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选取中西方节日中有代表性的2个节日作为教学设计内容;运用网络技术进行教学,通过人手一台多媒体电脑的优势弥补教师在大班化英语课堂教学中无法给予每个学生及时、细致的个别辅导的缺憾。  相似文献   

Christmas Day     
Ah!Christmasmorning!Childrenliketowakeupearlywhileit’sstilldarkandsneakinto(鬼鬼祟祟地走进……)thelivingroomtocheckthepre鄄sents———findanywiththeirnameonit,shakethemtoguesswhat’sinside,andthenmaybethey’llgobacktobedandpre鄄tend(假装)theyarestillasleepwhentheirparentscometowake○任民themwitha“MerryChristmas!”Butalmostnoonegetscompletelydressed(穿戴整齐)oreatsaregularbreakfastfirstthingChristmasmorning.Theyjustputonarobeorweartheirpajamas(睡衣,宽长裤)andgotoseewhat’sundertheChristmast…  相似文献   

Christmas Day     
圣诞节到了, 猫博士请他的邻居们吃晚餐。猫夫人已经开始在厨房忙了。她 准备了四种材料, 大家根据听到的材料, 找出猫夫人最可能做的食物。 ( )1. A. milk B. salad C fish ( )2. A. cake B. meat C. coffee ( )3. A. chicken B. soup C. hot dog ( )4. A. beef B. juice C. banana2288old老的——young年轻的今天的客人是Helen,Jim,Tom,Ben,Lee五个人,听听猫博士的描述,标出下面五个人的名字。五位客人为猫博士和猫夫人带来了圣诞礼物,请你根据听到的,写出每个礼物盒子里都装着什么礼物。本期“猫博士听力园”答案:ⅠB A C BⅡHe…  相似文献   

Christmas Day     
在快乐的圣诞节里,到处都充满了祝福。你想得到什么礼物?快写信告诉圣诞老人吧!下面是小白兔写给圣诞老人的信。你也试着写一写吧!Dear Santa Claus:How are you?I am very glad to write to you.Winter iscom ing.My mother’s hand will be nipped(冻伤)in every winter(在每  相似文献   

Christmas Day     
December 25th is Christmas Day.Christmas is an important holiday in the United States.On this day,most families get together for a big dinner.They exchange presents and visitfriends.The Christmas tree is an important part of the Christmas holiday.Most families buy atree.The family decorate (装饰) the tree together.  相似文献   

Spring Festival     
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China which involves thousands of families. We have celebrated it for thousands of years. Now things are different and the way we celebrate it has undergone some changes.In the past,we had the dragon lantern dance and firecrakers all through the country to greet the new year. People were dancing and singing to show their happiness. But now,in order to protect the environment and also avoid causing fires,firecrackers have been forbidden in …  相似文献   

Spring Festival     
Spring Festival is traditional festival in china. We are all happy to celebrate the festival .All the Chinese have about a-week-long holiday .During the holiday.everyone has a lot of interesting things to do ,Such as  相似文献   

Spring Festival     
Spring festival,the Lunar New Year,is the most important traditional one in China.It is carrying great meaning. It stands for a new beginning.During this,people usually make dumplings,visit friends and relatives to say lucky words to each other.Nowadays more and more people prefer to give regards by telephone or by e-mail. I still remember the pleasant time my family had last year.That night,all the houses,trees and fields were cov- ered with heavy snow.The whole world seemed to be painted white.Maybe it was a present from God.Cold as it  相似文献   

My Christmas Day     
Christmas Day is an important day in west-ern countries.On Christmas Day,all the familymembers get together,they have dinner andexchange gifts.Friendsmay get together too.Alot of families buyChristmas trees andthey decorate the trees,  相似文献   

On Christmas Day     
WesingChristmassongs,wesingChristmassongsOnChristmasDay,onChristmasDay.Wegivepresents,wegivepresentsToourfamily,toourfriends.Wegivepresents,wegivepresentsOnChristmasDay,onChristmasDay.Wesendpeaceandlove,wesendpeaceandloveToeveryone,toeveryone.Wesendpeacea…  相似文献   

春节TheSpringFestival农历lunarcalendar正月lunarJanuarythefirstmonthbylunarcalendar除夕NewYear’sEveeveoflunarNewYear初一the1stdayofNewYear元宵节TheLanternFestivalCustoms习俗过年celebrate/enjoytheSpringFestival敬酒proposeatoast对联poeticcoupletantitheticalcouplet春联SpringFestivalcouplets剪纸paper-cuts年画NewYearpaintings灯笼lantern买年货specialpurchasesfortheSpringFestivaldoSpringFestivalshopping烟花fireworks杂耍varietyshowvaudeville爆竹firecrackers红包redpacketscashwrappedupinredpaper…  相似文献   

贴春联、放鞭炮、吃年糕、拿压岁钱,相信大家一定都过了一个开开心心的中国年。刘煜小朋友当然也不例外。我们快来看看他是怎样快乐地度过大年初一的吧!  相似文献   

Everybody likes to have the Spring Festival, so do I.Because during the Spring Festival there are many good things to eat, to drink and to play with. During the last Spring Festival I had a very good time. On the eve of the festival, our family had a big dinner. My uncle, aunt and cousin came back from Canada to celebrate(庆祝) my grandma‘s eightieth birthday. They also brought many beautiful gifts to me. My cousin and I watched TV and played games the whole night, while the grown-ups had a long talk. I didn‘t know when I fell asleep.  相似文献   

The Spring Festivalis the m ostim portantfestivalin China,justlikeChristm as in the west.Children like the Spring Festivalbestbecause theycan have a lot of delicious food to eat and new clothes to wear. TheSpring Festival is usually celebrated all over the country, which oftenlasts alm osthalfa m onth.People get m ore and m ore busy as the Spring Festival is drawingnearerand nearer.They clean the houses and do a lotofshopping.Peoplealso do a good m any other things,such as putting on ausp…  相似文献   

The Spring Festival,also known as lunar new year,is the most important and best loved holiday for the people in China.It is the time of much joy and merriment for the family.There are certaim customs most of us follow during the Spring Festival.  相似文献   

Everybody likes to have the Spring Festival,so do I. Because during the Spring Festival there are many good things to eat,to drink and to play with.During the last Spring Festival I had a very good time.On the eve of the festival,our family had a big dinner.My uncle,aunt and cousin came back from Canada to celebrate(庆祝)my  相似文献   

TheSpringFestivalisatraditionalChinesefestival.SomepeoplecallittheChineseNewYear.TheSpringFestivalusuallycomesinJan-uaryorFebruary.ItisaveryimportantfestivalinChina.Soitusuallytakespeoplemuchtimetogetreadyforit.AbouthalfamonthbeforetheSpringFestival,peoplebegintobuythings.Wecallthemnianhuo.ItmeansthethingsfortheSpringFestival.OnthelasteveningbeforetheSpringFestival,familiesusuallygettogetherandhaveabigdinner.Afterthemeal,mostfamiliesusuallywatchtheCCTV.Thereisapartyforcelebratingthe…  相似文献   

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional Chinese festi-val,just like Christmas in west countries.It is the first day of the firstmonth in the lunar year.People celebrate it happily all over the country,eat all kinds of delicious food and enjoy many entertainment activities.It  相似文献   

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