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Romney (1977) presented data from which he concluded that within student ratings of college instruction, the course that an instructor teaches is as important a determiner of resulting ratings as the instructor himself. Reanalysis of his data indicates that the course effect is actually quite small, a result that is consistent with earlier studies.  相似文献   

Children (n = 130; M(age) = 8.51-15.68 years) and college-aged adults (n = 72; M(age) = 20.50 years) completed numerosity discrimination and lexical decision tasks. Children produced longer response times (RTs) than adults. R. Ratcliff's (1978) diffusion model, which divides processing into components (e.g., quality of evidence, decision criteria settings, nondecision time), was fit to the accuracy and RT distribution data. Differences in all components were responsible for slowing in children in these tasks. Children extract lower quality evidence than college-aged adults, unlike older adults who extract a similar quality of evidence as college-aged adults. Thus, processing components responsible for changes in RTs at the beginning of the life span are somewhat different from those responsible for changes occurring with healthy aging.  相似文献   

Spontaneous transfer of learning is often difficult to elicit. This finding may be widespread partly because pretests proactively interfere with transfer. To test this hypothesis, 7-year-olds' transfer was examined across 2 numerical tasks (number line estimation and categorization) in which similar representational changes have been observed. As predicted, children given feedback on numerical estimates learned to use a linear representation of numerical quantity instead of a logarithmic one, but providing practice on a categorization pretest led children to continue using a logarithmic representation on the same task, which they otherwise abandoned with surprising frequency. These findings imply unsupervised practice of inappropriate representations impedes transfer, and studies of learning can greatly underestimate children's potential for transfer if pretest effects are uncontrolled.  相似文献   

Although the pseudo-random cloze procedure has been in use for some twenty-five years as a measure of readability and reading comprehension, little research has been carried out into the effect of deleting words from text more or less frequently. This paper reports on an experiment in which the deletion frequency variable was systematically studied. Every 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th word was removed from three texts of differing difficulty, and the effect studied. Significant differences among cloze tests resulted, but the differences were unpredictable. Deleting every 12th word did not necessarily result in an easier test than deleting every 6th 8th or 10th word. However, when only items identical to both cloze tests under consideration were compared, no significant differences were found. It appears that cloze items are, on the whole, unaffected by context greater than five words. Testers are warned that changing deletion frequency may result in a different measure of readability or comprehension.  相似文献   

基于中国家庭收入调查数据,以接受研究生教育的城乡劳动力为研究对象,通过研究生教育收益率的测量发现:研究生教育与更高的工资水平直接相关,与大学教育相比,接受研究生教育能将全体、男性、女性、农业户籍和非农户籍劳动力的工资水平提高36.4%、39.3%、32.1%、17.3%以及41.9%;是否接受研究生教育在性别与户籍间存在较大差异,与男性、农业户籍以及非独生子女家庭相比,女性、非农户籍以及独生子女家庭接受研究生教育的概率值要高出1、2.2以及2.9个百分点;在纠正了接受研究生教育决策中的自选择问题后,利用倾向得分匹配法测得研究生教育收益率约为34.8%~40%。在此基础上,从研究生教育机会供给、教育财政补偿、人才培养动态调整三个维度,提出了进一步释放研究生教育社会经济价值的政策建议。  相似文献   

Research with adults has shown that variations in verbal labels and numerical scale values on rating scales can affect the responses given. However, few studies have been conducted with children. The study aimed to examine potential differences in children's responses to Likert‐type rating scales according to their anchor points and scale direction and to see whether or not such differences were stable over time. A total of 130 British children, aged 9 to 11 years, completed six sets of Likert‐type rating scales, presented in four different ways varying the position of positive labels and numerical values. The results showed, both initially and 8–12 weeks later, that presenting a positive label or a high score on the left of a scale led to significantly higher mean scores than did the other variations. These findings indicate that different arrangements of rating scales can produce different results, which has clear implications for the administration of scales with children.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to examine the effects of different types of text format on reading have focused on the improvement of reading. The present study investigated the effect of using a text format that might be predicted to disrupt reading. In this study 56 individuals were presented with reading material presented in right-justified format and in'ragged'uneven line format. Subjects performed significantly worse on right-justified material. Subjects who were classified as good readers on the basis of a pretest were more affected than poor readers. It is suggested that this may result from differences in the reading style of good and poor readers.  相似文献   

针对小岩心物理模拟实验不能模拟水平井井网方式对水驱效果影响的问题,开展了模拟储层条件下的能在高温、高压下通过改变管线不同切口变换井网方式的水平井大岩心物理模拟室内试验,研究了水平井-水平井交错井网、水平井-水平井平行井网、直井-水平井交错井网、直井-水平井平行井网、直井-直井井网这5种不同的水平井井网类型的水驱油规律及剩余油分布特征,并建立了数值模拟预测模型进行对比、验证。结果表明:在渗透率级别相同的情况下,对比5种井网类型,水平井-水平井交错井网驱油效率最高,剩余油分散。水平井大岩心物模实验所得出的对水平井井网和直井井网的对比分析结论对指导油田现场井网的部署具有重要意义。  相似文献   

It is standard practice to arrange items in objective tests in order of increasing difficulty, on the assumption that such an arrangement increases student motivation and produces more reliable tests. The validity of this assumption was investigated in the context of a multiplechoice chemistry test. Fifty items were arranged in three sequences of difficulty: random (R), easy-to-hard (E-H) and hard-to-easy (H-E). The mean test score was significantly higher for the test sequenced E-H than for the test sequenced H-E. Item difficulty index was raised by placement of the easier items toward the beginning of the test and lowered by placement of these items toward the end of the test. Test reliability was largely independent of item sequence.  相似文献   

This article reports a historical case study of extensive educational transfer: the reception, adaptation, and use of German progressive education and German school reform ideas and practices in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The reception of German educational ideas greatly enriched the theory and practice of the Russian school reform, contributed to the dissemination of progressive education ideas among the educationally interested public (teachers and parents), and contributed significantly to the development of an official plan for a comprehensive progressive educational school reform in pre-socialist Russia. Based on the findings of this and similar case studies, some general conclusions concerning the regularities of educational transfer processes – their presuppositions and motives, their contents and forms, and their functions for the recipients – are drawn, ending with a proposal for the development of an action-theoretical model of educational transfer processes.  相似文献   


Sometimes what is taught or, crucially, not taught exerts a continuing influence on job chances. This paper reports the results of an investigation of one instance of this where, broadly speaking, deficiencies in mechanical knowledge seem to have been instrumental in determining job chances for Catholic and Protestant boys wishing to be craft and engineering apprentices. The paper also becomes an investigation of ways of reducing adverse impact in the selection of apprentices in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

The United Nations (UN) Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aimed to integrate the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning around the world. The authors of this article address the implementation process of ESD in Germany during the UN Decade (2005–2014). By undertaking a meta-analysis of the findings of four related sub-studies they carried out during a three-year project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the authors contribute to the understanding of the process of transferring the concept of ESD within a multi-level education system. They investigated this process at two levels – the federal state (a sub-national entity in Germany) and the communal level. Drawing on educational governance theory, the authors unveil principles, norms, rules and procedures in the coordination of action within constellations of heterogeneous actors contributing to the implementation of ESD in their social entities. The outcome of the meta-analysis describes an emerging governance regime in ESD, taking into consideration the following features impacting the coordination of action being carried out by the actors involved: (1) the understanding of the normative concept of ESD as content of negotiation; (2) the perceived opportunity for actors to gain and increase appreciation within the field of ESD as an incentive for and driver of engagement; and (3) the dynamic quality of the set-up, rules and principles of the coordination of action, which renders these subject to situative changes. In the final part of the paper, the findings are discussed from the perspectives of the theory of transfer and the current empirical basis of ESD policy and governance.  相似文献   

随着人工智能时代人才竞争的加剧,K-12阶段计算思维的培养成为重要的抓手。其中,通过测评准确把握现阶段K-12实践开展情况可推动计算思维培养更具针对性。本文先从理论层面建构了包含培养内容、教学方式和测评方法三个维度的K-12计算思维培养框架;然后采用元分析法和内容分析法分析41个测评实践案例,揭示和讨论计算思维培养理论与实践之间的差距,展示未来可行的研究空间。分析结果表明,计算概念、计算实践、计算观念等计算思维培养内容在实践中都有体现,编程教学、跨学科课堂和独立学科三类教学形式也有一定的实践基础,题目测试法、编程测试法、作品分析法、调查法、图文分析法和观察访谈法等六种测评方式得到了使用和发展;但实践中仍存在培养内容不全面、教学形式相对单一以及多元评价意识不足等问题。文章最后提出全面掌握计算思维内容体系,关注空白研究维度,增加对非认知层面的关注,注重指标间的内部关联;尝试计算科学和编程教育范畴外的课程载体,增强个体发展的比重;研究各种测评方法的综合应用,加强对形成性评价的关注,以全面展现计算思维的发展。  相似文献   

基于2017年全国博士生离校调查数据进行的实证研究发现:博士生的平均延期率为39.68%,在延期群体中,48.15%的平均延期时间为一年,且延期率和延期时间在不同个体、不同学科及不同院校之间存在不同程度的差异性。进一步的回归分析发现:首先,自然科学中,男性延期概率显著低于女性;入学年龄越大,延期概率越高,延期时间也越长;博士生培养的贯通程度越高,则延期概率越低。其次,与人文学科相比,农学的延期概率显著更高而医学延期率显著更低;入选"一流学科"的博士生延期概率显著更低。第三,在自然科学中,院校层次越高,则博士生延期概率越高,但不同区域间延期率的差异并不显著。根据不同学科"内在规定性"和学科知识生产属性制定合理的培养周期是重要的改革趋势。  相似文献   

Although progressive education was an international phenomenon, historical interpretations of it may be affected on the national level by academic and institutional contingencies. An analysis of how US and English historians of education interpret progressive education reforms in their respective countries identified a strain of condescension toward progressive education in history of education scholarship in the US, which often resulted in misrepresentations of the historical record. English historians of education tend to regard progressive education with critical sympathy. These findings are possibly explained by different institutional and academic circumstances of historians of education in England and the US.  相似文献   

中国民间故事,有的表现为“穷人最聪明”、“穷人的品行最高尚”,有的表现为“美丽的姑娘只嫁给穷人”、“神仙帮助的都是穷人”等,这些内容表面是在同情或赞扬劳苦大众的,而实际上是传达了这样的信息:还是穷了好;越穷越光荣。这种副作用,值得我们警惕和反思。  相似文献   

刘凌 《幼儿教育》2012,(9):32-35
本研究采用纵向设计方法,对大连市15名婴儿从出生第15个月开始追踪观察至第23个月,每周观察一次,以考察婴儿言语自我认知发生的确切时间和个体差异,及其言语自我认知发生的过程和具体表现。结果表明:(1)婴儿第一次用自己的名字进行自我表述的平均年龄为19.80个月。(2)婴儿言语自我认知的发生存在个体差异。(3)婴儿言语自我认知经历了从使用名字表述自我到使用第一人称表述自我的发展变化过程。  相似文献   

This investigation considers the association between patterns of emotional reactivity and reliance on mother in infancy and cognitive and language developments at age 2. Low-income women (N = 518) and their firstborn infants participated in (1) a lab-based assessment where emotion challenges were presented when the infants were 6 to 9 months old, and (2) an assessment of language and cognitive skills at age 2. After controlling for birthweight, early sensorimotor delay, and age at testing, infants who displayed a pattern of combined high reactivity and high reliance on mother in response to positive, anger, and fear emotion challenges had higher cognitive and language skills at age 2 compared with infants who displayed patterns of low reactivity and low reliance on mother. Children who showed high fearful distress and low reliance on mother and whose mothers had low psychological resources had especially poor developmental outcomes. The role of maternal availability in the socialization of emotion and early communication is discussed.  相似文献   

为了进一步加强农村教师队伍建设,2006年教育部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、中央编制办公室联合启动实施"农村义务教育阶段学校教师特设岗位计划",引导鼓励高校毕业生面向基层就业,到祖国最需要的地方,为国家贡献自己的智慧和力量,缓解这些地方教师紧缺的矛盾,并示范引导地方创新教师补充机制,加强教师队伍建设.  相似文献   

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