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1、It’s up to you.(由你决定。)2、I envy you。(我羡慕你。)3、How can I get in touch with you?(请问我怎么和你联系?)4,Where can I wash my hands?(请问洗手间在哪里?)5、What’s the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)  相似文献   

1)A: Jack, I can’t go with you to the movie tonight. B: Why? What are you up to? A: I guess I have to bone up for my English test Friday. A:杰克,今天晚上我不能和你一起去看电影了。B:为什么?你在忙什么?A:我想我得准备星期五的英语考试了。2)A: Can you beat your opponent? B: I can’t make a promise, but I will put my best foot forward. A:你能打败你的对手吗?B:我无法保证。但我会全力以赴的。口语充电…  相似文献   

can1.表示能力,意思是“能;会”,其否定形式can’t表示“不能”。在过去时中用could和couldn’t。例如:Excuse me.Read the text louder,please.Ican’t hear you.对不起,请读大点儿声。我听不见你的声音。Can you mend my car?I can’t start it.你能修理我的车吗?我发动不了。Could Mary ride when she was threeyears old?玛丽三岁时会骑车吗?2.表示推测,意思是“可能”,表示客观可能性,常常用于疑问句和否定句中。例如:—Look!Mr White is on the other side ofthe street.看!怀特先生在街对面。—It can’t be him.He has gone to Bei-jing.不可能是他。他去了北京。—They say Mr White has gone to HongKong.Can that be true?他们说怀特先生去了香港,会是真的吗?—It can’t be true because I saw him inthe off...  相似文献   

在需要的地方填上冠词:1.The chance to enter_____college came and he took it.2.It is good of you to take_____troube to help us.3.The couple are of_____age.4.child as he is,he knows a lot.5.(1)Let’S have a rest for_____moment.(2)He is busy for_____moment.6.(1)I failed for the first time,I think I should try_____second time.(2)______second time I saw him,I found his door locked.7.(1)We have never spent______more pleasant day before.(2)_______more you speak,the greater Ptogress you Will make.8.(1)______word came tha the had just come out of prison.(2)Wait a minute,I want to have_____word with you.9.(1)_____man is the only animal that can speak.(2)Be_____man.Don’t lose heart.10.(1)Out of_____question,he can hold the important position.(2)AS it is raining hard,the footbsll match is out of_____question.11.(1)Say it in_____English.(2)What’s_____English for“计算机”?(3)He can say it in_____English language.12.(1)Great Changes have taken_____place in our China in the last 15 years.  相似文献   

1.不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。(英国剧作家"莎士比亚)Don’t gild the lily.(William Shakespeare,English playwriter)2.只凭一句赞美的话我就可以充实地活上两个月。(美国作家"马克·吐温)I can live for two months on a good compliment.(Mark Twain,American writer)3.不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。(英国首相"丘吉尔)It is no use doing what you like;you have got to like what youdo.(Winston Churchill,British prime minister)4.我的人生哲学就是工作。(美国发明家"爱迪生)My philosophy of life is work.(Thomas A…  相似文献   

Bill:We don’t have much time.Jerry:I’m hurrying as fast as I can!Bill:Well,try to hurry a little bit more,will you?I don’t want to be late.Jerry:Oh,we won’t be late.You know how these affairs are(了解情况的).They never start on time.Bill:Maybe so.But I always like to get there on time.Jerry:Oh,you’re such a fuddy-duddy(就你事多).Don’t worry.I’llget you there with time to spare.Bill:Is that a promise?Jerry:It’s a promise.Now leave me alone while I finish getting ready.  相似文献   

[知识与技能]阅读下列对话,注意与旅行相关的语句:(1)A:Where are you going for your vacation? 你去哪儿度假?B:I’d like to go to Taiyuan. How about you? 我想去太原,你呢?A:I haven’t decided, but I prefer Datong. 我还没决定,不过我想去大同。B:I went there last summer. It’s worth seeing. 去年夏天我去过,值得一看。(2)A:Excuse me,could you tell me where it is on the map? 对不起,你能告诉我它在地图上是什么位置?B:Oh,It’s here.This is Wuyi Road. 噢,在这儿,这是五一路。A:Co…  相似文献   

Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart.Cling to them as you would cling toyour life,for without them,life is meaningless.Don’t give up when you still have something to give.Nothing is really over until the mo-ment you stop trying.Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.It is this fragile thread that binds useach together.Don’t be afraid to encounter risks.It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.千万别小看最贴近你内心的东西。用你的一生去坚守…  相似文献   

1.What well(井)don't you sink?2.What kind of belt(带子)you can’t fasten round yOtit waist?3.What kind of stockings(长 统袜)you don’t wear?4.What'S the’way(路)on which you can't walk?5.What cock(公鸡)won’t crov~’?答案:1.An inkwell.(墨水池)2.The cotton belt.(一种棉地带)3.A Blue-stocking(才女)4.The milky way.(银河)5.A weather-cock.(风标)双关语问答@胡芸芳…  相似文献   

1.It’s up to you.(由你决定。) 2.How shall I call you?(我怎么称呼你?) 3.How can I get in touch with you?(我怎么跟你联系?)  相似文献   

1.I did not expect t o survive t hatlong.(Unit1)【考点】句中that用作副词,相当于so,意为“如此;那么”,多用于口语,其后大多修饰副词和形容词。例如:I can’t walk that far.我不能走那么远。She wasn’t that angry.她没有那么生气。但它也与so一样有一个异乎一般副词的特点,其后可接much,many,little,few等不定代词。例如:I have sone that much.我已做了那么多了。Why did you eat that littel.你干嘛吃那么少?【考例】Sometimes it was a bit boring to workthere because there wasn’t always muchto do.(2004广东)A.more B.…  相似文献   

【词语过关】cancan是情态动词,意思是“能;会”,没有人称和数的变化;转换成否定句是在can后面加上not,转换成一般疑问句是把can提到句首,简略回答为:Yes,主语 can./No,主语 can’t.此外,can也可以用来表示许可或请求。例如:I can repair the radio.我能修理这台收音机。I can’t go with you.我不能跟你去。—Can she jump?她能跳吗?—Yes,she can.她能。/No,she can’t.不,她不能。—Can you have dinner with us?你能和我们一起共进晚餐吗?—Sure,I’d love to.当然,我很乐意。must也是情态动词,意思是“必须”,没有人称和数的变化。以must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答通常用needn’t或don’thave to,而不用mustn’t。例如:—Must I stay at home this afternoon?今天下午我必须呆在家里吗?—No,you needn’t/don’t have to.不,不必。must还可用来表示肯定的推测,意为“一定;准是”。但表示否定的推测...  相似文献   

Teacher:Tom,you haven’t shown your parents the examination pa-pers,have you?Tom:Yes,I have,sir.Teacher:But I can’t find your father’s John Hancock on the papers.Tom:Here,sir.(Showing his whipped arm to the teacher.)Father’s John Hancock!山东@石继忠  相似文献   

一天放了学,Tom和爸爸在聊天。Father:Who is the laziest in your class?汤姆,你们班里谁最懒?Tom:I don’t know,daddy.我不知道,爸爸。Father:You should know.Who doesn’t read or write,but just look here and there in class?你应该知道。谁在班里不读不写,只是到处看?Tom:The teacher.老师。AnswerCustom:Waiter,can you explain why the fly is in my soup?Waiter:It’s swimming,sir.答案顾客:服务员,你能解释一下我汤里的苍蝇是怎么回事吗?服务员:他在游泳,先生。Riddles猜谜语1.I can see it,but you can’t.What is i…  相似文献   

陈德峰 《新高考》2008,(3):49-50
请先看下面两道高考题:1.—Have you____some new ideas?—Yeah.I’ll tell you later.(2007 江苏)A.come about B.come intoC.come up with D.come out with2.—It’ll take at least 2 hours to do this!—Oh,______!I could do it in 30 minutes.(2005 天津)A.come on B.pardon meC.you are right D.don’t mention it解析 1.C。考查固定短语。由句意"你想出新的  相似文献   

(A) A:It’s really very kindof you to have done this forme.Thank you very much.你帮了我的忙,真太好了,非常感谢。 B:It’s my pleasure.Pleaselet me know whenever youneed my help.很乐意效劳,无论何时需要我帮忙,告诉我一声就行了。 A:You are welcome.别客气。  相似文献   

上一期已经学了不少提出建议和劝告的好句子了,你都掌握了吗?这里继续给大家介绍一些常用语,希望你们喜欢。Telling someone to accept a badsituation or failure劝说某人接受失败或不好的境遇1.There’s nothing you can doabout it.你对此无能为力。2.That’s the way it goes.现实就是这样。3.You can’t fight it.你再争也没有用。4.C’est la vie.生活就是如此。(French)5.It was destined to happen.这是命中注定。6.It’s meant to be.命该如此。7.What ever will be,will be.该怎样,就会怎样。8.It’s just one of those thing…  相似文献   

(本课使用的是灵通少儿英语第三册的教材) 片断一:体验、感知、实践、学习新的语言知识。 T:Please.(Hold the new word vinegar behind the student)This time let me help you.Listen to me carefully.It’s regularly brown.It looks like soy sauce.But it’s sour.When we eat Jiaozi.we usually use it.When we cook fish.we’ll also use it.It’s very sour.You can tell me Chinese.  相似文献   

1.Come on.You can do it!来吧,你能行!2.Give it a try.试试看。3.Go for it.去试试吧。4.Have a go at it.你来试一试。5.It won’t hurt you to try it.你不妨试试。  相似文献   

Key 听力材料及答案I.1.——Is it going to rain? ——I don’t think so.(B)2.I like meat very much.(D)3.There is a boat in the river.(B)4 Uncle Tom is eighty years old.(C)5.This is her coat.Mine is over there.(A)Ⅱ.1.W:Jim,could you help me,please? M:Certainly.Lucy.What’s wrong? W:My bike is borken.(B) 2.w:Mike!Is your kite broken? M:Yes,it is. W:Let me have a look. M:Here you are. W:Oh.Don’t worry.I can mend it.(C) 3.W:Are Mr Green's trousers black or blue? M:They're brown.(B) 4.M:What team are you in,Li Ling?Are you in Team l? W:No.I’m in Team 2.  相似文献   

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