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This paper is an exploration of challenges arising in the interplay between a standardised peace education curriculum and a localised post-conflict setting. Drawing on interview data from two Kenyan schools, the paper explores the reception of peace education initiatives implemented in Kenya following the post-election violence of 2007/2008 through the voices of teachers and pupils. The analysis identifies two patterns emerging from the pupils’ point of view; firstly an engagement with narratives of conflict addressing what happened during the outbreak of violence, and secondly an awareness of collective narratives of the past, centred on the question of why the conflict broke out. The data identifies a gap between the knowledge and perspectives of the pupils, and the level of engagement by the curricula and teachers in the same issues. Finally, the paper explores some implications of these diverging needs and perspectives in relation to the design and implementation of peace education curricula, particularly in relation to providing sufficient support for the teachers.  相似文献   

优先开发女性人力资源与可持续发展战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以人的协调发展为中心的可持续发展观是社会发展的方向。人口问题是可持续发展的核心问题,女性人力资源在控制人口增长速度、提高人口素质、促进经济可持续发展以及对环境的保护方面起着不可替代的作用。就整体而言,目前我国女性人力资源在文化素质、政治水平、就业职位等方面普遍偏低。女性人力资源优先开发,首先要强化女性的主体意识,提高政治水平,增强竞争意识,提高文化素质,增强成就意识,更新善于超越,克服依赖心理,培养健全人格;同时要创造一个良好的社会发展环境,健全法律保障体系,开辟多层次多渠道的教育途径。  相似文献   


Today's education for civic engagement requires a global dimension. To live responsibly in their own communities, young people need to situate their personal and local interests in the context of their global interconnections. Bridging the personal, local, and global begins with an awareness of the universal aspirations for dignity and human rights widely shared across the human family. Increasingly, social educators recognize the need for American students to encounter the fundamental principles of human rights and humanitarian law as part of their own history and civic preparation. This article highlights pedagogically well designed human rights curricula that are available to educators online and typically without cost.  相似文献   

Yemen has witnessed decades of political unrest and the current armed conflict has significantly impacted human development. The economic activity has been severely disrupted which in turn affected the delivery of public services including the financing and operation of the higher education system (HE), where efficiency was negatively impacted.The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent of which the internal efficiency of the Yemen HE has been affected. This will be achieved through analysing the main three domains of teaching and learning activities as well as the impacts of the adopted policies by HE management. Structured interviews with standardized closed-ended and open-ended questions were conducted online with 51 academics who have been purposely selected. Despite the devastating effects of the armed conflict, the HE has continued to perform its duties, providing space for learning and contributing effectively in social cohesion. Nonetheless, the education process has been impacted quantitatively and qualitatively.Yemen has been deprived of its well-qualified human capital, and the brain-drain is still ongoing. The continuity of conflict will yield a generation who is either uneducated or poorly educated, and this will in turn continue feeding the violence and jeopardizing Yemen’s future.This paper represents a first attempt to study the effects of Yemen’s armed conflict on HE. Future research should shed light on tracing students who abandoned education as well as the level of knowledge, skills and competencies of those lately graduated. The multi-dimensional effects of brain-drain are equally important.  相似文献   

高职医学生的社会责任感直接关系到将来整个医疗卫生行业的责任意识、医药卫生服务质量和水准、医药卫生事业的可持续发展和社会的和谐稳定。因此,培养和增强当代高职医学生的社会责任感就显得尤为重要。然而,目前高职医学生责任感现状不尽如人意,究其原因是多方面的。应有针对性地开展思想政治教育,增强责任感,培养良好职业道德,加强入学教育;加强师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

This paper examines educational linkages to persistent conflicts and contemporary security challenges in Kosovo. It reviews some historic foundations, debates and socioeconomic contexts concerning education as a security issue. It argues that poverty and underdevelopment coupled with failed diplomacy (particularly surrounding a 1996 “Education Accord”)—with inappropriate militarized responses to disputes amidst broader and chronic lack of attention to education concerns—contributed to human rights abuses, violent civil conflict and a major war in 1999. Without justifying violence on either side, the paper shows how both Albanian and Serbs were both responsible for abuses in different periods while education was a contributing factor. The paper further discusses how education has (problematically) been part of the human security building and “reconstruction” process after NATO 1999 while many issues that led to international military intervention remain unresolved some 5 years later. It closes with some reflections on post-war or “post-conflict” education dilemmas, cooperation imperatives and new research challenges for Kosovo.  相似文献   

This article addresses the dilemmas emerging from efforts to integrate human rights values within a peace education programme being carried out in a conflict situation. Although the article is largely theoretical, it is grounded in the author’s reflections on a series of teacher workshops and his overall experiences conducting ethnographic research on issues of human rights and peace education in conflict and post-conflict situations, especially in his home country, Cyprus. The article outlines several interpretations and critiques of the human rights framework, offers an overview of human rights education and peace education, and then discusses two dilemmas that emerge from efforts to integrate human rights values within peace education programmes. Finally, it argues that an approach to human rights that is based on values and oriented towards praxis, with an emphasis on cross-cutting principles such as non-discrimination and equality, could perhaps be more compatible with peace education efforts.  相似文献   

Research on peacebuilding has mushroomed over the last decade and there is a growing interest in the role of education in supporting peacebuilding processes. This paper engages with these debates, UN peacebuilding activities and the location of education initiatives therein, through a case study of Sierra Leone. In the first part, we explore the complex and multi-dimensional nature of violence in post-conflict Sierra Leone. In the second, we critically address the role of education in the conflict and post-conflict period, highlighting education’s centrality as a catalyst to conflict, and then reflect on the failure of the post-conflict reconstruction process to adequately transform the education system into one that could support a process of sustainable peacebuilding. Finally, we conclude by exploring the ways that greater investment and focus, both financial and human, in the education sector might, in the long term, better contribute to a sustainable and socially just peace.  相似文献   

Societies which suffer from ethnic and political divisions are often characterised by patterns of social and institutional separation, and sometimes these divisions remain even after political conflict has ended. This has occurred in Northern Ireland where there is, and remains, a long-standing pattern of parallel institutions and services for the different communities. A socially significant example lies in the education system where a parallel system of Catholic and Protestant schools has been in place since the establishment of a national school system in the 1830s. During the years of political violence in Northern Ireland a variety of educational interventions were implemented to promote reconciliation, but most of them failed to create any systemic change. This paper describes a post-conflict educational initiative known as Shared Education which aims to promote social cohesion and school improvement by encouraging sustained and regular shared learning between students and broader collaboration between teachers and school leaders from different schools. The paper examines the background to work on Shared Education, describes a ‘sharing continuum’ which emerged as an evaluation and policy tool from this work and considers evidence from a case study of a Shared Education school partnership in a divided city in Northern Ireland. The paper will conclude by highlighting some of the significant social and policy impact of the Shared Education work.  相似文献   

Education in colonial Hong Kong was basically apolitical in nature. Civic education was introduced as a social control mechanism to reflect colonial heritage, and emphasizes the passive, obedient and law-abiding role of citizens, and prevents the development of nationalism and indigenous cultural identity. However, in response to the Joint Declaration, there was a pressure for the Government to prepare pupils to become competent citizens of the Special Administrative Region (SAR). However, various research findings reflect that young people are apathetic in political and community affairs, weak in basic civic knowledge and social awareness. In response to the re-definition of the national identity status of Hong Kong citizens, there is an urgent need to cultivate the sense of belonging of the younger generation toward the SAR as well as the PRC as a whole. The author believes that even after reunification, civic education should not be overlooked as an important educational element in tertiary education. This element should compliment the academic subjects offered by various departments and be integrated in the themes of personal development programs offered by the student affairs office in tertiary education settings. Civic education programs, either co-curricular or extra-curricular in nature, should focus on both nationalistic and democratic themes through the adoption of a participatory-oriented approach, so that students could be provided with ample opportunities to participate in the decision-making process on issues directly affecting their well-being. Arguments for and against this standpoint are presented in the context of the Hong Kong educational system.  相似文献   


Philosophy has not been widely recognized as a means of approaching theory development in gifted education. This article provides an historical overview of the foundations of philosophy related to the field, as well as a structural means of developing philosophical sense for exploring the Natures of knowing, being, and values and valuing through sensitivities of social, political and economic factors of life. The goal is to explore issues beyond the psychologized (developed from theory but not sufficient for reality) manner prevalent within the field. A dichotomy (talent development vs. giftedness) is used as an example of how philosophical sense can structurally organize exploration of controversial issues, enabling scholarly work and adding varied viewpoints to understanding rather than fractionalizing focus into theoretical camps incessantly promoting prized viewpoints at the expense of divergent opinions (and evidence).  相似文献   

论科学教育的人文价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学教育不仅具有工具性价值 ,而且具有人文价值 ,这种人文价值主要表现为理性精神和规范意识、批判精神和创新意识、公平精神与平等意识、开放精神与独立意识。当前的科学教育改革应重视这种人文取向。为此 ,科学教育应有开放意识 ,注意指向科学发展的历史世界、科学源头的生活世界和科学研究的原生世界。  相似文献   

大学生是宝贵的人力资源,提高他们的思想政治素质,用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装大学生头脑,把他们培养成德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,是高校德育工作的首要任务。如何做好大学生思想政治教育,也是高校德育工作者必须研究解决的重大课题。  相似文献   

Alan Smith 《Compare》2005,35(4):373-391
This paper is an attempt to map out an emerging, and increasingly important field of study concerning the relationship between education and conflict. The field has two main parameters. The first involves the variety of contexts within which education systems are required to operate. Distinctions are drawn between education that is provided within relatively peaceful and stable environments; during times of violent conflict; as part of reconstruction following conflict or political transition; and as part of longer term peace and reconciliation processes. Educational priorities and concerns may be quite different depending on each of these circumstances. The second parameter concerns different levels of action within an education system. These include the political and policy environment, administrative and structural features and various aspects of educational practice. The paper argues that actions through various ‘entry points’ at each of these levels carry the potential to exacerbate or ameliorate conflict and suggests that a systemic analysis of investments in education systems from a conflict perspective should be a routine part of educational planning.  相似文献   

幸福中国视域下大学生思想政治教育需关注幸福观教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
追求幸福是人类生活的主题。在幸福中国视域下,加强大学生幸福观教育对于大学生个人的健康成长、思想政治教育的完善发展和幸福中国的建设有重要意义。思想政治教育开展幸福观教育的途径是:思想政治教育工作者要转变教育理念,提高对幸福观教育的认识;构建以马克思主义幸福观教育为主导、借鉴中华民族优良传统文化的理论讲堂;搭建培养大学生创造幸福意识和提高其创造幸福能力的实践平台。  相似文献   

Petro du Preez 《Compare》2014,44(1):117-135
The curriculum has been proposed as a powerful means with the potential to initiate social transformation. It reflects the dominant social, economical and political discourses and for this reason it seems reasonable to situate reconciliatory discourses in relation to the curriculum. Whilst curriculum scholars mostly agree that we need to seek new directions and ways of understanding curriculum, there is little consensus about the direction the field should take. Two particular issues that this article addresses are the tendency of curriculum practitioners to tackle social issues at a symptomatic level instead of considering the roots of the problems, and the over-emphasis on the political dimension with little or no attention given to the ethical dimensions of the curriculum. In an attempt to develop new ways of understanding curriculum and enabling social change, I explore nostalgia as a way to stimulate dialogue over competing narratives. To facilitate this exploration, I draw on the notion of the ethical turn in the study of curriculum and the theory of intersectionality. Examples from South Africa are used to develop the argument. I conclude by situating the discussion in the context of other post-conflict societies where reconciliation is needed.  相似文献   

网络思想政治教育面临的新课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络思想政治教育面临的新课题主要表现为:网络领域机遇性与风险性的并存;网络环境中的道德张扬与道德失范影响;网络社会的霸权性文化与多样性文化的碰撞;网络信息的海量性与选择性的矛盾;网络主体的主体性与依赖性的变更;网络行为的现实性与虚拟性的互动。网络思想政治教育面临的几个新课题也就是网络思想政治教育过程的几个矛盾,其中网络行为的现实性与虚拟性之间的矛盾是网络思想政治教育过程的基本矛盾,其他矛盾都是由此衍生的,它们之间相互联系、相互影响。解决网络思想政治教育过程的基本矛盾比解决现实(或说是物理空间)思想政治教育过程基本矛盾的难度更大。要解决好这对基本矛盾,必须坚持网络思想政治教育的基本原则,制定有效的管理模式,加强网络思想政治教育的开发,充分发挥网络思想政治教育的价值和功能。  相似文献   

陈水生 《成人教育》2009,29(2):72-73
承载着形象、政绩、地位和待遇的“升格意识”,对高等职业教育管理者是一种强力诱惑,这种“升格意识”突出表现为扭曲的进取意识,实用的社会分工意识,浮浅的质量价值意识,从思想深处危害着高等职业教育健康持续的发展。  相似文献   

王云白 《江苏高教》2021,(1):106-109
当代大学生社会责任感存在三方面的困惑:追求私利,无法担当自我;学校、家庭、社会关注,群体情感淡漠,公共参与缺失;生活方式西化,缺失人类关怀与世界格局。新时代大学生社会责任感教育,应从人类价值的最高立意来澄清大学生的社会责任与使命担当。以人与社会自由发展的共同理想、平等真诚的共同话语、多元文明的共同价值、推进人类文明的共同责任等四个方面作为主要内容,通过重申人文主义教育理念、进行教育教学方法改革、重塑教育话语体系等三个层面作为主要路径,构建了大学生社会责任感教育的新图景。  相似文献   

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