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Since the 1950s, there has been rapid and extensive change in the way assessment is conducted in medical education. Several new methods of assessment have been developed and implemented over this time and they have focused on clinical skills (taking a history from a patient and performing a physical examination), communication skills, procedural skills, and professionalism. In this paper, we provide examples of performance-based assessments in medical education, detailing the benefits and challenges associated with different approaches. While advances in psychometric theory and technology have been paralleled by the development of assessment instruments that improve the evaluation of these skills, additional research is needed, particularly if the assessment is used to make high stake decisions (e.g., promotion and licensure).  相似文献   

心理健康教育与德育有着共同的教育目标,即塑造人格完善的全面发展的人。两者的结合完全必要也是可能的,要采取有效的方法和途径,使心理健康教育和德育有机地结合起来,积极推进素质教育,促进心理素质与思想道德素质、文化素质与专业素质的协调发展,从而大大提高高职院校德育的实效性和主动性。  相似文献   

Because learning and instruction are increasingly competence-based, the call for assessment methods to adequately determine competence is growing. Using just one single assessment method is not sufficient to determine competence acquisition. This article argues for Competence Assessment Programmes (CAPs), consisting of a combination of different assessment methods, including both traditional and new forms of assessment. To develop and evaluate CAPs, criteria to determine their quality are needed. Just as CAPs are combinations of traditional and new forms of assessment, criteria used to evaluate CAP quality should be derived from both psychometrics and edumetrics. A framework of 10 quality criteria for CAPs is presented, which is then compared to Messick's framework of construct validity. Results show that the 10-criterion framework partly overlaps with Messick's, but adds some important new criteria, which get a more prominent place in quality control issues in competence-based education.  相似文献   

职业教育在遵循社会的需求和学生身心发展的外部诸因素中起主导作用。它同其他教育一样,都是有目的、有计划、有组织地对学生施加影响的强有力的因素.通过实施职业指导和终身化的职业教育促进人的身心充分发展,还能促进学生道德水平的提高.  相似文献   

在生物教学中,采用活化课堂教学,开展课外活动,设计研究性课题,布置社会调查和实践等多种教学手段,推进素质教育。  相似文献   

职业教育教材评价机制是教材高质量建设的关键环节。然而,当前职业教育教材评价体系存在路径依赖,沿用普通教材评价模式,缺乏针对职教特性、具有系统理论指导和可操作性强的评价体系。基于产教融合视角,对相关领域专家进行意见征询,采用德尔菲法与层次分析法相结合的研究方法,构建了包含 4个一级指标、10个二级指标和 27个三级指标的职业教育教材评价指标体系。此评价指标体系为职业教育教材开发与应用提供导向,也为教材编写、审定和使用提供了实用的评价工具。  相似文献   

高职院校作为培养英语人才的重要基地之一,在英语教学中除了需要学生掌握语言知识外,还应该养成良好的个性素质。文章提出了当前英语教学现状,分析了素质教育如何在高职英语教学中和教师队伍中渗透。  相似文献   

英国职业教育中的兼职教师   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兼职教师在英国继续教育学院已经是一个具有相当规模的、不容忽视的群体。本文介绍了当前英国继续教育学院兼职教师的现状,从兼职教师的规模、年龄结构、岗位类型、待遇收入、培训与持证情况等方面出发,对继续教育学院兼职教师特点进行了系统的分析,研究了大量使用兼职教师的原因以及兼职教师聘用与管理中存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

在当今市场经济体制下,我国高等职业教育成为了高等教育的重要组成部分之一,已成为促使高等教育加速进入大众化的重要因素,但是职业教育在发展过程中也出现了重市场轻教育、重训练轻文化的现象,为了教育质量的持久提升、优化高等职业教育的办学层次和健康发展,有必要加强其"教育性"属性。  相似文献   

现代教育技术以其信息的实用性、多样性、开放性、多媒体技术的交互性等优势在高职院校中得以应用和发展,并且极大地推动了高职院校教育教学改革。本文从在高职院校中应用现代教育技术的意义和作用出发,说明在高职院校中大力发展现代教育技术的必要性及其发展中的应对措施。  相似文献   

This study examined selection bias in Israeli university admissions with respect to test language and gender, using three approaches for the detection of such bias: Cleary’s model of differential prediction, boundary conditions for differential prediction and difference between d’s (the Constant Ratio Model). The university admissions process in Israel, like those in many countries, is based on a combination of school-related achievement and a general scholastic aptitude test. The selection process was found to be biased in favour of Arabic speakers and not biased with respect to gender. The three approaches for detecting selection bias were similar in the pattern of the results they produced, but differed, as expected, in the magnitude of the bias they detected. The discussion focuses on the results both with respect to the specific groups studied (first research question) and with respect to the three approaches for detecting selection bias (second research question).  相似文献   

针对当前职业教育面对的学生现状作了分析,剖析了职教计算机技术专业AutoCAD教学应该从提升学生对AutoCAD的重视程度方面、提高学生学习积极性方面、促进学生学习兴趣方面、弥补学生机械制图知识不足的方面、及时巩固学生所学的知识和以实践考核学以致用的方面来设计教学改革。多年教学实践证明采用此教改方案得到学生、学校和家长的一致认可。  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基提出教育的和谐性、全面性。而小学教育是儿童真正接受教育的开始,根据小学儿童的身心发展的阶段性和规律性,只有在不同的发展阶段,给予适当的教育方法,才能使他们身心在教育过程中得到发展与提高,才能有效地促进儿童发展的协调性。  相似文献   

职业教育为现阶段经济发展培养各类紧缺的技术人才,具有极为重要的现实意义。但在经济发展的要求下,职业教育在努力适应市场需求的同时,又陷入了一些困境。本文通过借鉴美国社区学院的经验提出了其对我国职业教育发展的启示。  相似文献   


Reformers in developing countries increasingly seek to raise education quality. Yet we know little about the politics of improving education. One significant and instructive case of reforms designed to boost education quality comes from Chile, where in 2016 the government enacted a sweeping reform of teaching careers. This paper first uses a quantitative analysis of appearances in the news to identify key stakeholders and then turns to process tracing to analyze how and when these stakeholders influenced reform dynamics. Comparatively, the Chilean case differs from similar reforms elsewhere in Latin America due to the absence of business, the strong role of policy networks, and the final negotiated settlement with the teacher union. Theoretically, the analysis confirms general theories that emphasize the roles of distributive politics and policy networks.  相似文献   

实践教学是高等职业技术教育的重要组成部分,是培养学生动手能力、创新意识的重要手段,本文从实验、实训室建设、优选实验教学项目、优化实习模式、加强校企合作、建立“双师型”队伍等方面探索实践教学改革。  相似文献   

在俄罗斯教育体系中,职业教育始终占据重要位置。苏联解体后俄罗斯出台了一系列法规政策,不断推进职业教育的发展和改革,不仅为俄罗斯职业教育进程提供了前进方向与立法保障,也使职业教育评估工作有法可依,有规可循,这些可为我国的职业教育评估法制化进程提供参考与借鉴  相似文献   

关于高等职业教育教学改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等职业教育的迅猛发展,使得深化教学改革、提升教学质量的任务愈加迫切。文章试就高职教育教学改革中如何切实更新观念、明确培养目标、加强队伍建设、做好专业设置和课程开发工作等方面进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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