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Adequacy is a derived concept whose origins in the school finance literature probably stem from San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973), a landmark federal case. Although there is often a recycling of definitions, 3 decades later, there is still little consensus on how to operationalize that concept. The purpose of this article is to synthesize the different conceptualizations of adequacy and to document its evolution in the field. A critical historical mapping lays the groundwork for highlighting the future direction of research. This article relies on economical, sociological, and legally based perspectives, framing the discussion of adequacy around the notions of (a) adequacy of educational inputs, (b) adequacy in school processes, and (c) adequacy of educational outputs. Each focus draws on school-centered explanations of differences in attainment. Consequently, adequacy research looks largely at how policymakers can appropriately divide resources among schools (and ultimately students) to achieve desired results. There is a long-established focus in the literature on the appropriate levels of inputs and outputs in discussions of the adequacy of the education production function. Largely missing from that discussion, however, is a more detailed examination of the adequacy of the process, which speaks to the capacity of institutions to meet various standards set.  相似文献   

尽管我们无法准确的预见未来,但是,有一点我们可以确信,那就是准备未来要靠教育。互联网和通讯技术的发展的确加快了信息、资金、物品的流动速度,产生了新的产业和盈利方式,并在一定程度上影响和改变着社会的生活方式和民意的表达方式。但是,人们对教育会发生飞跃,教育将会发生根本性的变化的预测并没有变为现实。教育的确在进步,但是,根本性的教育变革并没有发生。例如说,在过去的几年里,中国的高等教育的确发展迅速,高校在校生已经超过两千万,这种发展主要体现在数量上,而不是质的变化上,是传统高校在原有体制下的扩充,几乎没有运用开放大学和网络学院的形式。  相似文献   

信息技术如何改变着教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要就信息和通讯技术(ICT)发展对教育的影响进行了一些反思,并尝试对远程教育在未来几年的发展方向作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

Fifty graduate students in rehabilitation counseling were surveyed regarding their attitudes toward the Protestant Work Ethic (PWE) using the original and a modified form of the Bowling Green University Survey of Work Values. Results indicated that the students were more likely to endorse those aspects of the PWE reflecting the intrinsic value of work than those dealing with earnings, social status, and advancement. In addition, the students were found to generally hold the same PWE orientation for themselves as they did for disabled persons.  相似文献   

The Disappearance of Disability? Thoughts on a Changing Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gilbert MacKay was appointed professor of special education at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow in September 2000. With a background in teaching and educational psychology, Professor MacKay has research interests in early communication and people with intellectual disabilities. Recently, the Scottish Executive awarded him grants totalling £250,000 for the development of a service for young children with autism and for the professional education of experienced teachers in developmental difficulties such as dyspraxia.
This paper, originally given as a keynote address at the Scottish NASEN conference in Glasgow, challenges many of the prevailing trends in relation to disability and special educational needs. Taking a broad view of developments since Warnock, and providing a fascinating insight into recent initiatives in Scotland, Gilbert MacKay offers an analysis of five ways in which the notion of disability, and the practical reality of our responses to it, are being unhelpfully removed from the educational arena. While we can all strive to promote forms of inclusion that encompass ever–widening parameters of diversity, no one's interests are served if the implications of individuals' difficulties are simply ignored or wished away. Gilbert MacKay highlights the dangers in some recent trends but also points the way towards a much more responsive and productive future.  相似文献   

The article investigates how a customer complaint to Tesla could inform and guide the practice and research of performance improvement.  相似文献   

对学业不良的研究与转化是国内外教育界研究的重要课题之一。通过对大学英语学习过程中学业不良学生的观察与调查,可以发现学业不良的成因主要受到三方面因素的影响:学习者自身的因素、学校因素和社会因素。通过实施有效的策略,形成学生、学校和社会的合力才能够促成学业不良学生的转化。  相似文献   

职业教育与市场经济发展密切相关,职业学校必须做到:专业设置面向市场才能巩固;德育为先,强化教育质量求发展;办学形式多样,增强办学活力;改革招生制度,求稳定。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This case study illustrates one of the many possible ways to implement Kaufman's Organizational Elements Model (1992, 2000) for identifying and aligning organizational results and the means to achieve them. The model was applied in the context of a needs assessment effort between the Florida State University's Office for Needs Assessment & Planning (ONAP) and the Vocational Rehabilitation Program at Florida Division of Blind Services (FDBS). Conducting this study and finding data that had such radical implications for decision‐making was life altering for many of the stakeholders, who up until that point were heavily focused on processes and resources, or at best, on Micro‐level results. Appropriate actions were taken to improve the performance system, but overall, one of the most significant contributions of this project was a new‐found focus on results, valuable results, and appropriate measures of success.  相似文献   

职业技术教育的发展取决于当前新一轮职教改革的成败。现有职教调控机制无法从根本上解决职教改革面临的诸多难题,以“全面教育评估”为主控手段的调控机制的确立是当前职教改革的必然选择。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO,给职业教育带来了机遇和挑战,面对新形势,职业教育应改革办学模式,加强教学改革,建立科学的管理体制,培养学生的竞争意识,开展国际交流与合作,促进职业教育的发展.  相似文献   

弱智学生职业教育研究概述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文就经济发达国家、港台地区和大陆地区的弱智者职业教育现状进行了分析比较 ,指出了各自的特点。此外 ,从比较角度分析了我国培智学校在进行弱智学生职业教育研究中存在的主要问题与不足  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育的现状,随着先进教育思想和教育理念的引入,入世以后高等职业教育的发展趋势已经进入了快速发展阶段,研究了具体的应变措施,以市场为导向,调整专业设置,已成为职业技术教育的当务之急.  相似文献   

《心理康复技术》课程是康复专业的基础课程之一,制定适宜的课程标准是提高学生心理康复技术水平的关键。笔者从课程标准的设计思路、课程标准的构建框架与教学内容、课程实施建议等方面进行阐述,对高职院校康复专业《心理康复技术》课程标准进行了研究探讨。  相似文献   

以班主任工作中的实际经历阐述了新时期中职学校班主任必须具备的理论素养和对班级管理的指导作用,在多方面理论知识的指导下设计了班级管理的新思路并在工作中进行了实践,取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   

Today's workforce is characterised by an increasing mix of people with varying career aspirations, work motivators and job satisfiers. This paper discusses the intergenerational nature of today's workforce, which is currently dominated by the age groups commonly referred to as Baby Boomers and Generation X. The Baby Boomers defined and redefined work during the last quarter of the twentieth century, but as they track towards retirement, GenXers' valued work patterns and their career and life aspirations are increasingly dominating. This paper draws on a body of literature about a younger generation of workers and the current world of work in today's knowledge society, and discusses possible implications for the teaching profession, particularly for attracting and retaining young people as teachers.  相似文献   

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