successful implementation. Thus, it is crucial to recognize the factors impacting the successful implementation of AI. It is also important to assess and rank these factors by their importance to assist decision-makers in implementing these systems and increasing the success rate. Due to its importance, scholars called for studies to expand our knowledge in this critical area. This paper identifies, extracts, and assesses the most critical factors that influence the implementation of AI systems. This study identifies nineteen factors and categorizes them into four categories: organization, technology, process, and environment. The analytical hierarchy process is used to evaluate the factors and the categories. The analysis offers two types of results, at the category level and the level of the factors. The results indicate that technology is the most significant of the four categories. The results also suggest that ethics is the most crucial factor among all nineteen factors. The order of all factors and discussions of the implications of the findings for practice and research are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

The provision of banking services on the Internet (e-banking) is growing but there is a lack of research related to the organisational issues involved in its adoption. This paper brings theory and practice together by synthesising the existing literature with real-life experience of a UK bank. Two questions motivated this research. First, what is the experience of organisations in adopting e-banking? Second, what are the organisational factors which are critical to the success in e-banking adoption? A case study research approach was used to investigate organisational critical success factors in e-banking adoption at The Woolwich bank. The factors found to be most critical for success in e-banking included: understanding customers, organisational flexibility, availability of resources, systems security, established brand name, having multiple integrated channels, e-channel specific marketing, systems integration, systematic change management, support from top management, and good customer services. We concluded that banks need to implement considerable organisational changes in order to web-enable themselves. The main focus of their e-commerce strategy should be to integrate the e-banking channel with other service delivery channels to maximise benefits.  相似文献   

Although business process management (‘BPM’) is a popular concept, it has not yet been properly theoretically grounded. This leads to problems in identifying both generic and case-specific critical success factors of BPM programs. The paper proposes an underlying theoretical framework with the utilization of three theories: contingency, dynamic capabilities and task–technology fit. The main premise is that primarily the fit between the business environment and business processes is needed. Then both continuous improvement and the proper fit between business process tasks and information systems must exist. The underlying theory is used to identify critical success factors on a case study from the banking sector.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to present spatial estimates of Phragmen-Lindelof type for a dynamical system. We show that an appropriate measure of the solutions either tends to infinity by exponential rate or decays to zero by exponential rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the critical factors that will affect the decision to adopt cloud computing technology in developing countries, specifically in Taiwan's hospital industry. This study mainly integrates the TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) framework and HOT-fit (Human-Organization-Technology fit) model to understand this issue. Information was collected by employing a questionnaire research design to hospital CIOs in Taiwan. The obtained results indicate that the 5 most critical factors are data security, perceived technical competence, cost, top manager support, and complexity. Further, among the proposed four dimensions the most important one is technology followed by human, organizational, and environmental factors. Finally, the results show that significant differences exist in CIO innovativeness, data security, compatibility, top manager support, adequate resource, and perceived industry pressure across different adopting groups. For practitioners, this study identifies key factors for hospitals to make an adoption decision toward cloud computing technology. As for academia, this study can be provided as a useful reference for future studies in this subject field.  相似文献   

开放式创新条件下的专利集中战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁晓东  孟奇勋 《科研管理》2010,31(5):157-163
摘要:开放式创新促进了专利交易,也加速了创新专业化分工。专利经营公司选择并实施专利集中战略,预示着专利呈现集中管理的趋势。专利集中战略是开放式创新和专业化分工共同作用的产物。本文以美国高智投资公司为案例,分析了专利集中战略的内涵,解释了企业选择专利集中战略的原因,并提出我国企业借鉴专利集中战略的建议。  相似文献   

何桂霞 《大众科技》2012,14(3):261-262
分析当前档案信息化管理面临的问题,提出了建立有效的文件档案管理计算机信息系统,加强人才培养,提高管理人员素质等建议。  相似文献   

Shared services have been embraced by the private, and increasingly, the public sectors. Yet implementation has often proved to be difficult and the factors which are critical to success are not yet well understood. In this paper existing research in the area of critical success factors (CSFs) is examined and it is suggested that that research actually covers two distinct phenomena. One approach is focused on identifying the factors required for a specific individual to achieve their outcomes. The second on determining the general success factors for implementing a project of a certain type. A reconciliation of the two approaches is proposed within a framework that distinguishes between three different types of CSF – outcome, implementation process and operating environment characteristic. A case study of a project to implement shared services in the Australian public sector is examined using the reconciled framework. The case shows that the reconciled approach by including, and differentiating between, outcome, process and operating environment characteristic factors provides a richer and more complete picture of requirements. Further benefits from the synthesis are also highlighted including that factors are a mix of universal and context specific, different perspectives on factors exist and not all environmental factors perceived to be critical have to necessarily be present.  相似文献   

统一体制下农田系统的生产特征及其环境因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔家君  吴娜琳 《资源科学》2009,31(8):1341-1348
对2007年新疆生产建设兵团106团三连的实地调查显示.棉花成本价格、投入产出结构及生产效率存在显著的空间差异,整体上农田系统效率高低呈集聚分布、部分相邻田块相差悬殊;单位棉花成本价格与农田系统效率存在空间一致性,与农田投入的空间相似度较低,农田生产效率与单位面积投入的关联亦不强.造成如此的农田系统生产特征及其空间格局,与其发展环境有着密切关系.棉花成本价格与自然环境(包括微气候和天气状况、自然灾害、地形环境、土壤环境等)、农户自身发展条件(包括农户的年龄结构、家庭学生负担系数、自身思想意识观念、自身技能及其态度等)、体制环境(如兵团的生产制度等)有着密切关联.此外,职工家庭的变故等也会影响职工的田间管理,进而影响其棉花产出和成本价格.  相似文献   

地幔条件下碳酸钙熔体的密度与压缩性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳酸盐熔体在地球内部碳循环过程中扮演重要角色,但目前对碳酸盐熔体的研究局限于低温低压条件,且主要以富钾钠组分的碱性碳酸盐熔体为主,对于高压条件下碳酸盐熔体的研究还非常不足.通过大规模第一性原理分子动力学模拟,获得地幔条件下CaCO3熔体的状态方程.研究表明,碳酸钙熔体表现出显著的可压缩性,其压缩因子大于文石及典型硅酸盐熔体,因此其密度随压力升高而快速增大;当压力超过10 GPa时,碳酸盐熔体的密度大于钠长石熔体的密度;当压力超过37 GPa时,其密度会大于金刚石的密度;地幔条件下碳酸钙熔体的密度始终小于晶体(文石及后文石)的密度,但其密度差随压力升高而显著降低.碳酸钙熔体的这一特性,对探讨其在地幔中的分布和探讨超深金刚石的形成等具有启示意义.  相似文献   

定子绕组故障是异步电动机在运行过程中出现的主要故障,为了保障电动机的安全运行,对异步电动机进行状态监测与早期诊断是很有必要的。关于异步电动机定子绕组状态监测与故障诊断的方法,主要分为两类:第一类是基于模型的故障识别方法;第二类是基于信号检测的诊断方法。  相似文献   

-稳定秩条件下酉群的子群的分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设型环(A,∧)具有稳定秩∧S(A,∧),(M,q)是型环(A,∧)上的二次型空间,且它的Witt指数n≥max{∧S(A,∧)+1,3},e1,e2,…,en;e-1,e-2,…,e-n为其互相正交的双曲对设H是U(M)的子群,并进一步假设日能被EU(M)正规化且含有U(M)的非中心元.取I={r∈A|τ(e1,e-2r,0)∈H}和Γ={r∈I|τ(e1,0,r)∈H}组成(A,∧)的型理想(I,Γ)若Γ=A∩I,则EU(M,I,Γ)(∩)H(∩)U~(M,I,Γ).  相似文献   

The stability and stabilization synthesis problems of the switched positive systems (SPSs) with external disturbances are studied in this paper. For the studied SPSs, a weighted mode-dependent average dwell time (WMDADT) switched strategy has been adopted to analyze the above-mentioned issue, based on which the deficiencies of the existing ADT and MDADT switching techniques can be overcomed. By using the adopted strategy, some improved stability conditions that have less conservativeness are presented for the systems under investigation. Moreover, based on the developed stability conditions, an efficient controller design method avoiding computational complexity and eliminating the rank requirement of the controller is presented. In the end, the effectiveness of the method is verified by two numerical examples.  相似文献   

信用缺失对市场营销的损害及其评估模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩大卫  高治强 《科研管理》2003,24(6):138-142
市场营销作为企业经营活动的一个重要组成部分,它的成败直接影响企业的生存与发展。而在市场经济快速发展,竞争日益激烈的时代,市场营销的成败又取决于信用这种重要的社会资源的使用情况。本文针对目前我国信用严重缺失的现状,阐述了销售方信用缺失对市场营销的影响,并利用笔者研发的价值缩减模型和扩散效应模型对信用缺失所造成的损害进行了评估。  相似文献   

For cutting down cost and improving the efficiency of enterprises, adoption of innovations in ICT especially in cloud computing applications is the need of the time in the highly competitive global environment. It has been noted that generally, the Indian MSMEs are not utilizing the CC applications for the promotion of their business activities and are not availing their benefits. Hence, in the present investigation, the critical success factors (CSFs) for cloud computing adoption (CCA) in the Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are identified through an exhaustive literature review and expert opinions. The association between the identified factors is established by employing an interpretive structural modeling methodology that is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach. Later, the MICMAC analysis is carried out for identifying the factors having high influential power. The results of the study revealed that a CSF namely ‘previous technological experience’ is the most significant factor having the highest driving power. The findings of this research are intended to guide cloud service providers, enterprise managers, and governmental bodies in formulating the strategies and policies for effective implementation of cloud computing facilities and harness the benefits of the same. This study makes a significant contribution to the knowledge base of CC adoption for future research in the subject field.  相似文献   

肖望龙 《科教文汇》2014,(24):108-108
伴随着计算机与网络通信技术的飞速发展,以电子政务和商务为代表的信息化在全世界范围内普及开来。本文所涉及的是利用PKI技术在园区网搭建统一身份认证平台,通过统一身份认证平台提供的真实性、机密性、完整性和抗抵赖等服务,构建一套应用安全支撑平台,为操作系统、网络系统、应用系统提供集中管理、身份认证、访问控制、责任认定的安全保障服务。  相似文献   

风险影响下的改进灰色关键链进度管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关键链进度管理将资源限制与工序路径放在同等重要的地位,并能有效解决人员惰性问题,确保项目按时完成。在综合考虑风险因素对项目的影响下,优化指标系统,并提出用改进灰色关联分析法来进行关键链管理。此方法既可以在最大程度上消除项目不确定性,又能有效缩减项目工期,能为项目管理者提供对策意见,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

汤勇力  李剑敏  李从东  王洪  曾路  王正 《科学学研究》2016,34(12):1777-1788
针对目前面向制造企业价值链升级的产业关键技术识别方法主要以定性分析为主,评估准则模糊以及缺乏初始技术清单分析方法等问题,提出一种结合产业技术路线图、IDEF0以及三角模糊数的产业关键技术系统化识别方法。基于价值链升级理论探索和界定产业关键技术的内涵,从操作层面提出产业关键技术的评估准则;考虑产业价值链特征以及产业技术链的关联性等属性,结合产业技术路线图理论实践和IDEF0方法,提出了产业关键技术初始清单的双链识别方法;为解决产业关键技术评估过程的复杂性与主观性问题,提出结合三角模糊数和熵权法的评估准则权重计算方法;构建产业关键技术的矩阵分析模型,确定最终的产业关键技术。基于广东省LED产业路线图制定过程中的关键技术案例研究,对所提方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

在电离层风暴期,现存的电离层F2层临界频率预测方法不能满足实际应用的要求。根据磁层ap系数和太阳黑子月均值作为风暴期训练序列,本文提出了一种基于神经网络的电离层F2层临界频率预测新方法。模拟结果表明,这种新方法比现有的预测方法(STORM模型和Cander提出的神经网络方法)具有更好的预测性能。  相似文献   

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