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化学竞赛学习的过程就是思维能力得到培养的一个良好过程.通过发挥学生的主体作用,从而达到培养学生思维能力的目的.  相似文献   

This article describes the Biology Critical Thinking (BCT) project in which carefully designed activities for developing specific critical thinking skills are incorporated into the biology curriculum. The objectives were to find out whether the BCT project contributes to the development of critical thinking skills in various biological and nonbiological topics and how it affects students' biological knowledge and classroom learning environment. The study consisted of 678 seventh graders who were assigned randomly into two groups that studied the same seventh-grade biology textbook. Only one group, the experimental, completed the BCT activities. The results indicate that the students in the experimental group improved their critical thinking skills compared to their own initial level and compared to their counterparts in the control group. Improved critical thinking skills were observed in a new biological context and nonbiological everyday topics, suggesting generalization of thinking skills across domains. The experimental students scored significantly higher than the control on a knowledge test, suggesting that “knowledge of facts” as one educational goal and “learning to think” as another, need not conflict, but rather can interact with each other. Finally, the results show that BCT involvement decreased the frequency of teacher-centered teaching and enhanced student-centered, more active learning.  相似文献   

National stakeholders are becoming increasingly concerned about the inability of college graduates to think critically. Research shows that, while both faculty and students deem critical thinking essential, only a small fraction of graduates can demonstrate the thinking skills necessary for academic and professional success. Many faculty are considering nontraditional teaching methods that incorporate undergraduate research because they more closely align with the process of doing investigative science. This study compared a research-focused teaching method called community-based inquiry (CBI) with traditional lecture/laboratory in general education biology to discover which method would elicit greater gains in critical thinking. Results showed significant critical-thinking gains in the CBI group but decreases in a traditional group and a mixed CBI/traditional group. Prior critical-thinking skill, instructor, and ethnicity also significantly influenced critical-thinking gains, with nearly all ethnicities in the CBI group outperforming peers in both the mixed and traditional groups. Females, who showed decreased critical thinking in traditional courses relative to males, outperformed their male counterparts in CBI courses. Through the results of this study, it is hoped that faculty who value both research and critical thinking will consider using the CBI method.  相似文献   

中学生物学教育与批判性思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹虎 《生物学教学》2001,26(11):10-11
批判性思维 (criticalthinking)是指个体对某一事物的长短利弊的评判 ,对学生来讲 ,主要是对所学知识产生的过程、背景、方法、证据、评价标准的对与错 ,完美与欠缺 ,价值大与小作出个性化判断。在提倡素质教育的今天 ,一个学生的批判精神和评判能力 ,对创新思想和创新品质的形成无疑有着重要的意义。在创新教育中有意识地培养学生批判性思维能力 ,有助于创新思维形成和发展 ,应引起教育工作者的高度重视。1 培养创新人才需要批判性思维1.1 生命科学在批判旧观念旧思想中发展 社会的进步 ,科学的发展 ,生产力的提高离不…  相似文献   

思辨能力是英语学习需要达到的目标之一,是学生应该具备的素质。协作探究模式作为英语教学中常用的一种教学方式,能够在很大程度上促进对于学生思辨能力的培养。特别是在素质教育改革步伐日益迈进的背景下,实现对于非英语专业学生思维能力的培养,能够在很大程度上促进学生健全人格的塑造,不断启发他们提升个人分析能力和解决问题的习惯,以此来促进英语教学的质量,为国家和社会培养更多优秀的人才。  相似文献   

In this study conducted with 80 first‐year students in a graduate medical course at the Australian National University, Canberra, students’ critical thinking skills were assessed using the Watson‐Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Forms A and B) in a test‐retest design. Results suggested that overall subjects retained consistent patterns of ability in critical thinking over the year. Subjects aged 30 years and over were more likely to perform better on the tests than subjects aged under 30. However, there was a significantly lower group mean on Form B than on Form A. Subjects with an above‐mean score on Form A, or subjects aged 30 years and over, were more likely to be associated with a reduced score on Form B than were subjects with a below‐mean score on Form A, or aged less than 30 years. In motivational terms, it is suggested that subjects who had more highly developed critical thinking skills, and older subjects, conducted a more realistic effort/reward analysis before the administration of Form B, and were less willing to put effort into a test that was not an assessable component of their medical school curriculum, than were other students. For the design of assessment items in higher education, this would suggest that assessment weightings need to reflect accurately the size of the reward, or possible outcome, of completing those assessments if students are to work to their ability.  相似文献   

Do PSSC materials used with undergraduates lead to better scores on a critical thinking appraisal test? Is the increment greater than conventional instruction yields?  相似文献   

批判性思维被认为是21世纪学生最应该具备的思维方式之一,而且还因其具有的批判性、反思性等特征而备受各教育部门的推崇。然而由于我国受应试教育等因素影响,传统英语阅读教学只重视学生的语言知识和技能培养,但此种教学却严重忽视了学生的批判性思维的培养。于此,本文对批判性思维的内涵和定义进行了简要概述,介绍了我国现阶段高中英语阅读教学的现状,提出了通过阅读教学培养学生批判性思维的必要性,并分析研究了高中英语阅读教学中学生批判性思维能力的培养策略。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of critical thinking of urban high school students in the Chinese city of Xi’an. It presents the assessment of the students’ two components of critical thinking: dispositions towards critical thinking and critical thinking skills, using the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory and the California Critical Thinking Skills Test. Results show that the students’ dispositions toward critical thinking are at an average level while their critical thinking skills are very low. This research also shows that there is no significant difference between students from science classes and arts classes in their critical thinking dispositions while science students have a higher level of critical thinking skills. Students from advanced classes have a higher level of the two components of critical thinking than their counterparts from general classes. There are no differences between male students and female students in both components.   相似文献   

The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) was used to assess the disposition of Israeli and Italian high school and university science students toward critical thinking. The study sought to establish base-lines for these groups as well as quantifying the differences between two national populations. Significant differences between the Israeli and Italian high school science students in the total score and those of five subscales of the CCTDI have been found, the largest on the OpenMindedness and Self-Confidence subscales. The overall scores of high school and university science students on the CCTDI in both countries were essentially the same, with quite a similar pattern in the corresponding disposition profiles. Although the CCTDI can be reliably used for establishing base-line differences between science student populations, the effect of a specific approach to teaching (e.g. HOCS-orientation vs traditional) on the stability or change of this aspect of critical thinking remains an open question.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to examine the effects of the instruction method “thinking actively in an academic context (TAAC)” on thinking skills, creativity, self‐regulation and academic achievement. The design was pre‐test–intervention–post‐test with control group. The sample included 46 participants (aged 16 to 18 years), 24 experimental and 22 controls. Before and after application of the method, six instruments were used to measure thinking skills and academic achievement. The method, divided into eight stages, was followed in each didactic unit during an academic course. The method allows teaching the thinking skills, the creativity and the self‐regulation simultaneously with the syllabus content. The results showed that greater changes were obtained with the new method of instruction in all the dependent variables. Relevant scientific and educational implications are drawn from the study.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated-secondary school students’ perceptions of their constructivist learning environment in Liberal Studies, and whether their perceptions were related to their critical thinking ability. A convenience sample of Secondary Three students (N = 967) studying Liberal Studies in Hong Kong participated in this research by completing a self-administered questionnaire which included the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level X, and demographic information on age and gender. Students perceived their learning environment to be moderately constructivist in nature. Both age and school banding differences were identified in that younger students and students in band 1 schools tended to perceive a higher degree of constructivist characteristics in their learning environment. Multiple regression analyses indicated that three of the five scales of CLES were predictors of critical thinking ability. Shared Control was the strongest predictor and negatively associated with critical thinking ability, while Personal Relevance and Critical Voice were positively related to critical thinking ability. Findings of the study are discussed with reference to developing students’ critical thinking ability in Liberal Studies classrooms.  相似文献   

创新性思维能力的培养和提高是素质教育的重要内容,在高中数学教学中,不仅要激发学生创新的自信心和主动性,还要创设宽松友好团结协作的课堂氛围,通过启发法促进师生之间的交流互动,在愉悦的氛围中,使学生的数学基础知识、创新思维品质以及乐群互助的个性品质得以培养和提高。  相似文献   

从中学生的思维特征谈创新思维能力的课堂培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现今的教育格局之下,教师的授课以及学生的学习重点往往都放在一些专门性知识上,对教师工作和学生成绩的评价也更多地体现在考试分数的高低上。因而在面对考试分数不理想的学生时。往往采取耳提面命式的补课加机械重复和大量练习,不过常常事倍功半。问题的症结可能就出在思维方式上一学生的思维与教师的思维不同步、不协调,有些学生甚至还没有建立起较好的思维方法,正迫切地需要教师的点拨和培养。  相似文献   

科学素质包括科学知识、科学方法和科学思想三个方面。如果一个人只具备科学知识 ,而不懂科学方法 ,没有科学思想 ,就不能说明他受过系统的科学教育。生物学教育要实施科学素质教育 ,必须在上述三个方面全面加以实施。其主要内容包括 :科学知识 ;科学兴趣 ;科学方法 ;科学态度 ;科学精神  相似文献   

浅谈中学物理教学中学生思维能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何在物理教学中培养学生的思维能力呢?一是通过对物理实验、物理事实现象进行分析综合,掌握实验方法,在形成物理概念,总结验证物理规律的过程中,培养抽象概括能力。二是通过联想掌握逻辑推理方法,在物理概念和物理规律的内在联系过程中,培养逻辑思维和判断能力。三是通过激发学生的学习动机和好奇心,培养学生的求知欲。四是通过数学知识的掌握,借助数学上估算、归纳、演绎、类比等逻辑思维方式,在综合利用物理概念和物理规律来解决问题的过程中,培养学生的数学工具能力和综合能力。  相似文献   

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