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随着科学技术的蓬勃发展,人们越来越重视科技文的规范书写,加大了对科技文文体的研究力度。本文通过搜集和整理科技文体的国内外研究成果总结了科技文文体特征,并对科技文文体中的被动语态进行了深入分析,以帮助读者更好地理解和撰写科技文。  相似文献   

茅盾对现代报告文学发展的理论贡献体现在明确了报告文学的文体特征、厘清了文体的流变问题、预见了文体的开放发展.茅盾丰富的报告文学创作一方面发挥了报告文学轻骑兵的功能,彰显批判性的战斗品格,另一方面优化了纪游体报告文学的结构,突出政论性的文体特征,还丰富催生了报告文学多样化的文体形态.同时,茅盾积极发挥作为文学编辑的功用,重视扶持报告文学作家成长,助推了文体的大众普及.  相似文献   

翻译中的文体研究主要是指原文的文体和原作者的风格在何种程度上得到了再现.以往的文体研究大多是主观的、印象式的,而现代语料库语言学的发展使文体研究走向了客观和理性.文章采用语料库的研究方法,从词汇和句法两个层次分析了《围城》珍妮英译本的文体特征.  相似文献   

青松 《沧州师专学报》2005,21(4):111-113
从结构、功能和修辞三个角度分析英语演讲在句子层面上的文体特征,认为演讲兼具口语和书面语的文体特点,对其文体特征的研究不仅有助于了解演讲文体,也有助于提高理解和欣赏英语的能力.  相似文献   

商务合同英语作为专门用途英语的一个分支,其文体特征的特殊性决定了它与普通英语的不同.深入研究商务合同英语的文体特征,重视商务合同英语文体特征的特殊性,有助于译者在从事商务合同英语的汉译过程中准确理解和把握商务合同英语的原文信息,进而遵循一定的翻译原则采用适当的翻译策略,做到有的放矢,更进一步推动跨文化商务活动深层次的有效开展,在翻译中收到事半功倍之效果.  相似文献   

批评文体的书写是一种创造性劳动,古代批评文体极为鲜明地体现了我国文论的民族性特征,在文学理论批评史中的地位不可低估,理应引起相当的重视.针对这一问题进行了论述.  相似文献   

先锋小说文体研究大致归纳为叙事研究,结构形式研究,语言、修辞研究等三个方面.其中,主要从元叙事、叙事时间和叙述视角这三个关键性的文体特征进行叙事研究;在结构形式上,先锋小说的时空结构遵循的不是传统的故事逻辑,而是一种反传统的叙述逻辑,呈现出"迷宫"式结构,其文体特征与模糊性的语言特色和大胆的修辞技巧密切相关.  相似文献   

淡化文体的语文教学弊端日趋明显,近段时间现代文阅读教学开始重视文本的文体特点,但是就像新课改之初钱梦龙先生所言“文言文教学始终是改革的死角”一样,根据文言文的文体特征进行教学设计还未被大家重视。  相似文献   

基于对狄更斯的小说《大卫.科波菲尔》第二章"大卫忆童年"部分的文体分析,从词汇特征、语法特征、修辞格及衔接等文体特征来阐述狄更斯特定的语言表达方式与其艺术动机和小说主题意义的关系,同时强调对文学作品中的语言和文体特征的分析和研究有助于提高读者的语言意识,帮助他们从文体学的角度研究文学话语,从而懂得文本中的词语是如何表达和暗示意义,以及写作风格或语言特征的影响和产生意义。  相似文献   

散文形式短小,内容广泛,文体特征难以界定.以文体学的理论结合中国现代散文和英国十九世纪散文进行研究,可以总结出散文的文体特征:散文追求自由的语体,抒情,叙事,写景都可;散文注重表现真挚的情感,并能传达深刻的人生智慧.  相似文献   

Literature reviews are a genre that many graduate students do not fully understand and find difficult to write. While the genre, language and rhetorical moves of literature reviews are widely researched, less research focuses on citation use in literature reviews. Teaching students ‘how-to’ write the literature review through explicit genre awareness is not enough. What is needed, is a focus on the discursive nature of citations since citations are a core ingredient in literature reviews. The complexity of citing, referencing and using sources is difficult to teach in university classrooms, especially in courses that focus on content knowledge. When it is taught, it is often imparted to students as conventions with particular organisational features around citation styles. Or it is taught within the discourse of morality and academic dishonesty that surrounds plagiarism. What is lacking is a pedagogy that relates citing to the more complex discursive practices that are implicit and deeply embedded in particular time-bound contexts. The purpose of this research was to explore citation patterns in 23 draft and final masters’ student literature review papers to better understand the ways in which students use sources in literature reviews with the aim of informing pedagogy. Findings indicate that the concept of intertextuality, specifically, transgressive intertextuality, intertextual engagement and discursive intertextuality can help with the teaching and learning of literature reviews and citation use.  相似文献   

Learning using primary literature may be a way of developing a capacity for scientific ways of thinking among students. Since reading research articles is a difficult task for novices, we examined the possible benefits of learning using primary literature versus secondary literature, particularly with respect to their influence on the creation and formation of scientific literacy. We report on a comparison between four groups of high school students, each with differing degrees of prior knowledge in biology, who read a domain‐related text written in either the scientific research article genre (adapted primary literature) or the popular‐scientific genre (secondary literature). Although there was no significant difference in the students' ability to summarize the main ideas of each text, indicating that there was no eminent distinction in their content, we found that students who read adapted primary literature demonstrated better inquiry skills, whereas secondary literature readers comprehended the text better and demonstrated less negative attitudes toward the reading task. Since the scientific content of the two texts was essentially identical, we suggest that the differences in students' performances stem from the structure of the text, dictated by its genre. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 403–428, 2005  相似文献   

文体属性探寻的历史流变——中国报告文学诗学回眸之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代之前,多数研究者对于报告文学文体属性的研究主要围绕其属于文学还是属于新闻,抑或是两者兼而有之的"边缘性文体"等问题展开,90年代之后,则有将其视为知识分子、社会良知等主体意志的传达方式,或"独立文体"等属性认知出现。这些探讨和争论,实际上正是逐渐认识和把握报告文学文体本质的一个过程。对于报告文学的文体,不能局限于传统的视角和思维方式,应该寻求新的理论路径和阐释,以捕捉报告文学文体属性的完整而真实的内核。  相似文献   

在中国生态文学创作和研究日臻成熟的今天,当代西部生态文学的创作也呈现出了繁荣的趋势,并逐渐形成了独特的面貌,开创了西部文学崭新的局面。探讨当代西部生态小说的一些基本表征及其形成的原因,并以此来进一步深化我们对当代西部生态小说特质的认识和研究。  相似文献   

古代文学批评有它独特的现代价值,前辈学术大师已做出很好的榜样,如《宋诗选注》中钱锺书利用意象批评执简驭繁、由博返约、精当传神地反映出宋诗特征。意象批评法应有其现代价值,藉此方法,可使文学批评回归文学本体、回归批评本体。  相似文献   

文章以O' Connell和Jin研究中的西方标准文献综述模式为理论基础,从体裁分析角度出发对中外硕士应用语言学论文文献综述部分进行对比研究.研究结果表明,中外硕士论文在文献综述中都涉及到了五个语步,基本符合西方学术论文文献综述的写作模式.但中国学生相比之下对研究现状的梳理整合,归纳分析能力较差,并且很难对现有研究成果提出直接明确的批判性分析.  相似文献   

黄河不但孕育中华民族的文明,还直接孕育了"黄河文学"这个文学门类。"黄河文学"是黄河与文学联姻后产生的一个美丽的宁馨儿。本文提出"黄河文学"一命题,并对"黄河文学"研究的价值与可行性进行分析,试图为当代文学中"河流与文学"关系问题方面的研究,探索一条新路。  相似文献   

杂剧是元代最为重要的一种文学体裁,在我国文学遗产中占有重要的地位,是中国文学史上的一次重要变革,是第一流的戏曲艺术.元杂剧中的骂詈语丰富且复杂,通过对元杂剧中与动物有关的骂詈语进行词义溯源研究,探讨其所透射的文化内涵和语用功能.  相似文献   

文章比较了云间派与竟陵派、唐宋派、娄东派及虞山派文学思想的异同,认为复古主张与性灵思潮在明末文学中有合流的趋势。云间派的兴起正反映了这一趋势,不能因为他们主张文学复古,就简单视之为是对晚明个性解放思潮的反动。  相似文献   

Genre theory has been around for a long time now. The exchange between Michael Rosen and Frances Christie recently featured in Changing English is the latest in a series of exchanges between advocates of genre and their critics over the past three decades or so. Our aim in this response-essay is not to weigh up the merits of the cases made by Rosen and Christie. Rather, we want to think about how individual teachers might confront the hegemony of genre theory and the harmful effects we believe it is having on language education. Our starting point is Lisa’s own professional practice, as she enacts it from day to day at a state secondary school in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, one of the most ethnically diverse regions in Australia. We draw on Lisa’s journal to construct a sense of the time and place, as well as samples of students’ writing that she gathered in the course of a year with her Year 7 class, in order to gain a better understanding of her work as an English teacher. How does this material compare with ‘all the genre work done over some 25–30?years’ by the genre theorists? What ‘knowledge’ will she be able to construct on the basis of the classroom observations that she made over that time? What should we make of the fact that her world is not the same as the world as genre theorists conceive it?  相似文献   

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