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The users demands and the situation of economic & cultural development of the society as wellhinge the rise and fall of the library cause.Demands of users have not been get on the upsurge in thatthe economic and cultural development of china is in a state  相似文献   

联机公共检索目录系统的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the development of the Online Public Access Catalogues in the 1970s, libraries in Europe and America have devoted more and more attention to it. To date, it has already developed to the third generation. The OPAC System makes those users who lack training and experience be able to use it directly. It provides the users a kind of capability to access, which is neither like the order language with a very complex function, nor is it like the "menu" one with a very simple function. The interface design of it is an important phase of OPAC device,the study of which falls into the following categories;1)the matching aid.2)the retrieval aid.and 3)the semantic/contextual aid.The successful practice of the development and services of OPAC opens up a wide range of prospect for readers to use library materials directly.  相似文献   

论联机环境对规范控制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article explains the basic concepts of authority control, cataloging of copies and the original cataloging. Changes of authority control in the online environment are also discussed, including authority control for shifting from precataloging to postcataloging and separating of mechanical labour from mental labour, and the implementation of authority control at different levels. The paper shows the necessity of partial and local authority control, pointing out that the individual authority of files may have already been obsolete,and they should be replaced by online authority files.The author holds that the vital question confronted by libraries is to make a change of authority work so as to control online catalogues.He also places emphases on the chief problems to be taken into consideration for the ahthority work in China.3 illus.17 references.  相似文献   

The major content of the study of library users is the study of their psychology. Readers emotion is subject to the library s environment, the quality and quantity of the documents and the emotion of the readers themselves as well. In order to make a good job of reader services, the librarians, in addition to their erudition and skill, should have the following three qualities: 1) self-cultivation, 2) ability to observe and analyse the readers psychology, and 3) sedate and refined appearance.  相似文献   

At present, the research papers on comparative librarianship in China lack the studies of living examples. There are too many approaches to pure theories. On account of the lack of the support from practices, merely depending and drawing on the experience from other countries,it is very hard for the achievements made to guide the practices. Thus, theory and practice would split and break up sooner or later. Besides, some researchers are eager for quick success and instant benefit, trying to accomplish in one move.In addition,narrow knowledge of the researchers and the irrational structure of knowledge also affect the researchers to make a thorough study.  相似文献   

剖析情报学理论体系流派的用户观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses informations, information systems, information users and the interrelations among them. It generally evaluates the user concepts of each of the following schools of information science:the interchange school, the knowledge school, the decision school and the communication school. 3 illus. 9 references.  相似文献   

For more than ten years,lots of ways have been set forth to salve the problem of"theory di-vorced from practice",such as:the study of library science should move towards an orderly way andintensiveness;an institute of library science studies should be set  相似文献   

China has achieved brilliant success in library research however,quite a few problems still exist,among which,there are two major problems existing in the order of the research:the thought of aca-demic authorities is weakening and the excessive defendence  相似文献   

当代图书馆事业所面临的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Problems in finance, personnel, technology theory and legislation confronting, the present-day library undertaking are reviewed and compared one with the other in a comparatively systematic way. 114 references.  相似文献   

图书馆学基础理论研究概述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Since Mr.M.W.Schrettinger of Germany used the term"library science"for the first time in1807,quite a few Chinese and foreign library scientists have been trying to explore its nature,and theobjects,contents and methods of study,at the same time to explain  相似文献   

图书采购招标投标的项目管理和分类管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
图书馆图书采购是一个项目工程,目前图书招标投标忽视了可持续性管理、范围延伸管理、风险控制管理和知识管理等。图书采购应当分为出版物采购、加工服务采购、数据库采购和咨询服务选聘四类。图书采购招标投标要推广“读者审查监督制”。  相似文献   

文章回顾了高校图书馆教学用书保障方式的演进历程,对大复本量政策、小复本量政策、教学参考书数据库、电子图书数据库、移动阅读设备、教参阅览室等方式的优缺点进行了分析,提出移动阅读时代应继续实行大复本量政策的观点。  相似文献   

图书复本决策模型构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
图书复本是关系到图书馆馆馆藏发展的首要问题,本文认为图书复本的制定是一种决策过程,必须建立相关的科学决策方法和决策模型。本文通过图书复本的决策问题的提出和决策影响因子的分析,探讨了图书复本的决策模型。  相似文献   

图书采购招标中的事前控制策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章提出在图书采购招标中为提高图书馆采购的质量和效率,应对图书采购的决策进行事前控制,并总结了一些行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

谭忠顶 《图书馆建设》2011,(9):31-33,37
普通高校本科教学工作水平评估是西部高校图书馆实行图书政府采购的推动力。评估过后,图书政府采购为西部高校图书馆带来的一些弊端逐渐显现,在一定程度上阻碍了图书馆事业的发展。西部高校图书馆应该汲取政府采购的优点,积极探索区域内多校联合的公司化集团采购新模式。  相似文献   

本文针对在实行图书资料的政府采购中,公共图书馆遇到的一些问题而提出图书馆可向政府争取一定的采购自主权,使政府采购与图书资料采购更好地融合在一起。文中还阐述了可以争取的采购自主权所包含的内容供同行们参考。  相似文献   

图书采购特点、折扣与质量的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书采购是图书馆的一项基础性工作,文章结合工作实际和图书采购中出现的一些问题,对图书采购的特点、折扣与质量的关系等进行了深入分析,并就合理的折扣率和采购策略提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of Internet book reviews on consumer purchase intention. The total number of reviews and their length, the number of negative book reviews, and the order in which reviews appear were found to significantly influence customers’ book purchase intention. These results can assist book retailers to better understand the effects of various attributes in consumers’ book purchase process, as well as to manage book reviews effectively.  相似文献   

高职院校的图书采购是否有必要采用招投标方式集中采购,是否有必要依赖书商,这些问题都值得探讨。积极采用询价采购、分散采购是改进高职院校图书采购的有效途径;坚持专业图书真正由专业人员采选,才能切实提高图书质量。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以传播渠道为调节变量,探究网络口碑的传播者特性和传播内容特性对消费者图书购买意愿的影响机理,为图书出版行业相关主体进行口碑营销提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]基于信息传播理论,以传播渠道为调节变量,构建网络口碑对消费者图书购买意愿影响的理论模型。通过问卷调查收集数据,使用回归分析方法厘清网络口碑与消费者图书购买意愿的关系,并实证检验相关因素的影响效应。[结果/结论]传播内容(信息)特性对消费者图书购买意愿具有直接的显著影响。传播者(信源)特性既存在对购买意愿的直接显著影响,也存在以传播内容特性为中介的间接显著影响。传播渠道(信道)的调节效应显著,其中对传播者特性与购买意愿的调节中,文化推广式平台的调节效应最大,其次为营销式平台,自由讨论式平台最小;对传播内容与购买意愿的调节中,文化推广式平台的调节效应仍然最大,自由讨论式平台略低,而营销式平台最小。最后,从传播内容的设计、名人效应的发挥和营销平台的选择与建设3个方面分别提出了建议。  相似文献   

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