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高效减水剂是满足HPC工作性要求必不可少的组分。由于高效减水剂的作用,水泥净浆流动度、水泥砂浆流动度大大提高,进而使混凝土拌和物的流变性能得到改善,混凝土拌和物不离析、泌水少、坍落度大、坍落度经时损失小。研究结果表明,在改善混凝土拌和物工作性方面聚羧酸高效减水剂优于萘系减水剂。聚羧酸高效减水剂的掺量相对于萘系减水剂可减半。  相似文献   

高效减水剂是满足HPC工作性要求必不可少的组分。由于高效减水剂的作用,水泥净浆流动度、水泥砂浆流动度大大提高,进而使混凝土拌和物的流变性能得到改善,混凝土拌和物不离析、泌水少、坍落度大、坍落度经时损失小。研究结果表明,在改善混凝土拌和物工作性方面聚羧酸高效减水剂优于萘系减水剂。聚羧酸高效减水剂的掺量相对于萘系减水剂可减半。  相似文献   

研究了氨基磺酸系高效减水剂(ASP)对水泥净浆流动度、新拌砼硬化性能及力学性能影响以及ASP减水率、ASP与水泥适应性:ASP与萘系减水剂复合性能。试验表明:ASP与萘系减水剂相比,具有低掺量、高减水率,以及控制坍落度损失的功能,而且与水泥具有很好的适应性,与萘系减水剂具有很好的相容性。  相似文献   

研究了以丙烯酰胺、聚乙二醇系列、丙烯酸、顺酐、烯丙基磺酸钠、丙烯酸羟乙酯为原料合成的XYZ聚羧酸系减水剂对净浆水泥性能及混凝土使用性能的影响.结果表明,XYZ系列减水剂具有缓凝特性,能够显著延缓水泥水化的放热,降低水泥水化热;减水剂使水泥早期微小晶体大量生长并填充孔隙,气孔细化且分布更加合理,晶体向外伸长使水泥粒子相互搭接而形成网络结构,提高了水泥石的密实性;减水率达25%,坍落度损失低,各龄期混凝土抗压强度都有较大提高.  相似文献   

采用自制的MPEGAA-AA-AMPS高效减水剂和P(AA-co-MA)/PEG、FDN-A减水剂,以不同掺量掺入P.O 42.5普通硅酸盐水泥,运用混凝土外加剂匀质性试验方法和水泥胶砂强度检验方法,研究不同掺量对水泥净浆流动度、水泥砂浆减水率、水泥净浆泌水率以及水泥砂浆的抗压强度等性能的影响,并利用电镜对添加MPEGAA-AA-AMPS高效减水剂的硬化水泥石的内部结构进行表征。结果显示,MPEGAA-AA-AMPS高效减水剂掺量为1.0%时,水泥净浆流动度达322 mm,砂浆减水率为47%,泌水率仅1.1%,28 d水泥胶砂抗压强度可达67.9 MPa。可见MPEGAA-AA-AMPS高效减水剂无论对水泥净浆或水泥砂浆的分散能力、保水性能和减水作用,还是对力学强度均有明显优势。从水泥石的内部结构SEM图看,添加MPEGAA-AA-AMPS高效减水剂后更能保证水泥石的抗压强度和经时耐受力。  相似文献   

以聚羧酸系高效减水剂BF-808为基础,探索其与新型缓凝剂BF-609、葡萄糖酸钠、蔗糖、柠檬酸钠复合使用时对初始及1小时水泥净浆流动度的影响。试验结果表明,当减水剂BF-808掺量为1.0%、缓凝剂BF-609掺量为减水剂掺量的0.5%、葡萄糖酸钠掺量为减水剂掺量的3.0%时,减水率为28%左右,初始及1小时净浆流动度最大可达336mm,272mm。  相似文献   

钢渣是炼钢工业所排放的工业废渣,它与高效减水剂的适应性是高性能钢渣系列混凝土掺和料研究开发的主要工作内容。本文通过Marsh时间和净浆流动度的测试分析,对比研究了萘系和聚羧酸系两类高效减水剂对慢冷钢渣和水淬钢渣这二种转炉钢渣净浆的适应性。试验结果表明,聚羧酸系高效减水剂的使用效果优于萘系减水剂,水淬钢渣粉体与高效减水剂的适应性优于慢冷钢渣粉体。  相似文献   

X-Z聚羧酸系减水剂的性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以聚乙二醇系列、丙烯酸、顺酐、烯丙基磺酸钠、丙烯酸羟乙酯为原料合成的X-Z聚羧酸系减水剂对水泥水化过程及微观结构的影响,并测试了掺加减水剂的混凝土性能.结果表明,X-Z系列减水剂具有缓凝特性,能够显著延缓水泥水化的放热;可使水泥气孔细化且分布更加合理,水泥石的后期水化更充分,水化产物结构更紧密更有力量;减水率达25%,坍落度损失低,各龄期混凝土抗压强度都有较大提高.yh  相似文献   

通过自由基溶液的共聚合、磺化和酯化接枝等反应,合成一类主链带羧基、磺酸基,支链带聚氧乙烯基醚的聚羧酸高效减水剂.探讨了聚羧酸系减水剂的分散作用机理及对水泥净浆流动度和混凝士减水率的影响.  相似文献   

在普通混凝土中掺入PFAC明显改善普通混凝土的和易性,且具有显著的缓凝作用,使混凝土坍落度的经时损失减小,随着PFAC掺量的增加,水泥净浆的初凝和终凝时间随之延长,混凝土早期强度下降的幅度也随之增大,PFAC对混凝土的后期强度有着显著的增强效应.配制的掺PFAC混凝土28d的抗折强度超过5.0MPa,均能满足重交通和特重交通开放交通的要求,该混凝土的拉压比、折压比比普通混凝土有一定提高,试验结果为普通混凝土高性能化提供了技术保障。  相似文献   

It is worthy of noting that, whilst Crookston Castle witnessed the earlier and happier portion of Mary's variegated life,  相似文献   

一、吃和喝吃苹果 eat an apple, 吃药 take medicine,吃糖 have some sweets,吃饭 have one's meals,吃馆子 dine out,吃惊 be surprised/  相似文献   

Many college freshmen arrive woefully unprepared to do college work, and as disadvantaged populations continue to grow, the share of the American work force that has made it through college is expected to plummet. Many experts blame that educational failure not just on high schools but also on colleges. School & College, a special report by The Chronicle, looks at efforts to fix the system. What reforms would better prepare students for college? What should schools and colleges be doing differently? How should state and federal officials help?  相似文献   

The communication of people partially is the communication of cultures. Culture has a direct effect on international commercial activities in all aspects. Different conceptions about time, space, equality, law and the like, lead people to deal with things in different ways. So to know cultures of the counterpart is to facil-itate our enterprises so as to have a smooth and successful communication in commercial activity.  相似文献   

There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.  相似文献   

王菲 《华章》2007,(12):273-273
Migration occurs behind a variety of reasons and has a great effect on the whole world. People may migrate in order to improve their economic situation, or in order to escape civil strife, persecution, and environmental disasters. The impact of migration is complex, bringing both benefits anddisadvantages. This paper briefly talks about the causes of migration, the allocation of benefits, and the ways in which individual countries and the international community deal with this important subject.  相似文献   

裴水妹 《华章》2007,(11):196
Sister Carrie is one of the most controversial characters in American literature.Thought as a "fallen woman" firstly,she was defined as a "new woman" by some critics later. However, by digging into the motivaton behind the whole process of Carrie's "success", the relationship between Carrie and her creator (the author), the social conditions of then American, it can be found that Carrie has never been free-standing on her thought and she has never found her real-sdf even after becoming a famous actress. In a society dominated by mass consumerism Carrie is only an adherent of her own desires. She also is a representative of all those country girls flooded into cities, a symbol and a sacrifice of the urbanization of America in a time countryside was overcome by cities.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOne-cyclecontrolmethod,whichwasproposedaboutonedecadeago[1],hasbecomeanattractivemethodinspecialfieldssuchaspowerfactorcorrection[2-6],switchingamplifiers[7,8],etc.Themainideaofthiscontrollerisbasedonintegrationofdiodevoltageinone-cycleandforcesittobeexactlyequaltothereferencevalue.Themainadvantageofthiscontrollerisitsrealtimeabilitytorejectthevariationofinputvoltage[1].Despitethisgreatability,ithasnogoodperformancesinrejectingofloaddisturbanceandfollowingreferencecommands.Espec…  相似文献   

Rosco and I wait for the fishermen to return.I sit at a wooden bench near the store at Mt.Baker Resort and watch the clouds change shape. Rosco has my belt around his neck and an eight foot tow chain hooked to a tree. Dogs must be on a leash. Ducks and rabbits are loose.  相似文献   

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