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学校文化是学校内涵发展的根本,文化建设是校园文化建设的重点,是校园的点睛之笔。一方面学校文化注重传承创新,长期实践中提炼出"书香养慧,翰墨润灵"的优良文化基因,推进书香校园建设,用书香凝聚心智;另一方面学校文化的建设需要持之以恒,才能促进学校内涵发展。  相似文献   

Social justice in the education of all K‐12 students begins with school counselors; preparing school counselors as advocates and leaders who can implement these principles in U.S. schools begins with counselor educators. Suggestions for intentional preparation of school counselors to be social justice advocates in schools by integrating the principles of the National Center for Transforming School Counseling with the American School Counselor Association National Model for School Counseling Programs (2005) and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs 2009 Standards are described. Ideas for educating school counselors as effective advocates in the context of specific training experiences throughout counselor training programs are provided.  相似文献   

参照澳大利亚教育研究评议会《学校生活质量量表(QSLS)(中学版)》,结合中职生学校生活现状,编制《中职生学校生活质量评定量表》,对426名中职生进行测试,并对测试结果进行了探索性因素分析.研究结果表明:中职生学校生活质量包含学校认同感、校园环境、自我认知、同伴关系、师生关系、成就感、积极情感和消极情感8个因子.利用新量表进一步对468名中职生进行测试,对测试结果进行验证性因素分析,发现模型拟合度较好.量表具有良好的信度与效度,可以作为中职生学校生活质量评定的工具.  相似文献   

An experiment with a 'resource room' model for special children in a comprehensive school is described Elizabeth Jones school counsellor, Banbury School Sandra Berrick head of the Special Resources Department, Carterton School  相似文献   

Jingshi News Agency: It has been brought to light that Faqin Middle School, a private school, has engaged in speculation and profiteering with the production loans for the school. The Beijing branch of the People's Bank provides schools with low-interest loans as investment in production. In March, Faqin Middle School received an annual production loan of 3,000,240 yuan from the People's Bank at a monthly interest rate of 7.5 percent. On April 7 the school deposited 1.5 million yuan in Jincheng Bank at an interest rate of 12 percent to be used as capital for usury, engaging in speculation and profiteering in violation of the People's Bank's stipulation that funds could only be used for the specified purpose. The school authorities did not report this to the students or the Municipal Production Steering Committee. After learning about this, the People's Bank Beijing Branch and the Beijing Municipal School Production Committee investigated and exposed the school at an enlarged meeting of the Municipal School Production Committee. Only then did the school admit its mistake.  相似文献   

百余年老校思南中学是首批省级重点中学,首批省级二类示范性高中,首批"省级普实示范学校"。学校主要面向思南、德江、沿河、印江四县招生,为祖国培养的近五万名毕业生遍及海内外,先后获"全国教育系统先进集体"、"实验教学省级示范学校"、"省级样本校"、"学科教学渗透法制教育省级示范校"等各级荣誉称号140多项。百年思中百年辉煌原因在于革命传统激励、正能量的不断凝聚与充分发挥、齐备的教学设施、雄厚的师资力量、教师的勤奋耕耘、学生的奋力拼搏以及政府与职能部门和社会的关心与支持等。  相似文献   

追求学校教育质量与效能是当今世界各国基础教育改革的核心要旨.学校效能研究从揭示学校对学生的成就影响开始,其间经历有效学校运动到学校改进运动,其目的是改进学校,使学校成为有效能的学校.学校效能研究在40年的发展过程中在方法论上不断革新,试图揭示学校效能的因素,在实践层面为政府以及学校重建提供理论指引;同时学校效能研究面临着政治化、专门化和技术化问题,问题的解决有待于研究的进一步深化.  相似文献   

A national sample of 246 Directors of Pupil Personnel Services and Directors of Special Education were surveyed to assess the importance they place on training, degrees, and credentials in the hiring of school psychologists. High, but varying, levels of importance were found for the content knowledge and skill areas in the National Association of School Psychologists Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists. Participants indicated that the specialist degree with less than 10 years of experience was the preferred qualification for school psychologist applicants. Greater importance was placed on the Nationally Certified School Psychologist credential than State Board of Examiners in Psychology (SBEP) licensure, with variations in importance for SBEP licensure between states that do versus do not allow independent practice for nondoctoral school psychologists. Implications of this research for school psychologists and training, as well as limitations of the study, are discussed.  相似文献   

构建符合学校特征又富有个性的学校文化,是一种教育的担当。南通师范第一附属小学秉承学校创办人张謇的教育思想,努力构建学校"和爱文化",并将艺术教育作为推进学校"和爱文化"建设的重要路径。在可触可感的艺术教育濡染中,"和爱文化"成为全体师生的自觉追求。  相似文献   

学校文化作为一种文化现象早已有之,根据西方文化教育学派的观点分析,教育是一种"文化活动",是"文化过程",它与文化同时发生和发展。国外学校文化研究经历了从组织文化到学校文化的过程,而我国学校文化研究经历了从校园文化到学校文化的演变。这种变化既是学校文化理论研究视角的不断调整和价值取向的不断更新,也是学校文化建设实践的历史转向。  相似文献   

Many school psychology faculty are required to publish for purposes of retention and promotion. It is useful to have an understanding of the different outlets for scholarly publications. In the present study, we investigated the peer‐reviewed journals in which school psychology faculty were published between 2010 and 2015, the number of articles in each journal, and the acceptance rates and impact estimates for each journal. We identified school psychology faculty using the National Association of School Psychologists website and conducted a search of the publications using EBSCO databases. Results indicated that there were a total of 3,675 articles and a total of 832 peer‐reviewed journals in which school psychology faculty were published during the 6‐year span. Among the peer‐reviewed journals, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology Quarterly, School Psychology Review, and Journal of School Psychology were the journals in which school psychology faculty members most frequently published. Acceptance rates ranged from less than 5% to 98%, with an average of 29.7%. H‐indexes ranged from 1 to 890, with an average of 52. These results illustrate the variety of journals that publish works from school psychology faculty and the need for school psychology faculty and other authors to consider a variety of options when seeking publication.  相似文献   

学校的本质与公民教育密切相连。学校理当是培养公民的场所,也就是具有爱、社群意识和民主特征的共同体。学校应是爱的家园,关爱学生并被学生理解和接纳,这样才能让学生成为有能力关爱他人、充满爱和可爱的人,具备创造民主正义世界的内在动力;学校应是一个道德的、关心每一个人需要的和分享其传统的社群,唯其如此,才能培养学生的公民美德;学校实施民主管理,尽可能地为所有学生提供发展潜能的条件,让学生协商与对话,积极参与改善学校和周边社区环境,才能让学生获得参与民主的经验与能力,成长为民主社会的未来主体。  相似文献   

With the launch of the ‘My School’ website in 2010, Australia became a relative latecomer to the publication of national school performance comparisons. This paper primarily seeks to explore the school choice experience as framed by ‘My School’ website, for participating middle-class families. We will draw on Bourdieusian theory of cultural capital and relationship networks and Australian-based school choice research in order to contribute to understandings regarding the application of ‘My School’ data within participating families. Data collection consisted of qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews with five families, each based within inner-city suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. The findings of this small-scale study indicate that participating middle-class families possessed highly developed strategies for locating and achieving enrolment in school-of-choice and therefore did not seek to apply available data on ‘My School’ to decision-making, despite each participant reviewing the available data.  相似文献   

在全国教育改制的大背景下,清末粤东旧式的韩山书院虽然几经周折,但最终从名实上完成了从书院到学堂的蜕变。今赖保存相对较为完整的清末《岭东日报》等报章与档案,得以揭示其清晰的演变脉络。惠潮嘉巡道褚成博于光绪三十年(1904)四月将道属的韩山书院改办为新式师范学堂,初名为"韩山师范学堂"或"潮州师范学堂",最终官方才定名为"广东省惠潮嘉官立初级师范学堂"。  相似文献   

知识共享是学校知识管理的重要手段和核心内容,也是促进学校发展的有效途径。学校管理者必须树立知识共享的理念,针对学校知识共享中存在的观念上的误区、网络技术的障碍、体制措施的不当等种种问题,实施有效的管理策略,促沙学校知识的共享。  相似文献   

美国"中学学生参与调查"以"学生参与"为核心调查内容,用以描述、理解全美中学教育活动中的学生参与情况,并为教学变革和学校改进活动提供信息。"中学学生参与调查"启示我们,应重视从学生的角度理解学校环境和教育改革,构建过程与结果并重的学生评价体系,并且应将大规模改革与基于个别学校调研结果的学校层面变革规划结合起来。  相似文献   

We present a sustainable and innovative model for pre-service teacher paired professional placements called the Teaching School model. The Teaching School model was piloted initially in partnership with a Metropolitan University and a P-12 College located in Melbourne’s northern suburbs in 2013. It was expanded in 2014 to capitalise on an existing university school partnership at a regional campus of the university. We present evidence of success through the voices of pre-service teachers, mentor teachers and school principals to demonstrate the success of professional experience model. The findings clearly show the benefit of this model of professional experience for producing work-ready graduates and for creating authentic learning and teaching environments that, according to the school principals and mentor teachers, contribute to school improvement. Our research demonstrates that this Teaching School model builds relationships and creates a community of learning and teaching educators; however, its adoption is not without challenges and limitations.  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国聋教育先后经历了以1956-1957年聋校班级教学计划、1984年教学计划、1993年课程计划、2007年课程实验方案和2017年课程标准为代表的课程变革。在此进程中,聋校课程发展经历了从模仿借鉴到本土化课程探索再到中国特色聋校课程体系建立的内在发展逻辑。这个过程既是聋校课程与普通学校课程良性互动的过程,也是兼顾国家统一要求与地方和学校特色发展的调适过程,是培养社会公民的一致要求与发展学生个性的特殊需要的平衡过程。经过70年的发展演进,我国已逐步建立起具有中国特色的聋校课程体系。  相似文献   

Consistent with the priority goals of the 2002 Future of School Psychology Conference, the National Association of School Psychologists' Blueprint for Training and Practice III advocates for school psychologists becoming “leading mental health experts in schools.” In this regard, the present article reviews the prevalence and incidence of children's mental health problems in the schools, followed by a historical overview of the nature of school‐based mental health services. We discuss education and training issues and related ethical and professional practice issues that focus on the ethics codes of the National Association of School Psychologists and the American Psychological Association that are associated with the delivery of mental health services by school psychologists. Recommendations are offered for graduate‐level coursework and field experiences in the delivery of school‐based mental health services, as well as future directions for research in this area. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基以独树一帜的人道主义教育理念和毕生的精力将乌克兰一所普通农村学校--帕夫雷什学校打造成世界著名的教育实验学校.几十年后的今天,这所学校依然坚持践行苏霍姆林斯基全面和谐发展的教育教学思想,并适应时代进步需要在具体的教育活动中将其不断丰富、扩展.  相似文献   

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