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The academic achievement and social functioning of children with learning difficulties (LD) and children without LD (7–12 years old) was examined. Attainment scores in mathematics and English were obtained for each child, and a sample of children without LD was further classified as low achieving (LA) or high achieving (HA) on the basis of these scores. Sociometric and peer behavioural attribute scores were collected for each child. Findings indicated correlations of attainment with sociometric status and also with behaviour attributes. Boys and girls differed on the proportion of variance in sociometric status accounted for by academic achievement and also by various behavioural attributes. HA children scored higher on positive sociometric status than children with LD, and higher on positive behaviours than both LA children and children with LD. Children with LD scored higher on negative behaviours than both HA and LA children. The findings are discussed as indicating a relationship between academic achievement and social adjustment, suggesting that intervention strategies need to target social relationship difficulties in LA children as well as children with LD, while also accounting for possible gender differences.  相似文献   

儿童惩罚教育的行为策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


While evaluating a project designed to improve certain skills and motivation of disadvantaged tenth graders, the authors developed a unique scoring system for measuring college interest with the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (OIS) Form DD. This system permits the user to obtain a single score which if obtained from both pretest and posttest administrations attempts to measure change in interest toward college related occupations. In effect, it is anticipated that this would reflect change in interest in pursuing a college education.  相似文献   

运用积极行为支持改善随班就读儿童行为问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随班就读是我国特殊儿童接受义务教育的主要形式。随班就读学生的问题行为一直是妨碍我国随班就读教学质量提高的重要问题。积极行为支持是使用教育和系统改变的方法,提高生活质量和最小化问题行为的应用科学。它的应用范围包括个人、班级和学校范围的积极行为支持。  相似文献   

对524名初中生的主要人际关系、社会行为和学业成绩进行问卷调查,旨在探讨学生主要人际问的关系及其对学校发展的影响.结果发现,学生主要的人际关系间联系不密切,师生关系对学生的学业成绩具有强的预测力,同伴关系对学生社会行为的影响最大.这表明学生人际关系是影响其社会行为和学业成绩的重要因素.  相似文献   

研究探讨了送教上门特殊儿童的家庭教养方式与其适应行为发展水平间的关系.主要以广东省佛山市接受送教上门服务的特殊儿童家长为研究对象,采用家庭教养方式问卷和儿童适应行为量表作为研究工具,对162名送教上门学生家长进行问卷调查.结果 表明:送教上门特殊儿童的家庭教养方式与适应行为存在相关,溺爱性教养方式与该类儿童的自我管理负...  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study investigated whether active play during recess was associated with self-regulation and academic achievement in a prekindergarten sample. A total of 51 children in classes containing approximately half Head Start children were assessed on self-regulation, active play, and early academic achievement. Path analyses indicated that higher active play was associated with better self-regulation, which in turn was associated with higher scores on early reading and math assessments. Practice or Policy: Results point to the benefits of active play for promoting self-regulation and offer insight into possible interventions designed to promote self-regulation and academic achievement.  相似文献   

通过对北京市 4 6 9名中小学生的两年跟踪调查测试发现 ,儿童社会性 -合作性行为不仅与良好的学校适应有关而且对后来的学校适应也有很好的预测作用 ;攻击性 -破坏性行为更多与不良学校适应相联系 ;而害羞 -敏感性行为并不必然与不良的学校适应相关 ,研究也发现它有时与朋友提名有正相关。研究的结论与西方学者研究结论不尽相同  相似文献   

Children's ability to shift behavior in response to changing environmental demands is critical for successful intellectual functioning. While the processes underlying the development of cognitive control have been thoroughly investigated, its functioning in an ecologically relevant setting such as school is less well understood. Given the alarming number of children who face failure in the U.S. school system, the purpose of this project is to determine whether subtly different measures of cognitive control differentially predict academic achievement. Sixty‐five kindergarten children were given two versions of a Dimensional Change Card Sort task—a geometric version followed by a linguistic version. Educational outcomes consisted of a standardized measure of academic achievement as well as assessments used by the school district. Results revealed that cognitive control, particularly as assessed by the linguistic variant, predicted children's academic performance on math and school‐based assessments, thereby suggesting that deficient cognitive control negatively impacts educational success.  相似文献   

This study addresses the social participation of young students (Grades One to Three) with special needs in regular Dutch primary schools. More specifically, the focus lies on four key themes related to social participation: friendships/relationships, contacts/interactions, students’ social self‐perception, and acceptance by classmates. The outcomes of the study revealed that the majority of students with special needs have a satisfactory degree of social participation. However, compared with students without special needs, a relatively large portion of the students with special needs experience difficulties in their social participation. In general, students with special needs have a significantly lower number of friends and are members of a cohesive subgroup less often than their typical peers. In addition, students with special needs have fewer interactions with classmates, have more interactions with the teacher, and are less accepted than students without special needs. The social self‐perception of both groups of students does not differ. A comparison between students with different categories of disability regarding the four themes of social participation revealed no significant differences.  相似文献   

This study examined reciprocal contributions between academic self-perceptions and academic achievement. Data were collected each year in four consecutive years from a sample of children in China (initial N = 1,156; 581 boys; initial Mage = 9.33 years). Analyses using random intercept cross-lagged panel models revealed that the effects of academic achievement on self-perceptions tended to be more evident in lower grades and the effects of academic self-perceptions on achievement tended to be more evident in higher grades. Latent growth curve analyses showed that the initial level of academic self-perceptions and achievement moderated the growth of each other. The results indicate the contributions between academic self-perceptions and achievement that occur in a progressive cascading manner in Chinese children.  相似文献   

Both learning style and academic belief systems have been identified as significant factors contributing to academic achievement. This paper evaluates the efficacy of teaching and learning in higher education by investigating the relationship between students assessment of their own academic proficiency (in this case Research Methods Proficiency [RMP]), learning style, academic locus of control, academic self-efficacy and academic achievement. First and second year undergraduate students' RMP was measured before and after completing modules in Research Methods. Students also completed measures of approaches to learning, academic self-efficacy and academic locus of control. Academic achievement (module mark) was also recorded. Results showed that perceived proficiency increased after completing the taught modules and that perceived proficiency was positively correlated with academic performance. Level 1 students, taught under the recently modified programme, reported significantly higher perceived proficiency than Level 2 students taught under the previous programme. Perceived proficiency was positively correlated with a strategic learning approach and negatively correlated with a surface learning approach and external locus of control beliefs. Academic achievement was also positively correlated with a strategic learning approach and negatively correlated with an apathetic learning approach. A deep learning approach failed to be associated with either RMP or academic achievement. It is suggested that: (i) these findings confirm, to some degree, the suggestion that there is an emphasis in later education on performance rather than learning (Lyddy, 1998); and (ii) perceived proficiency is a useful evaluation measure and is likely to contribute to effective and productive teaching and learning within higher education.  相似文献   

顾明远是我国杰出的教育家。他在从事高师教学、中外教育研究和参与高层教育决策活动方面,视野广阔,见识不凡,研究成果卓著,对我国教育发展作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Children and adolescents with cognitive and developmental difficulties show difficulty in social interaction, feelings of rejection, autonomy, social rules and in behavioural and emotional self-regulation. Importantly, their subjective well-being is associated to social support and personal factors, such as self-esteem and a positive self-image. The data were collected in 16 schools, 8 in the North Region and 8 in the Lisbon Region of Portugal. The sample is composed by 1181 young people of which 51.5% were female, with ages ranging between 8 and 17 years. From the sample, 2.6% had special educational needs (SEN), and 3% did not use the Portuguese language at home. 12.2% had been retained one grade or more. Three regression models were built. Model 1 establishes the association between having SEN, grade and subjective well-being. The final model with all variables showed that social and personal characteristics present a stronger explicative value on children and adolescents’ subjective well-being. The model also showed that, when social and personal variables are included the association between being a student with SEN and well-being is not statistically significant. Research and intervention implications include the need to promote subjective well-being, social and personal skills and a positive development in children and adolescents with SEN.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine Baumrind's T3 conceptual framework using a multiple informant design and an older adolescent population. With 178 college students and their families as participants, the present study found many of the predicted relations between parents' child-rearing style (Authoritative, Democratic, Nondirective, Nonauthoritarian-Directive, Authoritarian-Directive, and Unengaged) and their adolescent children's behavior in the 4 domains assessed: personality, adjustment, academic achievement, and substance use. The differences between parenting types on the criterion measures were not as large as reported in Baumrind's study, and significant effects were predominantly due to the poor scores from children with Unengaged and Authoritarian-Directive parents. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the Authoritative parenting type, the utility of using a typology, and areas for future research.  相似文献   


A total of 180 June, 1964, high school graduates, ninety of whom entered a public junior college and ninety of whom entered 4-year institutions directly from high school, were studied through June, 1969. The two groups were matched in terms of sex, IQ, aptitude test scores, high school grade point averages (GPA’s), and high school majors. Although the junior college students attained higher mean GPA’s in the first 2 years of college (2.770 as compared with 2.368 on a 4.00 scale), a significant difference was not found in the upper division years, the native students earning a mean GPA of 2.747 and the junior college transfers a mean of 2.742. Of the initial groups of ninety each, fifty-five, or 61.2 percent, of the 4-year college freshmen received bachelor’s degrees as compared with sixty-one, or 67.1 percent, of the junior college freshmen after 5 years.  相似文献   

社会工作是一项以促进社会公正为职业的专业性工作,它在国外特殊教育领域中发挥着重要的作用.本文分析了社会工作在国外特殊教育中的介入角色与方式,介绍了社会工作的实践模式,以期为在我国特殊教育领域中开展社会工作提供参考与建议.  相似文献   

Relations between academic performance and 3 aspects of social competence--socially responsible behavior, sociometric status, and self-regulatory processes (goal setting, interpersonal trust, and problem-solving styles)--were studied. Based on a sample of 423 12- and 13-year-old students, correlational findings indicate that each aspect of social competence is related significantly to students' grades. Results from multiple regression analyses suggest that when accounting for students' IQ, sex, ethnicity, school absence, and family structure, socially responsible behavior mediates almost entirely the relations between students' grades and the other 2 aspects of social competence. Socially responsible behavior and peer status appear to be related by way of their joint association with goals to be socially responsible, interpersonal trust, and problem-solving styles. Similarly, relations between socially responsible behavior and the background variables are explained by joint relations with the self-regulatory processes. The social nature of learning and the role of self-regulation in both interpersonal and behavioral aspects of social competence are discussed.  相似文献   

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