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3月18日,上影集团与上海普陀区长风生态商务区签订合作协议,共同筹拍电视连续剧《苏州河》、系列影视纪录片《苏州河的传说》和共同筹建“海上动漫艺术展示馆”。电视连续剧《苏州河》、系列影视纪录片《苏州河的传说》将作为上影集团向国庆60周年的献礼剧目。《苏州河》以苏州河的沧桑巨变为背景,时空跨越近百年,塑造民族工商业者艰苦创业、发愤图强的荧屏形象。《苏州河的传说》则把苏州河所代表和象征的上海,放在世界工业文明进程中进行探视和考量。  相似文献   

My curiosity about three master artists of Suzhou embroidery, Shen Shou, Yang Shouyu and Ren Huixian, were satisfied in the library of Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute. Publications and references reviewed these master artists' remarkable accomplishments in the art of Suzhou embroidery.  相似文献   

和铹宇 《寻根》2000,(6):82-84
“无量”这个词有点佛教用语的味道,而无量河则是四川西南的一条河,由北向南流入湍急东流的金沙江。我从来没有到过无量河,但这条河却一直深深地吸引着我,因为这条河流淌着一个民族的历史和智慧。  相似文献   

With great eagerness, I was led by Ms. Sun, a senior embroiderer, into the Ancient Embroidery Workshop where Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute is based. All of sudden I was fascinated by the dazzling array of embroidery works of past dynasties like laceworks, dress collars and dragon-patterned gowns. All these embroidery exhibits date back to hundreds of years but still look sleek and shining today. The exquisite embroidery silk fabrics triggered out my curiosity for the history of Suzhou embroidery art.  相似文献   

在20世纪中国艺术史上,融合中西方的艺术是许多置身中西方化交汇地带或接受过中西方化艺术熏陶的一代华人艺术家的一种自然且自觉的选择。他们对意境深邃的中华传统化有着与生俱来的崇敬,而对西方的艺术,尤其重在个性表达的现代艺术,怀有同样敏锐的鉴赏力和深刻的共鸣。  相似文献   

现代社会的飞速发展,考验着一切艺术形式,经千百年传承的中国传统戏曲正陷于“知音少,弦断有谁听”的尴尬处境。如何使年轻一代了解优秀的中国传统文化?如何使传统戏曲在新的时代有其未来?已成为当前中国文化建设必须回答的问题。  相似文献   

王允亮 《寻根》2006,(3):34-38
徐复观先生是中国近现代文化史上成就卓著的学者,其著作《两汉思想史》、《中国人性论史》、《中国艺术精神》等都是在中国学术界享誉已久的著作.徐先生对中国传统文化具有一种由衷的热爱,他自己也有一种勇猛无畏的性格和作风,这种性格和作风既是徐先生为人处世上的特点,也体现出一种特殊的文化魅力,是在中国文化背景上彰显出来的一道独特风景.  相似文献   

A 36-person delegation from the US President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanity paid an official visit to China from June 5 to 13 at the invitation of Chinese Cultural Ministry. On June 10, the delegation attended a seminar on the cultural identity of Chinese contemporary art chaired by Director Fan Di'an in the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

孙迎庆 《寻根》2012,(4):68-72
中国历史上三大名锦,蜀锦最在人气,云锦最为贵气,而宋锦尽显文人雅士之韵,有“锦绣之冠”的美名。宋锦,是指具有宋代织锦风格的锦缎,因产地主要在苏州,故又称苏州宋锦。宋代织锦吸取了当时成熟的花鸟画中的写生风格,又发展了遍地锦纹,形成色彩更加复杂的丝织品。  相似文献   

"He who patronizes art patronizes progress of history and evolution of civilization." 1 cannot remember who said this, but it has reminded me of 54,000 silver dollars patronized to Suzhou Art Museum by Wu Zishen in 1931.  相似文献   

Sculpture and painting are all that Western art means while calligraphy is unique to China, which is an art form between philosophy and design art. It is more concrete and lively than philosophy, but more abstract than painting and sculpture. Calligraphy is the very core of Chinese culture and homeland for Chinese spirit. --Xiong Bingming, renowned sculptor, painter and art theorist  相似文献   

Chinese contemporary art witnessed high-profile exposure in the international art community in 2007. Both art exhibitions and art expositions taMng place in China attracted worldwide interest as its art market continued to grow. In fact, international art community has shifted their attention from Western countries to Asia and Middle East. "Apparently,  相似文献   

ARTnews magazine, a prestigious USA-based art periodical with a history of 105 years,announced in 2007 the ARTnews 200, its annual list of the 200 most active players in the art market. However, only a few of Asian names were included in this annual list and there was no single Mainland Chinese name on the ARTnews 200 that year. What did that list on the world's leading art collectors mean to the overheated art market in China and 70 million Chinese who are involved with art collection?  相似文献   

孙迎庆 《寻根》2009,(5):64-71
走进苏州,穿过喧嚣的大街,走进幽静的小巷,一座座旧居古宅,让人们追忆起往昔的人文荟萃。在不起眼的小院里,走出过多少大名鼎鼎的文人墨客:金侃、汪士钟、潘祖荫、顾文彬、黄丕烈、沈秉成、吴梅,他们在阅尽了人世的千山万水后,躲在小巷深处,筑一书楼作为终老的归依。于是,我用探索的目光,走进百年藏书楼,轻轻叩开扇扇神秘的木门,  相似文献   

艺术是永恒的,艺术没有时间性,然而,艺术审美的标准却不断地在变化;艺术是相通的,艺术不分地域,然而,艺术的具体载体即表现形式却有着此地、彼地的特色。在文化艺术蓬勃发展的今天,人们逐渐明白:我们需要的是交流和融合,而不是抉择。“古为今用,洋为中用”,只有博采众长,才能独树一帜,攀登到艺术的高峰。2002年8月22日至9月1日,在中国福建惠安举办的“第二届中国雕刻艺术节”正是这一理念的积极体现。该届艺术节的主题“传统艺术与当代实验”,旨在使中国艺术借助传统走向现代,脱离艺术地区化、局部化的藩篱,在文化多元化…  相似文献   

人称上有天堂,下有苏杭;蜀为天府之国.同为天堂与天府,成都与苏州应当有较强的可比性.这种可比性既表现在两者之间的得天独厚、人才辈出、体闲文化和形态丰富的文化种类;也表现在两者主体文化形态和文化特性的差异.本文从区域文化比较研究的角度,结合苏州、成都的经济发展和文化建设,挖掘吴、蜀文化的当下秉性和创新特质,意图从中挖掘各自独立的文化意义.寻找文化联系,为进一步推进区域文化互动,创新文化建设,打造区域文化品牌提供新的思路.  相似文献   

京剧正式形成于清代乾隆年间,四大徽班进京,徽汉合流形成京剧,因深受欢迎,其发展势头比任何一种艺术形式都迅猛,后出现了诸多流派,名家名角纷纷涌现,是中国历史上最辉煌的一种艺术门类,至使京剧是中国优秀传统化中之瑰宝,它历史悠久,技艺精湛,程式严谨,知识博大精深,至今依然是中国舞台剧中最高雅和完美的艺术之一,又被称为国戏,国粹。  相似文献   

Cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Sudan goes all the way back to ancient times. In particular, China began to train acrobats for Sudan from the 1970s as part of the country's cultural aid programs for Africa. Since 2005, a number of Sudanese students have been sent to Henan Province to learn Chinese acrobatic stunts in Zhengzhou Acrobatics Troupe, Puyang Acrobatics School and Puyang Acrobatics Center.  相似文献   

On an early summer day of 1995 my wife and I viewed a painting exhibition on eight artists from South China at the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Painting. After enjoying the nearly 100 painting masterpieces and walking out of the exhibition hall, I noticed a solo exhibition being held in the side hall. The 400-odd ink paintings of portrait and landscape in a freehand brushwork style immediately captured my attention.  相似文献   

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