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Three key values for ethical cyberspace research practices are evident in recent discussions: (1) protect the subjects from harm as a result of the research fieldwork and the research practices; (2) produce good social science research; and (3) do not unnecessarily perturb the phenomena studied. Much of the argumentation aims to negotiate the ethical conflicts that often emerge between these goals. Bakhtin argues that one can only strive for a bottom-up ethical wisdom built upon concrete examples, and disputes the possibility that rigid top-down application of universal rules constitutes ethical action. His perspective has key implications for ethical research practices. I illustrate this perspective at work through my recent fieldwork and writing practices in a virtual community. Research ethics for cyberspace are like research ethics for any other site. They should be situated, dialogic agreements that develop over time between researchers and the participants of the research study. It is unlikely that such research ethics can be abstractly codified, because there will often be differences between research sites, the situations of participants, and researcher goals. Researchers can, however, develop ethical wisdom that comes from experience with many configurations of research in cyberspace, and report on the conditions that grounded their ethical choices, and the results that emerged from their work in the site. These results will often be improved by feedback from participants about their experiences with the fieldwork and the effects of publication.  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2013,29(2):175-188
Three key values for ethical cyberspace research practices are evident in recent discussions: (1) protect the subjects from harm as a result of the research fieldwork and the research practices; (2) produce good social science research; and (3) do not unnecessarily perturb the phenomena studied. Much of the argumentation aims to negotiate the ethical conflicts that often emerge between these goals. Bakhtin argues that one can only strive for a bottom-up ethical wisdom built upon concrete examples, and disputes the possibility that rigid top-down application of universal rules constitutes ethical action. His perspective has key implications for ethical research practices. I illustrate this perspective at work through my recent fieldwork and writing practices in a virtual community. Research ethics for cyberspace are like research ethics for any other site. They should be situated, dialogic agreements that develop over time between researchers and the participants of the research study. It is unlikely that such research ethics can be abstractly codified, because there will often be differences between research sites, the situations of participants, and researcher goals. Researchers can, however, develop ethical wisdom that comes from experience with many configurations of research in cyberspace, and report on the conditions that grounded their ethical choices, and the results that emerged from their work in the site. These results will often be improved by feedback from participants about their experiences with the fieldwork and the effects of publication.  相似文献   

There is surprisingly little attention in Information Technology ethics to respect for persons, either as an ethical issue or as a core value of IT ethics or as a conceptual tool for discussing ethical issues of IT. In this, IT ethics is very different from another field of applied ethics, bioethics, where respect is a core value and conceptual tool. This paper argues that there is value in thinking about ethical issues related to information technologies, especially, though not exclusively, issues concerning identity and identity management, explicitly in terms of respect for persons understood as a core value of IT ethics. After explicating respect for persons, the paper identifies a number of ways in which putting the concept of respect for persons explicitly at the center of both IT practice and IT ethics could be valuable, then examines some of the implicit and problematic assumptions about persons, their identities, and respect that are built into the design, implementation, and use of information technologies and are taken for granted in discussions in IT ethics. The discussion concludes by asking how better conceptions of respect for persons might be better employed in IT contexts or brought better to bear on specific issues concerning identity in IT contexts.  相似文献   

Although statistical learning methods have achieved success in e-commerce platform product review sentiment classification, two problems have limited its practical application: 1) The computational efficiency to process large-scale reviews; 2) the ability to continuously learn from increasing reviews and multiple domains. This paper presents a continuous naïve Bayes learning framework for large-scale and multi-domain e-commerce platform product review sentiment classification. While keeping the high computational efficiency of the traditional naïve Bayes model, we extend the parameter estimation mechanism in naïve Bayes to a continuous learning style. We furthermore propose ways to fine-tune the learned distribution based on three kinds of assumptions to better adapt to different domains. Experimental results on the Amazon product and movie review sentiment datasets show that our model can use the knowledge learned from past domains to guide learning in new domains, and has a better capacity of dealing with reviews that are continuously updated and come from different domains.  相似文献   

This paper pertains to research works aiming at linking ethics and automated reasoning in autonomous machines. It focuses on a formal approach that is intended to be the basis of an artificial agent’s reasoning that could be considered by a human observer as an ethical reasoning. The approach includes some formal tools to describe a situation and models of ethical principles that are designed to automatically compute a judgement on possible decisions that can be made in a given situation and explain why a given decision is ethically acceptable or not. It is illustrated on three ethical frameworks—utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics and the Doctrine of Double effect whose formal models are tested on ethical dilemmas so as to examine how they respond to those dilemmas and to highlight the issues at stake when a formal approach to ethical concepts is considered. The whole approach is instantiated on the drone dilemma, a thought experiment we have designed; this allows the discrepancies that exist between the judgements of the various ethical frameworks to be shown. The final discussion allows us to highlight the different sources of subjectivity of the approach, despite the fact that concepts are expressed in a more rigorous way than in natural language: indeed, the formal approach enables subjectivity to be identified and located more precisely.  相似文献   

As business environments become more complex and reliant on information systems, the decisions made by managers affect a growing number of stakeholders. This paper proposes a framework based on the application of normative theories in business ethics to facilitate the evaluation of IS related ethical dilemmas and arrive at fair and consistent decisions. The framework is applied in the context of an information privacy dilemma to demonstrate the decision making process. The ethical dilemma is analyzed using each one of the three normative theories—the stockholder theory, stakeholder theory, and social contract theory. The challenges associated with the application of these theories are also discussed.  相似文献   

科技伦理意识是科技人员重要的基础素质。通过对全国几十所高校进行问卷调查发现,当前青年科技人员在科技伦理意识方面存在着观念错位、认识不均衡、知行不统一等问题,而这些问题的主要原因在于科技伦理教育不够深入、学科地位不够、平台不完善、教学手段不足。基于问卷调查的结果,提出了加强科技伦理教育,切实提高青年科技人员科技伦理意识的对策建议。  相似文献   

黎常  金杨华 《科研管理》2021,42(8):9-16
人工智能在深刻影响人类社会生产生活方式的同时,也引发诸多伦理困境与挑战,建立新的科技伦理规范以推动人工智能更好服务人类,成为全社会共同关注的主题。本文从科技伦理的视角,围绕机器人、算法、大数据、无人驾驶等人工智能领域所出现的伦理主体、责任分担、技术安全、歧视与公平性、隐私与数据保护等问题,以及人工智能技术的伦理治理,对国内外相关研究成果进行回顾分析,并提出未来需要在中国情境下伦理原则与治理体系的建立、人工智能伦理研究的跨学科合作、理论分析与实践案例的融合、多元主体伦理角色分工与协作等方面进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

Our lives are increasingly intertwined with the digital realm, and with new technology, new ethical problems emerge. The academic field that addresses these problems—which we tentatively call ‘digital ethics’—can be an important intellectual resource for policy making and regulation. This is why it is important to understand how the new ethical challenges of a digital society are being met by academic research. We have undertaken a scientometric analysis to arrive at a better understanding of the nature, scope and dynamics of the field of digital ethics. Our approach in this paper shows how the field of digital ethics is distributed over various academic disciplines. By first having experts select a collection of keywords central to digital ethics, we have generated a dataset of articles discussing these issues. This approach allows us to generate a scientometric visualisation of the field of digital ethics, without being constrained by any preconceived definitions of academic disciplines. We have first of all found that the number of publications pertaining to digital ethics is exponentially increasing. We furthermore established that whereas one may expect digital ethics to be a species of ethics, we in fact found that the various questions pertaining to digital ethics are predominantly being discussed in computer science, law and biomedical science. It is in these fields, more than in the independent field of ethics, that ethical discourse is being developed around concrete and often technical issues. Moreover, it appears that some important ethical values are very prominent in one field (e.g., autonomy in medical science), while being almost absent in others. We conclude that to get a thorough understanding of, and grip on, all the hard ethical questions of a digital society, ethicists, policy makers and legal scholars will need to familiarize themselves with the concrete and practical work that is being done across a range of different scientific fields to deal with these questions.  相似文献   

我国艺术院校图书馆非书资料管理调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季培培 《情报探索》2013,(12):119-121,124
对国内24所艺术院校图书馆的非书资料管理现状进行调查,调查内容是资料类型和管理与服务的方式.调查结果显示,目前各院校图书馆非书资料管理与服务的方式,主要为阵地式和网络化两种;艺术院校图书馆将阵地式管理与网络化服务相互结合取得较好效果;阵地式管理与服务的方式单一、个性化服务不足,网络化管理与服务处于初级阶段、缺乏系统集成,系统平台可选范围有限、自建能力不足是当前存在的主要问题.  相似文献   

资源型企业的生态工程决策不仅关乎企业自身的经济利益与生存发展,也对其利益相关者产生重要影响,因而必须兼顾伦理因素,履行社会责任。利益相关者理论改变了"股东至上"和"企业利润最大化"这一传统单一的价值取向,并被"利益相关者共生、共赢与和谐"这一价值取向取而代之。从企业伦理观出发,基于利益相关者视角构建具有多元价值观的资源型企业生态工程评价体系,不仅是提高企业决策科学性、有效性的必要尝试,也是对增强资源型企业综合竞争力,实现利益群体各方共生、共赢与可持续发展的有益探索。  相似文献   

Most of us prefer "doing right" to the opposite. But sometimes it is not easy to determine either what constitutes right conduct or how to do it. In this special ethics issue of TIS, scholars involved in cyberspace research explore the problem of "doing right" in terms of research subjects. The participants here draw from their own research and the ethical dilemmas they confronted. The offerings illustrate how diverse ethical theories can lead to different views over which, or even whether, new formal guidelines are needed for on-line research.  相似文献   

新兴科技的前沿创新性、动态变化性、多元互动性使其伦理治理存在难度,传统的治理方式难以快速应对。浙江省作为共同富裕示范区,重点发展“互联网+”、生命健康和新材料三大科创高地,亟需识别新兴科研领域的伦理风险并加强伦理建制。为此,基于我国重点科技创新领域伦理治理存在相关法律法规文本体量不足、专业审查机制及配套保障不完善、科技伦理教育薄弱、总体伦理素养有待提高、科研伦理创新治理路径有待拓展等现状,系统分析信息科学、生命健康和新材料三大科学领域代表技术的潜在伦理风险和伦理治理现状,提出浙江省反思性高阶伦理“元治理”路径,包括:促进多元主体协同参与伦理治理、完善特色科技伦理制度文本、加强伦理审查制度建设、健全伦理教育科普制度以及数字化赋能高效管理等,以期促进科技理性驱动共同富裕示范区经济社会发展。  相似文献   

数字共享经济平台作为共享经济的数字载体,随着网络信息与大数据技术的发展已迅速成为多用户价值共创的平台,改变着人们建立经济、道德等价值关系的方式。与此同时平台所涉及隐私安全、大数据杀熟、虚假销售等伦理问题亦成为当下社会的焦点。对数字共享经济平台价值共创进行价值哲学分析,厘清价值共创类型的伦理内涵,确立平台共同体的道德自由空间并建构平台的超规范伦理体系以此促进其利益相关者信任关系的稳定,旨在维护数字共享经济平台价值共创的互信、公正与可持续。  相似文献   

当技术伦理发生冲突时,技术主体就面临着在多种伦理或伦理原则中选择优先适用何者的问题,这就涉及了技术伦理位阶问题。技术伦理冲突是技术伦理位阶存在的逻辑前提。技术伦理位阶可以根据技术主体的身份、技术活动的类型进行判别。在技术活动中优先适用的伦理或伦理原则称为上位技术伦理,次优适用的伦理或伦理原则称为下位技术伦理。作为恒定上位技术伦理的普世伦理因其是人们最基本、最低限度的共同价值、标准和态度,故任何技术活动都必须优先适用它。判别技术伦理位阶可以解决技术伦理冲突,从而帮助专业技术人员解决伦理困惑,使得技术活动合目的性地进行。  相似文献   


The paper has two goals. The first is presenting the main results of the recent report Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles: recommendations on road safety, privacy, fairness, explainability and responsibility written by the Horizon 2020 European Commission Expert Group to advise on specific ethical issues raised by driverless mobility, of which the author of this paper has been member and rapporteur. The second is presenting some broader ethical and philosophical implications of these recommendations, and using these to contribute to the establishment of Ethics of Transportation as an independent branch of applied ethics. The recent debate on the ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) presents a paradox and an opportunity. The paradox is the presence of a flourishing debate on the ethics of one very specific transportation technology without ethics of transportation being in itself a well-established academic discipline. The opportunity is that now that a spotlight has been switched on the ethical dimensions of CAVs it may be easier to establish a broader debate on ethics of transportation. While the 20 recommendations of the EU report are grouped in three macro-areas: road safety, data ethics, and responsibility, in this paper they will be grouped according to eight philosophical themes: Responsible Innovation, road justice, road safety, freedom, human control, privacy, data fairness, responsibility. These are proposed as the first topics for a new ethics of transportation.


科技研发应当遵循“科技向善”的理念,科技伦理与安全审查机制的建立十分重要。科技伦理与安全审查机制是生物安全风险防控和治理体系建设的重要组成部分,科技伦理与安全审查从“形式要件”到“实质要件”,均应当体现实体伦理正义和程序伦理正义的科技善治。我国应当构建科技伦理与安全审查二元体系结构:在内部审查结构中,制定具有统一性的科技伦理与安全审查实体性规则、程序性规则,从审查方式、审查标准、审查类型、主体法律责任四个方面对科技研发行为和科技产出成果予以规范。在外部审查结构中,建立信用机制及负面清单制度,形塑公众参与式审查模式,以期从源头有效规避科技伦理与安全风险。  相似文献   

社交网站为科研调查者提供了新的调查途径与平台,科研调查者可基于不同社交网站平台,在不同调查情景中实施科研调查以弥补单一调查模式样本涵盖率低的缺陷。论文以人人网、腾讯QQ为例,采用验证性因子分析法,研究了匿名调查与非匿名调查获取科研数据的一致性问题。研究结果表明:非敏感性量表下两类调查数据具备完全一致性,科研人员可将所得数据直接整合;对于敏感性量表,两类调查数据不具备完全一致性,科研人员只有对获取数据进行相关预处理后,才可进行数据整合及相关统计分析。  相似文献   

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