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德国批判教育学述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪60年代德国批判教育学产生,各批判教育学派的代表人物对批判有不同理解,虽然批判的教育学生主张的意识形态的批判开启了教育学 的新视角,但是也很容易导致一种批判的意识形态。因而对批判应该加以分析,辨别和探讨,同时也应该进行自我批判,从这个意义上来说,教育学应该是批判教育学。  相似文献   

批判教育学以法兰克福学派特别是哈贝马斯的批判理论为哲学基础,通过对传统的精神科学教育学——释义学研究方法和经验教育学——实证研究方法的批判,形成了以“批判”为特征的教育研究方法论。该方法强调通过相关分析、意识形态分析、历史分析和语言分析,对一切教育现象进行“批判”性的研究。批判教育学方法论拓展了教育研究的视野,突破了教育研究方法“一元论”的局限,但也存在绝对否定和空想主义的局限。  相似文献   

本文对现行教育学教材进行全面的分析和批判,指出其存在的样式单一、概念模糊、内容空洞或缺失及观念陈旧等缺陷,在此基础上提出教育学教材未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

教育学的语言批判是把教育学的语言作为研究对象,对它进行的研究,从分析哲学的角度考察,教育学中存在着一些不容忽视的语言问题,亟须澄清,概念必须在语境中加以运用,概念的使用,要明确其内涵与外延,描述性陈述必须与评价性陈述相区别。  相似文献   

教育学独立以来,以服务于现代工业生产和构建严密的逻辑体系为旨趣。在获得数量和效率的同时,却逐渐失去了它原本具有的生活性和文化批判的品格。这主要表现在教育学在学科建设上仅仅关注学科逻辑的合理性和可操作性,漠视多彩的教育现实。教育学应恢复它的文化批判本性,走向实践、关注生命。  相似文献   

批判教育学的困境与出路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
批判教育学的发展面临着三大困境:为谁批判的立场困境;如何批判的风格困境;批判必要性的价值困境.只要那些处于受苦和异化环境的人存在,教育批判就有它存在的必要,批判教育学就能从困境中寻找到出路.  相似文献   

教育学是师范院校的一门必修课,它对培养合格的教师具有重要的作用。但实际上,大多数师范生对教育学并不重视,教育学对这些准教师也没起到应有的作用,其中原因是多方面的,针对教育学教学中存在的问题,重点关注教育学教学模式的改革,以期改进教育学教学,推进高师院校教育学课程改革,使其成为一门让高师学生真正受益的学科。  相似文献   

作为教育的原生内核,乌托邦想象并非是美好未来的不切实际的幻想,其旨在激发人们知觉当下,并为美好未来的实现付诸行动,因此它不仅能够为教育实践赋生,同时也为教育学赋予了新的希望。批判教育学所蕴含的乌托邦想象力,构建了希望与解放的教育乌托邦,赋予教育美好未来的可能性;注重个体发展,培养具有批判性思维的新型未来公民;跨越边界寻求教育平等,实现社会公平与正义。但与此同时,批判教育学的乌托邦想象在理论与实践方面也存在不足之处:"什么"和"谁的"追问下非此即彼的知识选择、政治性与教育性拉锯下陷入两难的教师角色,以及晦涩难懂的语言和去效率化倾向交织下的实践难题。  相似文献   

教育学独立以来,以服务于现代工业生产和构建严密的逻辑体系为旨趣。在获得数量和效率的同时,却逐渐失去了它原本具有的生活性和文化批判的品格。这主要表现在教育学在学科建设上仅仅关注学科逻辑的合理性和可操作性,漠视多彩的教育现实。教育学应恢复它的文化批判本性,走向实践、关注生命。  相似文献   

西方哲学有与数学结盟的强大传统,但黑格尔是西方哲学家中的异类,他尖锐地批判数学。文章分三部分。文章首先交代了西方哲学的强大数学传统,这是黑格尔批判数学的背景;其次,深入分析了黑格尔对数学的批判,包括他对数学证明、数学洞见、数学自明性的批判;最后,讨论了黑格尔的量的观点,作者认为这是黑格尔批判数学的哲学根据。  相似文献   

精神关怀在应试教育体系中存在主体、客体和内容的缺失。随着中周素质教育的实施和教育改革的进一步深入,对学生的精神关怀转变为包括学习能力、适应社会能力以及自主创新能力的培养为主的现实关怀以厦时生命意识和健康心理为主要内客的终极关怀的关怀精神。要实现关怀的转型,必须实行改革。  相似文献   

个人主义教学及其批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每个教师都是从自己出发去从事教学活动的,这是教学作为人类特有的社会活动的一个基本特点。正是"从自己出发"而产生的这种个人的自我的教学感觉或自我的教学观念,容易遮蔽乃至遗忘了教学的社会性,从而孕育和滋生了教学的个人主义倾向。教师个人主义教学主要表现为课堂中心主义、学科中心主义和学校中心主义。教师不能等待教学客观条件的改善,必须努力克服自身的缺陷包括心理上的障碍,才有可能走出个人主义教学的困境。  相似文献   

教育史学评论是以教育史学自身实践和成果为研究对象的史学理论分支学科,它所关注的是历史学研究的所有方面和全部过程.其内容包括事实真实评论、历史观评论、文采评论、史德评论等几个方面.  相似文献   

In this essay, Quentin Wheeler‐Bell aims to reframe recent attempts to rethink the core principles of critical pedagogy. He argues that these attempts have been unsuccessful because they reproduce a deeper problem — specifically, an identity crisis — within critical pedagogy. The source of this problem, he contends, is that those working in this tradition have, over time, become more distant from and forgetful of its roots in critical theory; as a result, critical pedagogy is now in a state of dilution and fragmentation in which critical pedagogues are unable to bring the plurality of critical education approaches together theoretically around a set of shared principles. In order to address this problem and begin to reframe the core principles of critical pedagogy, Wheeler‐Bell first briefly sketches the debates around Max Horkheimer's classic essay “Critical Theory and Traditional Theory,” focusing on why critical theory grew into an interdisciplinary tradition situated between philosophy and social science. Then he explains why the recent attempts to rethink critical pedagogy rely upon a problematic, albeit dominant, narrative of the critical education tradition — a narrative that only tacitly recognizes a connection between critical education and critical theory. This dominant narrative contributes to the identity crisis within critical education because it supports a collective memory loss regarding the importance of both philosophy and social science to critical theory. Finally, Wheeler‐Bell attempts to develop a thin definition of critical education: one that connects critical education back to its roots in critical theory, while respecting the plurality of critical education approaches.  相似文献   

In architectural design education, the most significant part in the curriculum is the design studio, where students learn how to design. Critique has a crucial role in the design studio, and in determining the best and most beneficial critique type for the architectural design education process. Student attitudes toward critiques and student satisfaction level with each critique technique are also significant. To that end, this article explores design studio learning by reviewing the design learning process and types of design critiques. Focusing on three critique techniques used in design education (desk critiques, pin‐up critiques and group critiques), the article analyses correlations between student attitudes toward each technique and its contribution to the design process. Research was conducted with 84 third‐year interior architecture students from the 2014–15 Fall semester at a university. No statistically significant differences were found between group and pin‐up critiques in terms of students’ preferences and their final performance scores; however, there was a statistically significant relationship between student preferences toward desk critiques and student success. Furthermore, the contribution of a critique technique to the design process was found to be highly correlated with student preference for this technique.  相似文献   

网络时代的到来使道德教育面临诸多难题:网络信息过滤难,正面引导难度增大;网络信息丰富,教师权威地位受到挑战;网络交互性强,课堂教育效果降低.为此,道德教育者应当坚守主流价值观,适当调整自身在教育过程中的角色,转变教育方式方法,积极地应对挑战.  相似文献   

公民道德教育是我国当前公民道德建设的重要内容和途径。但是,公民道德教育并不是在操作层面上为公民道德建设寻求某种捷径,而是首先应该对当前公民道德教育的一些基础问题和基本理念进行必要的哲学的反思和前提批判。只有这样,公民道德教育才有坚实的哲学根基和理论依托。  相似文献   

通过对马克思<黑格尔法哲学批判>的逻辑思路的分析,可以澄清国内学界对于马克思这一文本中"市民社会决定国家"的基本思想的长期误解,从而指出马克思在批判黑格尔法哲学的过程中发生了一场重大的思想转变--即从政治批判到社会批判的根本转变,并由此彻底改变了他以后一生的思想道路.  相似文献   

Following the Enlightenment, the concept of ‘critique’ broadened and acquired a political denotation, in which the expression of opinion alone could itself be already considered critique. This meaning of ‘critique’ expresses acknowledgement of men as equal, free and rational. This broad concept of critique, however, also tends to negate certain more technical and specific forms. This paper goes back to conceptions of critique introduced by Kant and developed in an educational perspective by the neo‐Kantian Paul Natorp. Kant's concept of critique concentrated on the conditions of possibility of judgemental powers, resulting in a transcendental critique of Reason. Natorp applied this conception of transcendental critique to education. Though Natorp relates education to society as a whole, his concept of critique does not uncover the social determinants of educational views but holds on to a transcendental critical idea of critical judgement that is not completely socially determined. Consequently, in the transcendental critical approach, the critical function of Reason is given priority over any political vision. This results in a conception of critique that primarily questions validity claims, stressing rational testing as opposed to other sources of validity, such as traditional or religious authority. The transcendental critical programme, further developed in twentieth‐century Germany, still endorses the implied denial of the possibility of deriving the validity of propositions from experience. It can be distinguished from Karl‐Otto Apel's brand of transcendental critique by its refusal to assume any primary criterion for critical judgement, in the manner of Apel's ‘ideal communicative community’. Consequently, this programme cannot result in any positive conception of education. Its main contribution consists in exposing those presuppositions of educational views and practices that function as a priori ideas as conditions of the possibility of their justification. Though not denying the value and relevance of positive educational conceptions, this transcendental critical approach primarily aims at preventing metaphysical foundational questions from being forgotten or dogmatically fossilised.  相似文献   

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