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Cypripedium subtropicum S.  C. Chen et K. Y. Lang is a phytogeography- cally significant new species with its habit, inflorescence and column very similar to those of Selenipedilum of tropical America.  It is found in Mêdog of southeastern Xi- zang, China.  Its slender leafy stem bears at the summit a many-flowered raceme, am- ounting to 1.5 m in height. Although its ovary is unilocular—this is the reason why we place it in Cypripedium, the column characters resemble those of Selenipedilum. For example, the staminode is rather small and its long stalk is very similar in texture and color to the filament of the fertile stamens. Obviously, it is a primitive new species re- lated to Selenipedilum based on the similarities mentioned above.       In the subfamily Cypripedioideae, as generally recognized, Selenipedilum is  the most primitive genus, from which or whose allies Cypripedium is derived.  Of phyto- geographical significance is the fact that Selenipedilum occurs in Central America and northern South America, while a cypripedium akin to it is discontinuously distributed in subtropical Asia.  This suggests that Selenipedilum or Selenipedilum-like  form be once continually distributed in North America and eastern Asia when the climate there was warmer, as it is in the subtropics today.  The floristic relationship between Central America and subtropical Asia appears to be closer than expected, as shown by the dis- tribution patterns of Tropidia, Erythrodes, etc.  Based on the occurrence of all six sec- tions and particularly the most primitive form in eastern Asia, Cypripedium seems to be of Asian, rather than Central American, origin.  Selenipedilum possesses some very primitive characters, such as trilocular ovary, vanilla-scented fruit, seed with sclerotic testa, simple column and more or less suffrutescent habit.  The latter is considered by Dahlgren & Clifford (1982) to be one of ancestral characters of monocotyledons, which is now very rare not only in Orchidaceae but also in all monocotyledons.  It is indeed necessary to make further investigations on Selenipedilum and also the new species pub-lished here, as well as a detailed comparison between them.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种,黄花线柱兰Zeuxine flava (Wall. ex Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook. f.。本种的唇瓣橘黄色并呈“T”形,前唇裂片成方形,长宽近相等,唇瓣基部囊内各具一枚钩状胼胝体。  相似文献   

  Peristylus is a genus of over 60 species, mainly distributed in the Old World tropics, with many species extending northwards to central China.   In the present paper, the taxa of the genus hitherto recorded in China are taxonomically and phytogeographically dis- cussed and revised, and, as a result, 20 species are recognized, including one new species, P. jinchuanicus K. Y. Lang, and four new combinations, P. bulleyi (Rolfe) K. Y. Lang, P. for- restii (Schltr.) K. Y. Lang, P. longiracemus (Fukuyama)  K.  Y.  Lang and  P. neotineoides (Ames et Schltr.) K. Y. Lang. A full list of synonyms is given, a key to the species is pro- vided and the distribution areas in China of all the taxa are mapped.  相似文献   

杓兰亚科(Cypripedioideae)是世界著名的观赏植物和云南颇具市场前景的野生观赏植物之一,包含杓兰属(Cypripedium)、兜兰属(Paphiopedilum)、美洲兜兰属(Phragmipedilum)、墨西哥兜兰属(Mexipedium)和碗兰属(Selenipedium)五个属,其中后三个属分布于中、南美洲。中国只产杓兰属和兜兰属,在云南地区物种尤为丰富。在地理分布上,杓兰属分布于北半球的温带及亚热带高山地区,兜兰属主产于亚洲至太平洋岛屿的热带和亚热带地区。在小生境方面,兜兰属为常绿植物,大部分种类生于树上或岩缝中;杓兰属所有种类都生长在较深厚的土壤里,冬季落叶休眠。这些暗示着兜兰属和杓兰属植物所能利用的资源和环境适应存在明显差异。  相似文献   

本文报道了天胡荽亚科和变豆菜亚科的5属30种和2变种的花粉形态。研究表明,这两亚科有 6种花粉类型,两亚科的花粉类型不相同但各自有相对的一致性,说明它们是两个自然类群;花粉形态的证据还说明了马蹄芹属归于天胡妥亚科的正确性等。  相似文献   

中国槲寄生亚科植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

 通过对我国北部各省区所产的杏Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.及野杏 A.vulgaris Lam.var. ansu(Maxim.) Yϋ et Lu的形态学比较研究结果表明,杏分类群存在较大的变异,在一些标本馆内被 鉴定为野杏的标本实际上包括了一个混杂的类群。本文对杏及野杏的描述作了修订,分出一个新种志丹杏A.zhidanensis C.Z.Qiao et Y.P.Zhu.  相似文献   

本文对作者本人在1983年《中国植物志》第76卷第一分册12l页上针对川甘亚菊处理过宽的问题,重新作出了订正。本文确认川甘亚菊、灰叶亚菊、深裂亚菊及下白亚菊分别为不同的种,并作出了这四个种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are two new species, one new variety, and three new re- cords of the Characeae collected in China.  They are Nitella anhuensis sp. nov., Chara pauci- carpa sp. nov., Nitella alleninda var. tenuireticulata var. nov., N. gracilliformis J. Grove., N. formosa T. F. Allen and Chara tenuispina A. Br.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Aleuritopteris (Sinopteridaceae),  A. humatifoliaX. C. Zhang et L. Shi and A. ebenipes X. C. Zhang, are described from Southern and Southwestern China. A. cremea Ching is redescribed and illustrated in the present paper. In addition, a key is also given to the species which are confused with A. cremea Ching in the genus.  相似文献   

藁本属Ligusticum L.属伞形科Umbelliferae芹亚科Apioideae Drude阿米芹族Ammineae Koch。它在阿米芹族中,是一个较进化的类群,是介于阿米芹族与前胡族Peucedaneae DC.之间的一个过渡类型。藁本属全世界60余种。我国现知有34种,占该属种数的二分之一,其中28种及2个栽培变种为我国所特有。本文比较分析藁本属的形态学性状和孢粉学性状,以小总苞片及其相关特征作为该属次级划分的主要依据,将藁本属分为两个类群,并对该属的种类作了增补,对一些种的名称、分布作了补充修订。文中还记载了4个新种。喜马拉雅藁本L.elatum(Edgew.)C.B.Clarke和开展藁本L. thomsonii C. B. Clarke var.evolutior C. B.Clarke,系我国首次记录。  相似文献   

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