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佘红英 《科教文汇》2011,(17):165-166
在周代的乐器分类中,"金"乃"八音"之首。"金"主要是指钟类乐器,"金奏"当是指敲击钟、镈乐器以奏乐。"金奏"是至礼备乐,一般场合是不能随便演奏的,它在中国古代是地位与权力的象征,与鼎有同样重要的意义。"金奏"乃周代的礼乐重器,在周代的音乐生活中占有十分重要的地位。本文拟在已有的文献资料和音乐考古资料的基础上对周代"金奏"的乐器种类与组合、形制演变、音乐性能等方面进行探索,以期进一步了解周代的用乐制度。  相似文献   

C. Brotman 《Endeavour》2001,25(4):144
In the years after the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species, Alfred Russel Wallace became a prominent critic of the argument that evolution provided a sufficient account of human origins. Unbeknownst to many historians of science, Wallace partly based his case on his belief that man's musical sense and aesthetic powers could not have evolved by natural selection. Although he witnessed a variety of musical practices during his travels abroad, Wallace, like many contemporaries in Victorian England, assumed that music uniquely belonged to the ‘civilized’ world he inhabited. In the late 19th century, some evolutionists would challenge this view by reconceiving the nature of music itself.  相似文献   

Musical sequences with actors dancing and lip-synching to songs sung by playback singers are integral parts, particularly of South Asian movies. Fans seek out movies for their songs and they often seek songs of a particular genre. In fact, song and dance sequence of South Asian movies are an industry of their own. Given the huge numbers of movies produced in South Asia over the past decades, most of which are in digital archives, it is an important problem to automatically extract and categorise their musical sequences. This paper proposes a system for musical sequences extraction from movies. Our method invokes an SVM-based classifier and makes as well a novel application of probabilistic timed automaton to distinguish musical sequences from non-musical. Our system analyses both audio and video signals to give a classifier that not only extracts musical sequences from movies but identifies their genre. We achieved a recall of 93.24% with precision of 87.34% in song extraction when applied on 10 popular Bollywood movies. An accuracy of 89.5% has been achieved on Bollywood song genre identification.  相似文献   

沈佳虹 《科教文汇》2011,(1):137-138
古筝是华夏民族最具代表性的民族乐器,有独特的音韵和深厚的文化内涵,它历经千年,形成了不同的流派。山东筝派乐曲刚劲有力、朴实无华。乐曲《四段锦》是山东筝派最具代表性的曲目。通过对山东筝曲《四段锦》在创作背景、曲式结构、演奏技法以及音乐风格进行分析,帮助演奏者准确了解乐曲的创作背景,深入把握山东筝曲的音乐风格以及演奏特点。  相似文献   

北京市音乐旅游资源分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐旅游是文化旅游的重要组成部分,不仅能够拓宽旅游业发展的渠道,同时极大地丰富了居民的文化生活。本文选取北京市作为研究区域,对音乐旅游资源的分布规律进行了研究。在前期研究基础上,结合网络、文献、调研收集数据,将音乐旅游资源按功能分为3类:音乐表演场所旅游资源、音乐观光旅游资源、音乐休闲旅游资源,并将不同功能、定位和性质的音乐旅游资源结合起来,建立了北京市音乐旅游资源采样数据库,采用GIS空间分析技术得出结论。研究发现,北京市音乐旅游资源整体上是以国家大剧院为核心,呈同心圆向外扩散分布。且均以交通为主导,沿市内环路和主要地铁线分布。音乐表演场所旅游资源依托于音乐院校、歌舞团和文化馆分布;政策性的扶持优化了音乐表演场所旅游资源的布局。音乐观光旅游资源发展依托于大型城市公园;其中,音乐文化创意产业呈集聚布局态势。音乐休闲旅游资源依托于大型商业中心和商业中心布局;且与饭店业布局规律基本一致。但整体而言,北京市音乐旅游资源分布不均匀,需要进一步优化和调整。  相似文献   

侯南 《科教文汇》2011,(18):159-160
健美操是在音乐伴奏下运用各种不同类型的操化动作,融合体操、舞蹈、音乐为一体的身体练习,既是一种健身美体、陶冶情操的大众健身方式,又是一项竞技运动。本文通过对健美操的概念、分类进行介绍,讨论健美操在大众生活中的意义和价值。  相似文献   

欣赏中国艺术研究院文学艺术创作研究院汇报展部分作品:国庆70周年群众游行文化彩车设计、国庆70周年群众游行新疆维吾尔自治区彩车、国庆70周年群众游行台湾地区彩车,以及大明宫夜游、大型人偶音乐剧《八层半》和音舞诗画《琴乐书法》。  相似文献   

Although a substantial number of research projects have addressed music information retrieval over the past three decades, the field is still very immature. Few of these projects involve complex (polyphonic) music; methods for evaluation are at a very primitive stage of development; none of the projects tackles the problem of realistically large-scale databases. Many problems to be faced are due to the nature of music itself. Among these are issues in human perception and cognition of music, especially as they concern the recognizability of a musical phrase. This paper considers some of the most fundamental problems in music information retrieval, challenging the common assumption that searching on pitch (or pitch-contour) alone is likely to be satisfactory for all purposes. This assumption may indeed be true for most monophonic (single-voice) music, but it is certainly inadequate for polyphonic (multi-voice) music. Even in the monophonic case it can lead to misleading results. The fact, long recognized in projects involving monophonic music, that a recognizable passage is usually not identical with the search pattern means that approximate matching is almost always necessary, yet this too is severely complicated by the demands of polyphonic music. Almost all text-IR methods rely on identifying approximate units of meaning, that is, words. A fundamental problem in music IR is that locating such units is extremely difficult, perhaps impossible.  相似文献   

赵亚伟 《科教文汇》2011,(24):205-206
手风琴演奏者如何展示舞台演奏风格、表演水平和自身风采,是手风琴演奏者综合音乐素质和演奏技术的具体体现。它不是靠单方面的知识就能完成的多元艺术。就是成熟的手风琴演奏者,也往往因一时找不到投入的演奏感觉而严重影响了手风琴的舞台表演质量。归纳起来主要问题表现在:一是精力不集中,注意力没有全部投入到手风琴演奏和乐曲的内在情感中;二是受舞台等外界环境的影响,一时产生慌乱心里,分散了自己的注意力和感情投入;三是对所演奏乐曲的背景、主题、内容理解得不深不透,没有与其产生共鸣,化为自己心中应有的音乐形象,未真正出神入化地进入音乐艺术境界;四是自己的演奏技术和技巧还有断层和欠账,满足不了演奏乐曲艺术要求的舞台表现和应变能力,尚未达到炉火纯青的熟练程度和表演水平。  相似文献   

Identifying perceived emotional content of music constitutes an important aspect of easy and efficient search, retrieval, and management of the media. One of the most promising use cases of music organization is an emotion-based playlist, where automatic music emotion recognition plays a significant role in providing emotion related information, which is otherwise, generally unavailable. Based on the importance of the auditory system in emotional recognition and processing, in this study, we propose a new cochleogram-based system for detecting the affective musical content. To effectively simulate the response of the human auditory periphery, the music audio signal is processed by a detailed biophysical cochlear model, thus obtaining an output that closely matches the characteristics of human hearing. In this proposed approach, based on the cochleogram images, which we construct directly from the response of the basilar membrane, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to extract the relevant music features. To validate the practical implications of the proposed approach with regard to its possible integration in different digital music libraries, an extensive study was conducted to evaluate the predictive performance of our approach in different aspects of music emotion recognition. The proposed approach was evaluated on publicly available 1000 songs database and the experimental results showed that it performed better in comparison with common musical features (such as tempo, mode, pitch, clarity, and perceptually motivated mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC)) as well as official ”MediaEval” challenge results on the same reference database. Our findings clearly show that the proposed approach can lead to better music emotion recognition performance and be used as part of a state-of-the-art music information retrieval system.  相似文献   

A new, Romantic type of mathematical story appeared in the early nineteenth century that was radically different from the sober narrative characteristic of the previous generation of mathematicians. At the same time, a new mathematical practice emerged that differed sharply from the understanding and practice of mathematics during the Enlightenment. These parallel developments are inseparable: the new type of mathematical practice went hand in hand with the new mathematical story.  相似文献   

通过2019年上海国际电子音乐周(EMW)和法国国家音乐声学研究中心(IRCAM)承办的国际论坛,反映电子音乐的前沿创作理念,以及IRCAM在音乐科技领域运用的技术手段。  相似文献   

自法人财产权的概念在我国提出以来,很多学者都进行了探讨,但由于传统民法理论的局限性,使得在立法上和理论分析上都陷入了困境。本文尝试用经济法学理论和法律经济学理论来剖析现代产权制度下的法人财产权,认为股东在出资以后,对投入公司的财产归属感日益淡薄,其所关心的是利润的最大化。公司作为股东获取利益的“平台”,在追求经济利益最大化的同时,还必须正确处理受经济法调控的法人财产权与效率、公平的关系。  相似文献   

周军 《科教文汇》2012,(25):162-162,168
器乐教学能激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,弥补音乐学习的弱项,培养学生的成功感和自信心;器乐教学有利于乐理基础知识的学习,特别是在提高识谱能力方面作用更为显著。合理运用器乐教学有利于学生的视觉与听觉能力的同步发展,提高学生的视奏、视唱能力与表现能力,更能有效促进视唱练耳学习的作用。本文尝试对器乐教学提高学前教育专业学生的音乐综合素质的巨大的影响作用进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

从协调、合作到实现资源共享、优势互补的协同局面和协同效应,广佛同城化建设中的地方政府间合作实现了历史性跨越,并将成为中国地方政府间合作的典范。在共同利益基础上,经过充分协商、谈判,形成主体间资源整合和利益协调的机制,是两市地方政府间合作取得成功的关键。借鉴广佛同城的成功经验,领导者应努力培养战略思维、创新意识和共赢观念,注重引导局部利益向整体利益、短期利益向长远利益、共同利益向公共利益的转化。同时,还应充分考虑到地缘、文化、基础设施、产业结构、要素流动等客观条件的规律性影响。  相似文献   

One of the major reasons why people find music so enjoyable is its emotional impact. Creating emotion-based playlists is a natural way of organizing music. The usability of online music streaming services could be greatly improved by developing emotion-based access methods, and automatic music emotion recognition (MER) is the most quick and feasible way of achieving it. When resorting to music for emotional regulation purposes, users are interested in the MER method to predict their induced, or felt emotion. The progress of MER in this area is impeded by the absence of publicly accessible ground-truth data on musically induced emotion. Also, there is no consensus on the question which emotional model best fits the demands of the users and can provide an unambiguous linguistic framework to describe musical emotions. In this paper we address these problems by creating a sizeable publicly available dataset of 400 musical excerpts from four genres annotated with induced emotion. We collected the data using an online “game with a purpose” Emotify, which attracted a big and varied sample of participants. We employed a nine item domain-specific emotional model GEMS (Geneva Emotional Music Scale). In this paper we analyze the collected data and report agreement of participants on different categories of GEMS. We also analyze influence of extra-musical factors on induced emotion (gender, mood, music preferences). We suggest that modifications in GEMS model are necessary.  相似文献   

蔡家谱 《科教文汇》2014,(14):136-137
流行音乐的发展迄今已有60年左右的历史。它是一种历史文化的存在和延续现象,它以其特有的流行音乐思想在中国内地歌坛开花扎根,中国流行音乐是一种现代精神的折射,反映人们的思想和审美方式在不断变化。关注初中音乐教学里中国流行音乐的审美意识的培养就是培养学生音乐感受能力和审美能力,是实施美育的重要途径。  相似文献   

中华传统音乐博大精深,蕴含着十分丰富的民族情怀与爱国素材,亟待音乐学者的探索与挖掘。该文的思路是以中华传统音乐文化为圆心,以教学实践为蓝本,引领高校钢琴教师有针对性地去挖掘不同类型的钢琴教学素材、开创灵活的教学方式,以取得事半功倍的学习效果。教学素材以中华传统民歌、小调、器乐曲、近现代歌曲为参考,启发学生在钢琴技巧学习的过程中寻找、改编甚至创作基于传统音乐旋律的钢琴小曲,并配以简单的伴奏形态,为学生日后迈入中小学音乐课堂、做一名优秀且有德的音乐教师做好充分的准备。  相似文献   

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