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Italian university professors in transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, Italian university professors have, for the first time in decades, faced a process of structural change encompassing the entire system of higher education. These transformations represent a long overdue answer to the unmet social demand for higher education, and have forced academic staff members to adjust to changes in their working conditions. This article examines a number of alternatives related to their professional condition that Italian university professors need to consider in this changing situation.  相似文献   

论大学教授的学术水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术水平既是教授地位的标志、声誉的象征,也是大学教授治学的前提和基础。文章对学术与学术水平做了界定,在此基础上提出了大学教授的四种学术水平;论述了大学教授四种学术水平的内涵及其相互关系;结合我国大学教授学术水平的现状,分析存在的问题,提出解决的办法。  相似文献   

在众多的第二外语选择中,日语凭借自身特有的语言优势,成为大部分大学的选择对象,且随着新课改的不断深入,二外日语教学逐渐受到重视。本文通过探讨大学二外日语教学的有效途径,以期提高二外日语教学质量,提高学生的学习效率。  相似文献   

伴随着经济的不断快速发展,网络技术在大学英语教学当中发挥着重要的作用。本文在探讨大学英语教学提升网络技术使用的必要性的基础上,分析了大学英语教学使用网络技术存在的问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

欧洲中世纪城市市民的兴起及其对世俗文化的追求促使大学与教授相继诞生。教授是大学发展的必然产物,是大学的灵魂与核心;教授在大学的学术权力、学科建设、人才培养、科学研究与大学精神等层面处于主导地位;大学是教授治学的理想场所;大学定期支付教授薪水,时间安排制度化,赋予学术自由,提供丰富的图书资料,营造浓厚的学术氛围和校园环境。大学与教授通过高深学问形成一种内在的关联,相互依存,共同发展。  相似文献   

Research as a model for university teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

大学教授活动“集群化” ,是指大学教授彼此联系、密切合作 ,采用“集群”的方式广泛地开展学术活动的现象。这一现象的出现与科学发展的日益专门化和规模化密不可分 ,它反映了大学在推动科学技术发展与进步过程中呈现出的明显优势。目前 ,我国大学由于缺乏必要的组织平台、规范的制度平台、合理的知识和技术平台以及客观的评价平台 ,大学教授的活动很难真正走向“集群化”。解决这一问题的关键在于科研组织的创新  相似文献   

One of the difficulties in Latin American development is attracting highly qualified professionals to interior cities with growth potential. Also, as in most less developed countries of the world, this is accompanied by a tendency toward a permanent ruralurban migration of the existing, more qualified personnel, leaving interior regions deficient in an important development resource. In this study a culturally versatile method to identify perceived desirable characteristics of cities as places to work and live is proposed. A triadic selection procedure and factor analysis are employed with a case study sample of graduate students in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results show that there are four major categories of attributes (population, economic, cultural, and physical) which could be used as incentives to attract people to medium sized interior cities in developing countries. Various ways in which the local university could be employed in such strategies are presented as examples of planning possibilities.  相似文献   

多元化教学评价体系的关键是将形成性评价和终结性评价有效结合,具体内容体现在评价主体的多元化、评价内容的多元化、评价手段的多元化和评价标准的多元化。建立多元化的教学评价体系,有利于教师了解和监控学生的学习过程,根据反馈信息调整教学;帮助学生了解自身的学习情况,调整学习方法,发挥学习的主观能动性。教学评价体系的改革不仅是大学英语教学改革能否成功的保障,也是适应高等教育国际化挑战的需要。  相似文献   

As research on student evaluations of teaching (SET) has dominated our understanding of teaching evaluation, debate over SET implementation has turned attention away from basic principles for appraising employee performance as established in human resources literature. Considering SET research and its practical significance in isolation from relevant human resources literature not only risks unlawful remedies for issues such as bias in SET but also risks replacing one form of bias with another. Meanwhile, the full potential of human resources tools to support consistent evaluation of teaching remains unrealized. To address this gap, this article clarifies how teaching evaluation can be conducted as sound performance appraisal by deploying SET and peer review of teaching within a larger framework of established human resources techniques. A review of recent literature articulates prominent themes in research on SET and peer review of teaching and outlines key principles for performance appraisal and performance management. Those principles are used to analyze representative faculty evaluation policies and procedures and clarify the weaknesses of both traditional and recently revised approaches to teaching evaluation. The final section elaborates performance appraisal techniques relevant to teaching evaluation. These include planful use of results and/or behavior approaches to performance appraisal, robust rating instruments for behavioral performance appraisal, targeted collection of information from multiple stakeholders, and job analysis. Efforts to de-emphasize quantitative SET data to address issues such as bias can be strengthened through the incorporation of performance appraisal tools that clearly articulate performance criteria and standards and that gather both qualitative and quantitative data on employee performance.  相似文献   

语用失误是导致跨文化交际故障的一个重要原因。目前我国大学英语课堂教学模式仍属"知识"型的课堂教学为主的模式,因此由"知识"和"使用"脱节而造成的语用失误现象严重。在大学英语教学中如何培养和提高学生的语用能力成为高校英语教育的首要目标。  相似文献   

Increasingly, higher education institutions are realising that higher education could be regarded as a business-like service industry and they are beginning to focus more on meeting or even exceeding the needs of their students. Recent research findings suggest that the factors that create student satisfaction with teaching (‘teaching satisfiers’) may be qualitatively differently from the factors that create dissatisfaction with teaching. Thus, this research uses the Kano methodology to reveal the characteristics of professors that students take for granted (‘Must-be factors’) and that have the potential to delight them (‘Excitement factors’). Kano questionnaires containing 19 attributes of effective professors taken from previous studies and focus group discussions were handed out in two marketing courses to 63 postgraduate students enrolled in a service marketing course. The Kano results corroborate previous US findings that revealed the importance of personality in general and support studies that stress the importance of professors creating rapport with their students in particular.  相似文献   

语言与文化密不可分。大学英语教学不仅是语言知识和技能教学,同时也是文化教学。本文首先阐述了大学英语教学中文化教学的重要性,然后着重探讨大学英语教学中文化教学的实施办法以及注意事项。  相似文献   

信息化,网络化为外语教学提供了新的教学理念和技术手段,网络作为信息化时代的标志,已被充分利用于服务外语教学,使外语教学焕发新的生机和活力。网络外语教学,既符合外语习得和学习理论,也符合计算机辅助外语教学理论。本文论述了建构主义和网络辅助外语教学,其有机结合可以促进大学英语的教学成效,也使得学生学习能力有大幅度提高。通过探索建构主义教学理论,使互联网、多媒体与大学英语教学更加有效结合,构建为一种更加高效的教学策略,以便达到大学英语教学向素质化教育的转变。  相似文献   

多媒体教学应用于大学课堂.可使抽象的内容具体化、形象化,激活学生的思维,激发学生的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,利于培养学生的自主创新能力.但课件制作要科学、适用.  相似文献   

Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the relationship between job satisfaction of university professors and the organizational characteristics of the university. The job satisfaction of Chinese university professors includes six dimensions: career development and school management, teaching and research services, salary, benefits and logistical services, professional reputation, teaching and research facilities, and the work itself. The overall job satisfaction levels are close to average, with salary and benefits receiving the lowest level of satisfaction. The organizational characteristics of universities, such as school type, school level, academic field, organizational climate, evaluation orientation, and school management, all have significant effects on the overall job satisfaction of university professors. The organizational climate and school level affect all six dimensions of job satisfaction among university professors.  相似文献   

当前,我国英语教育领域,对于英语教学中的学生思辨能力的培养十分少,大学英语教学从某种程度来说忽视了思维转型的要求,在教学上,并没有把培养学生的新型思维方式作为教学的重点。然而,在全球化发展的今天,对于大学英语教学与大学生思维方式转变的方面提出了新的要求。大学生要想适应全球化发展的要求,思辨能力的培养迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

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