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Children with profound hearing loss often do not have the same prelinguistic opportunities for social and communication interaction as peers with typical hearing and benefit from structured opportunities to learn these skills. This study examined the effect of two interventions to improve the communicative and social skills of four preschoolers with hearing loss in two learning environments: a preschool for children who are deaf (oral approach) and an inclusive regular preschool. A social story with a verbal prompt was provided before play (Intervention 1), and a social story with a teacher prompt and verbal prompting and reinforcement during play were provided (Intervention 2). A single-subject design revealed that in the inclusive settings, three of the four participants increased verbal comments and play turns in Interventions 1 and 2, although some changes were slight. In the oral preschool classroom, two showed improvements in target behaviours with both interventions. Generalisation of skills occurred in two participants. Additionally, all participants generalised some vocabulary from their social story to play. Implications for teaching young children with hearing loss who are oral in inclusive classrooms are discussed.  相似文献   

Organized extracurricular activities (EAs) are an important component of the microsystem that impacts children's lives. Previous literature has primarily focused on school-aged children and youth in Western societies. This study utilized a longitudinal design and examined the antecedents and consequences of extracurricular participation in a sample of 194 Hong Kong Chinese preschoolers. The results showed that higher family socioeconomic status (SES) predicted higher levels of participation in EAs (e.g., attendance intensity and the breadth of participation). Children from higher-SES families were more likely to involve in non-academic-oriented EAs. Participation in EAs was generally associated with the growth trajectories of reading and math skills in children from less advantaged SES backgrounds, but not higher-SES children. In contrast, EA participation was not associated with children's social skills. Findings highlight the importance of examining the relationship between EA participation and children's early development in non-Western societies.  相似文献   


Research indicates that children with hearing impairment are at higher risk regarding their social participation in school compared to their hearing peers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social participation of 7th Grade students with hearing impairment in inclusive classrooms. Data from 62 7th Grade students across three classrooms and teachers were collected via paper-and-pencil questionnaires and from regular and special needs teachers via interviews. Results from the single case studies in three classrooms indicate that students with hearing impairment feel less socially integrated and less accepted by their peers. They do, however, interact more with other students with special needs and most students with hearing impairment have friends in their class. Teachers evaluated social integration, acceptance, interaction and friendships of their students with hearing impairment as average or as above average. The teachers’ evaluations only partly correspond to the self-perceptions of the students. Factors that either promote or hinder participation on an institutional, teacher, teaching and student level were exposed, which may have important practice and policy implications.  相似文献   

本研究旨在比较 1- 6年级聋生和普通学生学校社会行为水平的差异及差异的程度。结果发现 :聋生与普通学生在社会能力上差异不显著 ,但聋生的社会交往技能、自我管理技能、学业技能的平均得分均低于普通学生。在反社会行为表现上 ,聋生的得分显著低于普通学生  相似文献   


The focus of this study was to explore the opinions, knowledge and requirements of regular primary school teachers who taught in schools where children with hearing impairments were included. A questionnaire which covered the four aspects, was used to collect data on a sample of 104 regular school teachers. Results indicate that teachers who taught these children had more knowledge about hearing impairment than those who did not. The majority of teachers expressed a positive attitude towards inclusion and there was no difference in the opinions of teachers concerning inclusion. On seeking teachers' views on their requirements when helping children with hearing impairments, seminars and short courses, full-time in-service training, sign language and equipment were the four major factors suggested. The implementation of the results was discussed in relation to the INSET requirements of teachers and the education of the children with hearing impairments in included settings.  相似文献   

It can sometimes be difficult to engage students in ‘real life experiences’ within the classroom. In one Bachelor of Social Work program, the development of a Social Work Studio (the Studio) has provided students with opportunities to engage in simulated social work practice in a safe and supportive environment. This article reports on a small exploratory study of students' responses to a survey that sought their views and reactions to the development of this Studio initiative. Findings were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. They indicate that students' responses to the development of the Studio reflect their emerging constructions of the cultural world of social work.  相似文献   

The study focused on social competence (SC) and perceived sense of loneliness of preschool children with hearing loss (HL) in group inclusion (GI, a small group of children with HL is integrated in a standard classroom) and individual inclusion (II, each child with HL is individually integrated into a standard classroom). The relations between these factors and the child's speech intelligibility were performed. Sixty-four children aged 4-7 years participated: 22 from an II and 42 from a GI. SC, perceived sense of loneliness, and speech intelligibility were evaluated through the use of questionnaires completed by the preschool teachers. The results showed that the SC of children in II was higher than the SC of the children in GI, while interacting with normal hearing (NH) children. In GI, the children's SC with other children with HL was higher compared with their SC with NH children. In both groups, there were relationships between speech intelligibility and SC with NH children. In addition, in the II setting, there were relationships between the speech intelligibility and the perceived sense of loneliness. These relationships were not found in the GI setting. The findings support the need for coenrollment of preschool children with HL and emphasize the crucial impact of speech intelligibility of children with HL on the success of their social enrollment with NH children, already at a young age.  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, I respond to criticisms by Moshman, Kanner and Wertsch, Grossen, Säljö, and Siegler of my article on The Development of Competence and Its Social Context. I argue that an adequate theory of the development of competence must explain the relationship between the spontaneous construction of knowledge by the child and the transmission of knowledge to the child. The transmission of knowledge to children resides in the provision of cultural perspectives on reality. These perspectives give children opportunities to construct knowledge and provide scope within which to widen their intellectual skills. From this viewpoint, several problems are discussed, such as the role of social context in education and intellectual performance, the development of numerical abilities, and the characteristics of test situations.  相似文献   

There is a large body of research in studies of schooling, particularly ethnographic case studies, which posits that collective action among students undermines engagement in school and contributes to educational inequality. In this paper I review studies of engagement from a social identity theory perspective. To what extent can collective action explain why some student groups are less engaged than others? I discuss four approaches to identifying social identity‐related problems of engagement frequently used in prior research. While researchers often find problems of engagement among low‐academic‐status students, research on educational engagement has had difficulty locating the underlying causes of inequality in student engagement. Social identity theories of educational engagement are inherently theories of collective action. I conclude that a fifth approach, large‐scale observational studies of monitoring and sanctioning, provides the best framework for identifying both the prevalence of, and solutions to, this particular source of disengagement.  相似文献   

Social skills are necessary for success in school as they facilitate peer acceptance and student-teacher relationships and promote academic achievement. One social skills intervention that has received significant attention from researchers and has been endorsed by special education teachers is Social Stories. However, the extant research on this intervention has methodological flaws that limit the conclusions about its effectiveness. Although several literature reviews and meta-analyses of the Social Stories literature have been conducted, the findings have been inconsistent and sometimes contradictory, and the bodies of literature reviewed have been varied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (a) review the existing Social Stories literature reviews and meta-analyses, and all of the studies they represent, (b) summarize the existing knowledge on the use of Social Stories for students with disabilities, and (c) propose guidelines for practitioners and for empirical research. Results from 16 literature reviews and meta-analyses representing 55 studies do not support the use of Social Stories to improve students’ social skills and behavior. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

社会情感技能作为当代年轻人应对复杂世界、谋求可持续发展的必备能力,已成为国际教育领域关注的热点问题。经济合作与发展组织以"大五人格模型"为基础开发了社会情感技能测评框架与工具,并在2019年首次开展了社会情感技能的国际测评。该测评框架将社会情感技能划分为工作表现、情绪调节、与他人交往、协作、开放性思维以及复合技能6个维度,同时,还设置背景问卷,以探究家庭、学校、社区等环境因素对个体社会情感技能发展的影响。借鉴经济合作与发展组织的测评经验,我国在独立开展社会情感技能测评时要注重测评结果的政策导向功能与改进功能,创新测评工具,促进测评手段和方式的多元发展。  相似文献   

Active living: Physical activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active Living is an approach that encourages people to be physically active every day. By targeting infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, early childhood educators will contribute to their lifestyles as Active Living Children. This article is designed as a framework for early childhood educators to support an active lifestyle among very young children. Various activities are described to promote active play for very young children and all of its associated benefits.  相似文献   

社会技能评估是自闭症儿童诊断、干预计划制定和效果评价的重要基础。本文回顾了自闭症儿童社会技能评估的学习理论及认知理论,系统梳理了行为观察、角色扮演测验等评估方法,并在此基础上提出了自闭症儿童社会技能评估研究进展的建议:进一步界定社会技能概念的外延及内涵;进一步完善角色扮演测验及编制学前自闭症儿童社会技能评估量表;临床评估中需整合各类方法;进一步将社会技能评估应用于临床实践中。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the metacognitive strategies applied during the controlling–correcting activities of three hearing-impaired youths' written answers to text-related questions. The data have been derived from a pilot action research effort. The research journal, students' portfolios, archival information, interviews, surveys and the videotaped data of this action research effort have been compiled based on the cyclical actions and analysed inductively. The metacognitive strategies the instructor applied seemed to create a supportive environment for the students to contribute to the activity, utilising some of their metacognitive strategies and skills. However, it is suggested that for their internalisation of those metacognitive strategies, they would need more practice and various experiences in meaningful learning environments.  相似文献   

本文主要论述了乔治·齐美尔的社会发展理论及其与之相关的一些问题。在他看来 ,现代社会的发展主要与三个因素息息相关 :人际交往以及由此而引起的群体规模的扩大 ;社会冲突以及由此而引发的社会结构的内部边界关系的变化 ;理性及其在现代社会的扩张  相似文献   

健听大学生与听障大学生人格特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
本研究采用问卷调查的方法考察了健听大学生与听障大学生在人格特点上的关系。结果发现 :两类大学生在 16种人格因素中有 4种人格因素差异显著 ,有 3种人格因素差异极其显著 ;在 16种人格因素的综合应用中 ,除新环境中成长能力因素外 ,其它 3种因素均差异显著。  相似文献   

4-6岁听障与健听儿童语用交流行为之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在半结构环境下,采用国际上通用的儿童语言资料转换系统-CHIDES、母子言语互动交流行为编码系统-INCA-A、以及CLAN数据分析程序对4-6岁重度听障儿童与同龄健听儿童语用交流行为进行比较研究.发现:(1)4-6岁重度听障儿童与同龄健听儿童的语用交流行为随着年龄增长稳步发展.在言语倾向、言语行动、言语变通三个层面上二者均存在主要类型;(2)与同龄健听儿童相比,4-6岁重度听障儿童语用交流行为发展滞后,主要体现在注意系统、情绪系统、讨论与协商系统、澄清系统,表现为被动的应答,无法主动表达自己的交流意图、主导社会互动的方向  相似文献   

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