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用“中国话语”构建本土工程伦理教育体系是传统科技思想价值反映的重要方面。“以道驭术”科技思想的价值可以由当代工程伦理教育的需求决定。“价值映射”为建立“需求”和“价值”间的决定性关系提供指向性表征。定义“以道驭术”思想元素构成的“供给集”以及工程伦理教育需求元素构成的“需求集”,分析“道德跃迁”对应法则,验证了两集合之间“价值映射”关系的合理性。“价值映射”的作用在于将“个人品德修养、共同体间关系协调、人与自然和谐相处”的“中华传统元素”融入当代中国工程伦理教育,发挥工程伦理教育在中国话语体系下的显性功能,即立足优秀传统思想和中国实际,使中国高校工程伦理教育为有效解决中国本土问题提供人才支持。  相似文献   

In this article, I am suggesting that one effective strategy for revitalizing moral education consists in incorporating classical traditions of care ethics, East and West, which are very much alive in contemporary culture, into sentiments, insights and practices of contemporary care ethics. In so doing we might make moral education much more accessible, natural and friendly to both teachers and students. First, it is associated with down to earth affective and relational elements rather than with highly theoretical philosophical reasoning; second, it is grounded in local cultural traditions that are very much alive in the ‘cultural DNA’ of millions of people in their traditional communities; third, in terms of its moral tenets it is humanistic and universally binding. The desirable outcome, if this model proves tenable, is moral education oriented by care ethics, locally grounded and universally binding.  相似文献   

Feedback is an important teaching skill for counselor educators and supervisors teaching helping skills and for practitioners employing skill-training programs as an intervention for clients with relationship problems. Trainer feedback reports observable behaviors, describes how the trainee's performance deviated from or matches mastery performance criteria, and provides suggestions for improved skill implementation. By using a systematic, organized feedback delivery, a trainer can have powerful impact in promoting skill acquisition by trainees. This article describes the elements of trainer feedback, offers guidelines for giving and receiving feedback, and responds to common issues concerning the use of feedback in skill training groups.  相似文献   

师德是教师素养的核心,同时也是新时代教师队伍建设的首要任务。教师的自我统整理论能够对师德研究提供有益的启示,对分析高校教师师德的养成原理及实践路径具有良好的价值潜能。基于自我统整的理论,高校教师师德的形成实际上是教师对自我层面、职业层面和环境层面的道德矛盾和分裂统整的结果。而要促进教师师德的养成,在具体的实践路径方面需要做好四个方面的“强化统筹”,即“强化德性伦理和制度伦理的统筹,促进内在需求与外在要求的融合;强化教师‘重要他人’关系的统筹,以‘共同体’确保教师地位的平等性;强化理想角色与现实生活的统筹,允许教师接纳表达真实自我;强化道德认知与道德实践的统筹,鼓励构建‘知行合一’的师德信念”,由此,教师才能够形成清晰稳定的道德自我。  相似文献   

“面子”是中国人的外在形象,中国人历来看重“面子”。“面子”思想根植于传统社会制度和礼仪文化之中,尤其深受传统儒家礼教的影响。传统儒家礼教中所蕴含的“面子”思想相当丰富:既包括“有德之人”的道德“面貌”,也涵括“有位之人”的身份“定位”。“面子”在礼教中表现为社会礼仪上的宁俭毋奢、宁恭毋滥,人伦义务上的孝悌忠信以及人际关系上的依礼而行。肯定传统儒家的“面子”思想,其目的在于丰富人的内在德性与外在德行,为当今道德教育和人格修塑提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper reports on two years of a multiyear consultation/professional development project based on socioconstructivist principles (situated cognition, social context, and scaffolded instruction) that are consistent with key elements of positive psychology. The consultation model used a case analysis framework to engage 12 elementary school teachers in workshops, demonstration lessons, ad hoc inquiry groups, and coaching. Interview, questionnaire, and field note data from the participants identified “control and choice,” “focus on student needs,” “applicability to classroom practices,” “direct instruction of skills,” and “consultant feedback” as key elements of the model. Changes in classroom practices were reported by 78% of the participants with changes in confidence noted from pre‐ to posttests. Better learning for students was mentioned by 89% of the teachers. Discussion focuses on critical theoretical elements associated with positive psychology. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 51–65, 2004.  相似文献   

This study examined whether cooperative learning and feedback facilitate situated, example-based e-learning in the field of statistics. The factors “social context” (individual vs. cooperative) and “feedback intervention” (available vs. not available) were varied; participants were 137 university students. Results showed that the feedback intervention clearly supported learning. Feedback proved especially beneficial for students with little prior knowledge. Cooperation did not promote learning outcomes; however, group performance in the learning phase was superior to individual performance. Also, cooperative learning enhanced perceived performance and perceived competence. Probably, collective efficacy had a halo effect on self-efficacy.  相似文献   

James's moral theory, primarily as set out in “The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life” (in his The Will To Believe (1897)), is presented here as having a two-level structure, an empirical or historical level where progress toward greater moral inclusiveness is central, and a metaphysical or end-of-history level—James's “kingdom of heaven”—characterised by universal agreement on moral content that is likely to be pluralistic, including deontological elements in a broadly consequentialist endeavour to attain the greatest good, by the lights of a variety of moral ideals. This consequentialism of ideals is significantly different from a straightforward consequentialism that aims to satisfy preferences. The pluralism of moral content is mirrored in the pluralism he suggests at the end of The Varieties of Religious Experience about gods. The various theisms will eventually make accommodations to each other in a greater whole, as a Science of Religion matures. The pluralistic pattern in ethics and religion gains strength from an analogy with pluralism in science.  相似文献   

自2001年湖南长沙市岳麓区望月湖社区推出全国第一家“道德银行”以来,“道德储存”现象就得到了社会广泛关注,褒贬不一。从公民道德建设的角度看,“道德储存”有其存在的合理性:它适应了“坚持社会主义道德建设与社会主义市场经济相适应”的原则,是对传统道德教育的突破;它运用了“坚持尊重个人合法权益与承担社会责任相统一”的原则,是“利他”与“利己”关系的辨证统一;它体现了“坚持把先进性要求与广泛性要求结合起来”的原则,反映了“为人民服务”的层次性要求。  相似文献   

研究生是高等学校科学研究的有生力量,切实加强其学术道德建设是不断提升研究生培养质量的重要保障。近年来,随着研究生群体中学术道德缺失现象的不断上升,加强研究生学术道德建设已经成为了高校人才培养的重要内容。通过分析研究生学术道德缺失的表现与成因,结合加强研究生学术道德建设的现实意义,提出了形成学术道德诚信的“自律”氛围与构建三全育人视野下的“他律”体系相结合的研究生学术道德建设策略,为高校研究生学术道德建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article examines a 7th grade teacher’s pedagogical practices to support her students to provide peer feedback to one another using technology during scientific inquiry. This research is part of a larger study in which teachers in California and Washington and their classes engaged in inquiry projects using a Web-based system called Web of Inquiry. Videotapes of classroom lessons and artifacts such as student work were collected as part of the corpus of data. In the case examined, Ms. E supports her students to collectively define “meaningful feedback,” thereby improving the quality of feedback that was provided in the future. This is especially timely, given the attention in Next Generation Science Standards to cross-cutting concepts and practices that require students discuss and debate ideas with each other in order to improve their understanding and their written inquiry reports (NGSS, 2013).  相似文献   

五位学者从伦理之维对2020年全球性新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的爆发原因与应对方法进行了思考。何怀宏重申了他所提出的“新三纲”中“生为物纲”与“民为政纲”的重要性,呼吁人以一种“道德代理人”的身份,让自然万物各得其所,政治秩序要以保障人民的安全与福祉作为根本价值和规范。付长珍倡导以仁爱为核心理念的天人共同体的儒家伦理,主张伦理回归身体生命的这一根本。郭淑新认为,灾疫发生的原因之一是人类敬畏之心的淡漠,希望人们用“敬畏伦理”约束自己,防范大自然对人类的训诫和惩罚。戴兆国认为,人类需要改变“主道”伦理的思维模式,而采用“客道”伦理的新思维方法,以客人自居,来检视自己的行为。刘乐恒把疫情的爆发归结为“卫生”和“公共”两方面问题的交合,主张推进传统伦理与日常理性和公共理性的协调与兼融。  相似文献   

From the opening of each Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (MRN) program, Fred Rogers invites his viewers to converse with him. MRN viewer letters demonstrate the efficacy of this call in the familiar and conversational manner in which viewers address the program’s host. This article examines a sample of these letters from the perspective of Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogical theorization of the conversational moment—a moment that “provokes an answer, anticipates it, and structures itself in the answer’s direction.” Along with Bakhtin, the dialogical perspectives of Roger Burggraeve, Paulo Freire, and Martin Buber are examined and applied to further elucidate the communication ethics at work in the lettered correspondence and on the television program. MRN viewer letters reveal a remarkable consistency in their thematic quality and constitute a field of study about the dialogical relationship between Rogers and his audience.  相似文献   

善行河北主题道德实践活动是我省构建社会主义核心价值观的生动实践。在高师中开展善行河北、立德树人主题道德实践活动,通过善举引导、模范引领和激励机制建设,培养过硬的教师队伍,推动师德建设。  相似文献   

将社会主义核心价值观有机融入医学专业课“病理生理学”的教育教学内容之中,让学生在专业课程学习的同时加强医德医风教育,将医学知识的传授、医德医风与践行社会主义核心价值观教育深入融合,实现课程思政教育改革,教书与育人并重。在“病理生理学”病因学的知识内容中,挖掘社会主义核心价值观德育教育切入点,有机融合思想政治教育内容,意义深远,需要教育工作者不断努力探索。  相似文献   

党中央和国务院联合发布?新时代公民道德建设实施纲要?,这是我国进入新时代推进公民道德建设的根本遵循。?纲要?直面新时代公民道德建设依然存在的道德问题,做到目标导向与问题导向相统一,从社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德和个人品德四个着力点,系统地全方位地建设新时代公民道德,推动全民道德素质和社会文明程度达到新高度。  相似文献   


Feedback is an important practice in promoting learning. This study examines teachers’ oral feedback practices, with an analysis grounded in students’ perceptions of what helps them learn. Based on 38 hours of lesson observations, interviews with 10 teachers and 84 students, we identify how teachers conceptualise and practice oral feedback. Based on student interviews, three main types of oral interaction were found to constitute feedback: discrepancy, success criteria comments and open questions. Current practices appear to address the feedback dimensions of ‘How am I going?’ and ‘Where to next?’, but seem to be lacking with respect to addressing the question related to ‘Where am I going?’ Feedback is infrequently used by science teachers compared with other types of oral interaction and the feedback types most frequently reported by students to help learning were used least often. Teachers used oral feedback types differently in whole class and small group situations. We use findings to elaborate an ideal-typical model of feedback practices, with divergent practices involving more frequent use of oral feedback, focusing on learning rather than task. The study concludes with implications for practice in teaching and teacher education.



The problem involved in this study was to ascertain whether student teachers receiving supervisory feedback with the aid of video and/or audio tape replay demonstrate a greater change in their classroom verbal interactive behavior than student teachers who receive supervisory feedback with no video or audio feedback. Evidence indicates that those receiving video feedback utilize less “direct teaching influence” and more “indirect teaching influence” as categorized by Flanders’ Verbal Interaction Analysis System, Within the audio group, the magnitude of change in the student teachers’ instructional behavior was not statistically significant. The magnitude of the directional change was greater for those students receiving video or audio recorded feedback than the magnitude of change in the control group.  相似文献   

This article discusses human capital development through the seven soft skills elements which comprise communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills, team work, lifelong learning and information management skills, entrepreneurship skills, ethics, and professional moral and leadership skills. The Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia recently announced that the said soft skills are to be introduced to undergraduates of Institutes of Higher Learning in Malaysia. Suggestions on how these elements are to be incorporated in the undergraduates program are also put forward.  相似文献   

Change and Reform in Higher Education: Great Expectations and Mixed Performance: The Implementation of Higher Education Reforms in Europe. Teaching Thinking by Discussion, Donald Bligh. Teaching in Laborutories, David Boud, Jeffrey Dunn, Elizabeth Hegarty-Hazel (London. Crisis?What Crisis?: Educational Policies in Crisis, William K. Cummings.  相似文献   

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