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体验教育是我国基础教育改革中的一个亮点,要充分认识它的教育价值,把握它的特点,做好规划,着力培养学生的体悟意识和能力。教师要当好导引者,使体验教育收到实效。  相似文献   

<正>Over the last summer I volunteered at a summer camp for children ages 5 through 12. Every day for six weeks I rode my bike to conquer1 the hill. Once I arrived at Abbot School at 7:30, I began my seven-hour day of cleaning, entertaining and giving rides to a lot of small kids, each with different plans of action and ideas, each needing my special attention. By helping these kids  相似文献   

刘惊铎 《中国德育》2006,1(2):11-16
生态体验式道德学习范畴基于个体生命的生存实践,从自然生态、类生态和内生态之三重生态视角反思和重构道德教育过程,营造适合百科知识学习和人格健康成长的文化氛围,使导引者和体验者双方全息沉浸,全脑贯通,激发生命潜能和灵性,陶养健康人格。生态体验式道德学习凸显了道德教育的践履性、享用性和反思性特征,使道德教育臻于美善和谐境界。生态体验式道德学习以《未成年人道德体验例话》为导入线索,在校本实践中实现“届际循环”,在三重生态圆融互摄的意义上不断获得立体拓展。  相似文献   

经验、体验与文学   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对于文学创作来说, 经验与体验是不同的。经验是他的生物的或社会的阅历。体验是经历中见出个性、深义和诗意的情感。经验只是知识的积累。体验是价值的叩问。体验具有超越性。它给文学带来的是情感的诗意化、意义的深刻化和感受的个性化。体验的美学功能  相似文献   

This essay is aimed at reflecting my English learning experience,which is divided into three stages:The first six years’of study as a junior and senior high school student,when I always got high scores in the exams.I thought I was a sucessful English learner at that time.Four years as an English major in a teacher’s college,where I found my English was as other people called "Chinglish".No matter how hard I worked I couldn’t talk freely with native speakers.As time went on,I got to know the phenomenon belonging to interlanguage fossilization of English learning.Two years later after I graduated from the university,I went to University of Canberra to study my Master degree,there I found the essential factors that could help me get over fossilization through enhanced motivation,increased comprehensible input and production of communicative output.  相似文献   

在线学习的发展离不开规范的技术标准,但是早期的SCORM(Sharable Content Object Reference Model,可共享内容对象参考模型)技术标准已经不能适应目前的学习需求,而x API(Experience Application Programming Interface,经验应用程序编程接口)的出现为在线教育带来了新的发展机遇。文章介绍了x API的基本功能、x API的核心Statement(声明)及x API的存储机制LRS(Learning Record Store,学习记录存储),并通过Moodle平台详细介绍了基于x API的在线学习经历数据的获取过程。文章指出,x API能更好地支持学习生态系统的建设、完善评价机制、促进个性化学习的实现,对在线教育具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Reflection has been considered a key aspect that should be included in teacher‐education programmes. There have also been recent calls to base teacher education on constructivist principles of learning. In this study, a reflective‐school‐experience component was integrated into a curriculum subject, using constructivist learning theory as a guide. It shows how these two constructs may be brought together in practice. The learning theory used is explained, and relationships to teaching are explored. Teacher interventions derived from the learning theory provided guidelines for the placement and operation of the school experience, and for encouraging reflection about both the school experience and classwork. An evaluation of the subject was conducted using a variety of data. Selected findings are discussed, and the success of the subject in influencing cognitive and affective outcomes are explored. The role of the school experience and indications of the occurrence of reflection by students are also examined.  相似文献   

语学习是学生学习汉语言的具体的实践活动。语学习中的体验性学习是学生在主体接受性参与的基础上迈向主体体验性参与的过程。在这个过程中,学生所学的知识和主体人格得以升华和超越。体验性学习在语学习中的具体体现就是:学生与教师是主客一体,自然融合;学生与学生是交往合作,共同进步;学生与知识是物我交融,息息相通。  相似文献   

关注高中物理教学中学生的学习体验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对新课改在推进过程中出现的实际问题--"表面繁荣"、"泡沫现象",本文在剖析"体验"概念的基础上,结合高中物理的教学特点,提出了增强学生在高中物理学习过程中体验的依据和实施途径.  相似文献   

论教师的经验性学习   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教师在学校教育场景与家庭、社区等日常生活场景中可能获得多种教育经验。从这些经验中学习即经验性学习是教师学习的一种重要形式,它是教师建构个人教育知识、学会教学的重要途径。经验性学习有两种,一是自发的经验性学习,它可用三个心理学原理加以解释。其所以能增长知识,是有赖于外部影响和主体行动的;一是自觉的经验性学习,它的主要措施重建。  相似文献   

Learning is both experiential and existential and a theory of learning is examined here in considerable detail to show how we interpret religious experiences. This learning provides the basis of theological systems although it is argued here that we cannot learn religious experience, only interpretations that provide us with mediated religious experience. These interpretations usually come from within a culture or a faith community. The interpretations, when they are shared, are secondary experiences: they constitute the basis of theological explanations, which are then taught. But teaching religion academically creates a tension between approaches to study, faith, and experience that has to be resolved in a satisfactory manner.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to consider how current vocabulary training methods could be optimized by considering recent scientific insights in how the brain represents conceptual knowledge. We outline the findings from several methods of vocabulary training. In each case, we consider how taking an embodied cognition perspective could impact word learning. The evidence we review suggests that vocabulary training methods can be optimized by making a congruent link between the words to learn and one’s own perceptual and motoric experiences. In particular, we suggest that motoric information about the meaning of a word could be incorporated into more standard vocabulary training methods. Finally, we consider the impact an embodied cognitive perspective may have on other characteristics of word learning, such as individual differences in learning and variations in learning different types of words, for example words from different word classes and words in different contexts.  相似文献   

学生数学活动经验对于学生数学学习活动的开展、数学思想方法的领悟等方面有着十分重要的作用。经验学习理论对学生获得数学活动经验的教学具有重要的启示:为学生提供有层次性的、数学本质一样的、广泛的活动情境及足够的替代性经验,让学生经历参与、反思、内化等数学活动的全过程,及时反省、评价、抽象和运用在该过程中获得的经验,并利用“社会”因素,积极干预学习风格的不良影响,有助于学生获得充足的数学活动经验。  相似文献   

通过简要介绍欧美亚具有代表性的瑞典、美国、日本的绿色税收体系,总结了这些国家在建立绿色税收体系过程中的经验,以资我国构建绿色税收体系时予以借鉴,进而提出了我国绿色税收体系构建的基本建议。  相似文献   

学习并非是单纯的快乐,总伴随着使之成为可能的困惑、激愤、惊异和痛苦等消极经验。学习中的消极经验及其意义,日益受到乐学思想的忽视或遗忘,需要重新加以探讨,认识学习中的消极经验和积极经验之间的辩证关系。消极经验对于学习来说,更为根本。  相似文献   

教师的经历就是教师亲眼见过、亲耳听过、亲身做过的事,即是教师的学习、教学、日常生活。它蕴涵着丰富的学习资源。如果教师具有反思意识与能力,则可以从中得到诸多收获。教师学习的途径有自我分析与寻求学习共同体的帮助。此外,教师还要力图从经历的学习中有所超越,从而使之更好地促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

20世纪末期以来,印度软件产业取得了举世瞩目的成就,其成功经验值得我们借鉴。河北省软件产业在取得一定成绩的同时,也存在着一些问题。河北省应通过大力吸引和培养软件人才、优化园区建设、加大财政支持力度、加强行业协会的桥梁作用等途径,促进软件业更好更快的发展。  相似文献   

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