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The present lack of humanity owing to onesidedly developed scientism or political oppression draws attention to the historical roots of the question. In spite of the great progress in science and technology, which started in the seventeenth century, man and the world began to be isolated from each other; a separation of disciplines and of various human activities that resulted in a separation of civilization and culture.

This paper offers an alternative, the one proposed by Jan Amos Comenius. He left us his conception of the moral and social relevance of science. His emphasis on the whole and on significant relationships, such as the relations between man and the world, between general education and specialized knowledge, between science and society, individual and society etc., raised further questions to be solved. Although limited in means and Utopian in its time, his system of universal all‐around education as a life‐long process, his goal of integrating creative human activities and his principles for a broad social reform based on the integration of theory, practice and chresis still gives food for thought today.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Alison Cook-Sather begins this review essay with a discussion of David Tyack and Larry Cuban's generative phrase "the grammar of schooling" to provide context for her examination of three texts that address the challenges of school reform: John Sylvester Lofty's Quiet Wisdom: Teachers in the United States and England Talk About Standards, Practice, and Professionalism ; Karen Hammerness's Seeing Through Teachers' Eyes: Professional Ideals and Classroom Practices ; and Mary Kennedy's Inside Teaching: How Classroom Life Undermines Reform . The "grammar of schooling" metaphor, according to Cook-Sather, captures what seems most fundamental and intractable about schools. Drawing on the texts under review as well as her own previous work on student voice and translation, Cook-Sather explores how bringing students into dialogue with teachers and other stakeholders might support us in translating — in the more nuanced senses of the term — the established grammar of schooling into a more flexible, responsive, and variously informed set of structures and practices that would constitute a humane educational system.  相似文献   

The question of what is uniquely possible for the older adult learner is seldom asked by adult educators. Dealing with a population whose educational experiences are largely pedogogical, instructional programs have often attempted to continue this model of teacher‐selected content and methodology. This paper is a review of an experimental educational program designed to provide experiential activities related to learning needs and potentials of the older adult. The nature of the format allowed participants maximum opportunity to. identify and achieve personal learning goals. Evaluation procedures were designed to test the hypothesis that older adults respond meaningfully to programs designed to meet their needs rather than the educator's preconceptions. Results of the study indicate successful achievement of the goals of the project and an expanded level of psychosocial functioning of the older adults.  相似文献   

Noting the desirability of the current shift toward mastery testing and criterion-referenced test procedures, an evaluation model is presented which should be useful and practical for such purposes. This model is based on the assumptions that the learning of fundamental skills can be considered all or none, that each item response on a single skill test represents an unbiased sample of the examinee's true mastery status, that measurement error occurring on the test (as estimated from the average interitem correlation) can be of only one type (α or β) for each examinee, and that through practical and theoretical considerations of evaluation error costs and item error characteristics, an optimal mastery criterion can be calculated. Each of these assumptions is discussed and the resultant mastery criteria algorithm is described along with an example from the IPI math program.  相似文献   

本文对世界各地助学贷款的不同目标作了简要的回顾和评论 ,着重论述了两种不同目标取向的助学贷款之间的差异 :第一类助学贷款追求经济目标 ,如贷款的设立是为了促进高等教育的成本补偿 ,为紧张的大学财政获取额外财源 ;第二类助学贷款追求社会目标 ,如设立贷款的目的是为了增进高等教育入学机会均等 ,帮助更多贫困家庭的学生上大学。以经济目标为导向的助学贷款一般不含政府补贴 ,以社会目标为导向的助学贷款可能享受政府的补贴 ,但需要对贷款对象进行认真仔细的确认。文章最后指出 ,助学贷款的设计和评价必须考虑到贷款政策的目标。  相似文献   

Teacher education is challenged with preparing teachers to work effectively with culturally diverse students. Gaps in the research literature demonstrate that more bridging is needed between teacher education coursework and student teaching experiences, particularly in terms of supervision approaches that consider multicultural issues. This study argues that culturally responsible mentoring is one way to help student teachers put multicultural education into practice. Culturally responsible mentoring helps preservice teachers become critical thinkers about the cultural contexts in which they work. It also assists them in developing equitable and inclusive practices for their particular students. This study defines and describes the practices of culturally responsible mentoring and examines the impact it has on two student teachers in the field.  相似文献   

Concept mapping has been used effectively to represent understanding of afield of knowledge. The maps are highly individualistic and idiosyncratic. Three high‐performing junior college students, three average performing junior college students and two university physics teachers constructed maps using 22 electricity concepts. In this study several previously used and newly developed measures were applied to the maps in an attempt to gain further insight into differences in the quality of understanding of the three groups. It was found that the concept maps constructed by high performing students differed from those of average performing students and closely resembled the concept maps of physics experts, especially when the quality of the links between concepts was taken into account.  相似文献   

碳化塔是纯碱生产的关键设备.本文建立了碳化塔的在线控制模型,并且提出了相应的专家控制策略.工程应用效果很好,取得了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

该文从麦氏方程出发,说明电磁势的引入使得电磁场方程容易求解,可以看出产生新时空观念的必要性,并阐明在量子物理里它有更深远的物理意义.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to provide an empirical test of the hypothesis that elimination scores are more reliable and valid than classical corrected for-guessing scores or weighted-choice scores. The evidence presented supports the hypothesized superiority of elimination scoring.  相似文献   

Project InSights is a community vision education and outreach program designed to utilize trained older adult volunteers to educate their peers about age-related vision loss and the benefits of vision rehabilitation for people who are visually impaired. Volunteers conduct programs that motivate attendees to maintain their vision health and provide information about available services and resources in the community. The overall goal is to prevent unnecessary functional disability among older adults with vision impairment. Peer education is based on the assumption that people are more likely to listen to their contemporaries, and Project InSights uses this approach. A nine-month evaluation of Project InSights was conducted to determine program effectiveness, volunteer and attendee satisfaction, and suggestions for program modification. Data were gathered from two perspectives--program attendees and volunteers--via telephone interviews and evaluation forms completed by program attendees. Program attendees (90 % ) stated that they learned something new that could help them or someone they know who has a vision problem. Volunteers (98 % ) would recommend others to become an InSights volunteer because they are providing an important service. Results indicate that Project InSights was viewed as a valuable community resource by all involved.  相似文献   

本文根据灰色系统理论的关联分析,提出一种新的建筑设计方案综合评价法——技术经济关联度评价法,这种方法的优点在于可把非量化的、不可比的技术经济指标化为量化的、可比的指标,为建筑设计方案多评价指标系统的方案选择,提供了一个可以定量计算的简单易行的方法。  相似文献   

In a recently conducted study it was found that an effective college teacher could be characterized chiefly in terms of "research,""teaching," and "service to the university." The present experiment corroborated these findings using a relatively unknown approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation. A free-response method of data collection, in conjunction with nonmetric multidimensional scaling, produced results highly similar to those of the previous study. In addition, the solution permitted a straight-forward means of assessing the performance of individual faculty members.  相似文献   

本文利用泛函分析和复函分析的基本理论,对复内积空间中单位球,给出其上一类螺形映照的增长定理至与1/4—掩盖定理。并且所给结论是精确的。  相似文献   

Teacher education is facing major new challenges. In this context the concept of partnership between LEAs, schools and the training institutions has assumed key importance. This paper outlines an in‐novatory scheme of professional partnership with a BEd primary degree programme. The Westminster Primary Link Schools Scheme is developmental, responsive to the changing nature of education, built upon existing good practice in initial and in‐service education and self‐evaluatory. The evaluation of the first year of the scheme is described. Guiding principles, relevant to the development of partnership schemes, are discussed and issues relevant to evaluations of this type are explored  相似文献   

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