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高等教育招生政策的价值冲突与社会正义原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高招政策作为一项社会公共政策,冲突性是其本质特征。其行政价值主体应充分考虑不同价值主体的利益关系和价值选择,坚持社会正义的原则,努力寻求价值冲突的协调与平衡,实现社会正义的最大化。  相似文献   

随着特殊教育事业的蓬勃发展,高等融合教育学生的学习障碍问题成为关注的焦点。他们面临自身因素和外部影响等多重挑战,在继续深造过程中需要翻越这一道屏障。该文基于调研视角,以高等融合教育中理工类课程的学习障碍为切入点,正视特殊学生内在因素和面临困难,调研分析了融合学生的学习障碍情况,并从教学的主要层面和辅助层面给出建议。  相似文献   

实施普通教育体制改革才能全面推行普通儿童与特殊儿童的融合教育.我国特殊教育相关法律法规理念上的滞后、随班就读机制体制的不健全、特殊教育经费分配体制的不完善、教师培养和培训机制不畅和普通班级班额过大等对随班就读的深入发展带来许多挑战.要想全面有效的促进残疾儿童少年随班就读的深入发展,必须完善法律法规的建设及随班就读的工作机制和体制,全面有效地推进随班就读健康发展.  相似文献   

和谐社会建设必须更加注重社会公平,而社会公平的一个最基本的范畴就是教育公平。教育公平是当今社会关注的一个重大问题,也是广大民众倾心追求的价值目标。教育的基本功能之一,就是缩小贫富差距,促进社会平等。当前教育发展中存在一些不公平问题,需要我们从理论和实践的层面上理性思考,认真分析,找准对策,切实解决,以实现教育公平、社会和谐。  相似文献   

美国学前融合教育综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国的学前融合教育发展迅速,处于世界领先水平.本文从美国学前融合教育的理念发展、政策制定以及教育实践三个方面对美国学前融合教育的发展状况作了综述.  相似文献   

概观德国不来梅州学前融合教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不来梅州是德国最早创办和发展学前融合教育的州之一,到目前已经从理论到实践形成了一个完整而系统的学前融合教育体系。本文概要介绍了不来梅州学前融合教育的内涵、理念、政策法规、服务模式、诊断和评估、课程和教学等问题。  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for conceptualising social justice in education, drawing particularly on Martha Nussbaum's (2000) capabilities approach. The practical case for consideration is that of widening participation and pedagogical implications in higher (university) education in England. While the paper supports the value and usefulness of Nussbaum's list of ten capabilities for developing a more radical and challenging language and practice for higher education pedagogies, it also argues that her approach is limited. Other ways of conceptualising social justice are also required in order to develop adjudicating theories which enable us to judge which practices take us closer to social justice. An argument is made for 'bivalent' theorising which integrates individual and institutional development and agents and social structures.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察融合教育教师职业压力、社会支持和职业倦怠之间的关系,采用问卷调查法对来自北京市、厦门市、中山市的367名融合教育教师进行调查.结果 发现:融合教育教师的职业压力显著影响教师的职业倦怠;融合教育教师获得的社会支持显著影响其职业倦怠.融合教育教师的社会支持在职业压力与职业倦怠关系中发挥部分中介作用,即融合教育...  相似文献   

The primary purpose of faculty development is to create and sustain a culture of teaching excellence. For social work faculty, an important part of teaching excellence involves incorporating core social work values such as social justice and diversity across the curriculum and developing pedagogical skills and strategies to teach these issues effectively. In this article, we present a model of a faculty development seminar that offers a facilitated space for instructors to discuss how issues of diversity, social identity, and oppression influence their teaching, the classroom environment, student interactions, and the overall campus climate.  相似文献   

In this article we explore examples of public pedagogical actions and interventions, reading them through a social justice education framework lens. In our discussion we start with definitions of social justice, public pedagogy and case study methodologies. Then, we look at a variety of international examples to highlight the pervasiveness of public pedagogical opportunities in visual culture that include a festival, an individual, a citywide symposium, an online community, a cultural group and a museum exhibition. They are divided into three categories based on social justice principles suggested by Ayers et al. and later interpreted by Dewhurst: (1) Public pedagogy and social justice is rooted in people's experiences: Fiesta del Señor de Choquekillka: Ollantaytambo, Peru and Janet Weight Reed – an artist's public pedagogy utilising social media; (2) Public pedagogy and social justice is a process of reflection and action together: Ideas City Festival and the Vlogbrothers; (3) Public pedagogy and social justice seeks to dismantle systems of inequality to create a more humane society: CULTURUNNERS and sh[OUT]: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex art and culture. It is our hope that in looking more closely at these international examples of public pedagogy and social justice education that the power of such alternative sites of learning is apparent and encourages further interventions and investigations in such spaces of inquiry.  相似文献   

Posing an alternate view to high stakes educational models, the thoughts, opinions and practices of four poetry educators are used to provide critical insights as how to infuse creative outlets in the educational process. In gathering the motivations of these poetry educators, a goal of this project is to encapsulate their philosophies through researcher observation and participation. Engaging such work with social justice at the center creates a particular disposition. It can be subjective in the sense that an understanding of improvement requires an explicit commitment to the improvement of the lives of young people in education through a participatory process.David Stovall is an Assistant Professor of Policy Studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to engage in an historical analysis of research about two concepts: social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion. Recent experiences have caused me to wonder about our interpretations of justice, equity, and inclusion. Analysis of the relevant literature revealed a lack of consensus among scholars as to a clear, operational definition of both social justice leadership and inclusion. I use a Foucauldian genealogical method to examine texts and uncover the historical development of social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion in the United States. Uncovering past meanings and contexts should help illuminate current meanings and uses of these concepts. It is recommended that leaders engage in critical reflection to uncover the common sense language of equity-oriented leadership practices and that researchers take a more critical, historical, open stance of social justice leadership, and inclusion.  相似文献   

“现实”是邓小平社会公平思想之逻辑基础。马恩“各尽所能、按需分配”是一种原则设想的理想公平观;毛泽东脱离现实、对马恩教条化,导致了平均主义,也是“结果公平”的理想公平观。邓小平立足于中国社会主义初级阶段的现实,提出了“效率优先、兼顾公平”,这是马克思主义理论与中国具体实际相结合的产物,是对马恩和毛泽东社会公平思想继承基础上的超越,是立足于现实的社会公平观。以现实为逻辑基础,具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   


This article examines the complex but seldom articulated relationship of primary physical education, citizenship, and social justice. We argue that to conflate physical activity and sport with physical education in unacknowledged ways may serve to perpetuate the status quo. More significantly, the current emphasis on activity through competitive sport in the teaching of physical education in primary schools is both reductive and educationally limiting, affecting not only teachers’ professionalism but the wider educational experience of young people. The trend towards competitive sport at the expense of a broader educational experience further represents a potentially serious omission: an abrogation of responsibility on the part of schools in England and Wales to meet the statutory requirements of the Education Reform Act (1988). On the thirtieth anniversary of the Act, we adopt a novel approach, utilizing Foucauldian ideas, to examine movements in the development of policy and understand the contemporary context as a means to suggest more propitious ways forward.  相似文献   

美国是融合教育发展较为完善的国家之一,制定和遵循政策是其高标准开展融合教育的一贯原则。1975年以来,美国系列联邦教育法律始终贯彻融合教育理念,其法案中关于融合教育政策演变目标从人本补偿走向全人发展,参与主体实现了权力博弈与责任分担并进,治理结构从扁平形式走向扁平实质,运行机制从制度“面”发展到制度“体”。数年来,在政策推动下,美国提高了融合程度和教育质量、构筑了多元主体支持保障体系、推动了教师资格认证和教育惩戒制度的有效运行。  相似文献   

Teaching for diversity and social justice is the teaching of complex abstract ideas about privilege and oppression, such as the social construction of social groups and identity. An effective way to teach this material is with experiential learning, but this approach requires much more than exercises and activities. Courses must be consciously structured to emphasize both the elements and cycle of experiential learning, as well as attending to critical thinking and the potential for cognitive dissonance. An example of this process from an undergraduate course is presented to demonstrate course construction, experiential learning strategies, and initial outcomes.  相似文献   

罗尔斯的正义理论建立在传统的社会契约理论基础上,他的正义原则关注资源分配的合法化和幸福的层次。罗尔斯的正义理论已将社会保障必要性置于个人主义的正义需求之上。哈耶克等思想家反对分配正义之类的理念,他们主张正义与不义只可能起因于人类行为者在适用于每个人的公平规则下所做的有意的行为。尽管正义的争议不断,但通过社会保障制度的建立和完善,由再分配来实现社会正义仍是十分必要的。  相似文献   

融合教育是当今国际特殊教育发展的必然趋势,也是文明社会充分体现自由、平等、互助理念的输出平台之一。我国重视融合教育发展,从顶层设计、政策法规、高校学术支持等方面加强管理,促进融合教育在全国各省市全面铺开,但目前我国融合教育发展仍面临教学质量差、严重缺乏具备特殊教育背景的师资、缺乏实施标准规范、重视程度不足以及柔性文化尚未建立等困境。推进融合教育发展亟需健全法规,建立标准化认证体系,建立专家委员会指导机制,加强国际交流与合作,发展中贯穿中国优秀传统文化,创新产业反哺需求,培养残障儿童的综合素养等,同时借助艺术教育搭建残障儿童与世界交流的平台,用艺术康复他们的身心,用艺术来挖掘他们的优长,努力为残障儿童开启一个公平、公正的教育新时代。  相似文献   

在融合教育背景下,特殊教育学校的职能必将做出相应的转变,特殊教育学校作为资源中心的功能将日益强烈.特殊教育学校必须重新定位,成为融合教育的支持者;特殊教育学校的功能从单一教育功能转变为多重服务功能,即为特殊儿童提供评估服务,承担起“资源教室”功能,成为融合教育学校教师及家长的“培训中心”,发挥“巡回指导”的作用;特殊教育学校教师角色也随之发生转变,由单一教育者角色转变为兼具“教育者”、“合作者”、“协调者”和“督导者”的多重角色.  相似文献   

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