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总结了出版抗SARS专题论文组稿工作的经验,科技期刊应多方位紧密协作、积极开展“优势组稿”、注意积累“资源储备”、提高突击性组稿的“应急能力”,全力为科研服务。同时提出要进一步加强期刊自身的品牌建设,加速建成网络版期刊,以便更好地适应竞争性攻关研究的需要。  相似文献   

浅谈气象服务和农业发展的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了气象服务的概念、现状和存在的问题,提出了提高气象服务水平的对策和建议。  相似文献   

目的研究适合的蛋白纯化和病毒灭活工艺,制备静脉注射用人SARS特异性免疫球蛋白.方法采用低温乙醇和离子交换层析相结合的工艺进行分离纯化,在分离纯化过程中对血浆进行S/D病毒灭活,对原液进行纳米膜过滤去除病毒.对产品的SARS抗体效价、灭活剂残余含量进行检测,对血浆S/D病毒灭活工艺进行验证.结果产品的各项质量指标符合静脉注射要求,产品中SARS抗体效价经ELISA法检测为183,产品中灭活剂TNBP和Triton-X100的残余含量均<5.0 ug/ml.病毒灭活方法经验证可以有效灭活指示病毒.结论本蛋白纯化工艺可操作性强、产品质量稳定,为从突发病毒性疾病患者康复期血浆中小规模提取特异性免疫球蛋白提供了一种适合的方法.  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征带给中国医学期刊的反思   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
通过国内外著名医学期刊对严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)报道时滞的比较,认为导致国内医学期刊对SARS相关报道较慢的主要原因包括:长期以来计划经济中固有的思维方式,我国医学专家的工作和思维习惯,编委会的导向作用,科技期刊编辑的新闻敏感性,审稿的质量和时效以及期刊的出版周期等。作者对所涉及各方面的原因进行了分析,并提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

通过分析公路网管理部门对路网交通气象运行状态的监测需求,确定影响公路网安全运行的气象要素分类和影响因素,构建物联网条件下公路网运行状态气象监测指标体系,研究制订气象监测设备布设原则和方案,以指导公路网运营管理中对交通气象条件的实时监测与服务的建设。  相似文献   

浦东电力负荷特性及与气象条件关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据上海市东电力公司提供的浦东新区2001年1月1日至2003年6月30日每5分钟电力负荷数据和浦东气象台同期每小时气温、气压、风速、风向、湿度、降水、日照时数等气象要素资料,用简单的统计相关系数方法研究了电力负荷特性以及典型季节气象负荷与相关气象因子之间的相关关系;给出了典型季节气象负荷对气象因子响应程度的定量分析。  相似文献   

以MAMS保障体系为基础,采用C/S结构建立了省级气象装备保障系统。对省局业务网络、国家级自动气象站、区域自动气象站以及其它气象装备的通讯状态进行实时监控,同时对本地各种气象数据进行质量控制,并通过语音或短信的形式将监控到的异常情况发送给相关人员。同时,对气象装备进行基本信息管理、维修过程管理及零部件出入库管理,提供技术文档查询,提供模糊查找功能。系统将装备保障所需的监控、报警、维修整合为一个平台,提高了工作效率,符合气象自动化趋势。  相似文献   

How are secondary accounts of "bad" scientific practice constructed? How do they engage with the primary data produced by "bad" scientists? And what happens to those primary data as generations of secondary accounts purporting to describe them accumulate? This paper addresses such questions via a case study of Dr. Hong, a microbiologist accused of "bad" scientific practice by numerous secondary accounts of the 2003 SARS outbreak. Bringing Hong's own account of his own actions into dialogue with one of the most influential secondary accounts of his actions, the paper highlights the gross disparity between the two. Having argued that the rhetorical structuring of the secondary account is, ultimately, responsible for Hong's characterisation as a "bad" scientist, it then moves to explore how subsequent accounts developed their own characterisations. What becomes clear is that as secondary accounts began feeding off one another, references to Hong's account disappeared. Aided by the concepts of the "vanishing" and the "phantasm", the paper concludes with a consideration of how this process left Hong's work with a very peculiar form of existence.  相似文献   



This study aimed to assess whether heart fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) and glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB) could be used for the accurate diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients.

Materials and methods:

The study included 108 ACS patients admitted to a coronary unit within 3 h after chest pain onset. AMI was distinguished from unstable angina (UA) using a classical cardiac troponin I (cTnI) assay. H-FABP and GPBB were measured by ELISA on admission (0 h) and at 3, 6, 12, and 24 h after admission; their accuracy to diagnose AMI was assessed using statistical methods.


From 92 patients with ACS; 71 had AMI. H-FABP and GPBB had higher peak value after 3 h from admission than cTnI (P = 0.001). Both markers normalized at 24 h. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves was significantly greater for both markers in AMI patients than in UA patients at all time points tested, including admission (P < 0.001). At admission, the H-FABP (37%) and GPBB (40%) sensitivities were relatively low. They increased at 3 and 6 h after admission for both markers and decreased again after 24 h. It was 40% for H-FABP and approximately 2-times lower for GPBB (P < 0.01). In AMI patients, both biomarkers had similar specificities, positive- and negative-predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and risk ratios for AIM.


H-FABP and GPBB can contribute to early AMI diagnosis and can distinguish AMI from UA.  相似文献   

以中国高新区科技人才为研究对象,通过因子分析法挖掘的工作自身、人际关系和外部激励满意度及总体满意度作为多维研究变量,通过多变量方差分析法,对不同个体差异特质因素下多维研究变量差异显著性与否的相互关系和规律作用进行了研究.结果显示,在不同个体差异因素影响下,分项满意度差异性呈现不同的显著程度和分布特点,对总体满意度差异性起到加强或削弱作用.由此,探讨了在科技人才满意度的分析中此规律作用的发生根源和对策建议.  相似文献   

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