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The number of university–industry R&D partnerships (UIPs) has increased significantly over the past decade, in most OECD countries and in Australia, yet the study of risk in such commercially focused collaborative ventures is still a developing area. This review paper seeks to contribute to debate on this increasingly important phenomenon by addressing three key areas of risks for universities in entering such collaborations. The commercialization of research findings presents particular risks to universities, most notably the possibility of financial loss, which has a greater impact than for companies in cross‐sector collaborations. Another major type of risk faced by universities is relational risk, and this can significantly alter the trust dynamics that underpin research and innovation. There are also institutional risks to universities and their research staff engaged in commercializable R&D and, ultimately, to their reputation as a neutral source of expertise. It is argued there is a need for universities in Australia to develop comprehensive policies to manage the risks of commercialization and R&D collaboration with industry partners.  相似文献   

This case study of the development of the University of Technology in Baghdad, Iraq, illustrates how from its foundation in 1975, this new technological university has adjusted its work to national needs as expressed in National Development Plans. The basic engineering course has a two-plus-two structure with the possibility of students becoming technicians after the first two years, thus meeting a particular national shortage. The course lays particular emphasis upon practical applications and upon close involvement with industry. As industry in Iraq has broadened its scope the curriculum in the university has widened. The non-technical subjects within the course have become more significant in response to a perceived national need. The authors offer this case-study for consideration by those who are concerned with the interaction of universities with society.  相似文献   

办学特色和优势是一所大学核心竞争力的重要组成。具有行业背景的大学,其特色凝练主要依托于行业,其特色内涵主要体现在对行业的支撑,同时行业发展需求也会给大学带来难得的发展机遇。特色型大学应该坚持凝练特色,发展内涵,以高质量人才、高水平科技成果有力推动行业发展,同时寻求大学自身的更大发展。  相似文献   

从国际经验来看,一所成功的创业型大学,都有至少一个成功的科技园区.相对于科研生产平台、科研管理平台来说,科技园区平台更能体现创业型大学的组织特性.我国创业型大学建设科技园区,需要关注三点:聚焦优势学科,突出特色办园;完善配套服务,形成产业链条;凸显教育属性,打造人才基地.应该说,突出某个创业学科高峰是地方院校推进创业型大学建设的主导路径,形成产业群落是创业型大学建设创业园区的普遍规律,凸显人才培养特性是创业型大学建设创业园区的基本要求.  相似文献   


Australian and international research documents the limited access of young people transitioning from out-of-home care (OOHC) to further and higher education. This paper examines the processes, outcomes, and key findings of the Raising Expectations project, a collaborative university and industry approach to promote higher education among care leavers at two Australian universities. That approach was informed by the co-authors' previous research, including interviews with enrolled care-leaver students. The paper highlights the relevance of that research in the design and implementation of Raising Expectations. Our findings reiterate the importance of policy and practice reforms informed by rigorous research, particularly involving the voices and agency of care leavers. We outline strategies adopted by the participating universities resulting in a fourfold increase in enrolments, growth in school outreach activities, and significantly improved retention rates. The paper also highlights barriers to higher education access and success, through care-leaver student interviews and policy analysis. These interviews revealed the need for better university outreach and information to prospective care-leaver students, improved support for enrolled care-leaver students, and better capturing of data by universities and governments. The paper also highlights policy barriers to the greater expansion of care-leavers at university, especially in the absence of extended state care.  相似文献   

"新大学"的核心价值体现在一种全新的高等教育类型,作为大众化高等教育的产物,它应该区别于传统精英高等教育,既是人才培养上一种新的规格,又是在办学理念上对传统的一种突破和挑战,也是大学经营、管理体制上的新模式,更是对"社会需求",而非"学术需求"的响应。作为新型大学的代表,美国的州立大学和赠地学院、英国的新大学在管理体制、运行模式等方面比起传统大学均有很大程度上的变革和创新。国内目前对"新大学"的研究只是停留在办学定位、发展模式、学科建设、师资队伍等大学内部制度建立上,借鉴发达国家的不同时期出现的面向经济社会培养应用型人才的新型大学制度,从分类管理角度出发,探索应用型大学的发展路径,建立现代大学制度,逐步推进政校分开、管办分离。  相似文献   

校企共建实验室的合作模式与运行机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从高校学科建设和人才培养的需要,从企业提高科技创新力、提升竞争力的需要等方面阐述了校企共建实验室的必要性。通过对高校实验室和企业相关现状的分析,从优势互补,相互需要角度提出了不同类型的合作模式,以校企双赢,共同发展为出发点对校企合作实验室的运行机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

19世纪中期以来,随着国家之间经济竞争的日趋激烈,大学在经济发展中的作用越来越重要,大学与产业界的联系也越来越密切。在经济发展的驱动下,一方面,大学教育的职业性特征日益明显,另一方面,大学与产业界的合作日益加深。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the restructuring of Australia's university system and the introduction of corporate managerialism has changed the work performed by academic staff. The paper illustrates how the emergence of higher education as both a major export industry and a vehicle for attaining greater international competitiveness has led to more intense regulation of academic work. Within a context of funding cutbacks, substantial inequities have emerged between and within universities, as they compete more aggressively for higher education markets. Hierarchical line management, with clear divisions between different categories of academic staff, has substantially replaced collegial forms of administration. This paper demonstrates how these processes have worked to undermine the effective implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives, as women remain concentrated in the lowest paid and least secure positions within universities.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以后,欧洲部分大学主动通过组织上的转型来适应外界的需求,形成了鲜明的创业特色,以现代大学制度为指导实现了迅速崛起。当下我国的一些大学已经具有了创业型大学的表面特征,但是因现行大学制度的众多缺陷,使得创业之路尤为困难。以构建创业型大学为契机,建立现代大学制度,是我国实施高等教育强国战略的重要途径。  相似文献   

The study presents information on why teacher educators in deaf education move from school classrooms to universities. These educators' priorities as university faculty are examined in regard to teaching, scholarship, and service; their scholarly productivity and perceptions of workplace conditions in school and university environments are studied. Findings show that these schoolteachers moved to higher education for various reasons, but primarily to pursue research and a scholarly life, and to have a greater influence on deaf and hard of hearing children and deaf education. As faculty, they are most interested in and committed to teaching; they publish at a modest rate. These educators perceive workplace conditions that support autonomy, flexible schedules, collegiality, and decision-making opportunities as more evident in university environments than in school environments. The researchers discuss the need for teacher educators in deaf education to pursue scholarly interests and to consider working with colleagues at the university and in schools to design collaborative research. Universities' need to support these efforts is also discussed.  相似文献   

高校发展战略研究若干重要问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段,我国高校设立发展战略研究或规划机构的越来越多,但地位却多尴尬,导致这种状况的重要原因之一在于有关"高校发展战略研究"本身的研究几近空白,导致高校发展战略研究在行动上常常处于不自觉状态。高校发展战略研究,本质上旨在为学校科学制定及实施相关发展战略,或为学校解决发展建设中的重大问题,提供咨询或建议。高校发展战略研究涉及三个层次的问题,提供咨询或建议的形式大体有四个方面,其责任履行既要努力克服"泛化论"的影响,又要克服"虚无论"的影响,高校发展战略研究需要具备责任、前瞻、忧患、全局四种重要意识。  相似文献   

The formalization of the university: rules, roots, and routes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines changes in the formal organization of two universities and two schools within these universities, the University of Oslo and Stanford University. We focus on role differentiation, rule formation, and resource seeking structures and describe organizational developments along these dimensions. We find that both these universities travel similar routes involving greater role differentiation, rule formation, and resource seeking activities. Both universities more explicitly function as organizational actors influenced by a global environment that favors the more socially embedded and the more managed university. However, we also find persistent differences in how these universities respond to the global environment, differences that reflect the different historical roots of different universities. A tradition of professorial self-governance at the University of Oslo, for example, fosters greater resistance to the managed university ideal. The latter emerges earlier and develops to a greater degree at Stanford University. We conclude that university routes are influenced both by common (now globalized) rules of the game and by their different organizational roots. We use ideas from the neo-institutional and path dependency perspectives to make sense of both growing commonalities and persistent differences.  相似文献   

鼓励大学与产业界合作是日本政府长期以来的一个明确政策。在日本大学-产业合作的发展过程中,采取委托研究、共同研究、委托研究员、捐赠讲座、成立共同研究中心等形式。大学与产业的合作不仅仅包含了技术从大学向产业的转移,还要求在产业层面上展开重要的开发活动。日本大学-产业合作实践经验对我国建立产学研结合的技术创新体系有重要的借鉴意义。从政策的角度看,应抓好三个环节:发挥政府的主导作用;发挥大学在创新体系中的作用;培养企业的自主创新能力。  相似文献   

University education in Sri Lanka in modern times has a short history of just over six decades. From 1921 to 1959 there was one University College (1921–1942) or University on the island. With the establishment of two other universities in 1959, the need for co-ordination of higher education activity through a University Grants Commission (UGC) or similar body arose.The establishment of the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE) in 1966 was part of a policy of bringing greater government influence to bear on universities and was therefore resented and resisted by the latter. However, the new body, while it lasted, served as a very effective buffer against undue government interference in university affairs. The six year period beginning in 1972 saw a process of centralization of university education under strong government control. The UGC established in 1979 has much the same powers as the NCHE, a wider range in fact than those enjoyed by the British UGC, and much greater influence in university education than the British prototype.Universities in Sri Lanka have always depended on the state for almost all their funds. While this has naturally given government much influence in shaping the structure and expansion of universities, the principle of university autonomy was strongly entrenched between 1942 and 1966. There was a departure from this in 1966, but more particularly between 1972 and 1978. The Universities Act. No. 16 of 1978 re-introduced the concept of autonomous universities. The one area in which state influence has been the predominant factor is university admissions and this influence began in the mid-1950s long before the concept of university autonomy came under systematic attack from the government's Ministry of Education.The author has been a member of the University Grants Commission since its establishment in 1979. The views expressed in this article are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the University Grants Commission or the University of Peradeniya.  相似文献   

Chinese local undergraduate universities are in a process of transition into universities of applied sciences. Important aspects of this include strengthening cooperation between universities and industry, cultivating applied talent needed in industry, improving students’ employment rates, and promoting economic development. Internships are an important way to help students gain practical experience and deepen university-industry cooperation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the challenges of the existing internship process in an undergraduate university in China and give suggestions to improve internship quality. Qualitative data from 35 students and 12 administrators/faculty were collected at a local undergraduate university, H University (HU), in central China, which is currently undergoing the process of becoming a university of applied sciences. The findings of the study show issues with the university’s model, including communication between industry and university, internship evaluation, student guidance, and internship quality. Recommendations based on the literature are provided.  相似文献   

Scholars and policy makers recognize that collaboration between industry and the public research institutions is a necessity for innovation and national economic development. This work presents an econometric model which expresses the university capability for collaboration with industry as a function of size, location and research quality. The field of observation is made of the census of 2001–2003 scientific articles in the hard sciences, co-authored by universities and private enterprises located in Italy. The analysis shows that research quality of universities has an impact higher than geographic distance on the capability for collaborating with industry. The model proposed and the measures that descend from it are suited for use at various levels of administration, to assist in realizing the “third role” of universities: the contribution to socio-economic development through public to private technology transfer.  相似文献   

高校科技成果转化的障碍与途径   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本文分析了目前高校科技成果转化中存在的问题,认为,高校的创新能力不强,政府的支持力度不大,知识的保护力度不够,信息的沟通渠道不畅,企业的管理模式不新,转化的动力压力不足,校、企的合作目标不一和人才的流动机制不全构成了高校科技成果转化的主要障碍。大力发展高校产业,加强官产学研联合,创办大学科技园和建立社会中介组织是促进高校科技成果转化的有效途径。  相似文献   

高校重点学科建设的五个原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校重点学科建设始终是一个关系到高校发展全局的问题.新时期,高校重点学科的建设应该遵循五个基本原则:第一,建设高校重点学科要以国家和高校所在地区经济发展需要来确定重点学科;第二,建设高校重点学科要"有所为,有所不为";第三,建设高校重点学科,要以群组集合为单位;第四,建设高校重点学科要占据学科理论与应用前沿;第五,建设高校重点学科要以综合性项目为基础运作机制,建设有机融合的高校重点学科群及创新团队.  相似文献   

Drawing on the model of managerial responses to multiple organisational identities (integration, aggregation, compartmentalisation, deletion and multivocality), this article explores managerial responses in Ukrainian research universities whilst means-ends decoupling takes place at the state level. The latter term implies that practices of state policies are disconnected from the state’s core goal of enhancing public welfare. Data is taken from recent interviews with 11 top managers from three Ukrainian research universities. Our findings reveal that the greater the institutional complexity experienced by the university and the more the top managers maintain confidence in practices and organisational identities that deviate from the global model of the research university, the greater the means-ends decoupling at the organisational level. The university that sustains the least degree of means-ends decoupling at the organisational level shows aggregation as the managerial response, while the university with the highest degree of means-ends decoupling is characterised by multivocality with underdeveloped identities of research at the international level and knowledge transfer. As a higher degree of means-ends decoupling at the organisational level implies a larger efficiency gap and significant diversion of both human and financial resources, a managerial response that lacks synergy, in our case multivocality, also leads to the above-mentioned negative consequences.  相似文献   

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