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Science historian Ronald Numbers once remarked that the two most influential historians of science of the 20th century were Thomas Kuhn and Stephen Jay Gould. All historians are deeply familiar with Kuhn's work and influence, and most know of the remarkable impact Gould has had on evolutionary theory through both his professional and popular works. But little attention has been paid to the depth, scope, and importance of Gould's r?le as historian and philosopher of science, and his use of popular science exposition to reinforce old knowledge and generate new. This paper presents the results of an extensive quantitative content analysis of Gould's 22 books, 101 book reviews, 479 scientific papers, and 300 Natural History essays, in terms of their subject matter (Evolutionary Theory, History and Philosophy of Science, Natural History, Paleontology/Geology, Social Science/Commentary), and thematic dichotomies (Theory-Data, Time's Arrow-Time's Cycle, Adaptationism- Nonadaptationalism, Punctuationism-Gradualism, Contingency-Necessity). Special emphasis is placed on the interaction between the subjects and themata, how Gould has used the history of science to reinforce his evolutionary theory (and vice versa), and how his philosophy of science has influenced both his evolutionary theory and his historiography. That philosophy can best be summed up in a quotation from Charles Darwin, frequently cited by Gould: 'All observation must be for or against some view if it is to be of any service'. Gould followed Darwin's advice throughout his career, including his extensive writings on the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

This article is published to mark the tercentenary of the birth of Réaumur. Today, his work is rather little appreciated but his contemporaries called him the Pliny of the eighteenth century, and in his breadth of knowledge and interest he has been likened to Francis Bacon. He is commonly remembered for his achievements in the systematic application of science to industry but he also did important biological work, particularly in entomology.  相似文献   

当代科学技术的高速发展在日益改变着世界,但由于人们对科学技术工具理性的无限制滥用,使得科学技术的发展离开了道德的制约、伦理的引导,导致了人与自然、人与人类自身等伦理实体的和谐关系遭到破坏,科学技术发展中蕴含着一些高风险,给人类文明提出了严峻的挑战,从而使科技风险问题成为人类文明发展中不可回避的问题.为了防范科学技术发展所带来的风险危机,就必须唤醒人们的伦理觉悟、伦理生态意识,进而构建稳定的伦理-科技生态,从而使人们在充分享受科技发展所带来的巨大方便的同时,也拥有一个和谐的人类文明.  相似文献   

With their common focus on narrative, literary scholars and historians of science share a close relationship with language and can offer each other valuable interpretive insights. Particularly revealing in each field are scientists' and literary writers' changing uses of metaphor, which is critical to each kind of scholarship since both disciplines place such a high value on cultural context. Any cross-disciplinary help, however, needs to take into account the essential differences between the fields: contrasting views of what constitutes evidence and varying relationships with the past. Since both kinds of scholarship involve creating as well as analyzing narratives, each field has developed its own sense of pacing and significance, and their differing approaches to truth deserve respect.  相似文献   

In the 1970s and early 1980s, many Westerners wrote enthusiastically about science as practiced in socialist China. They applauded the mobilization of broad sectors of the population for science that truly "served the people." By the mid-1980s, revelations about the many horrors of the Cultural Revolution worked to discredit these early, optimistic accounts. At the same time, the post-Mao privileging of economic development over social revolution (which meshes well with dominant Western attitudes) now strongly colors almost all analyses of science in socialist China. This essay encourages historians to retrieve the largely discarded rosy accounts of earlier years. Such sources provide insight into the goals of historical actors and challenge us to recognize the specificity and contingency of our own values. Used in tandem with the later sources, they can help us achieve a critical understanding of science in both socialist China and our own historical context.  相似文献   

 20世纪40年代末逐渐兴起的系统科学一反近代以来围绕物质“实体”来展开的科学传统,而是将“关系”作为认识论立论基础,将研究对象视为一个系统,从不同的侧面揭示客观事物与其过程的关于“关系”的共同规定性及其规律。对系统科学及其各分支学科的科学方法进行梳理、概括和总结,对系统科学思想史进行详细的研究,对于解决当今人类所面临的各种全球性问题,不仅有着重大的理论意义,而且有着重大的实践意义。  相似文献   

典型国家建设农业科技创新体系的经验借鉴   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对美国、日本、荷兰、以色列四个现代农业化国家农业科技创新体系的基本框架和建设做法进行全面阐述,分析四个国家农业科技创新体系建设的不同特点,提出值得我国农业科技创新体系建设借鉴的六条经验。  相似文献   

科技现代化是中国式现代化的关键,在建设社会主义现代化强国中发挥着基础性、战略性支撑作用。文章分析了中国式现代化视域下科技现代化的内涵,梳理了中国科技现代化经历的萌芽与探索、恢复与加速、赶超与引领等发展阶段,概括了中国科技现代化的特色与经验,最后围绕水平、观念、文化、体系、组织、治理、选题、队伍、保障等9个方面提出了促进中国科技现代化的初步思考。  相似文献   

周程 《科学学研究》2008,26(2):274-281
 晶体管的发明引发了半导体革命。本文系统地梳理了晶体管在贝尔电话实验室的发明经纬,具体地考察了诺贝尔物理学奖获得者肖克莱在晶体管发明过程中所发挥的作用。文章在对拥有超凡创造力,但又颇具争议性的人物肖克莱的生平事迹进行考察之后,还结合科技管理问题进行了多角度的思考。  相似文献   

近10年来,国内外科学学的发展正在形成科学学理论体系的新框架。本文从科学学的研究传统与范式入手,运用科学计量学一系列方法和手段,对中外科学学研究的主要领域、相关学科以及热点问题进行了深入的考察和比较,结果表明以科学、技术、创新以及相关的科技政策与管理为内容的科学学应用研究是当前的主流领域;网络计量学、科学知识图谱和信息可视化技术发展迅猛,正成为科学学方法研究的前沿领域;有关科学、技术与创新相互作用规律、自然科学某些学科的演化规律以及科学技术合作理论等成为科学学理论研究的热门领域。在此基础上,对新世纪科学学理论体系按“研究维-学科维-对象维”的三维结构建构进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

As a field of study, literature and science has gradually expanded to encompass both the impact of science on literary culture and the literary-linguistic practices intrinsic to the production of scientific knowledge. Such transformations both reinforce and fundamentally recalibrate the detailed attention focused on scientific practice by historians of science since the 1980s. As a result, this essay and the Focus section it introduces suggest that history of science and literature and science are, in fact, interdependent fields. Attention to their convergences will yield better understanding of the performative dimensions of scientific practices and thence of science itself as a form of making of knowledge of things and events in the world of nature. Science as a form of making involves the convergence of things, material practices, and a panoply of meaningful artifacts-instruments of thought and action-that refuse any simple dichotomy between "text" and "action."  相似文献   

徐凤 《科教文汇》2011,(8):47-47,64
中学政治教材设计的知识面比较广.在教学中有时需要对知识进行深入分析与拓展,但进行知识传授时,一要了解学生的接受能力.二要结合学生的实际情况对知识的把握要有“度”。以新课程的标准为依据,合理进行知识的传授。  相似文献   

简要概述循征医学的概念、实质、意义及应用成就,目前高原中医药研究存在的不足;探索循征医学在高原中医药中的应用前景。  相似文献   

19世纪中期,为发展经济、壮大国防,新生的美国政府制定了一系列政策法令鼓励向西部移民,兴修水利,发展农业,修建铁路,开发森林、矿产及土地资源,大大促进了西部地区的发展.至20世纪初,美国一跃成为世界工业经济与军事强国.然而,对西部资源掠夺式的开发行为对生态环境造成了巨大危害,不平等的民族政策严重地损害了土著文化传统,土地投机和完全的市场导向引起了严重的两极分化.本文简要回顾了美国西部开发的过程,比较了中美两国西部开发的异同点,借鉴美国西部开发的经验与教训,提出了对中国西部大开发的几点启示:①重视环境教育,调整思想认识;②加强资源保护,改善生态环境;③制订优惠政策,规范开发行为;④发挥市场导向,重视政府调控;⑤增加资金投入,搞好基础设施;⑥发展教育事业,推进科技创新;⑦坚持民族平等,实现共同富裕.  相似文献   

Historians of science in modern China have tried to challenge misconceptions that late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Chinese were slow to master science or, worse, that they missed the point of science altogether. In so doing, we have often put aside basic questions-like why Chinese were interested in modern science in the first place or how they found modern science useful for their own purposes-in order to demonstrate the quality and advancement of scientific work in China. But overlooking these underlying issues not only strengthens the myth of science as an obvious and inevitable step in development; it also limits the relevance of the Chinese case to the history of science more broadly. If, instead, the spread of science is reconceptualized as a problem of desire and utility, the Chinese example may suggest interesting new avenues for the study of cultural innovation across geographic and disciplinary frameworks.  相似文献   

This article uses the NetCorps Jordan project as a case study of the ways in which Information Technology transforms social and economic life at the grass roots. Particular attention is paid to the role of gender in shaping such processes. In the end, this essay explores the motivations, the hopes and the results of one Arab country’s IT4 D experiment using the narratives of the participants as a guide. It is clear from the analysis below that culture, context and gender play a significant role in who gets to do what with IT.  相似文献   

李艳 《中国科技信息》2011,(20):161+164-161,164
近几年来,在我国出现了一段译介、出版"白银时代"文学的热潮,但对于怎样界定"白银时代"这一概念,一直以来有比较大的意见分歧。本文初步探讨了"白银时代"的内涵及外延,对其主要流派作了分析,总结归纳出"白银时代"文学的几个特征。以期对俄罗斯"白银时代"的文学有一个比较全面、深刻的认识。  相似文献   

基切尔认为,树立于温和实在论基础之上的科学形象才是实际的,这也是将科学民主化的认识论依据;与此同时,布朗论述了将科学民主化的政治学依据。这两个依据是旨在为科学实践治理提供标准的“良序科学”理想得以建构的重要前提。“良序科学”理想要求“理想慎思过程”贯穿于科学的资助、具体的研究内容及研究成果转化的全过程,以此确保民主力量能始终发挥作用。基于“良序科学”理论来看,最近爆发的中国是否应该建造“环形正负电子对撞机和超级质子对撞机(CEPC-SPPC)”的争论至少反映出了当前中国科学实践及其治理存在的三个显著问题:1)中国科学实践的“治理”方面存在观念性障碍;2)治理主体未能充分认识到科学实践治理的民主模式及其多样性和具体性;3)治理主体未能辨明科普的双重目的:“理解”与“参与”。若要解决这些问题,下述的思路或许可供参考:1)思想观念方面强化认识科学实践时的整体论思维;2)理论研究方面引入普遍语用学的维度;3)制度设计方面重视科学实践治理的正义原则。  相似文献   

<正>著名科学家、中国科协主席周光召20日在中国科协2004年学术年会开幕式上直言科技界时弊时说,当前我国科技管理重科技立项和研究基地的硬件建设,轻学风、科学道德和科学精神的倡导,开放流动和学科交叉不易实行,部门分割、行业分割、条块分割仍然严重,造成了资源浪费和低水平重复。  相似文献   

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