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该文从教师教育模式的定义谈起,分别阐述了教师教育模式改革的时代背景及我国教师教育模式改革发展现状、介绍了几种主要的教师教育模式,对教师教育的经典模式即定向型、非定向型、混合型进行了比较,指出了国际教师教育模式的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Teacher Education in Italy, Germany, England, Sweden and Finland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article presents a brief analysis of teacher education in five European countries: Italy, Germany, England, Sweden and Finland. In the post-industrial world, the sense of teaching has profoundly changed, influenced by a rapidly evolving socio-economic context.
The responses given by each country are different, but two tendencies emerge: on the one hand, the English model, which seeks to make a teacher a faithful executor with regard to centrally decided learning objectives; on the other, the Nordic model that conceives the teacher as a 'fully-fledged' professional.
From the point of view of the sustainability and of the safeguard of the educative mission of the school, the second model, though with all the difficulties that its efficacious realisation entails, presents some advantages when compared to the first. The article concludes with some considerations on the need to conceive the reform of teacher education from a systemic point of view, in the context of a global change of national school systems, where the autonomy of the single schools plays a role of paramount importance.  相似文献   

The theories and principles introduced by Gentile and Lombardo-Radice into the educational reforms for which they were responsible in 1923 have been in process of gradual dilution since 1928. Gentile has for some time been engaged in politically innocuous literary activities; Lombardo-Radice died last year. Early in 1939 the Educational Charter (Carta delta Scuola), a translation of which is given below, was adopted not by educational authorities but by the Grand Council of the Fascist Party, and presents an outline of the general organization of the system of Education which will serve as the basis of a reform to be prepared by the Minister of National Education, Signor Bottai. The difference between the Gentile reform and the Educational Charter is that the former was based on the new cultural values of Fascism, which in fact had preceded Fascism by a generation, while the latter aims to incorporate the educational system more definitely and closely into the whole fabric of Fascism all its aspects. The schools, from the maternal schools to the universities, are to live and be inspired by the Fascist mentality as developed since the Revolution. Education, participation in Fascist activities, and labor are from now on to constitute a single unit; training for Fascist citizenship must extend from the earliest school years on, and the educational system is to be a single unit based upon Fascist ideals. Education must be regarded not merely as an obligation but as a service as important, for example, as military service and other civic duties. Hence no distinction is made between curricular and extra-curricular activities, and participation in education is accompanied from the earliest years to the age of admission to full citizenship (21) by participation in the Giovent[ugrave] Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.) and the Gruppi dei Fascisti Universitari (G.U.F.). An essential element in education is training for labor. The Educational Charter not only has the strong support of Mussolini but is said to have been inspired, especially in its emphasis on labor, by Il Duce. It will be noted how instruction, labor service, and military training constitute the three essential elements to be stressed in education. New courses of study have been prepared for each type of school by a committee of thirty members including the Minister, university rectors, professors, principals, and educational experts.  相似文献   

本文在对浙江省小学教育专业“五年一贯制”与“高中起点三年制”两种培养模式调查的基础上 ,比较研究了其利弊 ;并对小学教育专业专科培养模式的试验与发展提出了意见和建议  相似文献   

The author reviews twelve of 111 articles focusing on teacher efficacy published in Teaching and Teacher Education since 1985. The twelve articles are placed in three sections that include a) instruments, factor analyses, and cultural influences, b) participants, contexts, and teacher instruction, and c) teacher wellness. These sections offer research and studies from various teacher efficacy investigators that share insights, understandings, and interpretations. The selected TATE articles provide a plausible (expanding) sphere of growing and developing research and studies in teacher efficacy.  相似文献   

非师范院校教师教育存在着地位不高、专业化特色淡化、学科教育学师资短缺、对基础教育关注不够、改革不深入且缺乏相关配套政策等问题。如何从困境中走出来,与会代表从理念创新、制度创新、模式创新等方面提出了若干改革策略。宏观上,要有制度创新和政策导航,让非师范院校的教师教育真正融入国家教师教育体系中;微观上,举办院校要打通教师教育与非教师教育的内部通道,在多学科肥沃的土地上壮大和提升教师教育,让教师教育真正融入非师范院校的综合优势中。  相似文献   

教师教育与教师专业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极推进教师专业化 ,使教师职业像医生、律师一样专业具有不可替代性 ,应该成为“十五”教师教育的热点与主旋律。这就要求教师的培训机构、教师管理保障制度、教师教育培训制度 ,都实现相应的重大变革。这是师范教育及教师培训机构必须面对的重要问题  相似文献   

美国外语教师教育专业拥有较成熟和完善的课程体系,相关经验可资借鉴。本文以美国西班牙语教师专业的教师教育课程为例,着重研究其专业性、系统性、针对性和综合性等特征,并探讨其对我国相关课程建设、改革和发展的启示:突出专业特色、贯彻顶层设计理念、增强针对性等。  相似文献   

师范教育的德育是所育人才能否为师的根本。当下我国师范教育的德育面临德与智失谐、德与文失谐、德与行失谐的窘境。师范教育的德育既有普通德育的共性,又有其固有特性,是更为严苛和神圣的德育范式。因此需要用原点思维对师范教育的德育进行审慎思考,让师范教育的德育回归“善”之本真,同时将“情”之德育融于现实生活,把德性的养成作为塑造德育格局的重心,进而追求德育的“美”之境界。建构师范教育的德育体系必须立足当下中国社会现实,在中华传统优秀文化滋养下分析当代师范教育的德育理路,探寻师范教育的德育文化语境与路径。从面向“新时代”,植根祖国大地,围绕职业素养三个方面,分别探讨在“时间”文化语境、“空间”文化语境和“职业”文化语境中的中国特色师范教育的德育(树人)之道,凸显当代中国师范教育德育的实践逻辑、国际视野和专业属性。  相似文献   

The author provides here an introductory overview of the teacher education system of Turkey. Despite integration at university level of all forms of teacher training, programmes remain differentiated.

Although each training institution has a degree of autonomy, certain unifying principles are followed, and these are described. There is an overall balance between the different components of the training programmes, and this may leave scope for debate.  相似文献   

The paper describes the national roots of Danish teacher education, its position as being regulated by parliamentary legislation, and lists the types of institutions giving teacher education for various school forms.

It concentrates on teacher education for the main school, Primary and lower Secondary, age range 6‐16, which is given in colleges of education, whose entrance qualifications are the same as those of universities.

It goes on to describe the legal basis and practical functioning of this type of teacher education, giving information about overall aims and objectives, and curricula in the concurrent Danish system. The democratic agents regulating the education on the local as well as national level are described. Subsequently, it describes the relationship between theory and practice, and after this Danish teacher education is placed in the European picture.

Finally, the paper describes aspects of Danish teacher education as seen from the writer's position as subject area manager for English.  相似文献   

The concepts of idealism, individualism and pragmatism represented in the scenario-model of the ATEE-RDC19 are applied to teacher education in Germany. In respect to idealism the marked scholarly approach of the current German training system and its organisational problems are discussed. With regard to individualism and pragmatism the paper deals with the special psychological demands on students made by teacher training with an individualistic or pragmatic orientation. Finally, the relevance of the psychological problem is shown with regard to reform models that are currently debated in Germany.  相似文献   

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