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Children from seven classes representing the year groups in a primary school were interviewed in groups of three or four to find out their understanding and views on issues related to the environment and science. The large majority showed considerable interest and concern about environmental issues related to their experience and understanding, drawn from school and influences outside of the school, though most showed limitations and contradictions in their understanding of the issues. The children's understanding of science was mainly limited to their experience of the subject at school and few showed any understanding of the impact of science on society or the environment. Examples of children's cognitive and moral development of environmental issues are presented, including features of phases in the development, as identified from the interviews. The implications for teaching science and environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

Play and creativity have been linked in numerous ways. Theoretically, pretend play fosters the development of cognitive and affective processes that are important in the creative act. Russ's (1993) model of affect and creativity identified the major cognitive and affective processes involved in creativity and the relations among them, based on the research literature. Central to both play and creativity is divergent thinking. Both cognitive and affective processes in play have been related to divergent thinking in children. In a longitudinal study, quality of fantasy and imagination in play predicted divergent thinking over time. Divergent thinking itself was relatively stable over time. An important question is whether play can facilitate creativity. Play has been found to facilitate insight ability and divergent thinking. Studies have also shown that children can be taught to improve their play skills. Future research studies should: (i) investigate specific mechanisms that account for the relationship between play and creativity; (ii) develop play intervention techniques that improve play skills; and (iii) carry out longitudinal studies with large enough samples to enable the application of statistical procedures such as path analysis.  相似文献   

This introductory overview attempts to map out the rationale and scope of this edition of the journal, focusing on international developments in inclusive schooling. We describe some of the debate surrounding the search for an appropriate definition of inclusion and clarify the way in which we are using this term. Consideration is given to some of the main issues emerging from the literature on developing inclusive schooling which indicates the recency of this particular field of work and the need to bring together areas such as ‘special needs’, school improvement and teacher development in order to begin to identify the territory that research on inclusion might explore.  相似文献   

Rats were required in three experiments to find one of two submerged platforms that were situated in the same pair of diagonally opposite corners of a rectangular grey swimming pool. The experimental groups were trained with landmarks, comprising A4 cards attached to the walls, located in the corners containing the platforms. For the control groups, the landmarks were situated in the corners containing the platforms for half of the trials, and in the other corners for the remaining trials. Learning about the positions of the platforms with reference to the shape of the pool was overshadowed in the experimental groups when the landmarks were white, and enhanced when the landmarks were black. A fourth experiment assessed whether geometric cues influenced the control acquired by the landmarks. As in the previous experiments, the presence of the geometric cues overshadowed learning about the landmarks when they were white, but enhanced learning when the landmarks were black.  相似文献   


This article illustrates the steps taken to enact a new methodology for participatory social mapping by the Environmental Education, Communications and the Arts (GPEA) Research Group of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). The aim of Social Mapping is to record the identities, territories and socio-environmental conflicts experienced by social groups, based on their own namings and narratives, rather than relying on those more typically generated or provided by researchers or theorists. As such, it offers an important dialogical pathway for environmental education practices, in that it highlights the intrinsic relationship between culture and nature, and reinforces the understanding that the loss of one implies the disappearance of the other.  相似文献   

当今世界科学技术飞速发展,环境问题却日益严重,威胁着人类的生存和发展,环境问题的根源科技异化,科技异化根源又在于人的自身异化怎样解决"科技异化"问题。新人道主义从科技观和哲学的角度,对环境问题进行了分析,并从中为我国的发展提供了重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Despite its importance as a central goal in environmental education, there appears to be little consensus about how best to document, assess and evaluate understanding of environmental concepts. This illustrative case study describes and demonstrates the use of the concept mapping strategy as an effective tool for assessing environmental understanding. Data were collected from 325 middle school‐aged (11–14 years) individuals and comparisons were made among those enrolled in a model, university‐based, informal, residential marine education program (viz. MarineQuest) and a matched group of non‐participating students. Using a non‐randomized Solomon Four Group experimental design, differences in the structural complexity and content validity of knowledge about marine animal life were explored. Results reveal significant differences in the frequencies of concepts, relationships, levels of hierarchy, branching and cross‐linking and in the frequencies and types of critical concepts depicted. In all cases, where differences were found, they favored participants who enrolled in the environmental education intervention. The findings suggest that concept maps offer a valuable alternative or adjunct to traditional pencil and paper tests and provide both a qualitative and a quantitative measure of conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

Summary In this exercise the first five criteria of Table 3 were probably met. Our subsequent checks may enable us to claim that criterion 6 is also met, and there is little doubt that without it most chemistry teachers would remain sceptical about the worth of such an “extra” set of activities. The exercise also indicates that it is possible with modifications to move research techniques like 5 and 8 in Table 3 into at least the realm of possibility of teacher-centred or didactic classrooms.  相似文献   

Botanic gardens have been evolving, responding to the changing needs of society, from their outset as medicinal gardens of monasteries and university gardens to more recently as organizations that contribute to the conservation of plant genetic resources. Considering that social and environmental issues are deeply intertwined and cannot be tackled in isolation from one another, a new challenge is now presented to botanic gardens: How can they redefine their purpose and expand their current roles in conservation, research, amenity and education in order to continue to be socially relevant? Empirical data regarding the impact of pilot community projects run by four UK botanic gardens show how it is possible in practice to address social, economic, political, neighbourhood, individual and group dimensions of exclusion whilst achieving public participation in plant conservation. This study presents the evaluation results regarding the outcomes of the Communities in Nature initiative which illustrated how botanic gardens can grow a social role and be socially relevant institutions that engage with their communities and address issues of social and environmental importance. Recommendations suggest that addressing social issues should target addressing the causes of exclusion as much as the effects.  相似文献   

Recently the environmental movement has seen much success and progress under a newly-framed green paradigm. Yet, despite the proliferation of national attention to, and public interest in, the go-green mentality, environmental education still seems to be stuck within the old environmental paradigm. This critical essay shares lessons that environmental education can learn through incorporating a human benefits approach. Ultimately, this essay calls for a reflection on environmental education's presence within the budding sustainability movement and calls for the “humanization” of environmental education discourse and pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between factors believed to contribute to the formation of environmental attitudes by college nonscience majors. Key relationships addressed were the effects of a university environmental studies course on (a) environmental attitudes, (b) the amount of factual information that is brought to bear on an environmental attitude decision (defensibility), and (c) the linkages between the affective and the cognitive domains of freshman and sophomore students. When compared to the control group, the students who attended an environmental studies class did not significantly change their attitudes, but they did exhibit increases in their total [F(3, 132) = 5.91, p < 0.01] and count [F(3, 132) = 4.86, p < 0.01] levels of defensibility. These findings corroborate work performed by Kinsey (1978) and Kinsey and Wheatley (1980, 1984). In addition, students in the environmental studies course who had higher cognitive reasoning scores were more prone to increase defensibility [F(6, 129) = 3.78, p < 0.01]. These data imply a linkage between cognitive and affective domains in the environmental attitude decision-making process.  相似文献   

初中数学课堂生成性认知资源是教学过程中产生的,它包括问题型、错误型、差异型资源,具有非预期性、再生性、内源性、现时性等特点。教师应充分开发和利用生成性认知资源,努力提高数学课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

Although zoos envision themselves as environmental education institutions and governmental policies require that students become environmentally responsible citizens, it is surprising, that little research is done with regard to school field trips to the zoo. Many students are not aware that their everyday life affects marine environments that may enhance through spatially disconnection from marine ecosystems. A zoo field trip may overcome this disconnection. Considering knowledge as prerequisite for environmental attitudes and behavior, our study focused on cognitive learning of high school students at an instructional zoo field trip about marine ecology and conservation, by applying two cooperative learning settings. The study followed a quasi-experimental design, applying multiple-choice pre-post-retention tests. The results show satisfying short- and long-term knowledge achievement. Our cooperative learning settings seems to be a suitable approach for zoo field trips to facilitate a satisfying cognitive outcome concerning marine ecology and conservational issues.  相似文献   

Social,environmental, and developmental issues and creativity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parents and teachers alike have been led to believe that the motivation that stems from wanting to earn a good grade or receive a gold star or do better than the person sitting at the next desk is a positive force. However, in the case of open-ended, creative tasks—tasks for which there is more than one possible solution—extrinsic constraints have frequently proven harmful. A social-psychological approach to the study of creativity is especially useful for answering the question of how best to foster creative behavior in the classroom. Rather than focus on the (largely innate or at least immalleable) differences between creative and uncreative persons, social psychologists concentrate on creative situations (i.e., the particular social and environmental conditions that can positively or negatively impact the creativity of most individuals). The present article explored this research tradition and proposed a theoretical explanation for the impact of motivation on creativity that is based upon children's conceptions of work and play.  相似文献   


Inclusion of controversial issues, such as global climate change (GCC) within the school science curriculum presents several different challenges to teachers: first, the controversial nature of the topic; second, it does not relate well to the normal sequencing and division of topics within most science courses; and, third, there are important non-scientific aspects to possible solutions to the problem. In this study, small focus groups of teachers considered how they would prefer to integrate the topic into their science courses for 14-16-year-old students. It was clearly stated by the science teachers that they preferred to maintain the integrity of their subject rather than be involved in extensive interdisciplinary teaching. It was agreed that GCC provided an excellent opportunity for the application of higher order abilities in science and using the topic to develop an understanding of the nature of science and its place in society.  相似文献   

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