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文化具有创造的品性,文化创造的过程实际上就是文化价值观念的嬗变过程。人类社会的发展过程就是人类文化的创造过程,或者说,没有文化的创造活动,就不会有人类社会的进步和发展。职业教育的大发展其实也是得益于文化的创新与改造,得益于文化创造过程中人们价值观念与政府职能的转变。  相似文献   

安之林 《科学课》2013,(6):12-13
从广义方面讲,人类所共同创造和享用的物质财富和精神财富都是文化。不同的时代、地域、民族、国家的人们会创造出不同的文化。教育作为对人类生存、发展和文明化程度具有重大影响的文化形态,承载着传承、发展和创造人类文化的使命,并藉此影响和促进人类以及人类社会的发展。  相似文献   

文化是社会主体创造出来的满足自身生存与发展需要的各种支持系统。人类从事文化活动的主要形式有文化创造、文化传播、文化建设。文化创造是人类的基础性的文化活动形式,分为无意创造和刻意创造两种。文化传播是把文化元素从一个地方传布、扩散到另一个地方的活动,分为有文化扩散、文化采借两种形式。文化建设是一种主要由国家有目的有计划地把整个社会的文化引导到有利于自身发展的轨道上来的文化活动形式,包括正确评估本国民族文化、确立以社会现代化为轴心进行文化建设的战略思想、处理各种文化系统的关系、兴办文化产业和繁荣文化市场等具体操作方法。文化创造、文化传播、文化建设是人类开展的相互依存相互促进的三种基本文化活动形式。研究人类开展的文化活动形式有利于突出人类在文化创造、传播、应用上的主体性,增强人类在变革文化过程中的自觉意识;为我国发展文化事业提供理论启发,推动文化事业的发展。  相似文献   

1.从文化继承的角度看人类文化,说到底,是人类生产与社会活动的产物,同时又是人们创造新的社会生产与社会生活的基础和必要条件。人类的文化与教育是密切联系着的。人类的生存和发展创造了文化,而文化的传播与发展又依赖于教育,即教育从一开始就成为了传递和保存人类文化的重要手段。因此,教育是人类历史  相似文献   

生态文化是人与自然和谐发展的文化,其核心是人类社会的可持续发展。人类以创造文化来适应生态环境,以发展文化来适应变化的生态环境。随着人口、资源、环境之间的矛盾日益尖锐化,人类必须通过创建生态文化来修复由于旧文化的不适应而造成的环境退化,创造新的生态文化来与环境携手共进。  相似文献   

自然创造了人类,人类创造了文化。生物界靠基因的遗传而存在,靠基因的变异而演化,人类社会靠文化传承而延续,靠文化创新而发展。文化就是人类社会的“基因”。  相似文献   

人类历史是从人类文化的产生开始计算的。人只有在对单一的物质需求上升到情感、精神和文化的需求时,才能被称为真正意义上的人,所以文化是人的生活方式。同时人类还为自己创造了一种特有的发展方式,即人创造文化,再反过来用文化创造自己。所以,文化又是人的发展方式。  相似文献   

自然创造了人类,人类创造了文化。人类以自然作为人类生存与发展的基础,以文化作为生存与发展的方式。生物界靠基因的遗传而存在,靠基因的变异而演化。人类社会靠文化传承而延续,靠文化创新而发展。文化就是人类社会的“基因”。  相似文献   

论教师创造教育能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创造教育的思想古已有之。教师不仅是人类文化的传递者,更是人类文化的创造者。因此,创造教育能力对教师就显得尤为重要。因此,认识创造教育的含义和特征,辨析创造教育认识上的误区,对于探寻培养教师创造教育能力的对策、提高教师创造教育能力十分必要。  相似文献   

人是社会文化的创造者,人又受到特定社会文化的塑造,由人类创造并塑造着人们的社会文化,由物质技术系统的科学文化、精神艺术系统的人文文化、组织规范系统的制度文化三个子系组成;科学文化以客观化的求真为旨趣,其效应是为人类创造巨大的物质财富,人文文化以主观化的唯美为旨意,其意义是充实着人类的精神家园,制度文化以群体化的扬善为宗旨,其效用是维护着人类存在的整体性,三种文化的发展虽然各有所旨,但人类文化仍须作为一个系统而整体性地融合发展。  相似文献   

创造力教育是建立在创造力开发基础上的一种教育理念,适应创造力经济的现代大学教育,无疑应当注重学生的创造力发展,因此创造力教育是现代大学的一种必然选择。作为大学的创造力教育,要以创造力开发(创造力的发现、创造力的培养、创造力的整合)为基本目标、以学科创造力为核心、以主动性实践为关键来构建其教育体系。  相似文献   

To understand creativity is to recognize and develop the creative potential within oneself and others. This article examines what creativity is not and then what creativity is. First, the six leading misconceptions about creativity are discussed: Creativity belongs solely to the arts; creativity is quickly recognizable; innovators always work alone; mental illness enhances creativity; creativity is a divine flash of inspiration; and newness is a prerequisite to creativity. Then, using the research-based CATs model, what creativity is and how creativity develops into innovation are discussed: (a) cultivate creative climates; (b) nurture creative attitudes; and (c) develop creative thinking skills. Creativity does not come from nature but from nurture, and developing gifted children’s creativity should be the goal of parenting and education.  相似文献   

创造力是正常人普遍具有的潜在的心理能力,创造力内隐理论对创造力的非正式评价及培养都起着重要的潜在作用。创造意识的产生在一定程度上建立在创造力内隐理论基础之上,可以说内隐理论是创造意识产生的最初形态。正因为创造力内隐理论的存在,随着逐步的显现、认识,不断的深化、发现,会逐渐明朗,最后成为创造意识。教师是否具有创造意识将直接影响中小学生创造潜能的开发和创造力水平的提高。所以培养每位未来教师形成正确的创造意识,是当前教师教育的重要任务。  相似文献   

提及创造力,人们主要想到科学、技术或艺术。近年来,语言学家和语言教育工作者发现语言系统和语言使用就一直存在着创造力。对语言的创造力给予诠释和分类,进而明晰如何在语言教学应用创造力、如何培养学生的语言创造力,最终可达到提高语言交际能力的目的。  相似文献   

论大学生创造性的基本特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从教育学的角度来看 ,创造性的本质是“人性”与“人力”的统一 ;按照这个标准 ,可将人的创造性划分为自我性的创造性与社会性的创造性。大学生的创造性存在个体差异 ;大学生的创造性处于由自我性向社会性过渡的关键期 ;大学生的创造性是全面的 ,但同时也具有明显的专业特征  相似文献   


One of the most contentious areas in creativity theory is the question of domain specificity. How we conceptualize creativity — as something that transcends content domains, or as something that varies depending on the domain in question — has important implications for both creativity research and creativity training programs. The Amusement Park Theoretical (APT) model of creativity is the first creativity theory to successfully bridge the gap between these contrasting views of creativity. The APT model uses the metaphor of an amusement park to explore creativity. There are four stages: Initial requirements, general thematic areas, domains, and micro‐domains. The first level (initial requirements) is very general, and each subsequent level gets more and more domain‐specific. The APT model can provide a powerful framework for creativity assessment, selection of students for gifted education programs, and the development of creativity training programs.  相似文献   

在知识经济的背景下,创造力是全社会的追求,也理所当然地成为了当前学校教育的应然选择。但作为一种价值取向,追求中小学生的创造力必然会付出一定的代价,明确并减少这种代价具有重要的理论和现实意义。由于创造力的破坏性、创造力评价标准的模糊性和中小学生创造力的潜在性,追求中小学生的创造力存在着危害学生社会化进程、挑战学校教育权威、增加学生负担等代价。只有正确认识创造力的价值及其限度、把追求中小学生的创造力视为一种“理智的冒险”,并将研究重心放在创造力发展所需要的条件上,才能有效地减少代价。  相似文献   

根据团队创造力相关理论,基于变革型领导、团队沟通和个体创造力的作用,构建大学生科技创新团队创造力的结构和关系模型,提出它们之间的假设关系。本研究通过采集90个大学生科技创新团队的样本数据,采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、结构方程等方法对假设进行检验。结果表明,变革型领导对团队沟通、个体创造力及团队创造力皆具有正向影响作用;团队沟通和个体创造力对团队创造力也具有正向影响作用;个体创造力在变革型领导与团队创造力之间起部分中介作用;团队沟通没有起中介作用。建议高校要重视大学生科技创新团队的团队领导培养,提高大学生团队沟通能力和个体创造力,进而提升团队创造力。  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, creativity has increasingly been recognised as an important aspect of young people's education around the world. The global interest in creativity is fuelled by various economic and social considerations. One concern of the approach to creativity in education is the curriculum. The research reported in this paper aimed at identifying the curriculum-level enablers and barriers to nurturing creativity in Hungarian public education by investigating the place of creativity, as well as that of creative pedagogy, in the Hungarian National Core Curriculum (HNCC) using content analysis. Findings revealed that creativity and the components of creative pedagogy were recurring elements of the HNCC. In Arts and Mathematics, the high importance of creativity was also supported by the strong presence of the elements of creative pedagogy. The barriers identified include the lack of clear and consistent definitions of creativity, the varied incidences of creativity and components of creative pedagogy, with extremely low attention to nurturing creativity in Foreign languages, Man and nature (science), and The Earth – our environment (geography). It has been concluded, therefore, that a more coherent and consistent approach to creativity across the HNCC is required.  相似文献   

Often defined as originality and innovation and desired for the economic profits it can produce for both individuals and their societies, creativity has been examined in order to find ways in which it can be promoted through various instructional practices in and beyond schools. Nonetheless, creativity as a fundamental basis of human existence and learning in a shared world is largely understudied. In this article, I examine the commonly held assumptions of creativity as it is incorporated into educational practices—that is, the notion of creativity as developable and achievable, and often as measurable and evaluable. I explore some of the (negative) consequences of understanding creativity in this way and assert the need to reclaim the notion of creativity in order to recognize the ways in which creativity is a part of our everyday lived experiences, always including interactions with the bodily self, co-existing others, and the phenomenal world. Understanding creativity as an expressive mode and way of being in the world encourages a rethinking of creativity in education, positioning creativity as implicitly interwoven in the act of expression as it is undertaken in a community and advocating that this expression ought to be encouraged in both processes and products of learning.  相似文献   

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