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(A) This is Lucy and this is Lily. They __1__ twins. They are thirteen. This is __2__ bedroom. It is __3__ nice room. The two beds look the same. The red one is __4__ and the blue one is Lucy1s. The twins have one desk __5__ two chairs. Lucy1s chair is bl…  相似文献   

课内提升一、为下列加点字注音1.车马喧__ 2.金樽__3.桂罥__ 4.投箸__5.沉塘坳__ 6.三重茅__7.布衾__ 8.岑参_____9.瀚海__ 10.己亥__二、解释下列加点词语的意义1.何能尔:_____  相似文献   

26.小石潭记课内提升一、为下列加点字注音1.篁竹__ 2.清冽__ 3.佁然__ 4.俶尔__ 5.为坻__ 6.为嵁__ 7.差互__ 8.翕忽__ 9.幽邃__ 10.悄怆__ 二、解释下列短语1.蒙络摇缀:_______  相似文献   

Ⅰ翻译词组1.给……写信__ 2.讲英语__ 3.从……来__ 4.非常喜欢__ 5.教英语__ 6.在星期三__ 7.玩游戏__ 8.从……到……__ 9.谈论某事__ 10.一个笔友__  相似文献   

(A) Hi, everyone! My name __1__ Zhang Jian. __2__ English name is Emily. I'm twelve. __3__ a happy girl. I'm in Tianxingqiao Middle School. I like drawing. How __4__ you? My English teacher is Miss Zhu. __5__ is a good teacher.  相似文献   

课内提升一、为下列加点字注音1.飞沙走砾__ 2.鲜妍明媚__3.花朝节__ 4.偕数友__5.曝沙__ 6.靧面__7.天稍和__ 8.罍而歌__9.脱笼之鹄__ 10.红装而蹇__  相似文献   

(一)复习要点 1.实数的概念 (1)__和__统称有理数. (2)无限__小数叫做无理数. (3)有理数和无理数统称__. (4)规定了__、__和__的直线叫做数轴__数与数轴上的点一一对应. (5)只有符号不同的两个实数,叫做__.零的相反数是__;实数a与b互为相反数 a+b=__ (6)1除以一个不为零的数的商叫做这个  相似文献   

Many people think that Americans __1__ their cars almost more than anything else.When __2___ people are fourteen years old, they want to have their __3__ cars. They don't ask for a car from their __4__ .  相似文献   

The First Goal for the Real Madrid by Owen 欧文首次为皇马进球Michael Owen (迈克尔·欧文) is __1__ English football star. He plays __2__ the Real Madrid(皇家马 德里队) now. He scored his __3__ goal for the club __4__ October 19, 2004. The Real Madrid beat (击败) the Dyname Kiev 1- 0. Of course, his team __5__ the match. “It was __6__ a great game,” Owen said. “I played very __7__. It was time for me __8__ score. I should thank Ronaldo (罗 纳 尔 多 ). He passed ( 传 ) the ball to me.…  相似文献   

一、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分)1.旅游商品是指__,它包括三个层次__,__,__。2.战后世界旅游业的主要特征是__,__,__,__。3.旅游购物品的主要特征是__,__,__,__,__。4.影响旅游价格制定的主要因素有__,__,__,__。5.旅游业发展的常规模式是首先__;而非常规模式是__。二、多项选择题。从给定的答案中,至少选择两项正确的或者最符合题意的答案填入括号内。(每题2分,共10分)1.通常可将旅行社分为__两大类。A.旅游供应商 B.旅游中间商C.旅游批发商 D.旅游零售商2.旅游企业成本管理主要应加强__。  相似文献   

一、填空题: 1.我国古代四部著名小说是__、__、__、__。2.爱迪生是世界著名的__,他发明了__、__和__等一千多种东西,人们称他为:“__”。  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2006,(7):F0004-F0004
Joe had a shop. He worked five and a half __1__ a week. His shop was __2__ at one o' clock on Thursday, and it was closed the __3__ Sunday. Saturday was the busiest day.  相似文献   

The western world has always been divided into two types of people-the cool and the uncool. It is a division that __1__ in school. The cool kids are good at __2__. They are __3__ with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to __4__ their style. They can do their homework but they don't make a big effort. That would __5__ be cool.  相似文献   

填空并学习与“现在完成时态”连用的状语或疑问词: 1. __you ever __ (ride) a horse? 2. I __ never __ (be) to Shanghai. 3. The train __ just __ (arrive). 4. I __ (hear) this before. 5. __ the school __ (begin) yet? 6. I __ (draw) many pictures already. 7. They __ (work) in this factory since 1980. 8. The English teacher __ (be) at this school forten years.  相似文献   

课内提升一、为下列加点字注音1.阴凡怒号__2.宠辱偕忘__3.淫雨霏霏__4.浩浩汤汤__  相似文献   

1.sport,game sport和game都可指娱乐性、锻炼性或竞赛性的体育活动,但二者用法有所不同。 (1)sport指需要体力的户外活动,如游戏、登山、拳击等。eg:  相似文献   

AOnew day a hungry tiger saw a monkey. The monkey __1__ him, too, and climbed up atree __2__. The tiger waited __3__ the tree and said, “__4__ is afraid of me, but __5__ isafraid of you .I’m the strongest.” The monkey said, “No, people __6__ afraid of you ,but theyare afraid of me. If you agree to go to the village, __7__ this is true(真的).” The tigeragreed and walked __8__ the monkey, because he was __9__ afraid of people. When thepeople in the village saw them, they all ran away. Th…  相似文献   

1.他的笔友来自澳大利亚,他讲英语。 His pen __ __from ___ He __ English. 2.她和她的父母住在中国。 She__ in ___ __her __. 3.玛丽喜欢和朋友们看电影。 Mary__ __ __ the __ __her friends.  相似文献   

One day a little girl wanted to go for a walk with her __1__ So she made a(n)__2__, and took an apple and __3__ orange juice. She put them in her bag and __4__ her hat. Then she took her toy and went outside. Soon, a __5__ wind came and blew (吹) her hat into a tree. A(n) __6__ little bird saw the wind blow the hat into the tree, and he wanted to __ 7__ the girl. So, he took the hat in his mouth __8__ gave it to the girl. The girl was very 9. She gave the bird some bread 10 her hamburger. Now the bird was happy, too.  相似文献   

Clubs in American Schools In American schools,there are many clubs that students can join for their interest.The clubs __1__ by students,but must be supervised (辅导) by a teacher.__2__ common clubs are language and culture clubs,and __3__ subjects that students enjoy doing,__4__ art,music,dancing and sports. At my school,there are about forty clubs,and I __5__ three of them.  相似文献   

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