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本文通过对普通小学教师和学生的问卷调查和访谈,对河北省随班就读现状进行了调查研究,发现:河北省的随班就读现状不容乐观,教师对残疾儿童的认识存在片面性和局限性,广大教师对随班就读持理解和支持的态度,忽视残疾儿童的心理健康。作者针对以上问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

教师和学生之间进行的双向教学质量综合评价是关于教学质量的一种整体评价,有利于教学双方全面地认识需要改进的问题,也是教育改革深化的需要.学生成绩是学习效果的一种测度,问卷调查是获取学生对教师教育质量评价的一种有效方法,利用集对分析(SPA)理论和联系数把以上两种测量结果有机结合,进而建立了一种体育教学质量双向综合整体评价模型,实例说明了这一新方法的科学性、合理性和实用性.  相似文献   

大学生自我完美主义倾向及其与心理异常的相关研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究编制了大学生自我完美主义问卷。采用此问卷及SCL-90症状自评量表,对485名在校大学生进行测量,结果表明:大学生自我完美主义倾向整体上无性别差异,但整体上存在显著的年级差异,并随着年级的上升自我完美主义的倾向有加重的趋势;大学生自我完美主义倾向总体上与心理异常症状显著相关。  相似文献   

对外汉语词汇教学行为模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
词汇知识包括形式知识、语义知识、功能知识和文化知识4个层面,词汇知识的教学具有理解与表达、深度与广度、直接教学与隋境推断的复杂性。本文借鉴Brigit Harley & Doug Hart的词汇学习策略框架和调查问卷,对初、中、高级汉语班的学习者进行了调查,证明学习者十分关注词语的综合知识。进而确认,建构系统的词汇知识,达到词汇知识的条件化和网络化是对外汉语词汇教学的目标。为实现这个目标,本文建构了包括感知性输入、理解性输入、吸收、整合和输出5个阶段在内的词汇教学行为模型。  相似文献   

Unlike most studies on gender and learning, which use general theoretical frameworks (and instruments) on student learning, this article investigates the Epistemological Reflection Model which has been developed from a gender perspective. This cognitive development model includes four hierarchically ordered ways of knowing, and two patterns of reasoning within each of these ways of knowing. The patterns of reasoning are assumed to be gender-related and can be described, in general terms, by using the concepts of connectedness and autonomy/separation. To extend the model's validity, the authors investigated this model by making use of interviews in one study and questionnaires in another. In the interview study, the patterns of reasoning turn out to be gender-related, especially with the patterns supposedly more often used by men. In the questionnaire study, on the other hand, the patterns of reasoning do not turn out to be gender-related. In the discussion section, these results are interpreted and the model is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The conceptual similarities and logical relationships between the constructs of general communication styles and conflict management styles suggested that they should be related in use by supervisors. Based upon reward and punishment concepts of reinforcement that underpin attraction theories, we predicted certain relationships among these styles and the task attraction of supervisors. To test these expectations, 227 questionnaires from subordinates in 12 companies served as the data base. Hypotheses were supported demonstrating substantial relationships between general communication styles and conflict management styles, as well as very substantial relationships between the style constructs and task attraction of supervisors.  相似文献   

高职大学生总体幸福感水平及其影响因素的测查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究运用GWB(总体幸福感)量表和自制的调查问卷,对随机抽取的349名被试进行测量,对所获数据进行的分析表明:高职大学生的总体幸福感均分值为78.25,独生学生与非独生学生、来自城镇学生与来自农村学生,男女生之间的总体幸福感水平都有差异,但都不显著.影响高职大学生总体幸福感水平的因素依次是人际关系,学习及就业压力,恋爱情况,家庭经济状况,个体及家长的期望值,价值观和人格特质等.  相似文献   

武术兼有强身健体、防身自卫、修身养性和娱乐观赏四个功能,尤其以"手眼身法步,精神气力功"八法变化锻炼身心,对学生体育达标也有重要意义,但武术在高校群众性体育推广上尚不普及,文章依据问卷调查数据,分析研究影响武术在高校群众性体育活动中开展的因素,提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

The lectures for two modules which together comprise an introductory course on textiles and textile manufacturing comprising some 70 hours of lectures were replaced by computer-based multimedia learning material requiring a similar amount of study time. In a student project the reactions and attitudes of students to taking the computer-based course were elicited through two questionnaires. The results of the student project indicated that the data was worthy of further study, in particular, the responses to the second questionnaire. In this paper these data are analysed in detail. The attitudes and reactions of the students are linked to features of the material and its use, and to possible more general attitudes of the students. Consideration is given to the study behaviour of the students and ways in which the courseware might be improved are proposed.  相似文献   

Academic cheating behavior by university students was surveyed using the randomized response technique (RRT) and by conventional anonymous questionnaire methods. RRT is a survey method that permits sensitive information to be collected but that precludes associating the respondent with a particular response to a survey item. The estimated proportions of students who have engaged in cheating behaviors were, in general, larger using RRT. Moreover, this result is consistent with earlier findings for other sensitive behaviors. That underreporting is a serious problem with anonymous questionnaires is supported by the fact that the anonymous questionnaire estimates ranged from 39% to 83% below the RRT estimates. Furthermore, using a covariate modification of RRT, there was a distinct inverse relation between students' estimated grade-point average and the tendency to engage in cheating behavior. While these results have direct implications for estimating cheating behavior in higher education, more broadly, they raise serious concerns about the use of anonymous questionnaires when survey topics are sensitive.  相似文献   

Since 2008, Taiwan's Ministry of Education has sponsored a number of short-term residential educational programs aimed at senior citizens and administered by local colleges and universities. In 2009, the Ministry of Education named a project the Elderhostel Program (notwithstanding the lack of involvement by the United States organization, which owns the English name as a trademark), and commissioned 28 colleges and universities to provide five-day residential educational programs to senior citizens age 55 or over. The present study analyzes the results of the 2009 Elderhostel Program. A total of 560 questionnaires were sent to the 28 schools, each of which randomly selected 20 participants to be respondents. A total of 380 of the questionnaires were returned, and 365 (or 65%) were selected. Three conclusions were drawn from the present study: (a) in general, participants were satisfied with the programs they had attended; (b) most were willing to participate in similar programs in the future; and (c) most report being happier after the programs. Based on these findings, suggestions for the Ministry of Education, colleges and universities, educators, organizers, and policy-makers who work with senior citizens are proposed.  相似文献   

围绕大学毕业生就业能力问题,对管理类和经济类应届大学毕业生、往届大学毕业生和用人单位进行了问卷调查。调研结果发现,三个群体均认为就业能力在大学毕业生就业中占有重要地位。用人单位认为,沟通能力、问题解决和决策能力及自我管理能力不仅是大学毕业生必备的能力,而且也是他们普遍欠缺的能力。往届大学毕业生认为,就业能力高低决定其初次就业成功率和初期就业质量。与用人单位的观点相比,应届大学毕业生、往届大学毕业生普遍高估了自己的就业能力。三个群体均认为本科教育在培养大学生就业能力方面具有积极作用。就业能力提升需要大学生本人、高校、用人单位及政府相关部门几方面的配合。  相似文献   

高校教学管理部门自制的评教问卷目前仍是被广泛使用的学生评教工具,这些问卷的结构往往缺少足够的科学性和有效性。通过对已有研究成果的分析和思考,发现学生评教普遍被认为具有多维结构,且在多个维度之上存在总教学效果的二阶因素。国外编制的学生评教工具更关注教学行为本身,主要从演讲者、推动者和管理者三种角色定义教师有效教学的维度。而在传统教育思想的影响下,我国学生评教的维度中还更加注意考察教师的道德和敬业精神等维度。  相似文献   

Self-rated competences questionnaires from a design perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides a theoretical review of self-rated competences questionnaires. This topic is influenced by the ongoing world-wide reform of higher education, which has led to a focus on the learner outcomes of higher education. Consequently, questionnaires on self-rated competences have increasingly been employed. However, self-ratings are often criticised for their lack of validity. Our intention is to outline some principles of good questionnaire design and to use these principles to contrast questionnaires on self-rated competences. We begin with an overview of research about questionnaire design. Then we introduce seven questionnaires and portray them in terms of their design characteristics. A comparison reveals some significant points: biographical data need to be handled more carefully, and there is an overuse of vague and abstract language. On the positive side, all of the questionnaires that were examined provide reliable sub-scales covering important facets of competences.  相似文献   

本报告的调查范围是德州市区和周边县市,调查对象涉及法官、检察官和律师及其他各个行业。通过调查,比较客观地了解到了德州这一中等城市法律从业人员的业务素质、道德素质和一般民众对司法现状的认识及对法律和司法的态度。据此提出了一些建设性建议,以有利于德州市法制建设和“和谐社会”的构建。  相似文献   

The data in this paper represent the experiences and perspectives of parents and teachers who worked as communities of practice, designing support plans for the inclusion of three students with intellectual disabilities in general education classrooms. Their reflections, obtained through interviews and questionnaires, show how they constructed relevant knowledge to support these children with special educational needs in their class. The findings show the potential benefits of partnerships and local knowledge in addressing the educational challenge of inclusion.  相似文献   

远程开放教育普遍存在着学生流失率高的现象,这不仅影响办学单位的经济效益,更影响到远程开放教育的社会信任度,在一定程度上阻碍了远程教育的长远发展。本文以宁波电大2000级金融本科和专科为研究对象,通过问卷、访谈、查阅学生档案等方法,分析学生流失的态势,旨在找出学生辍学的原因,从而采取针对性的措施。  相似文献   

李倩  宋岳礼 《海外英语》2012,(17):64-65,87
该研究结合英语网络自主学习的教学模式,以323名非英语专业本科生为研究对象,通过问卷调查分析,发现在英语网络自主学习中学生总体自我效能感处于中上水平;大学生个体差异对总体自我效能感存在显著影响;自我效能感四个维度之间有相互作用,并在此基础上对网络自主学习模式下,教师如何提高学生英语学习自我效能感提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对大学生职业观的问卷调查,经过数据统计分析得出了大学生职业观的几个基本特点,为更好地了解和掌握大学生现阶段的职业观,进一步研究如何引导大学生树立正确健康的职业观提供了详实的数据和理论分析基础。  相似文献   

通过对唐山市361所中学主管教学领导、英语教师进行座谈和问卷调查,分析了中学师资队伍的基本情况,阐述了来自教学第一线教师峄继续教育应开设课程及学习方式的意见和要求,就英语师资培训中的课程结构和培训模式提出了改革建议。  相似文献   

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