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江泽民同志关于教育问题的重要论述,内容十分丰富,形成了具有中国特色的教育思想体系。江泽民教育思想,是新时期对马克思主义教育理论的继承、发展与创新,对我国教育事业的改革与发展,具有重要的意义和深远的影响。  相似文献   

从中国高等教育管理与电子政务的关系入手,运用对立统一规律和系统论原理,找出目前我国高等教育电子政务化过程中存在的主要问题,论述“传统管理模式”平衡过渡到“电子政务管理模式”的科学过程。  相似文献   

本研究采用自编问卷对河北省特殊教育学校义务教育阶段的发展现状进行了调查.结果显示:(1)河北省特教学校九年制义务教育尚未全部普及;(2)市属特教学校生源充足,县级特教学校视障、智障学生生源紧张;(3)县级特教学校教学设备陈旧,教学手段落后;(4)特教师资女性远远多于男性,整体的专业化水平低,但大多数教师对本职工作的满意度较高,工作安心.此外,就如何改善义务教育阶段残疾儿童受教育的状况以及提高教育与教学质量提出了建议.  相似文献   

经过多年的努力,宁夏特殊教育事业取得了一些可喜的成绩,如逐步完善了特殊教育保障机制,初步建立特殊教育体系,特殊教育投入力度不断增加,特殊教育师资队伍明显提升等.但与此同时,还存在残疾儿童入学率较低、特殊教育教师专业化程度较低、特殊教育发展极不均衡、特殊教育经费不足等问题.应通过适当的政策倾斜、设立专项经费、建立特殊教育教师教育基地、完善特殊教育教师评价体制等来服务于宁夏特殊教育事业的发展.  相似文献   

从中国教育社会学的前沿进展及所要追求的社会进步使命来看,提出“理论建构、学术共同体与社会基础”这一分析框架,或许可以为反思、改善中国教育社会学的发展状况,增强其社会进步功能,提供切实、有益的理论工具.按照这一分析框架,可以看出,中国教育社会学者在本土问题意识与理论建构方面的发展颇为显著,但在学术共同体建设尤其是社会基础积累方面,仍看不到突破性进展.未来中国教育社会学者在深化理论建构的同时,还需进一步拓展视野与关系网络,增强学术共同体和社会基础,如此才可能提高教育社会学的体制实力与公共声誉,为中国教育与社会进步贡献更多实质力量.  相似文献   

社会学视野中的心理教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于社会学的理论视角,探讨人的心理发展的社会性,认为社会学范畴的心理教育旨在促进人的心理社会化。分析多元社会中心理教育凸现的缘由,指出当今社会的转型变迁推动心理教育的兴起,人类的心理危机则是心理教育发展的契机。  相似文献   

教育社会学的研究与发展需要适切的学科自觉和学科意识。基于当下的生存困境,教育社会学必须重审自身的学科形象,明确自身的学术味道。  相似文献   

教育社会学视角下的远程教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育公平是教育社会学的重要命题,远程教育是实现教育公平的重要砝码。笔者试图通过功能论、冲突论和解释学三种教育社会学分析范式对远程教育公平问题进行探讨,提出远程教育资源公平配置的三项原则,以促进其健康快速地发展,最大限度地实现教育公平。  相似文献   

1902年5月8日,陈撷芬在上海创办了《女报》,从1903年第1期起《女报》改名为《女学报》。《女报》(《女学报》)积极宣传妇女解放思想,认为妇女要争取女权就必须首先争取民权;提倡女子教育,尤其提倡发展女子体育。  相似文献   

National styles of ‘doing sociology’ exist, all celebrating respective founding fathers’. Timid, British pragmatism has tended to misrecognise Durkheim ever since our barely transcended early 20th century origins. In relatively low‐status teacher education, even when sociology of education was popularly taught from the late sixties through the seventies, Durkheim was presented as a conservative anti‐hero. The only important exception to this condition was the teaching and research of Basil Bernstein, unfortunately buried by the excesses both of ‘New Directions’ and the neo‐Marxisms which recoiled from it in the seventies. His always numerous and active group of research students became the main carriers of his voice. There are now some signs that failure strewn, maligned and substantially dispersed sociology of education is evincing fresh interest in his and Durkheim's work. Bernstein's interest, since the middle 1950s, has been the study of symbolic systems which function as pedagogic relays. He alone in modern sociology has attempted to move from the seconds that make up the classroom moment, through institutional to societal power structures, in a way that not only insists on conceptual consistency but thinks it not worth having unless it produces both models and empirical markers.  相似文献   

The 6-3-3 pattern of educational system of which the first 6 years are compulsory has been used in Thailand since 1978. The recent extension from 6 to 9 years of compulsory education has been described as an effort to produce better quality manpower in order to respond to the nation's economic and technological development. Another important development in recent educational practice is an attempt to put an end to the disparity in quality between the urban and rural schools. This is to ensure that the necessary manpower will be of the same quality. The author also argues that all concerned parties should curb their heated debates, at least for the time being, on the inequality between students graduating from schools under the new compulsory education program and students graduating from the normal secondary school system, gaining access to higher education. The demand for equal access to tertiary education should be the next issue to be tackled, soon after the necessary manpower has reached the level required.  相似文献   

This paper reviews something of the circumstances and factors which have contributed to the development and present status of the sociology of education in teacher education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It reports a survey which presents, through practitioners’ eyes, the discipline's present condition and their view of its future. It contrasts the resulting picture of a demise of the discipline and the pessimism of its practitioners with the condition of the sociology of education outside teacher education. It considers some of the consequences of the decline in the discipline, brought about by a decade of dramatic changes in teacher education.  相似文献   

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