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情感因素对外语教学具有重大的影响。中国大学英语教学中存在着片面重视认知而忽视情感的现象,学生的情感障碍问题严重阻碍了其认知能力的发展。文章分析了情感障碍在外语教学中的负面作用,并对如何消除情感障碍提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   


Learning outcomes for an interactive television‐based distance learning course in introductory high school Japanese were evaluated in three successive years by comparing student achievement in the distance learning course to that in traditional classes. Year‐end achievement tests of listening and written language competency were administered to students in both the distance and face‐to‐face courses. Results in the first two years showed that test scores of students in the distance learning course were higher than those of students in the face‐to‐face classes; however, possible group differences in motivation, general ability, and experience as language learners could not be ruled out as explanations for the difference. Therefore, achievement measures were supplemented in the third year with data on students’ perceived efficacy as Japanese language users, their grades, and their previous foreign language learning experience. The achievement data again showed differences favoring the distance learning group; trends were consistent for students with differing levels of school success and amount of prior language learning experience. Factors that could account for these results are hypothesized and suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

This article makes predictions about the long‐term integration of distance education teaching into face‐to‐face institutions; with specialist distance education institutions becoming centres of specialist teaching and research. As life‐long learning becomes more a pressing social demand, so courses will be offered more at national levels ‐‐ state boundaries will pale into insignificance as communications technology facilitates national and international access. Local courses will prevail only in areas of intense public demand and will tend to be low‐level courses. Most teachers de facto will become distance educators of sorts.  相似文献   

移动学习下的外语远程教学探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
移动学习是随着信息技术和数字技术的发展而产生的一种新的远程教育形式,它在外语远程教学中占有重要地位。文章分析了外语远程教学的环境要求,研究并探讨了移动学习在外语教学中的优势及移动学习下的几种外语教学模式。  相似文献   

本文从维果茨基的社会文化理论的视角探讨外语教师的语言知识的建构,认为外语教师的语言知识,不论是关于语言的知识、运用语言的知识,还是教学的语言知识都应被视为是从社会环境的经验中产生的。外语教师的教学的语言知识至少应该涉及关于语言的知识,对外语学习过程的理解,以及批判的语言意识等几个方面。这几个方面的知识都与教师原有的生活经历和知识基础相关。外语教师的学习和教学经验决定了其教学的语言知识基础,这就意味着教师的自传应置于外语教师发展中的重要的地位。  相似文献   

情感因素在外语学习中起着很重要的作用。积极的情感因素对外语学习有促进作用,消极的情感因素则会阻碍外语学习。为了提高学生的外语学习,教师应该想法设法帮助学生建构积极情感。在此联系教学实际,分析了高职学生英语学习的情感现状,探索了造成学生情感问题的原因,并就教师应该如何帮助学生构建积极情感提出了见解。  相似文献   

现代科学技术的迅猛发展给外语教学模式带来了极大的变化,特别是计算机辅助语言教学取得了很好的教学效果。PowerPoint也可使外语教学别开生面。该文旨在分析PowerPoint的主要特点,评价PowerPoint作外语教学平台的优势。  相似文献   

现代外语教学日益强调以学生为中心,因此外语教学中的情感因素越来越受到重视,人们已经从不同的角度和方向对此进行了大量研究。本文对影响外语教学中的情感因素及其在外语教学中的作用进行了探讨,并提出了教师在外语教学中应该如何运用教学技巧,发挥积极情感的作用,以提高教学质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文探讨了学生学习方式的差异 ,如何针对学生学习方式的差异进行外语教学。  相似文献   

自七十年代初期开始,外语教学中研究的焦点已由"如何教"转到"如何学",因而很多学者都在探究学习过程中的主体——学习者这个变量,外语学习焦虑则是最引人注目的研究之一。现在已经有大量的研究表明外语焦虑和学习成绩之间存在相关性,但对于教学的启示还不够充分,作者希望通过本文能够对外语教学实践产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

论外语教学中的环境因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境制约着外语教学,良好的教学环境是保证外语教学顺利进行的关键。本文对环境在外语教学中的作用,外语教学环境中存在的问题,以及对如何创造环境进行了较详尽的探讨。  相似文献   

Problem‐based learning (PBL) modified for distance education (PBDiL = Problem‐Based Distance Learning) has been used for teaching energy issues at Uppsala University, Sweden. Collaborative learning in groups of seven to eight students was enabled by computer communication and enhanced the use of Internet. Two different teaching methods have been tried and are compared, both being influenced by methods used in conventional face‐to‐face PBL. The problem presentation was entirely built on pictures, and examination through student reports was successful. A student remark, ‘I study on my own but yet not alone’ shows the importance of social contact.  相似文献   

焦虑作为一个重要的情感因素,对外语学习具有较强的负面影响。为了降低学生外语学习焦虑,首先探讨了外语学习焦虑的原因,接着提出了降低外语学习焦虑的一些有效教学策略。最终的目的是使学生能够积极主动的参与到课堂中去,降低他们的学习焦虑,提高其英语学习能力。  相似文献   

The development of foreign language learners'pragmatic competence is an important objective of foreign language teaching and learning,which is greatly influenced by classroom teaching.This paper first discusses the definition of pragmatic competence,and then analyses the features of English classroom teaching and the relationship between pragmatic competence and classroom teaching.Finally,some suggestions about pragmatic competence development are also provided,that is,how to cultivate pragmatic competence in English classroom teaching.  相似文献   

远程英语学习焦虑与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦虑作为影响外语学习的主要情感因素之一,三十年来一直是研究的热点。然而,相关研究基本上是以常规外语学习者作为对象,而对远程外语学习焦虑的研究则凤毛麟角。本文是远程英语学习的情感因素的部分研究成果。本研究采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,旨在了解电大英语专业学生的学习焦虑,包括影响学习动力的因素、学生的自我效能感、学习焦虑的具体表现以及学生应对焦虑的做法,并讨论了研究结果对进一步提高电大远程英语教学质量的启示。研究发现,有近一半的学生在电大学习期间由于课程学习任务重、考试难度大、不适应远程学习教材的编写形式和教师方面的原因而学习动力下降,学习效能感普遍较低,尤其是在元认知技能方面。他们的主要焦虑表现集中在与词汇、语法和文体/体裁方面相关的产出性技能上。学生能通过多种途径应对学习焦虑,但是他们似乎更加偏爱自我求助,不喜欢求助他人。本文还从办学机构、教师和学生的角度探讨了如何有效控制或消除学生的学习焦虑的初步设想。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how evidence related to performance in computer mediated communication (CMC) can be used as a vehicle for researching pupils' thinking about using and learning a foreign language. The analysis is based on a qualitative study of pupils from two contrasting schools who had taken part in a multinational CMC project involving learners of French and English as a foreign language. The analysis focuses on the pupils' explanations and intuitions about their decisions with regard to two areas of their interaction in particular: code‐switching and pronominal address. The findings suggest that the English learners of French had an implicit set of communicative priorities in which interpersonal objectives tended to dominate over ideational objectives. Evidence from the study indicates the need for further research‐informed educational development in two areas: a reappraisal of the framework for foreign language teaching in England on the basis of greater emphasis on second language (L2) use within the framework; and more developed theoretical understanding of pupil cognition in relation to foreign language learning.  相似文献   

Higher education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines has been in a turbulent period for several decades. Pressures for reform include declining STEM student enrollments, high attrition rates from STEM curricula, and the rise of powerful alternative teaching strategies shown by cognitive science and educational research to promote learning and curricular retention better than traditional teaching methods do. In addition, research has shown that online and face‐to‐face courses on average produce comparable learning outcomes, and hybrid courses that combine the best features of both are more effective than either face‐to‐face or online courses by themselves. Motivated by these and other pressures, many faculty members have adopted the new teaching methods, and distance education had become widespread well before the 2020 coronavirus pandemic forced most educators at all levels to teach online. As might be expected, however, many faculty members and administrators have resisted change, arguing that the traditional approach has always worked well and needs no major revision. Before the pandemic, most STEM courses were still being taught using the traditional methods, and many course instructors are eager to return to them. These different responses to calls for education reform have led to heated debates among university instructors and administrators regarding how STEM curricula and courses should be designed, delivered, and assessed, and the role technology should play in all three functions. This essay outlines two competing paradigms on each of these issues—the traditional paradigm, which has long dominated STEM education, and the emerging paradigm, which has become increasingly common in the last 30 years but is still not predominant at most universities and colleges. The essay concludes with speculation about the eventual outcome of the competition.  相似文献   

移动技术越来越成为人们生活的一部分,它对我们的学习、工作和生活产生了重要影响。移动学习设备的多样性及其应用为现代远程教育提供了新的学习手段和环境。在外语远程教育中,移动设备功能和外语教学的特点具有天然的联系和良好的整合效果,学习者不受时间和空间的限制,可随时随地进行学习。便携式设备更能使学习者充分利用零碎、片段的时间,在移动中加强对外语学习的实践性和重复性,使外语学习效果事半功倍。  相似文献   

胡囡囡 《文教资料》2006,(10):184-185
影响外语教学和学习的原因是多方面的。本文主要论述了外语学习中的动机、焦虑以及自信心等情感因素,及其对外语学习的影响,并有针对性地对如何利用个人差异中的情感因素来提高教学质量提出了几点自己的看法和建议。  相似文献   


The way computers are used in foreign language teaching reflects teachers' ideas about how foreign languages should be learned. We describe different methods of foreign language teaching, one of which is at the base of our computer program IT'S English. In this program, different types of exercises are implemented: receptive, reproductive, and productive. To implement our ideas of a communicative approach to teaching into a computer program, we built an intelligent tutoring system, which incorporates a dictionary, grammar rules, and the digitized pronunciation of words and sentences stored on a CD‐ROM. The software is flexible in that the learning environment it offers can shift from a teacher controlled setting to a fully learner controlled environment. Four groups of eight pupils used the program during eight weeks and were compared with students not using the program. The research showed that the students interacting with the software used its various components in an adequate and goal‐appropriate way and found the use of the software to be a positive experience. After the experimental period, knowledge of vocabulary was significantly higher for one of the computer‐using groups compared to its control group, although in the word (re)production tests no significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups. Implications of the results of the experiments for teacher education are discussed, with an emphasis on the importance of teachers learning how to assess the pedagogical approach of software and the didactic principles involved in its design and intended use.  相似文献   

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