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黄培玉 《中学文科》2007,(10):42-43
1.This is one of the most interestingfilms shown last week.A.which was B.that wasC.which were D.that were2.This is the very one of the most interestingfilms shown last week.A.which was B.that wasC.which were D.that were3.He has two sons,are college stu-dents.A.both ofwhich B.both ofwhomC.both ofthem D.both ofit4.He has two sons,and are collegestudents.A.both ofwhich B.both ofwhomC.both ofthem D.both ofit5.He still lives in the room windowfaces east.A.which B.whoseC.where D.ofwhich6.He…  相似文献   

I.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1.The baby was ill,the doctor looked it——Very carefully· A.at B.on C.up D.over2.His parents have to dowork in the garden every dayA.much B.many C.a lot D.a3.Emma has to stay A.at.athome to lookhis grandmother.B.in,over C.in,up D.at,after4.I—————一a story—book.There————————some pictures in it. A.am,are B.have,has C.am,have5.He felt............................——after he finished his homework. A.tired B.…  相似文献   

1.The English play____my students acted at the New Year%s party wasa great success.A.for which B.at which C.in which D.on which2.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role____in making the earth a better place to live in.A.to have played B.to playC.to be played D.to be playing3.People have heard what the President has said;they are waiting tosee____he will do.A.how B.what C.when D.that4.It was only with the help of the local guide____.A.was the mountain climbe…  相似文献   

考题回放Frank’s dream was to have his own shop______to produce the workings of his ownhands.(2005湖南)A.that B.in which C.by which D.how课本连接...and she had only$1.87with which to buy Jim a present.(SB3Unit10)结构分析这类“介词+关系代词+不定式”,有人称之为“紧缩式定语从句”,它有以下几个特点:1.关系代词只能用whom指人,用which指物。Our headteacher is the best man with whom to consult about the matter.我们的班主任是个很好的人,可以和他商量这件事。He needs a decent suit in which to go to the p…  相似文献   

1.We have__classes on weekends.A.no B.not C.not any D.no any 2.He has maths__the afternoon of Tues- day.A.in B.on C.at D.for 3.A teacher must be strict__his students and strict__his work.A.at;in B.in;with C.with;in D.with;with 4.He Usually plays sports__two hours after school.  相似文献   

1 .a.The factory_my father works 15 in the east of the eity· b,The faeto巧_my father visited 15 in the east of the eity. A .where Bwllich C .to whieh D.in that2 .a.He 15 one of the boys _Pmised at rhe meetlng· b .He 15 the only one of the boys_praised at the meeting· A .whieh 15 B.who was C .who were D.who are3awe,11 neverfo塔et the days _we lived together. b .We,11 never forget the days _we sPent together in the eountryside. A .that Bwhen C .for whieh D.on that4 .a.Is this museum som…  相似文献   

1. In my old school album are pictures of some teachers_can't befound in yours.A. which B. who C. those D. they2. There was a tea pot fashioned like a china duck_the water was supposed to come.A. from which open mouth B. by the open mouthC. out of whose open mouth D. with its open mouth3. It was in the small house_was built with stones by his father_he spent his childhood.A. which; that B. that; where C. which; which D. that; which  相似文献   

吕浙 《新高考》2007,(Z1):121-128
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.He have taken part in this kind of ac-tivity,because he was too young.No.But I didn t knowhowold he was at thatti me.A.shouldn t B.mayC.mustn t D.ought to22.He has two ties,goes with his suit.A.every of them B.every of whichC.each of them D.each of which23.When you at the airport,please call me.A.wi…  相似文献   

I.听力(满分30分)(略)Ⅱ.单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21.He arrived in New York in 1949,__,some time later,he became a writer. A.when B.where C.that D.which22.He tore up my photo,and__made me angry. A.that B.what C.which D.who  相似文献   

一、语言知识应用(‘0分) 11 don’t think it’5 a good idea to_other’5 homework.It will start a bad habbit. You Shou一d do your、n work.( A .make B.finish C.eoPy D.do 2.She 15 at math than English.( A.即od B.better C.well D.bad 3 .He said that he_90 to the movies初th his frierid_Fridy night.( A .would:onB.will:in C.would:in D.w呈11:on 4.She me.She didn’t want to be my friend anymore.( A .15 inte化sted in B.was exeited at C.was mad at D.was Pleased with 5 .She ean’t_her shyness.She e…  相似文献   

1.September 18,1931 is the day—we’ll neverforget.A.that B.whenC.on which D.on that2.I still remember the days—she was in the coun-tryside—she was youngA.as,that B.which,whenC.when,as D,during which,that3.You may borrow any book—A.that interest youB that you are interestedC.that interests youD.which interests you4.The county— I visitd last year was not the one—I once worked.A. which,where B.which,which  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择.She____the buttons in such a way that one at the bottom was notdone up.A.did up B.did for C.did with D.did without.This apartment is partly____with a few old armchairs.A.provided B.decorated C.trimmed D.furnished.We!ve already discussed the problem____great length.A.on B.in C.to D.at.I!d like you to____me your full attention.A.pay B.give C.get D.show.There is hardly an environment on earth____some species of animalor other have not adapted successfully.A.to which B.in which…  相似文献   

一、插入语干扰例1:1 :He believes in himself,_____,in my opinion, is of the most impor-tance.A.that B.which C.what D.as例2: He hasn't come yet. What do you consider_______to him?A.happens B.has happened C.happening D.to happen  相似文献   

1. A brief introduction The Bible is the holy books of the Christians: It is the classic works of Christianity. It consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, each consisting of several volumes written at different times. It first appeared in Hebren because it was originally written by the Jewish people. It's said that Christianity came into being in the middle of the first century A. D. But the Old Testament appeared much earlier than that. We can't say exactly when it was written. We only know that it appeared gradually, bit by bit, in small collections during the last three centuries B. C and the first century A. D. As for the New Testament, it appeared after the death of Christ,in the first two or three centuries A. D. It was said to be spreaded first by the followers of Jesus Christ, existing in small pamphlets which were passed from hand to hand secretly. And finally it was compiled by the Roman church with a number of learned men, keeping a few of the gospels and a few of the letters writ  相似文献   

从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.It is____who____reasonable.A.me;am B.me;is C.I;am D.I;is2.It was how the young man had learned5languages____attracted theaudience!s interest.A.so that B.that C.what D.in which3.It was in Beihai Park____they made a date for the first time____the old couple told us their love story.A.where;that B.that;that C.where;when D.that;when4.It was not until she had arrived home____her appointment with thedoctor.A.did she remember B.that she r…  相似文献   

艾林 《新高考》2007,(2):47-50
一、介词介词是一种虚词,不能单独做句子成分,必须和名词或代词构成介词短语。注意以下常用介词的区别:1.at,in,on和by表示时间的区别:at表示:1)具体的时间点。例如:They came home at noon(at night,at ten o clock,at daybreak,at dawn).2)一般较短暂的一段时间,但在如Christmas的节日名称前可指节日的整个期间。例如:At the beginning(middle,end)of that month hewas sick.He went home at Christmas.in表示:1)在较长的时间内。例如:He didit in the holidays.2)在一段时间之后。表示此意时句中谓语动词一般用将来时。I will finisht…  相似文献   

One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table ina restaurant,waiting for the food I had ordered to ar-rive.Suddenly I 36 that am an sitting at a tablenear the window kept glancing in my direction,37 he knew me.The man had a newspaper 38 in front of him,which he was 39 to read,but Icould 40 that he was keeping an eye on me.When the waiter brought my 41 the man wasclearly puzzled(困惑)by the 42 way in whichthe waiter and I 43 each other.He seemed even more puzzled as 44 went on and it became 45 that all the ...  相似文献   

一、考查介词的用法1.—When do you go shopping?—I usually go shopping Sunday mornings.A.on B.in C.at D.for(湖北武汉市)解析:“在某年”常用介词in,在某天或某天的上下午常用介词on,“for+时间名词”表示一段时间,所以B、C、D都不合题意要求,答案应为A。2.My father will be back from Beijing a week.A.for B.in C.after D.on(四川省)解析:“after+一段时间”表示“在……以后”,是以过去的时间为起点,用于过去时态;“in+一段时间”表示“在……以后”或“在……以内”,是以现在的时间为起点来表达将来时间,所以答案为B。3…  相似文献   

Not long after Chris Niezrecki was hired as a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Florida, he noticed that many students rode their bicycles around town after dark. He also noticed how hard it was to see the bikes.  相似文献   

During the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476B.C.).there was a man whose name was Yu Boya.Yu boya famous music master at that time,having a good command of the temperament and superb skills in playing the musical instrument.He was bright and eager to learn when he was young.He had formally acknowledged several experts as his teachers,and his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a fairly high level.But he still felt that he could not superbly express the various things …  相似文献   

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