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Unit EightⅠ.单项填空A.课本知识1.—My sister is a typist in a foreign firm.—I know this sort of job for skill and speed.A.asks B.calls C.looks D.waits2.—Is that110?A thief is in my house...—OK,help is.A.in the way B.in its wayC.by the way D.on the way3  相似文献   

1.The tallgirl pink works hard atEnglish.A.having on B.dressed in C.is wearing D .putting on2.H ow long does ittake you to yourself?A.dress B.puton C.wear D .have on3.—W ho is the girl in a red skirt?—She s .A.dressed;H elen B.worn;m y sisterC.to be;a student D .having on;a nurse4.In whatcolour is yoursisterusually ?A.wore B.dressed C.had on D .puton5.The girlis underfour butshe can .A.puton herself B.wear herselfC.have on herclothes D .dress herself6.Afterthe bath,M r Sm ith him …  相似文献   

Asking the Way     
A:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the Food Street?B:Certainly.But will you go there by bus or on foot?A:I’m not sure.Is it very far from here?B:No,not very.If you would like to go on foot,I can walk with you for a while.A:That’s very kind of you.  相似文献   

第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 从 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 21.H e takes pleasure in flying kites.W hat in world do you like best? A ./;the B.a;/ C.the;a D ./;/ 22.This com puter doesn’t w ork properly, because a certain virus has the operating system . A .broken up B .broken down C.broken out D .broken away 23.—Look at the actress on the stage. She is already fifty. —Y ou are joking.She doesn’t look . A .it B.so C.that D.the on…  相似文献   

Unit OneⅠ.单项填空A.课本要点1.The scientist spentabout two years the m ovem entofthe star.A.noticing B.observing C.glaring D.staring2.—I haven tgot a pen to w rite a letter w ith.—you use a ball-pen?A.H ow about B.H ow C.W hat if D.W hatfor3.W e wanted to get hom e before dark,but it didn t quite asplanned.A.m ake out B.turn out C.go on D.com e up4.O nly in this way to m ake im provem ent in the operation system.A.you can hope B.you did hopeC.can you hope D.did you hope5.There is …  相似文献   

一、单项选择题1.Many young people enjoy_____the pop music.A.hearing B.listening toC.listen to D.to listen to2.—Why don’t you have a notebook with you?—I’ve_____it at home.A.lost B.forgottenC.left D.found3.—We are going hiking tomorrow.What will theweather be like,Benson?—Why not_____the radio and listen to the report?A.turn on B.turn offC.take away D.find out4.—What about_____story you read last night?—It’s terrific,I think.A.a B.anC.the D.one5.Please keep quiet.If you make …  相似文献   

A:Hey,John.I'm bored.Come on,let’s go out and do something. B:Sorry.I'm right in the middle of studying for a physics exam.I won’t be able to make it tonight.  相似文献   

第一部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—What do you think of the girls who have just come?—They were all attractive,but Lily from the others.A.stood out B.picked outC.made out D.kept out2.Since she fell in love with a boy,she canKt her studies and jobnow.A.look on B.concentrate onC.concern on D.take on3.Recently more and more farmers have the government rather thannature for help.A.appealed to B.centered onC.attend to D.live up to4.Before you go abroad,usually you should a pas…  相似文献   

I. 单项选择。( 每题 2 分, 共 30 分) 1. Many people in our country call nurses “angels ______ white”. A. for B. on C. in D. by 2. Mr. Green enjoys ______ to the radio very much. A. listening B. to listen C. listen D. listened 3. Most children like ______ snow in winter. A. play B. play with C. playing D. to play with 4. Miss Quick ______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai. A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy 5. — Excuse me. Where’s the Children’s Palace? — T…  相似文献   

3一Why are you 50 late?一Bad luek.A ear aeeident hapPened not far outside the town and we were on the way. BD第一卷(选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1 .They all looked_at the teaeher when he told them the good news. A .sadly B.earefully C .happily D.an幼ly 2.一What good weather!Let’5 90 boating on the lake. A .That’5 a good idea B .Thank you ve叮mueh C .It doesn’t matter D .That’5 all right A .stoPPed C .helped…  相似文献   

1.【原句】What’s the matter?【讲解】What’s the matter?常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。当你看到别人气色不好或面带憔悴时,可以用该句型来询问对方,意为“哪儿不舒服?”、“出什么事了?”。【真题】从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2006重庆市)A:Jim,you said you would not stay out lateafter school,didn’t you?B:Yes,mom,I did.A:But it’s10o’clock now.1B:Sorry.I’ve been to the hospital.A:What?2B:No.I sent Jack to the hospital.A:Oh,really?3B:He had a terrible headache on the wayhome.A:Is he better now?B:4A:Good for you,my dear!I’m very glad youcan help others.B:5【点拨】答案为:C—F—E—D—B。做此类题时,关键在于联系上下文。由I’v...  相似文献   

1.1 __to her own measure,the dress fits her perfectly. A.Make B.Making C.To make D.Made1.2 __here in time,he had to run all the way. A.Get B.Getting C.To get D.To be getting1.3 __the general state of his health,it may take him a while to  相似文献   

1.This is song I’ve told you about.Isn’t it beautiful one?A.the;the B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the2.There is book on the desk.It is interesting book.A.a;a B.a;theC.a;an D.the;the3.Jim likes to play football and w as on school team.A./;theB./;/C.the;the D.a;a4.This m orning I had egg and a bottleof m ilk for m y breakfast.A.anB.a C.the D./5.—W hat’s the m atter with you?—I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.A.a;/B.a;the C.a;a D.the;the6.sun is bigger than earth.A.A;the B.A;anC.The;a…  相似文献   

1. Wake Up!清醒! Decide to have a good day today.决定愉快地度过一天! 2. Dress Up!靓丽! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile!扮靓自己的最好方法是面带微笑! A smile is the fastest and most inex- pensive way to improve your looks.微笑是最快捷、最省钱的美容方法!  相似文献   

1 .My father_on business for two Weeks·He’11 return in 3 days.(2006河北课改区) A .left B.has left C .has gone D.has been away 2 .How many_work in your faetory? (2005湖北省) A .Gennan B.Russian C .JaPanese D.Australian 3一How beautiful she sings!一Yes,she has a ve卿sweet_.(2005河南省) A .voice B.sound C.noise D.mouth 4.一Have you heard today’5 weather fore- east?一Yes.Better weather 15 .We ean expect“n outing·(2006江苏启东) A .in the way B.by the way C .on the way D.in this way…  相似文献   

第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.—Would you like to come to the dinnerparty here on Saturday?—Thank you.I’d love to,I’ll be outof town at the weekend.A.because B.and C.so D.but2.We’ve just heard a warning on the radiothat a hurricane is to come thisevening.A.likely B.possibleC.probable D.believable3.It was already one in the morning Isaw the dull yellow eye of the creatureopen.A.when B.that C.which D.since4.I think I…  相似文献   

金玉 《今日中学生》2011,(13):24-25
A One day,a rich man and his son went out for a walk.On their way,the rich man felt very uncomfortable and found he had put on a pair ofodd shoes,one with a thick sole and the other with a thin sole.  相似文献   

51.The teacher said to Li Lei,“Be careful,you missed “f’’in word“diferent”.” A.an…the B.a…a C.an…a D.a…the 52.There is——apple on the table.——appleis Tomk. A.an…the B.a…an C.an…The D.the…The 53.There is “u”, “s’’and “e”in theword“use”. A.an,an,an B.a,an,a C.a,an,an【).an,a,an 54.From——space the earth looks very smaU. A.a B.an C.the D./ 5豇——interesting stOry it is! A.What a B.What an C.How D.How an 56.The train will arrive haH hour. A.after…an B.af…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1.—H ave you watered the plants ? —Yes,I have watered them . A.already;already B.yet;yet C.already;yet D.yet;already 2.—Are you ready,M ike? —No,I the refrigerator yet. A.haven’t cleaned out B.hadn’t cleaned out C.am not cleaning out D.can’t clean out 3.Today I have chores to do,so I’m busy. A.too m uch B.m uch too C.too m any D.m any too 4.—H ow long you here since you last saw her ? —For about a year. A.have;com e B.have;been C.did;com e D.were;com e 5.W e rea…  相似文献   

!.J0hn shut eveIybody out 0f the kitchenhe could prepare his grand surprisefor the party.(NMET 2002) A.which B.when C.2.一W0uld y叫1ike to come here 0n Saturday? 一ThaIlk you.I’d 10ve t0,s0 that D.as ift0 the dinner partyI’ll be out 0f town at the weekend.(2002北京卷) A.because B.and C.s0 D.but3.He was about to teU me the secret—— someone patted him on the shoulder. (2002 高考上海卷) A.as B.until C.while D.when4.,11he f:珈ous scientist伊ew up——he wasibom and in 1930 he c踟e to S…  相似文献   

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