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提问,是记者采访获取新闻事实的重要途径。记者提问技巧的高低,直接关系到采访方案、报道意图能否顺利实现。有效的提问,有助于开掘新闻事实的价值,使其报道的思想观点得以具体化、深刻化。因此,提高记者提问的技巧,是新闻采访获取成功的关键。  相似文献   

早年我在浙江西部的一家县级党报当记者,2008年成为《中国环境报》一名驻地记者。作为一名国家级专业媒体记者,我总想有自己的"拳头"产品。恰巧这一年开始,《中国环境报》开展风格年活动,鼓励驻地记者采写提问式深度报道,我就将此作为主攻重点,相关报道近几年来获得一定好评。回顾几年来采写提问报道的体会,我大致经历了"提不了问题、问不到点上和向善于提问努力"三个过程。提不了问题开始采写提问式报道,还真的一下让我迷惘了——不会提问!因为没有这方面实践经验和专业知识。在县级党报当记者的时候,跑的是领导会议线,到了现场就有领导讲话稿、背景资料、新闻通稿等,几乎不用采访,就可做成一  相似文献   

宋清华 《报刊之友》2013,(3):127-128
记者的职业活动特点是采访,记者的专业技术更多地反映在采访技巧的纯熟方面。问什么,不问什么,用什么方式提问都会影响到采访的效果。因此,记者要掌握提问的方式和技巧,灵活应用多种提问技巧,是新闻采访获取成功的关键。  相似文献   

王世枚 《军事记者》2011,(12):60-61
好的报道大多源于成功的采访.成功的采访大多得益有效的提问。采访提问过程是对记者政治立场、思想素质、业务水平和社会活动能力的综合锻炼和检验。记者提问时,脸热心跳,张口结舌,发问不清是一种表现;落落大方,侃侃而谈.切中要害是另一种表现。提问是否得当有效.决定了记者能否打开采访对象的心扉、能否了解真实准确的新闻事实、能否将新闻事实挖深挖透。  相似文献   

新闻采访的提问技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐琼 《新闻与写作》2005,(12):48-49
提问,是记者采访获取新闻事实的重要途径。记者提问技巧的高低,直接关系到采访方案、报道意图能否顺利实现。有效的提问,有助于开掘新闻事实的价值,使其报道的思想观点得以具体化、深刻化。因此,根据采访意图和对象随时调整谈话策略,灵活应用多种提问技巧,是新闻采访获取成功的关键。  相似文献   

关于新闻采访的提问质量和技巧问题,新闻专业范畴中既有专著章节论述,也有记者非常丰富的经验之谈。新闻采访是记者为收集新闻素材而进行的调查研究工作,提问则是记者采访中最主要的获取信息的方式。记者提问的质量和技巧,决定了他能否得到真实准确的新闻事实,能否将新闻事实挖  相似文献   

有人认为,电视报道中的同期声只不过几句话,没必要去刻意追求,其实不然。同期声内容与效果的优劣直接影响编辑、记者的意图、构思和宣传效果。而编辑、记者的意图“最终靠采访中的提问来体现”。 同期声采访有技巧。当拿起话筒进行镜前采访时,如何提问、问什么内容,应该是已成竹在胸。合适而恰当的提问可令采访对象妙语连珠;反之则会令人生厌。会不会提问或者说会不会  相似文献   

电视新闻的采访过程,记者占据主要地位,把控着整体新闻的节奏,因此,电视新闻记者在采访中的提问艺术和技巧,对于新闻采访工作具有重要的意义。本文主要从电视新闻采访前的准备工作,以及采访过程当中记者应该掌握的提问艺术和技巧两个方面进行分析,旨在帮助新闻记者提高采访能力和专业素质。  相似文献   

任玲 《视听纵横》2006,(6):114-115
在谈到采访和写作的关系时,有经验的记者认为,七分采,三分写,或者八分采,二分写,因为没有采访,哪来的“原料”,没有“原料”,又何以“加工”,因此,采访是报道的基础。而任何采访又离不开提问,美国《塔尔萨论坛报》记者鲍勃·福尔斯曼曾说:“笔下的功夫不强照样能当一名出色的记者,但不善于进行访问是绝对当不好记者的。这充分表明了采访提问对于记者而言的重要性。提问犹如采访的敲门砖,记者若想从采访对象身上了解到情况,必须使用提问使对方开口。如果把采访对象心中之所想比喻成一个矿藏,那么提问就是挖掘的铲子。如果是浅尝辄止,点到为止…  相似文献   

张欣 《新闻窗》2011,(3):39-39
作为一名广播电台记者,与被采访者进行有效的交流沟通是获得新闻事实的重要前提。在广播新闻采访中,被采访者面对的不仅仅是记者,还有话筒,这就要求广播电台记者在采访时必须注重提问技巧,消除被采访者的紧张和不安心理,以便采访出生动、真实的广播报道。在广播新闻采访中,提问技巧是关乎采访质量的关键,笔者就广播新闻采访应注重的提问技巧进行了简单探讨。  相似文献   

While women have made significant progress in gaining access to the field of journalism over the few past decades, some scholars have noted a persistent tendency for men and women journalists to be assigned to different types of news work, as if some news topics are gender specific, i.e., some news topics can be better handled by men, whereas others can be better handled by women. But do professional journalists themselves perceive news topics to be gender specific? What individual level factors may explain beliefs in the gender specificities of news topics? Drawing on a representative survey of 459 professional journalists in Hong Kong, this article showed that journalists did not treat many types of news stories as gender specific. Women, journalists with a stronger commitment to professional ethics, and single journalists were less likely to believe in gender specificities of news topics. Among women journalists, educational level was related to beliefs in gender specificities. Implications of the findings were also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the attitudes and the selection criteria of U.S. television journalists toward international news. Q factor analysis of 3I journalists from major national networks and local television stations reveals that journalists select international news based on market demands and local relevance. The findings strikingly delineate along the line between network versus local television. Network journalists manifest a global view, selecting international news with diverse themes, while local television journalists adopt a more pragmatic stance due to business pressures and audience demands, choosing international news with a local angle. All, however, emphasize timeliness and U.S. involvement in news selection.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):113-129
This research examines adaptations within traditional journalistic practice that are a result of the varied use of new media among both journalists and the public. Observations in newsrooms and 40 interviews with journalists from eight major news organisations in the United Kingdom and Canada highlight three significant changes: (1) shifts in traditional news flow cycles; (2) heightened accountability; and (3) evolving news values. Rising public documentation via mobile phones inserts a new element into traditional news flow cycles while material from bloggers acting as “citizen journalists” occasionally aids reporting of contested topics or regions fraught with accessibility issues. Elevated public scrutiny also obliges news organisations to contend with increasingly effective flak-producers. Some journalists have modified their daily routines to reflect the opportunities enabled by new media but altered organisational notions of immediacy significantly constrain time spent gathering the news, particularly within 24-hour programmes. Largely as a means of securing audiences, organisations are turning to their websites to offer interactivity and transparency.  相似文献   

An e-mail survey of online journalists reveals that online journalists' emotional responses to their competitors' coverage are significantly correlated with their job satisfaction, workload, and the perceived quality of their news website. The more negatively online journalists feel when they get scooped by their competitors, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more negatively the journalists feel about getting scooped, the more the workload the journalists feel that they have. The more positively online journalists feel when they scoop their competitors, the more positively they perceive the quality of their news website. In addition, the greater the workload the journalists consider that they have, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more positively the journalists perceive the quality of their news organization, the more satisfied they are with their jobs.  相似文献   

认为1999年因网络原生新闻概念而创立的网络报纸在台湾出现后,网络新闻开始让传统新闻媒体的产制作业产生冲击,新兴媒体时代的新闻产制过程,让新闻工作者无法用原本的媒体素养来因应网络。使用问卷调查法,了解新闻从业人员的网络素养以及具备网络素养的衡量准则。研究结果发现,新闻工作者已大量使用网络,但网络素养却十分匮乏,难以因应媒体科技在新兴媒体时代的变化。  相似文献   

This case study explores relationships among news organizations in one media ecosystem to determine how willing journalists may be to form a more collaborative information network. A three-step, mixed methodological approach is employed: the ecosystem was “mapped”; an ongoing dialogue with journalists was initiated, and in-depth interviews were conducted with journalists and community storytellers to understand existing news flow in this region. Preliminary findings suggest a willingness to collaborate; however, legacy media may have more reservations about collaboration than journalists at community newspapers, public broadcasting stations, and entrepreneurial startups.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):44-61
The profile of sport journalism has increased as the scale and media profile of large-scale international sporting events have escalated. This article considers the ways in which sport journalists have responded to such changes. It concentrates upon the nature of sport journalists’ relationships with their sources; their relationship with gatekeepers; and the issue of collusion, between journalists themselves and journalists and their subjects and sources. Drawing upon extensive periods of participation and observation at the Olympic Games, the FIFA (men's) football World Cup, and international football club and national championships and tournaments, and citing in-depth interviews with a senior wires-based journalist, the authors examine the practices of the sport journalism profession. These are also discussed in the light of journalists’ own published accounts, memoirs and reflections, and the wider, limited literature of research into the professional culture of sport journalism. In conclusion, the article argues that traditional legacies of source relations combine with current trends in promotional culture to confirm the collusive dynamic, and in widespread cases to intensify the trivialisation of the subject matter of the sport journalist.  相似文献   

This study helps bridge the existing divide between the knowledge on health news reporting in mainstream mass media and health reporting in media outlets serving Native American populations in the United States. The current work presents the first survey of journalists working in Native-serving media outlets to identify role conceptions, perceived importance, and actual practices of health reporting. Aided in data collection by the Native American Journalists Association, findings indicate journalists (N?=?100) place a high value on their role as disseminators of culturally relevant health information. However, results conflict in regard to the prioritization of health news reporting. Although journalists recognize health news should be a top priority, they point to a general lack of will from news leadership to make it an organizational priority. Additionally, results show that although journalists have comfort and confidence in health-related reporting, access to qualified sources remains an area for opportunity.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(5):588-603
Hyperlocal journalism is thriving. This article describes the case of a Belgian regional newspaper experimenting with citizen journalism and user-generated content (UGC) for hyperlocal news coverage. For each municipality of the region, an online news page has been created where all citizen contributions are published side by side with professional stories on local community news and events. The fact that the UGC is not separated from the professional articles makes it an interesting case to examine commonalities and differences between both types of community reporting. The findings, based on a content analysis of 474 news items, suggest that the newspaper seems to use citizen volunteers primarily as a means to outsource the “soft”, “good” and “small” news coverage of local community life, while preserving the “hard” and “bad” news provision as the exclusive domain of professional journalists. Further, the study's findings support previous research indicating that (1) local community journalism is characterised by a mix of crime reporting and news coverage of fires and accidents, on the one hand, and positive human-interest stories about social club activities, cultural events, health and sports, and school life, on the other; and that (2) citizen journalists tend to rely heavily on first-hand witnessing and personal experience due to a general lack of access to official sources of information.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):27-45
Our analysis of 2207 domestic news reports in a structured sample of UK “quality” (the Guardian, The Times, the Independent and the Telegraph) and mid-market (Daily Mail) newspapers, revealed journalists’ extensive use of copy provided by public relations sources and news agencies, especially the UK-based Press Association. A political economic explanation for this reliance on news stories produced “outside the newsroom”, draws inspiration from Gandy's notion of information subsidies and presents findings from a substantive content analysis of selected UK national newspapers, interviews with journalists working on national titles and news agencies, as well as detailed archival analysis of UK newspaper companies’ annual accounts across 20 years to deliver information about newspapers’ profitability, their expansive editorial pagination as well as the number of journalists they employ. The argument here is that this reliance on public relations and news agency copy has been prompted by the need for a relatively stable community of journalists to meet an expansive requirement for news in order to maintain newspapers’ profitability in the context of declining circulations and revenues.  相似文献   

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