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不同情境下移情训练对幼儿助人行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究选取天津市某幼儿园中班和大班各两个班共108名幼儿为研究对象,中班和大班各选取一个班为实验班,另一个班为对照班.将幼儿置于无冲突和有冲突两种情境下,研究在这两种不同情境下移情训练对幼儿助人行为的影响.结果表明,移情训练前无冲突情境下幼儿助人行为显著高于冲突情境;在无冲突情境下,中大班助人行为差异显著;在冲突情境下,中大班无显著差异.移情训练后,无论是在无冲突情境下还是在冲突情境下,实验班幼儿的助人行为均显著高于对照班;实验班幼儿在冲突情境下助人行为显著高于无冲突情境中的助人行为.  相似文献   

本研究采用分组实验的方法,通过奖状提供精神奖赏,通过笔记本提供物质奖赏,并和控制组进行比较,探索了不同奖赏对儿童创造性问题提出能力的影响。研究结果发现:1.精神奖赏组儿童的创造性问题提出能力表现显著的好于控制组,也好于物质奖赏组,物质奖赏组也好于控制组;2.男女性别对儿童创造性问题提出能力的影响不显著;3.奖赏与性别在儿童的创造性问题提出能力表现上交互作用不显著。  相似文献   

研究采用电脑比赛任务和真实助人情境任务,考察100名小学儿童在不同程序公平信息与分配公平信息下的公平体验对其助人行为的影响。结果表明:小学儿童的公平体验会影响其助人行为,程序公平和分配公平组的助人行为显著多于程序公平和分配不公平组、程序不公平和分配公平组以及程序不公平和分配不公平组,而后三组的助人行为之间并不存在显著差异;小学女生比男生更倾向于助人。研究说明小学儿童的公平体验程度越高,其助人行为也越多。  相似文献   


The study was designed to examine 8-12-year-olds' peer assessments of prosocial behaviour and their relationship to self-assessments, teacher-assessments and peer acceptance. Although prosocial behaviour has been studied for many years, it has been narrowly operationalised and research has tended to lack ecological validity. To rectify these weaknesses, child-generated normative prosocial behaviours were used to generate peer nomination items for the purpose of rating children's performance of prosocial behaviour in peer interactions. Children also filled out self-ratings of social behaviour and peer sociometric nominations. Teachers assessed children's social behaviour, rating the same child-generated prosocial behaviours. Popular children were rated as significantly more prosocial than all other sociometric groups and rejected children were rated as significantly less prosocial than all other groups. The highest correlation was found between teacher and peer reports of prosocial behaviour. Self-ratings and peer-ratings of prosocial behaviour were significantly related, as were self-ratings and teacherratings of prosocial behaviour. Implications of research findings are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究根据对幼儿的观察记录,探讨了教室中幼儿自发的助人行为。结果表明,幼儿困境认知主要关注的是他人在生活自理方面的问题;采取同情策略的儿童的比例随年龄的增长而增加;在援助形式方面,心理援助策略和求助他人策略日益占优势。  相似文献   

This study investigates the long‐term effects of training in small‐group and interpersonal behaviours on children's behaviours and interactions as they worked in small groups two years after they were initially trained. Forty‐eight third grade children, who had been trained two years previously in cooperative group behaviours, were assigned to the Trained condition and 44 third grade children who had not previously been trained were assigned to the Untrained condition. The children in the trained and untrained groups were reconstituted from the pool of students who had participated previously in either trained or untrained group activities. The results showed that there was a long‐term training effect with the children in the Trained groups demonstrating more cooperative behaviour and providing more explanations in response to requests for help than their untrained peers.  相似文献   

科学假设检验思维是科学问题解决的核心,采用二维物理量与空间相互嵌套的杠杆平衡条件发现作业为真实问题情境,研究了小学六年级和初中二年级学生的科学假设检验思维。研究结果表明,启发式是学生进行科学假设检验思维的重要策略;真实问题情境和任务特点影响学生的反应倾向;初中二年级学生能够运用假设检验思维在一定程度上解决含有二维物理量的、熟悉的真实科学问题。  相似文献   

把对口支援工作看作是一种助人行为,并从助人行为的影响因素即受助者、助人者和情境因素三方面,分析对口支援工作中支援高校的动力,并构建了支援高校动力分析图。从增加互动,明确责任;榜样示范作用壮大对口支援队伍;追求高层次需要,提升动机;宣导主流价值,提高认识四方面提出了加强支援高校"助人"动力的对策。  相似文献   

This paper reports two studies of standard setting using Angoff's method. Results of the first study suggest that specialization within broad content areas does not affect an expert's estimates of the performance of the borderline group. This is reassuring because the knowledge base of many professions is so large that no individual can be considered an expert in all aspects of it. Results of the second study support the recommendation that performance data be provided during the standard-setting process. They are frequently used by experts, but will not have an impact on the standard unless the distribution of item difficulties is skewed markedly. It also increases the correspondence between p-values and estimates of borderline group performance, thereby reducing errors in pass/fail decisions. Overall, the results support recommendations often made in standard-setting literature, but they need to be replicated with other groups of experts  相似文献   

A sample of 118 predominantly European American families with early and middle adolescents ( M ages= 12.32 and 15.18 years) and 1 parent evaluated hypothetical conflicts between adolescents' and parents' requests for assistance versus the other's personal desires. Evaluations differed by level of need, but in low-need situations, adolescents viewed teens as more obligated to help parents than did parents, whereas parents rated it as more permissible for teens to satisfy personal desires than did teenagers. Justifications for helping focused on concern for others, role responsibilities, and among parents, psychological reasons. Middle adolescents reasoned about role responsibilities more and viewed satisfying personal desires as less selfish than did early adolescents, but satisfying personal desires was seen as more selfish by parents of middle than early adolescents. Implications for adolescent–parent relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究采用实验研究,以118名2-6年级学生为被试,考察了汉语母语儿童在英语单词阅读时类比策略的使用以及英、汉阅读能力之间的关系.结果表明,汉语儿童在阅读英语单词时使用类比策略,其发展特点反映了母语汉语的结构特征;在控制了汉语能力和学习经历之后,英语单词类比能力依然对英语阅读具有显著预测作用;词汇量是影响类比能力的重要因素.  相似文献   

Kindergarten, third-grade, and sixth-grade children were told 2 stories about a group of children who made artwork that was subsequently sold at a craft fair. The characters in one story were described as friends, while the characters in the other story were described as strangers (relationship condition). 1 character in each story was presented as the oldest in the group, 1 as the most productive, and 1 as the poorest. Children were asked to allocate 9 dollars to the 3 characters under each relationship condition, provide rationales for those allocations, and rate the fairness of 4 different patterns of allocation. Older children allocated more money to needy friends than to needy strangers and more to productive strangers than to productive friends. Kindergartners' allocations and fairness ratings did not vary with relationship. Rationales for allocation judgements suggested that equality was the most salient principle for decisions at all ages, but the older children provided rationales based on benevolence more often than younger children when characters were presented as friends.  相似文献   

Abstract The experiment was designed to monitor the effects of behavioural techniques upon the frequency of positive self‐referent verbal statements (PSRVS) and on overt behaviours considered to be related to global self‐esteem. Fourteen maladjusted boys aged 10‐12 years were randomly assigned to an experimental and control group to monitor the effect of procedures to enhance the frequency of PSRVS. Both groups experienced extraction procedures and rewards but only the experimental group received modelling, instruction and contingent rewards. An ABCDA design demonstrated a very substantial and significant increase in PSRVS within the experimental group over the treatment period and provided some evidence for a generalisation effect on return to baseline and in the follow‐up period. A post‐experiment analysis of teacher ratings of the pupils on the Behaviour Rating Form (BRF) showed a significant difference in favour of the experimental group.  相似文献   

幼儿在消极情境中使用情绪表达规则的性别差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究从幼儿园大班选取140名5-6岁幼儿,考察性别与情绪情境对幼儿情绪表达规则使用的影响。结果表明:女孩在情绪表达规则知识、目标和掩饰策略使用上的得分均显著高于男孩;不同性别在情绪表达目标的选择上具有显著差异,女孩在他人定向目标上的得分显著高于男孩,男孩在自我定向目标上的得分显著高于女孩;掩饰是幼儿运用最多的情绪表达策略。为促进幼儿情绪表达规则能力的发展,成人应注意引导幼儿关注对方感受,促进幼儿积极的交往方式;正确看待幼儿情绪表达的性别差异;接纳幼儿的情绪体验和行为方式。  相似文献   

The mental health role of ideological commitment (operationalized as glorification of war, patriotic involvement, and defiant attitudes toward the enemy) was studied among 385 Israeli girls and boys (mean age 12 ± 2.50). It was hypothesized that experiences of political hardships do not increase psychosocial problems if children have strong ideological commitment. The hypothesis was conditionally substantiated concerning symptoms of anxiety and insecurity, and depression and feelings of failure. Exposure to political hardships did not increase the presence of these symptoms among children who showed strong ideological commitment. In contrast, among children with weak ideological commitment, exposure increased these symptoms, but not linearily. Furthermore, injury and loss decreased social support if children showed weak ideological commitment. There was also the mediating role of ideological commitment, showing that political hardships increased the ideological commitment that, in turn, was related to a low level of psychosocial problems.  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate the role of phonological recoding in young children's reading of Greek. For this, third‐grade Greek children were asked to read and comprehend text while they were concurrently suppressing subvocal articulation. Their performance (in terms of reading times and free recall) was compared to that of a control group of normal reading. The results showed a disturbing effect of articulatory suppression on the subjects’ reading latencies and retention of text. These findings were taken to imply that third‐grade children's reading of text was partly based upon pre‐lexical phonological representation and also that their retention of text partly depended upon a phonological memory code.  相似文献   

对304名学前儿童进行问卷调查,考察其同情心的一般特征及家庭环境对其的影响。结果显示,男孩的同情心发展水平均低于女孩;4岁组同情理解发展水平高于3岁组;5岁组同情理解、同情行为发展水平高于3岁组;娱乐性、成功性、知识性和组织性可以正向预测幼儿同情心发展。  相似文献   

Dyads of 8-year-old friends identified by sociometric friendship nominations were followed through the end of the school year to determine if they remained friends. These dyads as well as a control group of nonfriends were observed while participating in two structured tasks designed to simulate real life social situations of potential conflict. When negotiating the sharing of an object, friends made more proposals than nonfriends, spent more time negotiating, and compromised more in making their counterproposals. Compared with dyads in which the friendship did not continue through the end of the school year, dyads of continuing friends exhibited greater sensitivity in their negotiations. During a fast-paced, competitive game, friends engaged in more competitive behavior and followed the rules more closely than did nonfriends. However, behavior in this game was unrelated to the continuation of friendship.  相似文献   

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