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张秋杰 《考试周刊》2011,(32):174-175
学习困难分为广义的学习困难和狭义的学习困难。广义的学习困难是指由智力水平、身体素质、心理障碍、学习方法不当等各种原因引起的学习成绩低下;狭义的学习困难是指感觉器官和智力处于正常,但学习成绩低于智力潜能的期望水平、远未达到教学目标的要求。我们通常所说的学困生是指一个智力水平正常,又没有感官障碍,但其学习成绩明显低于同年级学生,不能达到预期目的的学生。对于学困生来说,他们身上所反映出的学业水平的缺陷,  相似文献   

为巩固“普九”成果,贯彻《义务教育法》等教育法规,有效地在农村地区实施素质教育,必须提高农村学习困难儿童教育质量。对此我们作了较深入的理论与实践探索,现介绍如下。一、关于“学习困难”的内涵我们认为,“农村学习困难儿童”是指感官和智力正常,但学习成绩低于智力的潜能期望水平,远未达到教学目标的要求;也可指正常儿童在正常情境中的不正常的学习失败状态。这部分儿童偏离了受教育的正常状态,必须施以特殊的教育措施,才能回到其自身发展和教育情境中的正常状态。对“学习困难儿童”的判断一则依靠学业成绩考查,二则依靠教师在日常…  相似文献   

"留守学困生"即指"学习有困难的留守学生"。这类学生的特点普遍表现为智力水平正常且没有感官障碍,由于留守儿童特有的教育环境、学习心理、学习行为等原因出现知识的断层,而对学习感到困难,学习效率低下,其学习成绩明显低于同年级学生。  相似文献   

有些孩子在学习中往往会出现一些诸如动作多,管不住自己,智力水平和学习成绩不成比例等情况,这些问题常常被老师误认为是学习不努力或是不守纪律,但事实却并非如此。这些孩子中,有些是因为存在学习障碍。在实际教学中,教师可从以下四个方面去观察学生是否存在学习障碍,并采取相应的对策。差异性。许多儿童的实际行为与所期望的行为之间有显著的差异,如尽管智力正常或接近正常,但实际学习成绩却远低于其实足年龄和智力水平应该达到的成绩。缺陷性。学习障碍儿童有特殊的行动障碍,这种儿童在很多学科方面能学地很好,但不能做其他儿…  相似文献   

学习困难儿童社会智力发展特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷法对60名学习困难儿童进行研究的结果发现:学习困难儿童社会智力发展水平显著低于一般儿童;中年级学习困难儿童社会洞察力显著低于高年级学习困难儿童;学习困难儿童社会智力性别差异不显著;学习困难儿童社会智力性别与年级的交互作用不显著.  相似文献   

数学学习困难儿童解决简单加减法的认知特点的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本研究比较了数学学习困难儿童和正常儿童在解决简单加减法运算中的差异发现,学习困难儿童解题策略发展水平较低,且在解题中有独特的“癖好算法”。他们与正常儿童的差别还表现在一般智力和数学能力较低  相似文献   

一、课题提出的背景 学习困难学生,从广义上来说,是指各种原因引起的学习成绩低下的学生。从狭义上说,是指感官和智力正常,但学习成绩低于智力潜能的期望水平,远未达到教学目标要求的学生。西方教育心理学将这类学生称为学习能力缺失学生。据调查,学习困难学生占学生人数的5-0%的比例,这部分学生若得不到及时转化,会进一步引起不良行为和其他精神卫生问题,成为学校和家庭教育的沉重负担。[第一段]  相似文献   

学习困难的成因分析及教育心理学干预策略的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘英琦 《科学教育》2006,12(1):16-18
医学界、心理学界和教育学界对“学习困难”一词有不同解释。医学界认为,学习困难是由儿童大脑器质性损伤所致;心理学界和教育学界认为,并非所有学习困难问题都是由于大脑器质性损伤而致,造成学习困难的原因有多方面,既有社会、教育、生理方面的原因,也有心理方面的原因。就现有国内外研究结果而言,智力与学生的学习成绩、将来工作之成就相关性不很高,头脑中的知识结构及其调用技能的缺陷是导致学习困难的更普遍的原因。本文谓之的“学习困难”,是指学生的智力水平正常、没有感官障碍,但其学习成绩明显低于同年级学生、不能达到预期的目的。…  相似文献   

“数学学困生”即学习数学有困难的学生.具体来说是指数学知识基础不扎实,学习目的不明、兴趣不高、学习方法不佳、数学思想不强、学习成绩不好的这一类学生.他们的感官和智力正常,却难于达到教学目标要求完成的学习任务或学习成绩大大低于自己的相应智力水平.  相似文献   

学习困难学生浅见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习困难学生是学校中的弱势群体,迫切需要来自社会、家庭和教育工作者的关心、理解与帮助。首先,我们要对学习困难学生有一个正确的认识。在现实的教育过程中,由于这类学生的学习成绩非常不理想,所以经常会被老师、同学乃至家长看作是智力有问题,这在无形中极大的伤害了学生的自尊心,使其很容易会产生自暴自弃的想法。但学习困难学生是指无身体残疾,智力水平正常但其学习结果却没有达到教学目标的学生。对此,教师首先应多看些有关方面的书籍,补充自己这方面的知识,使自己能用一种平常的态度来对待学习困难学生,使他自己先在心理上克服已有…  相似文献   

During the 1960s and 1970s a number of family learning projects evolved, most of which focused on pre-schoolers and their parents. The goal of some of these programs was to provide enjoyable, structured experiences in which parents and their children learned together. Recently, a number of institutions have been sponsoring enrichment science classes or learning experiences for parents and older children. The study described here is based on a project funded by the National Science Foundation (DISE No. 07872) which was attempting to show that it was possible to increase scientific literacy of two different age groups by simultaneously exposing parents and their middle school children to short courses in science. The project is an outgrowth of a study previously reported (Gennaro, Bullock, & Alden, 1980) carried out at the Minnesota Zoological Gardens. The study is based on data obtained during the first two years of the project and used various data gathering procedures such as the use of questionnaires, interviews, observations, and cognitive testing. It was found that children register for the courses primarily because of interest in the subject matter of the courses and that parents register because of their desire to nurture the child and the child's interest in the subject matter of the course. Both parents and children made significant gains in learning as measured by subject matter tests. Participants reported that the experience was both enjoyable and valuable. Children's attitudes toward their parents and the course were significantly higher if the children perceived a highly cooperative learning environment with their parents. Parents who scored in the medium or high range on the pretest had significantly more interactions with their children concerning information about course tasks than those who scored low on the pretest.  相似文献   

从就业导向目标出发设计问卷,对厦门海洋职业技术学院学生进行访谈与调查.总结分析高职学生学习特点。研究结果表明,课堂学习方面,学生的学习热情不高,主动性不强;学习动力来源就业导向性明显;课余时间较重视求职技能的锻炼。专业学习方面,多数学生专业兴趣一般;普遍认为课程设置不够合理,课程内容大多“以掌握知识为主”,而非“以培养技能为主”;“专业课程设置与社会需求”结合度也不够高;对本专业的就业方向不够明确,重视“考证”和就业能力的提高。  相似文献   

We are developing a course in concurrency for high school students. The course is being developed in phases of refinement on the basis of feedback received from teachers and students. We have found persistent difficulties that students have in understanding fundamental concepts, which has led us to investigate their preconceptions of concurrency. This paper describes the results of this investigation. The work is anchored in constructivism, which stresses the importance of prior knowledge upon which new knowledge is built. The students were asked to solve concurrency problems, both prior to the course and after learning just the basics of the subject. Analysis of solutions reveals that students: (a) find that solving a problem on the order of actions is more natural than the critical section problem, (b) are divided in their preference for centralized and decentralized solutions, (c) employ inappropriate heuristics, (d) invent computational models as they work, (e) attribute parallelism where it does not exist, (f) attribute intelligence to systems. Based on these findings, we were able to modify the course to address these problems of prior knowledge.  相似文献   

齐岩 《林区教学》2021,(4):86-88
在新课改不断完善的新形势下,高职院校在幼儿英语课程教学中不断寻求有效的教学方法,提高教学质量,以解决幼儿教育专业人才短缺的问题。加德纳的“多元智能”理论可以有效地指导高职幼儿英语教学工作,激发高职学生对幼儿英语的学习兴趣,提高整体教学效率。阐述多元智能理论与幼儿英语教学的内涵,围绕高职幼儿英语课程教学中存在的问题展开讨论,并基于多元智能理论对高职幼儿英语课程教学提出新思路。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of online learning platforms, learners have more access to various kinds of courses. However, they may find it difficult to make choices due to the massive number of courses. The main contribution of our research is the design of a course recommendation framework which extracts multimodal course features based on deep learning models. In this framework, different kinds of information of course, such as course title, and course audio and course comments, are used to make proper recommendation in online learning platforms. Moreover, we utilize both explicit and implicit feedback to infer learner’s preference. Based on real-world datasets, our empirical results show that the proposed framework performs well in course recommendation, achieving an AUC score of 79.03%. This framework can provide technical support for course video recommendation, thus helping online learning platforms to manage course resources and optimize user learning experience.  相似文献   

基于大卫·库伯(David Kolb)体验式学习理论及国内相关研究,将体验式教学模式应用于高职酒店英语课程教学。实证研究结果表明,该模式不仅提高了学生英语综合运用能力,而且增强了其学习英语兴趣、自信心和主动性,教学效果显著改善。然而,这种新教学模式在实施中也受到师生和学校等方面现实条件制约。对此,首先要使体验式教学模式常态化,以课程组形式开展,从而实现教师间资源共享和教学效率最大化。学校管理层也应营造"以人为本"教学环境,为新教学模式有效实施提供支持。  相似文献   

高职院校室内设计专业的教学过程中,目前室内装饰施工图设计课程的教学已不能符合室内装饰设计行业的发展需求,学生学习效率低,缺少实践技能无法迅速适应行业工作,已对室内装饰设计行业的发展造成一定负面影响。而在强调培养专业应用型技术人才的高职院校人才培养模式中,专业课程的教学方法革新显得十分迫切。必须通过提高教学效率,提高学生学习效率,培养好学生的实际工作技能与综合素质,才能适应行业与企业对的人才需求。  相似文献   

Beliefs about learning and physical difficulties were explored in 50 younger children (M = 5.6, SD = 1.0 years) and 50 older children (M = 9.5, SD = 1.1 years). Participants were asked why they thought some children had learning or physical difficulties and whether children with these difficulties would always have them. The majority of older children were able to generate one or more ideas about the causes of learning and physical difficulties, but 58% of the younger children did not know the causes of learning difficulties and 42% did not know the causes of physical difficulties. Younger and older children thought that learning difficulties could be overcome with increased effort on the part of parents, teachers, and child, whereas physical difficulties were believed to be beyond anyone’s control. Results suggest that some aspects of children’s knowledge about causes and outcomes of learning and physical difficulties are limited. Research is needed to determine whether beliefs and misconceptions about learning and physical difficulties are associated with the quantity and quality of interpersonal interactions, and to determine the sources of children’s information as well as the accuracy of these sources.  相似文献   

英语作为初中学习中唯一以非母语为媒介的科目,是许多初中学生面临的一大难题。许多农村初中生智力处于相似水平而其英语学习成绩却呈现出分层式的差别,这种两极分化的现象与学习者的兴趣、动机、学习目标、意志力等非智力因素息息相关。分析非智力因素各组成部分对英语学习的影响,可以帮助农村初中师生有根据地解决英语学习问题。  相似文献   

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