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"The school is worth precisely what the teacher is worth and for this reason an improvement in teacher education is a first step in any educational reform." These were the words of Adolf Diesterweg in 1865. In the Rockefeller Report of 1958, one of the educationally and politically most important drafts for school reform in America in the late 1950s, this same thought appears in sharpened form, namely, in the concise sentence, "no school system can be better than its teachers." Such formulations, and no doubt numerous others could be found, may appear as platitudes to the superficial observer. But to be sure, this would represent a failure to see that they clarify a problem, which has not, up to the present time, found that consideration which it deserves in international comparison.  相似文献   

加强对教师教育的宏观监控,实施标准化和规范化的教师教育管理;建立开放的教师教育培养体系;保证职前培养、入职培训、职后进修的教师教育培养过程的一体化;立足国情,建立灵活的、多元化的教师教育结构;提高教师专业水平,促进教师专业成长;强调以中小学为基地,加强实践化和校本化的教师教育课程建设;建立法制化、制度化的教师教育办学保障,是我国教师教育应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

作为发展中国家的印度,其教育的发展给我们带来了很好的典范。本文对印度教师教育的教育目标、管理机构及教师教育中存在的问题进行了分析性评价。  相似文献   

教师入职教育及其目标研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
入职期是教师专业发展的关键环节,处于入职期的初任教师所遇到的专业发展问题,确实要比其它阶段的教师更多、更复杂而且更困难。开展有针对性的入职教师,为初任教师提供有计划、有系统、适时而适当的支持和帮助,可以促使他们尽快适应教师角色,早日成有能力的专业教师。本文对教师入职教育的界定和目标进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过专家访谈、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,研究了体育教师专业化培养现状,认为目前体育教育专业教师专业化培养在学生生源、课程设置、师资队伍建设、学生学习动机等方面存在较大问题,从改革招生体制、设置特色课程、提高教师素质等方面提出了具体的解决对策。  相似文献   

教师是教育改革成败的关键,而教育改革的成功与否关系到国家的前途和命运。因此,教师教育问题在现代教育领域中早已成为世界各国关注的焦点。中国的教师教育由于历史的原因存在着诸多亟待解决的问题。本围绕着教师教育理念——用“教师教学”取代“师范教育”,教师教育模式——从封闭走向开放,教师教育目标——教师专业化,教师教育结构——职前培养与职后培训一体化等四个问题进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

教师培训的专业化催生了教师培训者的专业化。教师培训师是教师培训者专业化的必然取向。教师培训师的专业素养需要从专业道德、专业知识和专业技能三个方面来构建。根据培训师素养结构,科学构建培训师的课程体系,组建专业从事培训师培训的理想培训团队,开展体验式培训,是培训教师培训师的重要策略和手段。  相似文献   

The study examined goal orientations, perceived parenting styles, and their relationships in a sample of Hong Kong teacher education students. It was found that students adopted both learning and performance goals but tended to be more performance goal‐oriented. Females were more performance goal‐oriented than males. As well, students perceived their most influential parents to be authoritative. In terms of gender, authoritativeness was more effective with females and authoritarianism worked better with males. It was found that perceived parenting styles predicted goal orientations. Authoritativeness was significantly and positively related to learning goals, whereas authoritativeness and authoritarianism were significantly and positively related to performance goals. Besides main effects, there were interaction effects between gender and parenting styles on goal orientations. Cultural and contextual factors were considered in interpreting the findings.  相似文献   

教师教育与教师专业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极推进教师专业化 ,使教师职业像医生、律师一样专业具有不可替代性 ,应该成为“十五”教师教育的热点与主旋律。这就要求教师的培训机构、教师管理保障制度、教师教育培训制度 ,都实现相应的重大变革。这是师范教育及教师培训机构必须面对的重要问题  相似文献   

把情感教育目的限定为使学生身心愉悦或者认为是促进和调节人的情感的社会化,国内外这两种代表性的观点都是片面的、不适当的。情感教育目的应该是序化并安顿人的情感。据此,我们可以划分出两种情感教育:"关于情感的教育"和"情感的教育"。安顿人的情感并使之理性化的使命只能由"情感的教育"来承担。  相似文献   

论情感教育目的   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
把情感教育目的限定为使学生身心愉悦或者认为是促进和调节人的情感的社会化,国内外这两种代表性的观点都是片面的、不适当的.情感教育目的应该是序化并安顿人的情感.据此,我们可以划分出两种情感教育:"关于情感的教育"和"情感的教育".安顿人的情感并使之理性化的使命只能由"情感的教育"来承担.  相似文献   

教育目的,作为教育理论与实践中不可回避的问题之一,经历了从教育目的的有无之争、到教育目的的“个人本位”与“社会本位”的二元对立。最后到教育目的多元发展的阶段。教育工作者在对教育目的的论争中不断深化对教育目的的认识。  相似文献   

美国外语教师教育专业拥有较成熟和完善的课程体系,相关经验可资借鉴。本文以美国西班牙语教师专业的教师教育课程为例,着重研究其专业性、系统性、针对性和综合性等特征,并探讨其对我国相关课程建设、改革和发展的启示:突出专业特色、贯彻顶层设计理念、增强针对性等。  相似文献   

在对教师进行绩效管理过程中,首先要确立教师的主体地位,其次要将教师个人的发展目标纳入学校的发展目标中,实现教师个人的专业发展,促进教师和学校共同成长。  相似文献   

素质教育有积极和消极两个实现目标。素质教育的积极目标是促进受教育者的多样化、全面发展,帮助受教育者成为国家和社会的栋梁之才,旨在从正面提升学生的各项素质和能力。素质教育的消极目标则强调受教育者不因无知而遭受来自外部世界和环境的各种欺骗。就两者关系而言,素质教育的消极目标更具基础性和普遍性,是实现素质教育积极目标的前提条件。  相似文献   

教师专业化与教师教育模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个国家的发展必须要有大量的高素质人才做支撑,人才的培养在教育,教育的关键在教师。教师专业化无疑是提高教师素质的最佳途径,教师专业化已成为当今世界教师教育发展的趋势。在论述教师专业化的基础上,着重研究了加快教师的专业化过程中的几种教师教育模式:“能力本位”模式与“标准本位”模式、良师辅导模式、校本培训模式、教师专业发展学校模式、“相似教育模式”。并对教师教育模式的选择提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Contemporary test-based reforms are often grounded in the claim that test performance is the key to international economic competitiveness. However, this oft-repeated assertion lacks empirical support. According to the World Economic Forum, the United States' recent loss of economic competitiveness standing is due to macroeconomic instability rather than to a lack of workforce skills and knowledge. In contrast to the claims of President Obama and Secretary Duncan, the nation has no shortage of qualified job applicants. There are, on average, three qualified applicants for every high tech job. Furthermore, 80% of projected jobs require only technical or on-the-job training. The vast majority do not require the skills measured by contemporary accountability schemes. For example, only 5% require any math beyond basic operations. Educators must continue to focus on equality of educational opportunities for all children and, as contrasted with narrow economic rationales, embrace a broader vision of the purposes of education.  相似文献   

Research suggests that progress in the physical education profession is slowed by a cycle of nonteaching and dominance of traditional methodologies. Socialization factors operate to preserve and perpetuate the status quo of the profession, which is rooted primarily in team sport content. Teacher education programs are challenged to persuade pre-service teachers to question their initial belief structures while also preparing them for the sociopolitical realities of schools. There is not, however, a formal mechanism through which to accomplish these goals, because current accreditation standards do not include an emphasis on socialization. As a result, the purpose of this article is to stimulate further discussion by reviewing relevant research related to socialization, describe evidence-based practices for overcoming these challenges, and propose an addition to the Society of Health and Physical Educators America (2017) standards for initial physical education teacher education to specifically focus attention on socialization issues.  相似文献   

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