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中日两国教科书里的日本二战小说在历史认识上所存在的偏差和作为教材所起到的负面作用值得注意。在日本,它们对青年一代二战史观的形成起着潜移默化的作用;在中国别导致对日本二战小说的误读,影响了从历史层面对日本侵华战争的总体把握。  相似文献   

This paper explores the occurrence of conceptual incoherence in upper secondary school textbooks resulting from the use of multiple historical models. Swedish biology and chemistry textbooks, as well as a selection of books from English speaking countries, were examined. The purpose of the study was to identify which models are used to represent the phenomenon of gene function in textbooks and to investigate how these models relate to historical scientific models and subject matter contexts. Models constructed for specific use in textbooks were identified using concept mapping. The data were further analyzed by content analysis. The study shows that several different historical models are used in parallel in textbooks to describe gene function. Certain historical models were used more often then others and the most recent scientific views were rarely referred to in the textbooks. Hybrid models were used frequently, i.e. most of the models in the textbooks consisted of a number of components of several historical models. Since the various historical models were developed as part of different scientific frameworks, hybrid models exhibit conceptual incoherence, which may be a source of confusion for students. Furthermore, the use of different historical models was linked to particular subject contexts in the textbooks studied. The results from Swedish and international textbooks were similar, indicating the general applicability of our conclusions.  相似文献   

Using cognitive ethnography as a guiding framework, we investigated US and Japanese fourth-grade teachers' domain knowledge of key fraction representations in individual interviews. The framework focused on revealing cultural trends in participants' organization of knowledge and their interpretations of that organization. Our analyses of the interviews, which included a representation sorting task, indicated three major differences that defined US and Japanese teachers' approaches to rational number representation: (1) Japanese teachers interpreted all rational number representations as conveying primarily mathematical information, whereas US teachers interpreted only some representations as conveying primarily mathematical information; (2) the US teachers focused more intently on part-whole relations than Japanese in their interpretations; and (3) Japanese teachers more easily linked rational number representations to more advanced upcoming content in the curriculum. A review of US textbooks used by the teachers reflected their consistency with US teachers' interpretations of the representations. These findings imply that strong cultural differences underlay the approaches that teachers in both nations take to rational number representation and that these differences may help explain established cross-national differences in student reasoning.  相似文献   

This paper reports on 2 studies that examine how mathematical problem posing is integrated in Chinese and US elementary mathematics textbooks. Study 1 involved a historical analysis of the problem-posing (PP) tasks in 3 editions of the most widely used elementary mathematics textbook series published by People’s Education Press in China over 3 decades. Study 2 compared the PP tasks in Chinese and US elementary mathematics textbooks. This allows for the examination of PP tasks from an international comparative perspective, which provides one point of view about the kinds of learning opportunities that are available to students in China and the USA. We found evidence that the inclusion of PP tasks in the Chinese textbook series reflected, to some degree, changes in the curricular frameworks in China. However, the distribution of PP tasks across grade levels and content areas, as well as the variety of types of PP tasks included, suggest a need for greater intentionality in the design and placement of PP tasks in both the Chinese and US textbook series. Findings from the 2 studies reported in this paper not only contribute to our understanding about the inclusion of PP tasks in curriculum both historically and internationally, but also suggest a great need to systematically integrate PP activities into curriculum and instruction. The fact that both Chinese and US curriculum standards have heavily emphasized PP in school mathematics, despite there being only a small proportion of PP activities in both Chinese and US elementary mathematics curricula, suggests the existence of challenges that are delaying the implementation of reform ideas such as problem posing in school mathematics.  相似文献   

从新版历史教科书中有关“抗日战争”内容的叙述中我们发现,历史教科书编写当中有如下几个问题值得思考:1.如何处理学习主题与教科书内容的关系;2.历史发展的连贯性与跳跃性;3.以实事求是态度治史与教科书编写的思想性;4.历史教科书的个性与特色。  相似文献   

张国松 《历史教学问题》2020,(1):27-32,164,165
教科书是形塑和传承历史记忆的重要媒介。作为日本侵华暴行的典型,南京大屠杀发生后不久即被写入中国教科书并延续至今。80年多来,不同时期中国教科书中的南京大屠杀的记述,在抗战动员、审判日本战犯、揭露国民党政权消极抗日、批驳日本右翼势力否认或淡化侵略历史的言行,以及国家公祭等不同语境中,被重新整合与诠释,其书写内容、角度和方式均有所变化。这并非意味着南京大屠杀历史本身发生了改变,而是在不同的语境中人们对南京大屠杀历史认知不断深化。树立人类命运共同体意识,培养正确的历史观和世界观,是新时代中国教科书南京大屠杀历史书写的使命。  相似文献   

历史教科书中如何认识和描写“南京大屠杀” ,关系到如何认识历史 ,如何教育下一代的大问题。中国很重视对学生进行关于“南京大屠杀”的教育 ,各家教科书对这一事件都有详细描述 ,都配有插图 ,都设计了针对这一问题的习题 ,由此揭露日本侵华战争的残酷性和野蛮性。日本历史教科书把重点放在这一事件增强了中国人民的抗日意识上 ,描写这一事件的分量也很少 ,同时还存在着史实错误。我们希望日本能正确对待历史 ,教育好下一代 ,让中日两国人民世世代代友好下去  相似文献   

不同历史时代的价值诉求深刻地影响不同历史时代的小学语文教材,小学语文教材的变化也因此成为了解不同历史时代主流价值诉求调整转向的风向标。本文对民国不同历史时期小语文教材的教学内容进行初步分析,期盼为正在进行的我国小学语文教材的改革提供一个新的途径。  相似文献   

日本右翼势力利用修改其历史教科书,企图达到淡化、否认其侵略亚洲邻国的目的,以此培养日本极端民族主义并试探中国及周边国家的反应,企图重新塑造其军事大国地位。对这种危险的挑衅行为和复苏军国主义的倾向,我们应当坚决加以谴责、驳斥,但更应该加紧自己的建设,用更加强大的实力痛击日本右翼势力,保卫国家的安全与和平。  相似文献   

Visual representations are ubiquitous in modern‐day science textbooks and have in recent years become an object of criticism and scrutiny. This article examines the extent to which changes in representations in textbooks published in the USA over the past six decades have invited those critiques. Drawing from a correlational analysis of a corpus of 34 US middle school physical science textbooks, continuities are established with respect to the purposes that most textbook images serve and the numbers of schematic representations that are used. Changes are observed in the overall total number of representations in textbooks and in the proportion of representations that are photographic. Interpretive cases of individual representations over time are presented to further illustrate the continuities and changes that have taken place. Specifically, high‐fidelity images, such as photographs, are shown permeating or replacing schematic and explanatory images in the interest of promoting familiarization to students. This shifting emphasis toward familiarization is discussed as a specific cause for concern about quality and utility of representations in modern‐day US science textbooks.  相似文献   

“もぅ”和“まだ”是一组与“体”相关的副词,一般教材都是在日语学习的入门阶段导入这组副词的。这组副词虽然看似简单,但却由于很多教材对其解释得不够充分、准确,而成了日语学习初级阶段的难点之一。通过分析由谷学谦和李永夏编写的《新编初级日语》(吉林教育出版社)对“もぅ”和“まだ”解释说明的正误,诠释了“もぅ”和“まだ”的用法,并指出了教材编者应如何正确导入这组副词。  相似文献   

胡乔木晚年,作为中共中央主管意识形态工作的主要领导人,在80年代发起组织并亲自参与了对日本右翼势力修改历史教科书、篡改历史、否认南京大屠杀等行径的深刻批判,就运用近现代史特别是帝国主义侵华暴行史对全国人民进行爱国主义教育问题,提出了许多方针、措施.他批判日本右翼势力,是为了尊重历史、维护人类正义、促进中日友好关系的发展.其中充分表现了他的政治远见和爱国主义精神.  相似文献   

黄薇 《教育文化论坛》2014,6(4):100-103
当今的日语教学方式已经不再是单纯的“教教材”,即照本宣科,而是根据学生情况、课程安排及课程目标等选择适合的教材授课。这也就体现了本文的主旨,日语教材的“二次开发”。而教材的开发着重两个主体对象,一是老师,二是学生。本文在教材的“二次开发”理论指导下,对三所大学日语专业选取的教材进行了对比分析,从而更深刻的了解了日语教材“二次开发”对于教学的重要价值和意义。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to investigate whether the Japanese government’s attempt to promote a ‘gender-equal’ society in recent decades and the improved status of women are reflected in patterns of gender representation in Japanese English as a foreign language textbooks. The study made an analysis of four popular series of English language textbooks published in 2011 for local Japanese students with corpus linguistic tools (e.g. concordancing, keyword in context) to investigate the ratio of female-to-male appearances, the extent of use of gender-neutral and gender-marked constructions, the common adjectives associated with women and men, the common address titles for reference to women, and the order of appearance of women and men. The findings revealed some evidence of gender equity, including common use of gender-inclusive vocabulary (e.g. salesclerk, waitperson) and the neutral address title Ms for women. The ‘male-first’ phenomenon, however, is still prevalent in contemporary Japanese textbooks, suggesting the secondary status of women. Variations were found in different series of textbooks pertaining to the representation of women and men in the domains of quantitative balance and gender stereotyping. It is suggested that specific guidelines be compiled by the education authorities to help textbook authors write educational materials that help promote a gender-fair society in Japan.  相似文献   

One of the aspects science education should focus on is learning about science.Achieving a good understanding of this aspect requires, among others, the useof the history of science. There is some evidence that teachers rely heavily ontextbooks to select the historical content they include in their physical sciencelessons. On the other hand, Portuguese physical science syllabuses are not veryexplicit about the teaching of the science. Therefore, textbook writers may notfeel compelled to give enough importance to the history of science in their textbooksand consequently little history of science will pervade the science lessons. This paperaims to present a theoretically grounded checklist developed for analysing the historical content of science textbooks. Five physics textbooks that are different with regard to historical content were analysed. Inter-ratter agreement was used in order to validate the checklist. The results of the analysis show that the checklist is able to reveal differences among textbooks and that the historical content included in the textbooks is hardly able to give students an adequate image of science and scientists' work.  相似文献   

研究主要采用文本分析法,以探明甲午战争后,壬寅癸卯学制出台前,新式学堂所编辑的蒙学课本的主要特点。研究结果发现:此一阶段的蒙学课本具有传统蒙书和日本小学读本的双重身影,从而在形式和内容上具有了新的特点。一方面,其继承和借鉴了传统蒙书的编写特点,不仅在语体上使用浅显文言,而且在选材上广泛取材于传统蒙书。另一方面,其积极向日本小学读本取经,取材偏向于现实,编排上循序渐进,并引入了歌谣体。  相似文献   

While there has been significant growth in victimology theories since its roots in the mid twentieth century, these developments have not been adequately transferred to victimology textbooks. This paper evaluates the representation of theories in victimology textbooks using a content analysis approach. It specifically examines the amount of space dedicated to theory, what specific theories are discussed, and the way theories are integrated into the text. Although these texts provide a solid foundation in the historical development of victimology, measuring victimization, and to a lesser extent, the criminal justice response and remedies for victims, students are often not given a framework for which to understand and explain patterns and risk factors of victimization. In light of the paucity of attention to theories of victimology, suggestions for teaching theories of victimology in ways that supplement existing texts and implications for future textbooks are discussed.  相似文献   

利用Citespace软件对新中国成立70年来中小学教科书研究进行可视化分析,从而对其整体研究进行宏观把握,对其历史演进脉络进行梳理,发现建国70年来中小学教科书的研究内容不断深入。在起步阶段,研究内容仅涉及内容介绍、简评与编写建议及其政治功能;在发展阶段,已经拓宽至教科书的应用、编审、经验总结及高中教科书研究等方面;在深化阶段,关注多科目、多版本及教科书选用制度的研究。进入21世纪以来,其研究方法逐渐多样化、研究视角不断增加,整体呈多样化发展的态势。但仍存在着研究科目选择偏重文史类科目,对其他科目的研究较少,研究中缺少对教师与学生两大使用主体实然性的关注,研究视角仍缺乏多样化等问题。这是该领域研究未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

今年是世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年,战争过去60年后的今天,我们看到,在东亚,互不信任的局面正在再度形成。2004年以来,中日之间不和谐的阴影正在扩散。历史问题方面,日本政要接连参拜靖国神社,通过右翼历史教科书,驳回战争受害者要求谢罪和赔偿的请求。在钓鱼岛问题上,日本日益强硬,东海油气田成为中日之间新的争议点。日本甚至公开宣布以中国为假想敌。总之,展望中日关系前景,无法乐观;处理不好,“政冷经热”会逐渐走向“政冷经冷”,甚至走向局部冷战。  相似文献   

历史课程与历史教科书是近代中国社会变迁的产物。随着时代的变换,史观也随之改变,史观的改变带动了教科书观点的更新。从历史课程、历史教科书中,我们能感受不同时代变换风云的政治面孔和史观嬗变带来的影响。  相似文献   

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