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This paper describes the origins, development and characteristics of a study course for teacher‐education and industrial‐design undergraduates. Starting from identification by a handful of staff of a range of student needs, the course developed an informal, gaming approach that encouraged pooling of and reflection on a wide range of participants' study practices. This approach was found to require, and indeed to prove inseparable from, a broader reflection on the roles and rules, processes, products and assessment of undergraduate study. Staff — staff and staff — student negotiations, stimulated by the processes of planning, delivering and reflecting upon this course, come to be seen as constituting a promising kind of staff and curriculum development.  相似文献   

A college which operates an ‘open entry’ policy is required, for political as well as educational reasons, to adopt assessment policies which will withstand often hostile scrutiny. Monitoring of student progress on the Dip H.E. at Bradford and Ilkley College has focussed upon the problems associated with such pressures. This report both compares the performance of formally qualified and unqualified entrants and examines the implications of class, gender and ethnicity for success or failure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the concept of giftedness and sport. Generally the area of sport does not fit into the framework of contemporary models of intelligence. The neglect of the psychological aspects of exceptional development in physical abilities is due to the historical cultural separation between body and psyche. A case study is given of a gifted girl in track and field. The present approach links up with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Described and discussed is the influence of the variables family, exceptional drive and dedication, coaching, and schooling. It is proposed that research should concentrate more on the development and guidance of specific (sport)talents.  相似文献   

Too little consideration has been given to the potential dangers underlying program development for older adults. These dangers are exemplified by the inability of program designers to share their expertise. A close examination of current educational efforts serving the older adult reveals that past inadequacies and present growth trends demand more realistic approaches. More people are going to reach the age of 65; shifts in population demand shifts in priorities.

This paper attempts to focus on emerging problems associated with program development. Territoriality becomes a central issue in determining who should develop and implement programs for and about older people. The audiences to which this paper is addressed are educators and gerontologists. The prime question raised is: “Can collaborative efforts between gerontologists and educators improve current program quality?"  相似文献   

This is a shortened version of an article, to be entitled “Integration and Separatism in Education,” which will be published in January or February, 1970, by Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York, one of seven to be printed. Others were written by Nathan Hare, Kenneth Clark, Paul Parks, William Birenbaum, Ronald Walters, and John Doar.  相似文献   

大学英语课程2+2+1教学模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学英语教学模式要满足国家和社会对人才培养的需要,采用多媒体大班授课,网络自主学习和口语练习是有效的互补式的大学英语的教学模式,有利于培养提高学生英语综合应用能力。  相似文献   

Learning communities have been present in community college settings for more than a decade. The literature suggests that they are generally effective for both participating students and faculty. As economic development increasingly demands greater technological sophistication, and community colleges are faced with increasing numbers of developmentally challenged students, learning communities may be one means to effectively resolve this paradox. This article is directed to those faculty and staff who may be considering the initiation of a learning community. It provides a review of literature, and presents a set of issues currently being addressed at one small community college in Louisiana where a learning community is in the design stage.  相似文献   

This study examined the teaching techniques used by community college faculty and the student learning outcomes that faculty sought to accomplish. Data were collected through a survey designed to assess the degree to which a variety of techniques were used and the related student learning outcomes that were intended. Participants (N = 197) were career and transfer faculty at a large metropolitan community college in the midwestern United States. Analysis of the data included determining the frequency of use of each technique and examining the relationships between frequency of use, intended learning outcomes and four independent variables (gender, years of experience, rank, and teaching area). Results indicated that the lecture was the predominant technique used, although a majority of the faculty also used other techniques. When faculty used techniques other than lecture a majority of the time, they did so to accomplish higher order learning outcomes. Significant relationships were found between frequency of use, intended learning outcomes, and teaching area. Faculty teaching in the transfer curriculum were more likely to lecture a majority of the time and to intend higher order learning outcomes than career faculty who lectured to impart information.  相似文献   

The assessment system of a Canadian medical education program is described. The M.D. Program at McMaster University features the central use of clinical cases as the basis for learning, and the fostering of independence in learning by students. The assessment system, designed to match the objectives and methods of learning, is guided by several principles. These include a balanced emphasis on a range of objectives, the use of on‐going informal feedback, defined and shared responsibilities in assessment, and the design and use of measures which most appropriately match the objectives. More than ten years of experience has pointed out several lessons: if self‐directed learning is held as important, there is a trade‐off between excessively specific objectives, on the one hand, and too little guidance on the other. This attempt to create a balance between these extremes produces a degree of unevenness in the assessment system. External influences such as the national licensing examinations have some effect on the learning climate. It is predicted that the basic elements of the assessment system will remain in place, but some specific changes will occur. These include a clearer statement of objectives on which assessment can be based, the improvement of measurement tools, and an increased emphasis on the training of those who participate in the assessment system.  相似文献   

The steering of higher education in Hungary is symbolized by the House of Professors in Budapest, a building owned by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, which houses a number of international programmes of importance to Hungarian higher education as well as the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. First the article presents an over view of present trends in steering and governing higher education in western Europe. Then it compares western European tendencies with those typical of eastern and central Europe. Finally, it identifies Hungarian higher education as an intermediary case situated between the extremes of western and eastern developments. The article concludes with an exposition of how Hungarian higher education will be steered by remote control mechanisms.  相似文献   

中国县级政府教育财政预算行为:一个案例研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本研究描述了西北三个国家级贫困县县级政府预算决策机制。揭示出现存的机制导致只有少数人能够真正参与预算过程。其次 ,公民需求与政府支出重点之间相脱离 ,在某种程度上导致了公共服务供给中社会公平性缺失 ,那些最贫困、最需关注的公民需求被置于视界之外 ,因此他们必须在政府预算范围之外自筹自办解决其公共品需求问题 ,这是导致预算外资金大量存在的一个原因。因此 ,农村税费改革如果仅强调缩减预算外经费是不能从根本上解决问题的 ;相反 ,如果地方政府的公共开支重点不变 ,如果其背后的政治决策架构不变 ,上述的这些问题将继续存在。  相似文献   

Through growing formative research, lesson study has emerged as a powerful practice that affects teachers' practical analysis of learning and teaching. Such research, however, also recognizes challenges to its implementation. In a methods course, lesson study has the potential to provide valuable links between teacher education and practice. In this article the author examines the essential factors in the implementation of lesson study in methods courses for inservice teachers and considers how collaboration, critical field observations, and the practice of teacher reflection emerge from the practice of lesson study. Lesson study challenges and methods of addressing these also are discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to a literature review of later-life creative activity (as a continuation of previous work or at the onset of later life), the present study provides a blueprint for a course on humanistic creativity in later life. Selected exemplars of well-known creative individuals in the humanities are provided: (1) May Sarton (literature); (2) Marcel Duchamp (painting); (3) Leo w J aná ) ek (music) (4) Martha Graham (dance), and (5) Jessica Tandy (acting). This study includes specific recommendations for the incorporation of these materials into the gerontological curriculum.  相似文献   

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