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As the need for instructing a globalized workforce increases, instructional designers must embrace the constraints and the opportunities these projects provide in order to move the field of cross-cultural instructional design (ID) forward. Cross-cultural projects offer multiple avenues for growth in ID practice, overcoming cultural barriers, and a venue to apply and test contemporary models, methodologies, and theories in ID. This design-based research case study employed a rapid prototyping methodology and the constructivist ID model, Layers of Negotiation, to collect critical cultural information for the design of this cross-cultural instruction. Instructional strategies deemed effective for instructing an unskilled workforce in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, included job aids, situated learning and apprenticeship principles consisting of modeling, coaching and scaffolding. Use of the constructivist ID model and instructional solution for a cross-cultural workforce for The Dubai Mall are presented. Evaluation results indicate the success of the instructional strategies varied dependent upon worker culture, and the sequential nature of the instructional strategies.  相似文献   

To further examine what designers actually do as compared to what they should do, a study of designer practice based on the “Layers of Necessity” model was conducted. The data were surprisingly homogeneous given the heterogeneous composition of the group, all members of a local NSPI chapter. Results contribute to validation of the underlying ID model and confirm previous findings that designers do not systematically perform all the steps in any ID model. Certain trends were noted; namely, an increase in the perceived importance and frequency of pilot testing, the continuing importance of “Decision Already Made” as a reason for not performing a given step, and the parallel between the steps perceived as most necessary and those performed most often. Based on these data and other studies of ID practice, the future of ID practice appears to be moving toward design of learner-centered learning environments and increased use of prototyping in the design process.  相似文献   

随着我国金融信息化建设的进展,消费者对网络信用卡应用的需求在最近几年内快速地增长,但是该领域存在许多信用卡欺诈行为。本文着重探讨消费者使用金融网络产品中存在的信用卡欺诈问题。与传统交易相比,在此类产品中进行的信用卡交易欺诈容易发生,却更难查明原因和恢复数据。通过分析网络信用卡欺诈类型,对比现有的防范欺诈的典型解决方案,最后提出了一种基于安全电子邮件和伪随机数校验码模拟AVS的方法来防范网络信用卡欺诈。  相似文献   

为了吸引顾客、留住顾客,让顾客产生消费意识,当代商业店堂装饰设计应以人为中心,从人的消费心理、商业店堂空间、商业店堂环境三个方面出发来思考设计。  相似文献   

One approach to the development of software, which has received considerable attention in the software engineering literature, is rapid prototyping. We describe the rapid prototyping methodology and discuss some of its advantages and disadvantages. We then focus on the use of rapid prototyping in the project component of the typical undergraduate software engineering course. Several approaches to prototyping are described, along with various automated tools that support prototyping. Our experiences with prototyping in our undergraduate software engineering course are described, and we draw a number of conclusions vis a vis the use of prototyping.  相似文献   

决策树算法被成功应用到很多分类问题上,其中ID3算法是其典型算法.文中就该算法在汽车售后服务企业客户特征分析中的应用做了实例研究.阐述了ID3算法的原理以及实现算法,分析了客户的特征.以一个具体的案例讲解了ID3算法在汽车售后服务企业中客户管理的具体应用流程.文中实现ID3算法作用于汽车售后客户的数据,得到一个客户特征分析模型,可以帮助汽车企业根据不同特征的客户采取不同的策略,从而获得较大利润.  相似文献   

The success of instructional design and development (ID) projects is typically evaluated using an evaluation framework, the most popular being Kirkpatrick's (1967) four levels of evaluation. In spite of their widespread use, there does not appear to be an empirical basis for these frameworks. Do the popular evaluation frameworks encompass the major indicators of successful ID projects? Are the success indicators the same for all the various stakeholders involved in ID projects? The purpose of this study was: 1) to establish empirically a set of ID project success indicators, and 2) to determine if stakeholder perspective influences the importance attached to those indicators. Seven ID project success indicators were identified, suggesting that the common evaluation models are incomplete. A two-way ANOVA revealed no significant differences among the stakeholder groups in terms of the importance they attached to the success indicators overall. However, a significant difference was found among the success indicators in terms of their importance to ID project success. Also, there was a significant interaction between certain stakeholder groups and certain ID project success indicators. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy   总被引:1,自引:15,他引:1  
There is a design methodology calledrapid prototyping which has been used successfully in software engineering. Given the similarities between software design and instructional design, we argue that rapid prototyping is a viable model for instructional design, especially for computer-based instruction. Additionally, we argue that recent theories of design offer plausible explanations for the apparent success of rapid prototyping in software design. Such theories also support the notion that rapid prototyping is appropriate for instructional design. We offer guidelines for the use of rapid prototyping and list possible tradeoffs in its application.  相似文献   

顾客价值是竞争优势的新来源,随着原有竞争优势的丧失,民营企业实施顾客价值管理势在必行。通过分析民营企业实施顾客价值管理的必要性,构建了企业实施顾客价值管理的模型,指出要想交付卓越的顾客价值,必须缩小企业管理活动与顾客期望之间的差距。  相似文献   

近几年,许多本土经济型酒店收入增速放缓,甚至出现亏损现象. 想要扭转这种局面,吸引客源提高竞争力,必须改变传统思维方式,为顾客创造酒店新价值. 本文结合顾客价值创新理论,对本土经济型酒店的顾客需求进行深入分析,针对十个维度绘出一条新的经济型酒店顾客价值曲线,提出了若干提升本土经济型酒店竞争力的对策,以客房为中心保证产品质量,注重服务细节提升服务质量,重视酒店网络点评等.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,银行贷款品种日益增多,如何灵活地控制每种贷款品种的利率浮动水平,以及针对每位客户科学、合理地给出贷款利率价格,具有非常重要的意义.为此,提出一种差别化的贷款利率定价模型,该模型不仅可以实现差别化的利率定价,而且可以严格控制各种贷款品种的最低及最高上浮比例.同时,在该模型中引入信用等级机制,可激励客户向优质客户转变.  相似文献   

对于零售业来说保留客户的时间越长,从客户身上赚的钱就越多.但在不同的客户轨迹中,公司与客户的关系是继续还是终止,CRM价值链上的任何一个节点都可能对此产生重要影响.零售企业与客户之间的关系如何管理,怎样利用客户价值管理工具优化零售企业在传统的大众营销模式下的客户关系管理战略目标,是市场营销战略的关键.  相似文献   

中资银行竞争战略的选择及其实施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于高端客户和普通客户对银行服务具有不同的需求,因此,中资银行应当实施两种竞争战略:产品中心主义战略致力于为普通客户提供基本上是标准化的一揽子产品,以谋求规模经济和范围经济效应;客户中心主义战略致力于为高端客户提供度身定做的金融产品,以谋求满足其个性化的需求,在面向高端客户时,中资银行应实行客户经理制、给予优惠措施、拓宽分销渠道及与证券公司共同开拓业务等;在面向普通的个人客户时,中资银行应通过电子化运作模式、资信评估办法的完善等措施扩大资产业务量,通过创建“金融超市”等方法为客户提供全面的标准化产品。  相似文献   

The current study aimed at examining the efficacy of technological projects as learning tools by exploring the following questions: the extent to which projects in technology develop students as independent learners; the types of knowledge the students deal with in working on their projects; the role of problem-solving in technological projects; and how projects integrate into traditional schooling. The subjects were 53 high school (12th grade) students who prepared graduating projects in technology under the supervision of nine teachers. Data were collected by observing the students in the laboratory, administrating two questionnaires to both the students and the teachers, and analyzing 25 portfolios prepared by the students of their projects. The findings indicate that projects in technology provide a good opportunity to engage students in challenging tasks that enhance their learning skills. To maximize this potential, it is necessary to employ the project method from the early stages of learning technology. It is especially important that teachers having a strong engineering orientation also acquire pedagogical knowledge on issues such as fostering independent learning, creativity, peer learning and reflective practice in the technological classroom.  相似文献   

随着电子商务时代的来临,客户资源成为企业的主要资源,因此客户关系管理成为企业必须管理的新焦点。企业须根据客户的不同情况,合理配置企业资源,通过满足客户的个性化需求,为客户提供满意的产品和服务,提高客户的忠诚度,挖掘潜在有价值的客户,最终达到企业的客户价值最大化,为企业带来丰厚的利润。  相似文献   

In a time of growing competition among colleges and universities for the most able students, degree-granting programs must be designed with the needs of the prospective student in mind. Traditionally, the development of academic programs relied on the energy and enthusiasm of a few faculty champions who saw new degree programs as a reflection of faculty interest and competence rather than of market demand. Conjoint analysis is a tool that has been used extensively in developing products since 1971. During the 1980s its use was expanded to help design services in such industries as banking, health care, computers, and hospitality and tourism. This multivariate technique allows prospective customers to make trade-offs on various product or service attributes. Those customer choices enable the development of utility functions for each service feature and thereby form the basis for configuring offerings that may optimize customer preference and market share. This article reports the use of conjoint analysis to determine the graduate management needs of undergraduate business alumni. At question was the type of degree program preferred by this growing population. The results of this study suggest that an accelerated and abbreviated M.B.A. program would be preferred to an M.S. degree. Such a new program would not substantially cannibalize existing programs nor would this shorter M.B.A. program be perceived negatively by potential students.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的发展,企业的营销模式和管理理念在不断的发生变革。以生产为中心、以销售产品为目的的市场战略逐渐被以客户为中心、以服务为目的的市场战略所取代。谁能掌握客户的需求趋势、加强与客户的关系、有效发掘和管理客户资源,谁就能获得市场竞争优势,在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

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