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<北京市聋人职业适应性量表>是在参考国内外一些著名职业适应性量表的基础上,结合中国的文化背景、聋人身心特点及其所从事的具体职业类型,设计的符合聋人认知特点的量表.量表的表达采取了低阅读水平、非文字的图片、答题示例以及简洁书面指导语或录像示范指导语等有利于聋人理解的形式.本量表以北京市1100名就业年龄段的聋人为被试,从ICF视角出发,既对聋人职业适应性进行评估,同时可依据评估结果,建立支持性评价体系,提高聋人工作品质.  相似文献   

本研究从北京市朝阳、崇文等八个区抽取了约1200名年龄在17-59岁之间的肢体残疾者作为被试,用自编的<肢体残疾者职业人格量表>调查他们的职业人格特征.结果发现,总体而言北京市肢体残疾者的情绪稳定性和抗挫折能力最高,交际能力、坚持性、严谨性和自信心其次,管理能力和责任心最差;随着年龄的增长,肢体残疾者的坚持性、情绪稳定性和抗挫折能力逐步增强,而管理能力逐步减弱;男性肢体残疾者的坚持性、自信心和责任心显著地强于女性,而在严谨性、情绪稳定性、交际能力、管理能力和抗挫折能力上不存在显著的性别差异.  相似文献   

Community-based physical activity programs for people with disabilities have barriers that are unique to their program leader qualifications and the population they serve. Moran and Block (2010) argued that there is a need for practical strategies that are easy for communities to implement, maximize resources, and minimize the impact of barriers on each individual. The purpose of this article was to build upon the work of Moran and Block by identifying and systematically addressing barriers to physical activity for people with disabilities in ways that target their sources of self-efficacy. The Empowerment Model is introduced, along with its multi-tiered empowerment continuum of training, support, and programming strands. The goal of the tiered empowerment continuum is to progressively move populations to more independent levels of training, support, and programming.  相似文献   

生活世界是残疾人体育教育的现实基础和意义之源.目前我国残疾人体育教育发展迅速,但也表现出了一个误区就是脱离残疾人的生活世界,这样就会使残疾人体育教育的发展丧失存在的意义基础.本文力图通过对残疾人体育教育的反思和生活世界内涵意蕴的阐释,探究残疾人体育教育的本真意义,使残疾人体育教育摆脱隔离和遗忘生活世界的现代困境,进而使残疾人体育教育向生活世界的回归成为可能.  相似文献   

This study sets out to examine and understand the meaning of social inclusion for people with disabilities, as constructed by people with disabilities themselves. Focus group interviews with 34 people who have physical impairments, cerebral palsy, or hearing or visual impairments were conducted for the study. Using the data obtained from these interviews, the interviewees’ various definitions and perceptions of social inclusion were analysed and four meaning categories for social inclusion were identified: excluded/segregated, present, participating, and actively participating. The findings of this research can be used as foundational material in the development of disability policies and the improvement of social services to better enable full social participation and social inclusion for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

韦炜  连榕 《安康学院学报》2012,24(6):121-124
目的编制青少年独立能力量表,以测量青少年独立能力水平。方法通过对被试开放式问卷所作的回答进行分析整理,制定出原始问卷,然后采用探索性和验证性因素分析对问卷的因素进行检验。结果问卷包含23个项目、4个维度,分别是反思性目标能力、过程的自主行动能力、行为的自我调控能力、反思性责任承担能力。验证性因素分析表明,本量表具有较好的结构效度。结论编制的青少年独立能力量表具有理想的信效度,可以用来测量青少年独立能力的水平。  相似文献   

Different countries have approached the education of students with a disability in different ways. Some have advocated for maximum integration, while others have maintained separate schools for those with special needs. The impact of the different educational settings on the self-concept of young people with a physical disability so far has received very little empirical attention. This study compared four groups of students with a physical disability who differed in their level of school integration: (a) US integrated students ( n = 53), (b) Czech integrated students ( n = 14), (c) Czech students educated at special schools on a daily basis ( n = 51), and (d) Czech students attending special schools on a residential basis ( n = 66). In addition, these young people with a disability were compared to a normative sample of Czech students without a disability. The comparisons were made on self-reported self-perceptions, aggression/emotional instability, view of the world, and dependency using the Personality Assessment Questionnaire (Rohner, 1991). Significant between group differences favouring integration were found. More integrated students reported lower levels of aggression, more positive views of themselves, and more positive views of the world. Discussion addressed implications for educational policies for children with special needs.  相似文献   

Discusses human rights issues related to people with disabilities in Australia. The issues surrounding human rights for people with disabilities are related to the concepts of discrimination, legislation and social justice. Findings from recent Federal inquiries into homeless children and mental illness highlight major deficits in services for persons with disabilities. Given the rapidly changing nature of our society, improved community‐based services must become a priority. Schools and education have a major role to play in the provision of such services. It is concluded that every Australian has the responsibility to advocate with and on behalf of people with disabilities.  相似文献   

目的:编制大学生学习能力量表,以测量大学生“会学”的水平。方法:通过对被试开放式问卷所作的回答进行分析整理,制定出原始问卷,然后采用探索性和验证性因素分析对问卷的因素进行检验。结果:问卷包含55个项目,3个维度(分量表),分别是知识获得与应用能力、学习过程自我监控能力、学习资源管理与应用能力。因素分析结果表明,3个维度可解释总方差的64.32%,各维度的项目载荷在0.40~0.76之间,验证性因素分析表明本量表具有较好的结构效度。结论:编制的大学生学习能力量表具有理想的信效度,可以用来测量大学生“会学”的水平。  相似文献   

残疾人现代远程教育的无障碍设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代远程教育的形式能否真正适用于残疾人,不仅与残疾人自身的能力以及辅助技术的使用有关,现代远程教育网站和资源本身是否具有较高的无障碍性是一个更重要的因素。本文将对网页、各种格式的文本文件、视频资源、交互工具等的无障碍设计进行研究,以便能根据不同残疾人的不同生理局限,有针对性地开发出可真正适用于残疾人的现代远程教育资源。  相似文献   

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