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This paper investigates the role of objects holding representations of knowledge in the transfer of learning across projects. On the basis of an in-depth case study, this paper shows that the way in which relatively simple artifacts, such as Excel workbooks, represent knowledge enables them to act as boundary objects across occupations and as memory devices across projects. It is the temporal capacity of these boundary objects that makes them points of juncture in a widely distributed memory system, enabling project-based firms to balance preservation and adaptation of knowledge. The mechanisms for the preservation of learning are not missing from project environments, rather they are less visible and less direct than in other settings, and therefore less docile in the face of managerial action.  相似文献   

Text clustering is a well-known method for information retrieval and numerous methods for classifying words, documents or both together have been proposed. Frequently, textual data are encoded using vector models so the corpus is transformed in to a matrix of terms by documents; using this representation text clustering generates groups of similar objects on the basis of the presence/absence of the words in the documents. An alternative way to work on texts is to represent them as a network where nodes are entities connected by the presence and distribution of the words in the documents. In this work, after summarising the state of the art of text clustering we will present a new network approach to textual data. We undertake text co-clustering using methods developed for social network analysis. Several experimental results will be presented to demonstrate the validity of the approach and the advantages of this technique compared to existing methods.  相似文献   

崔宏轶  张超  耿旭 《科学学研究》2020,38(10):1791-1799
本文选取中国政府于2012-2019年颁布63份政策文本为研究对象,以创新活动最集中的北京、上海、深圳作为样本,构建政策主体、政策目标、政策对象及政策工具四维研究框架,以政策收集-政策分析-政策评估-政策优化为研究脉络,对中国吸引外资研发机构政策进行量化分析和文本挖掘。研究结果显示:政策扶持更加精准和全面,政策主体之间的关联性增强,机构合作更加广泛和深入;政策目标呈现多维性,重点在于获取创新资源和提升创新能力;政策对象上重视吸引独立企业研发主体,非独立企业研发实体等成为重要吸引对象;政策工具上使用环境类工具最多,供给类工具居次及需求类工具最少。尽管在政策主体、政策目标、政策对象和政策工具方面均存在差异,但随着政策演进逐渐呈现规范化和全面化的趋势。针对现行中国吸引外资研发机构政策弱点,笔者提出提升政策执行力、完善微观政策等建议。  相似文献   

Greek historical accounts of ancient eclipses were an important, if peculiar, focus of scientific attention in the nineteenth century. Victorian-era astronomers tried to correct the classical histories using scientific methods, then used those histories as data with which to calibrate their lunar theories, then rejected the histories as having any relevance at all. The specific dating of these eclipses--apparently a simple exercise in celestial mechanics--became bound up with tensions between scientific and humanistic approaches to the past as well as with wider social debates over the power and authority of science in general. The major figures discussed here, including G. B. Airy, Simon Newcomb, and T. H. Huxley, argued that the critical question was whether science could speak authoritatively about the past. To them, the ability of science to talk about the past indicated its power to talk about the future; it was also the fulcrum of fierce boundary disputes among science, history, and religion.  相似文献   

With their common focus on narrative, literary scholars and historians of science share a close relationship with language and can offer each other valuable interpretive insights. Particularly revealing in each field are scientists' and literary writers' changing uses of metaphor, which is critical to each kind of scholarship since both disciplines place such a high value on cultural context. Any cross-disciplinary help, however, needs to take into account the essential differences between the fields: contrasting views of what constitutes evidence and varying relationships with the past. Since both kinds of scholarship involve creating as well as analyzing narratives, each field has developed its own sense of pacing and significance, and their differing approaches to truth deserve respect.  相似文献   

Sixteenth-century Germany witnessed a tremendous flourishing of vernacular literature. An unprecedented number and variety of texts were produced for new groups of readers. This essay analyzes one underexplored genre of this vernacular literature: texts on the natural world. Numerous books on animals, plants, minerals, and natural marvels rolled off the German presses in this period, indicating a widespread curiosity about the natural world. These texts give valuable insight into the views of nature available to a broad lay audience, literate in German but not necessarily in Latin. They reveal a pervasive sense of nature as divinely created and a deep conviction that contemplation of the natural world would lead to greater piety. The divine and the mundane were thoroughly intertwined in vernacular natural histories. While other historians of science have seen the sixteenth century as a period of increasingly secular ways of thinking about nature, I argue for the persistence, and even the intensification, of profoundly religious attitudes toward the natural world.  相似文献   

Ancient texts and archaeological artifacts provide the starting point for a review of the surgical aspects of female genital mutilation (FGM) in ancient Egypt. Analysis of the ancient surgical procedure incorporates modern experience on the subject as well as ancient literary and cultural perspectives. Comparison of FGM with ancient Egyptian male circumcision and consideration of motivations for the practice contribute to our understanding of FGM. In particular, the documented association between male circumcision and generative ability suggests a novel comparison with a natural process in the female--the breaking of the hymen on first intromission--and ultimately a new hypothesis for the origin of ancient FGM.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】数字时代的到来,阅读方式也发生了改变,而数字阅读与纸质阅读效果孰优孰劣却存在争 议。【方法/过程】选取近十年国内外48篇数字阅读效果的文献作为研究对象,利用元分析方法对不同性别、不同学 段、不同区域的实验对象以及不同长度、不同类型的文本进行调节效果分析。【结果/结论】整体上而言,数字阅读和 纸质阅读效果并无显著差异。从性别来看,不论男女,数字阅读和纸质阅读效果差异并不显著;从学段水平来看, 幼儿园、中学、大学阶段,纸质阅读效果略优,小学阶段相反;从区域来看,大陆地区读者纸质阅读效果更好,台湾地 区和国外则相反;从文本长度来看,多于1000字文本,纸质阅读效果更佳;从文本类型来看,阅读文学性文本时,数 字阅读效果略优,信息性文本则相反。【创新/局限】本研究用元分析的方法分析了数字阅读与纸质阅读的效果差 异,并且不仅对实验对象特征进行调节效果分析,还对文本特征进行了调节效果分析。  相似文献   

Historians of science, inasmuch as they are concerned with knowledges and practices rather than institutions, have tended of late to focus on case studies of common processes such as experiment and publication. In so doing, they tend to treat science as a single category, with various local instantiations. Or, alternatively, they relate cases to their specific local contexts. In neither approach do the cases or their contexts build easily into broader histories, reconstructing changing knowledge practices across time and space. This essay argues that by systematically deconstructing the practices of science and technology and medicine (STM) into common, recurrent elements, we can gain usefully "configurational" views, not just of particular cases and contexts but of synchronic variety and diachronic changes, both short term and long. To this end, we can begin with the customary actors' disciplines of early modern knowledge (natural philosophy, natural history, mixed mathematics, and experimental philosophy), which can be understood as elemental "ways of knowing and working," variously combined and disputed. I argue that these same working knowledges, together with a later mode-synthetic experimentation and systematic invention-may also serve for the analysis of STM from the late eighteenth century to the present. The old divisions continued explicitly and importantly after circa 1800, but they were also "built into" an array of new sciences. This historiographic analysis can help clarify a number of common problems: about the multiplicity of the sciences, the importance of various styles in science, and the relations between science and technology and medicine. It suggests new readings of major changes in STM, including the first and second scientific revolutions and the transformations of biomedicine from the later twentieth century. It offers ways of recasting both microhistories and macrohistories, so reducing the apparent distance between them. And it may thus facilitate both more constructive uses of case studies and more innovative and acceptable longer histories.  相似文献   

基于内容的智能网络多媒体信息过滤检索   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
The paper discusses the construction of a content-based intelligent system that performs multimedia information filtering and retrieving on the Internet. The system disassembles the multimedia information into different media objects and describes them with vectors for content-based retrieval. In the user study module, the system uses the BP neural network to clarify the user interests for intelligent filtering and retrieving.  相似文献   

Information about an archaeological investigation is documented in an archaeological report, which makes it the boundary object par excellence for archaeological information work across stakeholder communities such as field archaeologists, heritage managers, and land developers. The quality of reports has been a subject of debate, and recently it has been argued that more emphasis should be placed on making primary research data at least similarly available. This study explores the changing materialities and reciprocal formation of documents and their users with the advent of digitization, and how documents form and lose their status as boundary objects in these processes. The study posits that in order to be functional, a boundary object needs to provide a disclosure that makes it accessible to cognate communities. Further, it shows how assumptions about the functioning of the human and nonhuman (material artifacts) influence the ways in which archaeologists conceptualize the preservation and archiving of archaeological information and the role and potential of different types of digital and paper-based documents. This article is based on an interview study of Swedish archaeology professionals (N = 16) with theoretical underpinnings in the notions of boundary objects, mangle of practice, and disclosure.  相似文献   

Fossils have been traded for centuries. Over the past two hundred years the market has developed into an organized enterprise, with fossils serving multiple functions as objects of scientific study, collectors' items, and investments. Finding fossils, digging them up or purchasing them, transporting, studying, and conserving them, and putting them on display was and still is expensive. Since the early nineteenth century, funding bodies, academic institutions and museums, philanthropists, dealers, collectors, amateurs, and professional paleontologists have constituted elaborate networks driven by collaboration, necessity, ambition, accolades, and capital to generate knowledge and produce geological artifacts, increasing our understanding of the natural world, advancing careers and institutions, and contributing to personal fortunes. The emergence of paleoanthropology as a scientific discipline around 1900 generated a scientific focus on the human story that was easy to sell. The scarcity of ancient human remains made it close to impossible for a commercial market to evolve, yet finding them required serious funding. Elaborate schemes for financing expeditions and excavations went hand in hand with individual aspirations, patronage, philanthropy, networks, and alliance building, as concession rights and access to sponsors were objects of regular political intrigues and often bitter disputes.  相似文献   

Along with other cultural organizations, newspapers, through waves of digital disruption, have become subject to a dominant narrative of crisis. But newspapers have long participated in change. A constructivist approach, qualified by consideration of media materiality, draws attention to diverse but essential processes of innovation around them. We see a contraflow of migration from digital to print, opening up a shared media space; bonding strategies are bringing multimedia to ink on paper, while bridging via boundary objects such as QR (Quick Response) codes are connecting the two. Among other initiatives, development of automation of news production and experiments with transparency are further evidence of an active embrace of change by newspapers that calls into question the discourse on their demise. This analysis inductively develops a nuanced account of the role of the newspaper as an object and as an institution. It suggests a hybrid, multifaceted, enduring presence of print in the complex media ecology of the future.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with paraphrase detection, i.e., identifying sentences that are semantically identical. The ability to detect similar sentences written in natural language is crucial for several applications, such as text mining, text summarization, plagiarism detection, authorship authentication and question answering. Recognizing this importance, we study in particular how to address the challenges with detecting paraphrases in user generated short texts, such as Twitter, which often contain language irregularity and noise, and do not necessarily contain as much semantic information as longer clean texts. We propose a novel deep neural network-based approach that relies on coarse-grained sentence modelling using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a recurrent neural network (RNN) model, combined with a specific fine-grained word-level similarity matching model. More specifically, we develop a new architecture, called DeepParaphrase, which enables to create an informative semantic representation of each sentence by (1) using CNN to extract the local region information in form of important n-grams from the sentence, and (2) applying RNN to capture the long-term dependency information. In addition, we perform a comparative study on state-of-the-art approaches within paraphrase detection. An important insight from this study is that existing paraphrase approaches perform well when applied on clean texts, but they do not necessarily deliver good performance against noisy texts, and vice versa. In contrast, our evaluation has shown that the proposed DeepParaphrase-based approach achieves good results in both types of texts, thus making it more robust and generic than the existing approaches.  相似文献   

中国古代救荒书的内容涉及历史时期救荒制度建设、农业减灾技术措施、工程减灾技术措施、生物减灾技术措施、灾害预防、灾民生活等各个方面,其中所蕴涵的减灾技术资料比较全面,是我们研究古代减灾科学技术和中国社会经济史的重要资料,对今天的防灾救灾工作也有借鉴指导意义。文章通过对中国古代救荒书中减灾科学技术资料的分析整理,将其系统划分为救荒减灾制度建设资料、农业减灾技术资料、水利工程减灾技术资料、生物减灾技术资料、灾害预防技术资料、野菜谱录资料六大方面,并对其分布情况及其利用价值简要分析。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在为基于网络舆情快速评估自然灾害影响程度提供参考,以提高自然灾害影响评估效率。[方法/过程]以全国范围内各地的雾霾空气污染事件为例,采用空气质量指数代替雾霾影响程度,通过爬取新浪微博平台上的博文条数获得雾霾话题的网络博文热度数据,并进行标准化,将自然灾害的影响程度与网络舆情热度联系起来,探究二者之间在时间与空间上的相关性。[结果/结论]指出自然灾害的影响程度与网络舆情热度在时间和空间两个方面存在相关性,并且相关性随着自然灾害强度的增加而增加,并为政府部门实现以网络舆情为基础对自然灾害影响的评估提出优化建议。  相似文献   

世界经济的飞速发展使得以创新推动制造业高质量发展迫在眉睫,为使制造业的创新达到最佳水平,我国政府先后发布多项政策激励其发展,已有政策设定是否合理、文本内容是否符合现实需求是今后发布相关政策的重要依据。本文利用社会网络分析和共词分析等方法深入分析2012-2019年间国家发布的78项制造业创新政策文本的内容,以此为基础构建制造业创新政策评价的量化框架,选取具有代表性的政策为样本,利用PMC-AE指数模型进行量化评价。结果表明:政策样本得分均较高,说明相关政策颁布机构制定的政策质量较高,政策文本内容的设定较为合理且符合现实需求,但仍存在一些问题亟需完善,包括增加政策文本中涉及监管及规范的内容、加强政策工具的组合运用、扩大政策参与对象的覆盖范围、完善激励保障措施的运用及加强政策颁布机构之间协同的广度与深度。  相似文献   

Paraphrase detection is an important task in text analytics with numerous applications such as plagiarism detection, duplicate question identification, and enhanced customer support helpdesks. Deep models have been proposed for representing and classifying paraphrases. These models, however, require large quantities of human-labeled data, which is expensive to obtain. In this work, we present a data augmentation strategy and a multi-cascaded model for improved paraphrase detection in short texts. Our data augmentation strategy considers the notions of paraphrases and non-paraphrases as binary relations over the set of texts. Subsequently, it uses graph theoretic concepts to efficiently generate additional paraphrase and non-paraphrase pairs in a sound manner. Our multi-cascaded model employs three supervised feature learners (cascades) based on CNN and LSTM networks with and without soft-attention. The learned features, together with hand-crafted linguistic features, are then forwarded to a discriminator network for final classification. Our model is both wide and deep and provides greater robustness across clean and noisy short texts. We evaluate our approach on three benchmark datasets and show that it produces a comparable or state-of-the-art performance on all three.  相似文献   

The fundamental idea of the work reported here is to extract index phrases from texts with the help of a single word concept dictionary and a thesaurus containing relations among concepts. The work is based on the fact, that, within every phrase, the single words the phrase is composed of are related in a certain well denned manner, the type of relations holding between concepts depending only on the concepts themselves. Therefore relations can be stored in a semantic network. The algorithm described extracts single word concepts from texts and combines them to phrases using the semantic relations between these concepts, which are stored in the network. The results obtained show that phrase extraction from texts by this semantic method is possible and offers many advantages over other (purely syntactic or statistic) methods concerning preciseness and completeness of the meaning representation of the text. But the results show, too, that some syntactic and morphologic “filtering” should be included for effectivity reasons.  相似文献   

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