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EuCEENet forms a new basis for communication between European centres of excellence in continuing engineering education. It provides an infrastructure for persons in charge of continuing engineering education within the participating institutions for continuous discussion and cooperation in areas of common interest, to act as access points to continuing engineering education provisions at a European level, and for collaborative European continuing engineering education efforts. The University Extension Centre at Vienna University of Technology established EuCEENet on the basis of standard listserv software provided for EARN. EuCEENet is able to support many activities of its members. Its strength is that participants are connected personally and not only technologically and that they are representing organizations with similar objectives and quality standards so that they can trust each other.  相似文献   

Japan has always given a high priority to continuing education of engineers ( CEE) and the training of skilled technicians. As engineering education in the universities is oriented more to basic comprehension of engineering sciences, education and training activities inside enterprises and self-education have been the major part of CEE Now almost all the major enterprises in Japan have well established education programs and facilities for CEE, and these systems have been developed with close linkage to the following characteristics of the industrial and socio-economic system of Japan: ( i) life-time employment system; ( ii) transfer of job and job rotation; ( Hi) seniority system; ( iv) improvement of education systems.  相似文献   

Erasmus主题网络(Erasmus Thematic Networks)已经成功地为欧洲高等教育的发展做出了贡献:取得了若干重要成果,同时也指出了不久的将来所面临的挑战。这些成果和挑战包括:完成博洛尼亚进程、在工程教育领域发展和推广欧洲互认机制(例如EUR-ACE)、保护大学的自主权、吸引最优秀的年轻人参与工程研究、提供好的终身学习(LLL)机会、在不降低科学和技术学习水平的前提下扩展非技术技能的内容、加强企业和大学在教育问题上的合作。欧洲工程教育肯定要越过老欧洲大陆的界限,以确保质量和提高其对整个大西洋地区和新兴经济体的吸引力为目标。在不久的未来,欧洲学术网络必将向全世界开放,与全球的学者、学生、工业界和专业人士合作。我们已经通过国际工程教育学会联盟(IFEES)为这样的合作提供了一把保护伞,以期为这个目标提供良好的服务。即使这些任务看上去似乎已经很令人欣慰了,但是仍然不够。基于总体成本效益比而不只是GDP增长的分析,使我们有了更长远的眼光,我们还应考虑工程教育其他方面的重要因素,并且克服在科学/技术文化和人文文化之间固有的鸿沟。从社会和环境的角度看,如果工程教育希望为维护整个地球的良好状况做出贡献,这...  相似文献   

The Master's degree course in European Construction Engineering has many unique features. Its students come from several different European countries, each student studies in at least three different European locations, and the teaching staff are drawn from seven different European universities. The course is therefore genuinely multinational and European. The development and delivery of the course over the past 6 years has revealed fundamental differences in European education practices which have provided a learning experience for both students and staff. This paper describes the course development and discusses some of the issues that have arisen during the development process, many of which are yet to be finally resolved.  相似文献   

加强校企合作,保障高等工程继续教育的实效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化的不断发展,社会对专业技术人员的要求不断提高,高等工程继续教育的作用日益凸显;近年来,我国工程继续教育发展迅速,但其中也还存在着许多问题,而实现高效的校企合作是解决这些问题的一个重要途径.  相似文献   

政产学合作是开展学生工程实践教育的必由之路.是提高学生实践创新能力和就业竞争力的客观需要,是适应高校和企业发展需要,培养学生综合素质的必然要求,是发达国家工程教育改革和工程应用型人才培养的成功经验。当前政产学合作教育中存在着政、产、学三方“缺位”现象。政府要进一步加强对政产学合作教育的宏观调控和政策扶持,高校要不断探索和创新政产学合作开展工程实践教育的途径和方法,企业要主动加强与高校的“联姻”与合作,从而进一步推进政产学合作开展工程实践教育。  相似文献   

法国是发达的资本主义国家,其继续工程教育也很发达.由于法国独特的文化与历史背景,继续工程教育发展呈现出鲜明的特色:政府高度重视继续工程教育的立法工作;确立教育休假制度;确保继续工程教育经费;建立继续工程教育组织;高校和社会团体积极参与继续工程教育;采取实用性教学.  相似文献   

During 1977, the Commission of the European Communities offered for the first time a limited number of grants for short study visits in member states. These grants were introduced to enable teaching and administrative staff and researchers to undertake studies of aspects of the organization and administration of European Community higher education institutions. The central intention was the promotion of cooperation. This paper describes the strategies adopted in operating a study visit programme involving one institution in the United Kingdom and fourteen institutions in six member states of the European Community, i.e. Belgium, Denmark, France, Holland, Italy and West Germany, and presents an interim evaluation of the outcomes of this project.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the craft origins of engineering in Britain and its influence upon engineering education. The rapid development of technical knowledge during the past 40 years has led to changes in the content of engineering courses and, in some cases, their duration, although the British system remains very different from those of its European partners. The present period is still one of evolution and there are many changes which are likely to take place in the next few years which may include rationalisation and concentration into fewer but more powerful academic institutions. These changes will result, in great part, from the realisation of the need to adopt a more European attitude and form engineers who can take a full part in the development of a truly European engineering industry which can compete with the rest of the world.  相似文献   

校企合作继续教育既是高校拓展的新职能,也是企业发展前景的推手。由于目前校企合作继续教育存在制度的缺失,使合作受到限制;定位不准,造成供需相离;认识差异,使参与意识淡薄等阻力。为解决上述问题,寻找校企合作继续教育的途径,政府必须促成完善校企合作体制与机制,学校需要构建专业化发展的道路,企业应该创新培养制度。  相似文献   

After a general comment on the observation that continuing education is offered mainly in management and engineering areas, attention will be focused on engineering continuing education (ECE)programmes at university level: ECE specificity compared to management continuing education; hotu to structure ECE provision; which kind of pedagogical methods and content.  相似文献   

当前,科学技术飞速发展,知识半衰期不断缩短,科技人员的继续工程教育十分必要.这种特殊形式的教育有其独特的体系和课程设置原则.另外,高校应在继续工程教育中发挥更大的作用.  相似文献   

由国际继续工程教育协会组织开发的“继续教育自我评估模型”融合了欧美最先进的质量管理经验,反映了国际继续教育发展的最新动态。文章系统介绍了继续教育自我评估模型的产生背景、基本原理、框架结构、指标体系、评估方法,在此基础上,对模型的特点进行了概括和总结。文章认为,继续教育自我评估模型使用简便、易于操作,评估时间短、投入人力少,特别适合现阶段我国继续教育发展的实际情况,具有重要的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

产学研合作教育是提高学生实践能力的重要途径之一,该校十分重视产学研合作教育模式的研究。在国家要求进一步加强实践教学的背景下,高等教育应力图回归工程教育,加强产学研合作教育,提高学生的创新实践能力。论文分析了该校目前的产学研合作教育模式,提出了实践贯穿的产学研合作教育模式,并对这种模式的运行进行了实践探索。  相似文献   

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