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Peer- and teacher-reported prosocial behavior of 339 6th-grade (11-12 years) and 8th-grade (13-14 years) students was examined in relation to prosocial goals, self-processes (reasons for behavior, empathy, perspective taking, depressive affect, perceived competence), and contextual cues (expectations of peers and teachers). Goal pursuit significantly predicted prosocial behavior, and goal pursuit provided a pathway by which reasons for behavior were related to behavior. Reasons reflected external, other-focused, self-focused, and internal justifications for behavior; each reason was related to a unique set of self-processes and contextual cues. Associations between prosocial outcomes and sex and race (Caucasian and African American) were mediated in part by self-processes and contextual cues. The implications of studying prosocial behavior from a motivational perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

While the phenomenon of helping behavior is usually preceded by some kind of communicative interaction, the communicative interaction has not been studied as extensively as other factors. In this study, information and reinforcement were varied, along with requester and receiver sex. In a field study, individuals were selected randomly from the telephone directory and were asked to help the caller by placing another telephone call (to a confederate). Of all the possible interactions, only the receiver‐sex‐information‐helping, and the helping‐caller sex‐receiver sex were significant. In general, the effects of information were much stronger than those of reinforcement, and male receivers tended to help female callers more than male callers, while females helped indiscriminately. The results are discussed from the point of view of exchange theories.  相似文献   

Attachment relationships of toddlers (N = 45) to their child-care providers were investigated. Children's behaviors with their mothers were observed at home at 24 months and with their child-care providers at 26 months. Attachment Q-Sort procedures were used at home (90 items) and in child care (78 items); the latter yielded a 15-item Safe and Secure Scale describing the safe haven and secure base functions of attachment relationships in child care—being able to (a) seek and receive positive attention, (b) feel safe and protected, (c) receive support for exploration, (d) receive consolation when distressed, and (e) seek and accept assistance. Independent observational measures of child-care quality also were obtained at 24 months. As hypothesized, the Safe and Secure Scale was related to proximal rather than distal indicators of child-care quality, and it was a stronger measure than the child-caregiver Q-security score that was based on all 78 items. Child-mother and child-caregiver security were significantly related.  相似文献   

3-month-old infants who can activate a mobile with their spontaneous leg kicks increase their kick rate over baseline. Kinematic analyses of the temporal and topographic characteristics of reinforced leg kicks were compared with those of infants who saw noncontingent mobile movement. In both experimental and control groups, the flexion and extension movement phases of the kick remained remarkably invariant in duration. Pauses between movements varied inversely with rate. Kick amplitude increased with increasing rate except in the extinction phase, where in some infants, kicks became less frequent but more forceful. Movement duration was unaffected by reinforcement condition. By varying amplitude and frequency domains, infants adjusted movement by neuromuscular mechanisms similar to those of mature humans. The experimental imposition of a voluntary component on spontaneous kicking did not alter the modifiability of the movement control parameters.  相似文献   

社会阶层的社会认知理论与相关研究表明,低社会阶层者常比高社会阶层者更亲社会,而亲社会行为的资源和代价理论认为高阶层者更有能力和可能做出亲社会行为。随着实证研究的增多,研究者开始从多种因素(微观的个体水平变量,如人格因素;中观的情境水平变量,即具体的社会互动情境;宏观的社会与文化变量,如社会结构与文化因素)共同影响行为的视角入手来全面地理解社会阶层与亲社会行为之间的关系。研究发现,微观个体层面的互惠信念、感恩特质和相对剥夺感,中观情境层面的互动对方的利他水平、慈善呼吁类型和亲社会情境公开性,以及宏观社会层面的收入不平等性和文化等因素,都会影响社会阶层与亲社会行为之间的关系。未来研究应探讨亲社会情境、社会与文化层面的因素如何与个体的社会阶层交互影响其亲社会行为;考察受助者的社会阶层如何激发人们的亲社会行为,以及行动者的社会阶层对亲社会行为传递的影响。  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that operant responses can be weakened when they are tested in new contexts. The present experiment was therefore designed to test whether animals can learn a context–(R–O) relation. Rats were given training sessions in context A, in which one response (R1; lever pressing or chain pulling) produced one outcome (O1) and another response (R2; chain pulling or lever pressing) produced another outcome (O2) on variable interval reinforcement schedules. These sessions were intermixed with training in context B, where R1 now produced O2 and R2 produced O1. Given the arrangement, it was possible for the animal to learn two distinct R–O associations in each specific context. To test for them, rats were then given aversion conditioning with O2 by pairing its presentation with lithium-chloride-induced illness. Following the aversion conditioning, the rats were given an extinction test with both R1 and R2 available in each context. During testing, rats showed a selective suppression in each context of the response that had been paired with the reinforcer subsequently associated with illness. Rats could not have performed this way without knowledge of the R–O associations in effect in each specific context, lending support to the hypothesis that rats learn context–(R–O) associations. However, despite a complete aversion to O2, responding was not completely suppressed, leaving the possibility open that rats form context–R associations in addition to context–(R–O) associations.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine demographic and individual difference variables that predict level of prosocial moral judgment and self-reported prosocial behavior and to test mediating or moderating relations among predictors. The relations of prosocial moral reasoning and self-reported prosocial behavior to perspective taking, sympathy, age, sociometric status, and gender-role orientation were examined with a sample of 149 Brazilian adolescents who completed a series of questionnaire measures. Prosocial moral judgment was expected to be predicted by both sympathy and perspective taking, whereas sympathy or prosocial moral judgment was expected to mediate the relations of femininity and perspective taking to prosocial behavior. Self-reported perspective taking and sympathy interacted when predicting prosocial moral judgment; adolescents who were high in either sympathy or perspective taking (or both) scored high in prosocial moral reasoning. A feminine orientation predicted sympathy and perspective taking, perspective taking predicted prosocial moral reasoning and sympathy, and sympathy had both direct and indirect paths (through moral judgment) to prosocial behavior. The findings generally were consistent with the contention that both the tendency to take others' perspectives and to sympathize are related to level of prosocial moral reasoning, which in turn motivates prosocial behavior. Moreover, patterns of correlations among variables were similar to those found in the United States.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - This article reflects upon the work by Tracey and Hutchinson, Empathic design: Imagining the cognitive and emotional learner experience....  相似文献   

Following training on a variable-interval food reinforcement schedule, rats were exposed to Pavlovian procedures which produced reliable conditioned suppression and conditioned acceleration of the leverpressing (instrumental) baseline. When free food was simultaneously made available in the test cage, all subjects spent the majority of each session “freeloading,” that is, eating food from a dish rather than leverpressing for it. When superimposed upon the freeloading baseline, the conditioned suppression and conditioned acceleration procedures affected the rate of pellet consumption identically in magnitude and direction to their previous effects on leverpressing. These results suggest a motivational mechanism for conditioned suppression and acceleration, rather than one which depends upon spurious punishment of specific response sequences.  相似文献   

Three runway experiments tested a stage model of extinction which postulated an orderly succession of three qualitatively different stages: habit, trial and error, and resolution. The model predicted that Stage 1 should be characterized by perseveration of habitual routes (i.e., response persistence) and the absence of competing responses; Stage 2, by an increase in investigatory behavior (response variation and hole exploration) and biting behavior; Stage 3, by a decrease in the competing responses of Stage 2 and continued increase in goal avoidance and substitution behavior (e.g., sand-digging). These predictions were largely confirmed. Further, Experiments 1 and 2 showed that, as expected by the model, continuous reinforcement (CRF) resulted in more practice of habitual routes in acquisition and greater response persistence, while partial reinforcement (PRF) resulted in more route variation and hole exploration in acquisition and greater goal persistence which was attributable to prior reinforcement of a trial-and-error coping strategy. Results of Experiment 3, which combined training trials and reward magnitudes orthogonally, supported the prediction that response persistence was positively related to training trials, and goal persistence negatively related to reward magnitudes. All three experiments demonstrated an inverted-U function in investigatory and biting behavior, as predicted by the stage model.  相似文献   

White children's effortful control (EC), parents' implicit racial attitudes, and their interaction were examined as predictors of children's prosocial behavior toward White versus Black recipients. Data were collected from 171 White children (55% male, Mage = 7.13 years, SD = 0.92) and their parent in 2017. Prosocial behavior toward White peers was predicted by children's higher EC. When predicting prosocial behavior toward Black peers and prosocial disparity (the difference between White and Black recipients), parents' implicit racial attitudes moderated the relation between children's EC and children's prosocial behavior. Specifically, children's EC was positively associated with prosocial behavior toward Black peers (and negatively related to inequity in prosocial behavior) only when parents exhibited less implicit racial bias.  相似文献   

Sociocultural researchers have claimed that students' learning of science is a discursive process, with scientific concepts and ways of reasoning being learned through engagement in practical enquiry and social interaction as well as individualized activity. It is also often claimed that interacting with partners while carrying out scientific investigations is beneficial to students' learning and the development of their understanding. The research we describe investigated the validity of these claims and explored their educational implications. An experimental teaching programme was designed to enable children in British primary schools to talk and reason together and to apply these skills in their study of science. The results obtained indicate that (a) children can be enabled to use talk more effectively as a tool for reasoning and (b) talk‐based activities can have a useful function in scaffolding the development of reasoning and scientific understanding. The implications of the findings for educational policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Although maternal internalizing symptoms and parenting dimensions have been linked to reports and perceptions of children's behavior, it remains relatively unknown whether these characteristics relate to expectations or the accuracy of expectations for toddlers' responses to novel situations. DESIGN: A community sample of 117 mother-toddler dyads participated in a laboratory visit and questionnaire completion. At the laboratory, mothers were interviewed about their expectations for their toddlers' behaviors in a variety of novel tasks; toddlers then participated in these activities, and trained coders scored their behaviors. Mothers completed questionnaires assessing demographics, depressive and worry symptoms, and parenting dimensions. RESULTS: Mothers who reported more worry expected their toddlers to display more fearful behavior during the laboratory tasks, but worry did not moderate how accurately maternal expectations predicted toddlers' observed behavior. When also reporting a low level of authoritative-responsive parenting, maternal depressive symptoms moderated the association between maternal expectations and observed toddler behavior, such that, as depressive symptoms increased, maternal expectations related less strongly to toddler behavior. CONCLUSIONS: When mothers were asked about their expectations for their toddlers' behavior in the same novel situations from which experimenters observe this behavior, symptoms and parenting had minimal effect on the accuracy of mothers' expectations. When in the context of low authoritative-responsive parenting, however, depressive symptoms related to less accurate predictions of their toddlers' fearful behavior.  相似文献   

Scholars have noted the need to examine the psychometric properties of measures that can be used in evaluating moral education programs. The present study was designed to examine the best‐fitting factor model of a commonly‐used measure of prosocial moral reasoning (PROM) across samples from Brazil and the USA, gender and adolescent age groups. The samples consisted of 619 college students (M age = 20.59 years, SD = 4.08; 41% men, 59% women) and 239 middle and high school students (M age = 14.02 years, SD = 3.04; 45% boys, 55% girls) from the USA. There were 114 college students (M age = 21.81, SD = 4.33; 35% men, 65% women) and 136 middle and high school students (M age = 14.93 years, SD = 1.55; 42% boys, 58% girls) from Brazil. A series of (multigroup) confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to test the best fitting factor structure of the PROM and the invariance of this factor structure across culture, gender and age groups. Evidence for measurement invariance was found such that a four‐factor model was a slightly better fitting model than the five‐factor model across all groups. Discussion focuses on theoretical and methodological implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Abstract of the original article

Robert R. Johnson's “Complicating Technology: Interdesciplinary Method, the Burden of Comprehension, and the Ethical Space of the Technical Communicator,” published in the Winter 1998 issue of TCQ, points out that there is much for technical communicators to learn from the burgeoning field of technology studies. Technical communicators, however, have an obligation to exercise patience as they enter this arena of study. Using interdisciplinary theory, this article argues that technical communication must assume the “burden of comprehension”: the responsibility of understanding the ideologies, contexts, values, and histories of those disciplines from which we borrow before we begin using their methods and research findings. Three disciplines of technology study—history, sociology, and philosophy—are examined to investigate how these disciplines approach technology. The article concludes with speculation on how technical communicators, by virtue of their entrance into this interdisciplinary arena, might refashion both their practical roles and the scope of their ethical responsibilities.  相似文献   

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