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Jokes and Humour     
Goldfish Stan:I won 92 goldfish.F red:Where are you going to keepthem?Stan:In the bathroom.F red:B ut what w ill you do whenyou want to take a bath?Stan:Blindfold them。金鱼斯丹:我赢了92条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办?斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛!I N eed Y our FootballG eorge knocked at the door of his friend’shouse.W hen his friend’s m other answ ered,he asked,“C an A lbertcom e out to play?”“N o,”said the m other,“it’s too cold.”“W ell,then,”sa…  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Goldfish Stan:I won 92 goldfish.F red:Where are you going to keepthem?Stan:In the bathroom.F red:B ut what w ill you do whenyou want to take a bath?Stan:Blindfold them。金鱼斯丹:我赢了92条金鱼。弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?斯丹:浴室。弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办?斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛!I N eed Y our FootballG eorge knocked at the door of his friend’shouse.W hen his friend’s m other answ ered,he asked,“C an A lbertcom e out to play?”“N o,”said the m other,“it’s too cold.”“W ell,then,”said G eorge,“can his footballcom e out to play?”我要玩足球乔冶敲着他朋友家的门。当朋友的妈妈来应门时,他问:“阿尔伯特...  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(6):58-59
1 Jacob:How do you put an elephant in a fridge[冰箱]? Jimmy:I don't know,how? Jacob:You open the door and put it in! Well,how do you put a baboon[狒狒] in the fridge? Jimmy:Oh,I know! You open the door and put it in,right? Jacob:No,you open the door,take the elephant out,and then you put the baboon in.Well,all the animals except one go to a lion's birthday party,which one is it?  相似文献   

Jazzman Jimmy Smith keys in on his version of "Dot-Com Blues" in the title track of his latest CD. Jan. 16- Having trouble online? Just wasting your time?Maybe you've got the dot-com blues. The blues aren't just about broken hearts any more. They can be about crashed laptops, shattered modem links and faithless search engines. That's the subject of the title track of Dot Com Blues, the latest CD by jazz great Jimmy Smith.  相似文献   

Ha ha, the dog is playing with a scooter(滑板车)! Is it funny? What is the dog thinking(想)?Look, the cat is putting its head in the fish tank(鱼缸) and looking at the goldfish! What is the cat thinking?  相似文献   

Bowen Theory provides a useful perspective to analyse John Osborne’s play Look Back in Anger.In this play,one of the most important reasons for Jimmy’s anger is influenced by his mother.According to Bowen Theory,the study analyzes the influ?ence of original family on Jimmy from three aspects,through the analysis,readers can have a deeper understanding of Jimmy’s an?gry.  相似文献   

小朋友,看到这把扇子上的字母了吗?它们的读音,跟某些单词的读音是完全相同的!比如第六个字母O,对应的单词可以是Oh (相当于"哦,啊"的感叹词),发音同是[(?)u]。那么,你能为其它几个 字母,找到对应的 "字母词"吗?  相似文献   

[Notes]①There are more ways than one to kill a cat 有的是办法。②As sick as a cat.病得厉害。③Enough to make a cat laugh 极其可笑。④That cat won't jump.这件事行不通。⑤That's like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl,自找麻烦。⑥Holy cats! 哎呀!  相似文献   

"嘻嘻嘻……"我的小房间里传出阵阵快乐的笑声.告诉你吧,那是我正在逗我的"咬尾巴全家鱼"呢.这个名字稀奇吧 !想知道名字的由来吗?别着急.你瞧,那条乌黑光滑的金鱼总是跟在橙红色金鱼的后面,而橙红色金鱼又总跟着一条身上有红、黑、白三种色彩的小金鱼.可是小金鱼又跟在黑金鱼的后面.它们多像在咬别人的尾巴,亲亲热热可真像一家人.哈哈,现在你知道我为什么这么取名了吧!  相似文献   

我家里养了两条可爱的小金鱼。我很喜欢它们,天天给它们喂食。有一天,不知道为什么有一条金鱼死了。剩下的那条金鱼好孤独啊!每天都不开心。我想了一个好办法,画一条金鱼,然后涂上颜色,放在金鱼缸里。这样,金鱼不再孤独,又高高兴兴地游来游去了。画金鱼$湖南省吉首大学师范学院附小一年级@张磊~~  相似文献   

I.词汇。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A)根据句意和首字母完成下列单词或用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Jimmy can play the v____。  相似文献   

同学们一定已经认识了26个字母吧?有些字母本身就是单词(如:I,a),两个或两个以上的字母组合便可构成完整的单词。有些字母组合起来还别有"意义"。在学习字母时,我们不仅要区分其大、小写,还要区分元音字母和辅音字母,好麻烦,是吗?其实,它们也很有趣呢!来看看英语字母的一些妙用吧!ABC为字母表中的头三个字母,合在一起有"字母表、入门、基础知识"之意。例如:the ABC of English英语基础知识  相似文献   

Jimmy Was Blue It was Jimmy’s birthday.Hegot quite a lot of presents,and oneof them was a beautiful drum. “Who gave you that?”Auntyasked. “Grandpa did,”Jimmyanswered. Of course,Jimmy liked thedrum very much.He made aterrible noise with it.Aunty didnot mind.BUt one of theneighbours did not like the noiseat all.So one day the neighbourtook a sharp knife and went toJimmy’s room when he wasbeating his drum.  相似文献   

一、教学内容上海版《牛津英语》3A Page28.二、教学目标1.学习单词sea,m ountain,能准确发音。2.复习颜色类单词,能准确辨认出颜色。3.学习句型W hat colour is the…?W hat colour arethe…?及其应答It’s…They’re…三、教学重点、难点W hat colour are the…?They’re…四、教学准备录音机,实物模型,课文图片。五、教学过程一、听歌导入1.Sing a song.T:W hatcolour is the rainbow?S1:red,blue…S2:purple…S3:…(直到把彩虹的颜色补充完)(教师把颜色的图片粘贴在黑板上)T:A ny colours?S:black,white,brown,pink,grey.(教师把…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据图片,写出单词1Ⅱ. 图文匹配1郾ping-pong playerA2.violinistB3.the famous Chinese PianistC4.go for a driverD5.go to the aquariumEⅢ. 用方框内的词填空We had a great time on the school trip . 1 we went to the Palace Museum to look at the Chinese history . 2 ,we went to Beijng Zoo. And we saw many different kinds of animals. 3 we went to the aquarium. There we enjoyed a dolphin show. It was pretty interesting . 4 , we had a great dinner in the restaurant. Oh…  相似文献   

同学们,我们都认识head这个单词。但是你知道吗?它除了可以翻译成"头",还有许多别的含义呢!1.from head to foot从头到脚2.two heads of cabbage两棵卷心菜3.the head of state国家元首4.the head of a delegation代表团团长  相似文献   

大家都玩过脑筋急转弯的游戏, 其实, 在英语中同样有脑筋急转弯哦!1. What’s the longest word in the world? 世界上最长的单词是哪个?Smiles.因为在两个"s"之间隔了一英里(mile)。2. A police officer has a brother, but the brother does not have abrother. How could that be?一位警官有一个弟弟, 但那个弟弟却没有哥哥。这是怎么回事?  相似文献   

<正>大家都玩过脑筋急转弯的游戏, 其实, 在英语中同样有脑筋急转弯哦!1. What’s the longest word in the world? 世界上最长的单词是哪个?Smiles.因为在两个"s"之间隔了一英里(mile)。2. A police officer has a brother, but the brother does not have abrother. How could that be?一位警官有一个弟弟, 但那个弟弟却没有哥哥。这是怎么回事?  相似文献   

我把"问题"这个单词分解成多个单词,因为这些单词反映了我的问题之所在.我足谁?我到哪里去?我应该做什么?它们和我畅谈我的生活和未来--我的追求是什么?它们告诉我让我呼喊出来. "呼喊"这个单词告诉我呼喊的声之音将帮助指引我渡过困境."声音"和"召唤"两个词和我讲了同样的追求.希望我能听到我内心最真实的呼喊,不要被误导或转移注意力.  相似文献   

到处充满着色彩斑斓美丽事物的世界总是那么的美好,在这美好的世界里让我们大家由衷地互致问候应该是一件非常惬意的事了。看来今天的话题可有不少呀,它们可都是我们平时使用频率很高的句型哟!一、表示颜色的句型1.What colour is the jacket?那件夹克是什么颜色的?点拨:询问某个事物的颜色时应用"What colour is...?"注意对其回答的句式应为"It’s+表示颜色的词",在颜色词的后面不可再用colour一词了。例如:  相似文献   

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