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远程自主学习者个人学习因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国成人教育发展方兴未艾,自主学习机制作为成人教育的核心理论基础在欧美等国研究已经有几十年时间,其中,个人学习相关因素是自主学习成功与否的关键.通过对自主学习理论框架内个人因素的总结并以此为基础设计变量对部分远程学习者的问卷调查研究表明,我国远程自主学习者的个人学习能力总体而言已经严重影响到学习效果.因此,对远程学习者的自主学习能力的个人因素要加以重视,加强对远程学习者的学习技能、学习知识等方面的教育.  相似文献   

随着电大远程开放教育的深入发展,加强学生自主学习能力的培养,使学生学会自主学习,提高学生参与学习的主动性和积极性,对保障教学过程顺利进行,提高教学质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对于在传统校园学习的学生而言,进行远程学习的成人与教师面对面的机会很少,这就决定了自主学习对于成人学生的重要性。现今在教育领域里研究自主学习的文献很多,而研究远程成人学习者自主学习方面的文献则不多。文章拟通过内容分析法、文献调研等方法对远程成人学习者自主学习研究的相关文献进行综述,以期了解目前的研究现状和存在的问题。  相似文献   

论加强远程开放教育的教学指导与服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在远程开放教育的教学过程中,教师要变以“教”为主为以“导”为主,加强对学生自主学习的指导,为学生的自主学习提供良好的支持服务。  相似文献   

自主学习是远程开放教育学习的必要途径之一,自主学习既需要学员自身的努力,也需要导学员间接的给予学习支持服务,电大远程开放教育实行学分制,学籍8年有效,学员在校期间达到专业规则规定的毕业年限和毕业学分时,学生即可申请毕业;各类远程教育支持服务体系的建立和逐步完善,远程开往教育特有的学习形式也为学员提供了弹性学习的平台,为学员自主学习提供了最为开放的学习条件。  相似文献   

自主学习是现代教育的重要特征、大学学习的显著特点、人有所成就的可靠保障。自主学习即"以学生个别化学习为主"是远程教育区别于传统教育的显著特征之一,也是远程教育的本质所在。远程开放教育学习者自主学习实现的前提是享有知情权、发言权、选择权、合作权,基础是通过掌握学习策略和善于整合数字化、网络化环境的各种学习资源两个重点加强学习能力的培养,途径是通过独立学习指导和交互学习指导两方面注重对自主学习的指导。  相似文献   

自主学习不是自由学习,自主学习的能力需要通过培养才能获得,学习者要树立“自主学习观”,应当具有适当的知识准备和主动加工的心理倾向,应熟悉并能使用远程学习技术,应具备自律学习能力,教师应帮助学习者掌握自主学习策略。  相似文献   

本文从我国实施素质教育的要求出发,并根据远程开放教育的四大特点:开放性、适应性、多样性和高效性,对如何在开放教育条件下提高学生自主学习的质量进行了调查与研究。作者通过问卷调查,了解了目前远程学习者基于网络进行自主学习的现状,并对调查中反映的问题提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

在现代远程教育教学模式下,自主学习贯穿于学习过程的始终。目前我国远程教育学习者的自主学习现状不容乐观,分析影响学习者自主学习能力的因素,探索培养和提高自主学习能力的方法和策略,对于促进学习者有效完成学习活动,提高远程教育教学质量有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育自主学习探讨   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
本文从探讨自主学习的本质出发,提出在现代远程开放学习条件下如何培养学习者自主学习能力的初步构想。  相似文献   

Reflective learning in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses one of three major challenges which it is argued, currently face distance education, namely its claimed over-reliance on behaviourist approaches to teaching and learning. In particular, the derivation of principles of course design which can be applied irrespective of difference of context, content and learners, has not proved to be a realistic and effective way forward. Fortunately, the practice of distance education has not been limited to applied behaviourism only, and has included approaches which draw upon social constructivist and cognitive approaches to learning. These have worked well in combination with regular feedback to students in programmes at undergraduate level at the UK Open University (UKOU). Other conceptualisations of learning have also begun to make an impact, notably the experiential and the relational. The former emphasises reflection on direct experience and the transformation of existing knowledge. The latter reveals the shaping influence of students conceptions in these areas. Distance education already has many examples of activities and projects which require students to process existing and new experience in relation to course concepts and goals. A number of courses at the UKOU are also encouraging students to review their own learning approaches and to be proactive about their study methods. A case study of two courses is introduced, as an example of teaching approaches which foster reflection on experience, integrated with conceptual learning, and reflection by the learner on their own learning process in parallel with the study of course content. Evidence is provided from evaluation of the extent to which these learning process oriented course materials, have affected the learned outcomes students identify for themeselves. The integration of a reflective component into assessment of the course has been especially effective. Students report changes most frequently at the level of general awareness of purpose of study and learning transfer, rather than in the area of detailed study skills.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine how project-based learning in distance education can be seen to make a distinctive contribution to “improving student learning”. How has this approach to course design and assessment been put into practice in an Open University (OU) course and what assumptions about teaching and learning are involved in this course development process. The paper also looks briefly at how this project component has been evaluated by describing students’ and tutors’ experiences of learning and teaching in the form of “action research” so to reflect critically on practice and so initiate change.  相似文献   

Interactive distance learning in teacher education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Although research supports the use of telecommunications in distance education, the more important question 'how best to use telecommunications in a given situation' has largely eluded researchers. This is due to the failure to link questions generated by the problems of practice with the theoretical constructs contributing to the understanding of the phenomena of distance education. The debate has occurred on two levels, the first relating to research design issues and the second to the conceptualisation of researchable questions. The authors address both levels from the vantage point of third generation telecommunications technologies. They offer a model for linking research and evaluation in distance education.  相似文献   

Recent research on distance education in Norway   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

在英语教学中,教师教是为了学生学,学生是学习的主体.好学才能学好,自主学习是学习成功的关健,因此,我们每一个教师都必须重视唤起学生自主学习的意识,培养学生自主学习的能力,从而构建高效课堂.此外,培养学生自主学习的能力既是素质教育的目标和要术,也是人的全面发展和二十一世纪的FDM 要.下面就英语教学中如何引导学生自主学习构建高效课堂谈谈我自己的看法.  相似文献   

An approach to research on distance learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distance education literature contains little discussion of paradigms suitable to researching learning at a distance. This is a pity, since the existence of clearly defined paradigms can offer considerable benefits to researchers in the field. In this article, the author discusses the meaning of the term 'paradigm' and advances the value of having clearly defined paradigms, as well as outlining a hybrid paradigm for research on student learning. This builds on a socio-anthropological paradigm used in research on student learning at the tertiary level and incorporates the mediating process paradigm for teaching effectiveness research. Although the paradigm could be used to study learning in a variety of contexts, here the author explores its application in distance learning research, and, in particular, in the investigation of how distance students learn from textual material.  相似文献   

作为现代远程教育主要学习方式的个别化学习具有独特的内涵与外延;其主要特征表现为自主性、独立性、探究性、策略性、高效性以及与学习资源及数字化智能技术的交互性;其主要阶段为制订学习计划、获取学习资源、参与合作讨论、提交学习成果和评价学习效果。  相似文献   

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