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20世纪90年代以来,谢华的儿童文学作品得到了社会的广泛关注。她的创作从儿童身体和精神的双重苦难入手,刻画了当代儿童生存的迷茫、困惑与抗争,蕴含着浓厚的现实主义色彩。在写作中,谢华对儿童的弱势所倾注的情感,以及这些情感所引发的人性思考和反抗,丰富了其作品的意味。如何描写"苦难"是儿童文学关注的内容之一,而在谢华的作品中,书写成长、死亡和抗争无疑具有代表性和示范性。  相似文献   

文章从叙事学角度解读《骑鹅历险记》、《长腿叔叔》、《绿山墙的安妮》三部儿童文学作品,旨在更好地研究成人与儿童文学作品创作与接受过程中的差异与冲突。  相似文献   

以儿童为隐含读者的儿童文学,是否应该具有多义性一直有不同的看法。从文学作品的接受特点、儿童文学的"游戏精神"以及因为"童年"一词不断被建构出新的含义来看,同样的作品也被时代不停地赋予新的内涵。所以,儿童文学作品的多义性不仅是正常的,也是必然的。发现作品的多重含义也是阅读儿童文学的乐趣之一。  相似文献   

儿童文学是社会、成人和少年儿童的文学对话.它既要适应儿童的兴趣、能力和成长需求,将儿童设定为隐含读者;又要表现成人的理想、愿望,是一个成人自我满足的寓言.或表现与儿童相通的情感,或为实用的目的要在作品中说服老师和家长,或在对童年的回忆中渗进成人的情绪,或在写儿童的作品中表现对成人也有教育意义的内容,儿童文学都常把成人也设定为隐含读者.所以,许多儿童文学作品存有双隐含读者是一个正常的现象.  相似文献   

茅盾文学奖(文学评奖)与获奖作品之间的关系并非简单的价值生产关系,而是受到茅盾文学奖(文学评奖)在文学场域中的位置以及位置与不同历史阶段文学场域之间张力关系的影响和制约.因此,革命历史题材作品、古代历史题材作品、现实题材作品在历届茅盾文学奖获奖作品中所占的比例有很大变化,这与随着市场经济的发展,文学场自主性在增强、读者对文学场有效介入,以及茅盾文学奖在文学场域中位置的不断变化紧密相关.  相似文献   

在中国现当代文学作品中,由于各种复杂的历史及现实的原因,有关台湾的空间想象非常少。在台湾的叙述方面形成了"宝岛"与"魔窟"的并置,让大陆读者形成了对台湾的最初想象。文学中的台湾想象增强了大陆读者对台湾的认同感,减弱了大陆读者对台湾的陌生感。  相似文献   

Perceptions of black representations in literature and other visual mediums as positive or negative continuously cause consternation and debate (Fleetwood, 2011). Because African American children are literacy participants and consumers, they are not immune from experiencing this tension. This essay considers the effects and affective threads of racism and racialization connected to visuality (Foster, 1988), and how educators might support and nurture children’s roles as aesthetic critics and critical readers of books featuring racial imagery and representations. The young African American readers in this study resist a picturebook using colorist logic and macro-level social indexing of phenotypic traits. The author argues that negative social messages about blackness within the larger ethos of society, as well as the absence of diverse representations in children’s literature, contribute to such interpretations. She suggests explicitly teaching African American children about counter-visuality and the ways in which “art works” to shape and transform understandings about complex experiences like racism.  相似文献   

在对文学作品的理解过程中,如何沟通读者与作品的时间距离,如何建构读者与作品的效果历史事件,如何实现读者与作品的视阈融合,是一个值得研究的课题。哲学诠释学引导我们认识到,读者与作品之间就是一种主体间性的交互作用和视阈交融的关系,而且文学作品的真正存在只在于它的被展现的过程,有了读者的阅读理解和意义建构才能使作品获得活力和生命。  相似文献   


Decision-making is essential for the work of teaching. Preservice teachers must learn to leverage knowledge about young readers’ strengths, needs, and interests in order to plan and teach guided reading lessons skillfully. However, limited research examines preservice teachers’ decision-making based on what they know about individual children. In this qualitative case study, we report findings from 12 preservice teachers enrolled in a reading methods course who used teacher knowledge to inform their teaching decisions for guided reading lessons with Kindergarteners. Findings reveal how participants used knowledge of learners to make planning as well as in-the-moment teaching decisions. The data show that most of these decisions were lesson planning decisions about text selection and word solving strategies, indicating that participants were beginning to engage in responsive teaching strategies. This study makes a new contribution to early childhood teacher education literature by underscoring the significance of learner knowledge in the context of authentic teaching practice while learning to teach guided reading to young children.  相似文献   

以郑渊洁为代表的中国"热闹派"童话是20世纪80年代兴起的一个儿童文学流派。虽然"热闹派"童话在新时期曾受到批评界的关注,但对其是否是文学流派却一直未有定论。借助艾布拉姆斯对文学活动的研究方法,从世界、作家、作品和读者等方面来研究"热闹派"童话,可见中国"热闹派"童话具有文学流派的特性和价值,是新时期童话创作中重要的文学现象。  相似文献   

在20世纪70、80年代的港台、大陆及海外华文读者中享有盛誉的台湾知名女作家三毛,以自己一生传奇经历写成的传记体式的流浪文学,曾倾倒了无数青少年特别是女性读者.在她的作品中,撒哈拉沙漠神奇斑斓的自然风光,万水千山长路上的流浪足迹,流浪途中原住居民美好纯真的人性生活,她与荷西美丽感人的异国恋情,无处不充溢着浓郁的浪漫色彩.  相似文献   

在时中国古代文学作品进行分析研究的惯例中,我们通常会研究古代作家们所处的历史、时代背景、生活境遇和在这些影响下所形成的性格.不同的人在不同的外力影响下会形成不同的创作风格,即便两位作家所写的题材相似,也会给人不同的审美感受.本文以贾岛与李商隐的各一诗作为例,通过对比分析来凸显同一题材在不同诗人的审美观照和艺术表现下所富有的非同质美.  相似文献   

林语堂的翻译改写策略得到了目的语读者的广泛接受,使一系列中国文学文化作品走进西方文化。他的原文文本选择别具匠心,指向了一系列倡导性灵、闲适、幽默的中国文史哲作品,同时采用了翻译改写策略,满足了目的语的读者期待,其译本一再登上西方主流媒体畅销书的榜单。林语堂介绍中国文化的成功经验告诉我们:在当下为促进中国文化走向世界,首先要选择适合"走出去"的文本;其次要突破传统翻译观对忠实对等的过分强调,采用形式上归化与文化上异化相结合的翻译策略。  相似文献   

鲁迅在中国人对西班牙作家巴罗哈知之甚少的情况下,译介的9篇西班牙作品全部出自巴罗哈笔下,又多次在译文的副文本等著述中给予巴罗哈高度评价。鲁迅关注的是巴罗哈弱小民族的出身及其作品中对于弱小民族品性和生活状貌的描摹,而同属于弱小民族的中国读者可以从中反观自身,鲁迅也在巴罗哈的文学世界里找到了异域的自我。  相似文献   

Interactive read alouds are important learning opportunities for emergent readers because teachers and peers can actively model and scaffold comprehension strategies, engage readers, and cultivate a community of learners. Using data from a 9 month ethnographic study in an urban kindergarten classroom, this article describes how the teacher’s approach facilitated rich interaction in the classroom as students read and made sense of stories together. Findings of this study demonstrate how interactive read alouds were important learning opportunities for emergent readers because they provided opportunities for open-ended responses combined with specific reading instruction. The interactive read alouds created a space where meaning was constructed through dialogue and classroom interaction, providing an opportunity for children to respond to literature in a way that builds on their strengths and extends their knowledge.  相似文献   

张丹 《海外英语》2012,(5):173-175,192
This thesis is mainly concerned with the two translation strategies of domesticating translation and foreignizing translation.The former is to make readers understand original works easier;the latter is to make readers understand original works clearer.It is necessary to take into consideration the necessity of using these two kinds of strategies,the affecting factors of using these two strategies to translate fic tions and the ways of using these two strategies.  相似文献   

儿童文学是读者意识最强的文学样式。儿童文学的读者研究是儿童文学研究的重要领域。儿童文学的读者群是一种双重结构,由儿童读者、成人读者构成。儿童读者有两个基本特征:他们是儿童文学的主体读者;具有年龄阶段性。成人读者包含两种类型:主动的读者和被动的读者。儿童文学的双重读者结构一方面使儿童文学变得更加难以创作,一方面又可以使这一创作获得活力和张力。  相似文献   

This study examined the strategies parents use naturally to help early readers at difficult points of text or pronunciation. Forty‐two children were videotaped reading to a parent. Results suggest parents are not likely to provide specific instructional feedback when listening to their children read. When given, parental feedback tends to be well tuned to the child's reading ability, with parents of less skilled readers providing richer and more varied feedback than parents of more skilled readers. A tree clustering analysis placed parents in one of three groups: 1) ‘Learner centred’ parents use a variety of feedback strategies; 2) ‘Inactive’ parents allow their children to continue uncorrected; 3) ‘Direct’ parents supply the miscued word. The children of ‘learner centred’ parents did not perform as well as children of ‘inactive’ parents on measures of reading ability, possibly because parents of better readers no longer need to be ‘learner centred’.  相似文献   

This article draws on a study which was designed to extend understanding of habitual and committed adolescent readers. The study brought together four theoretical perspectives – the social, cultural, spatial and historical – as a way of re-imagining the field of reading. The historical perspective is the one foregrounded here, offering views of reading as a long-term, intergenerational process, in this instance constructed through setting adults’ comments about reading alongside those of their children or grandchildren. Analysis of data from two of the research methods employed in the study – semi-structured small-group interviews and interviews conducted by the students themselves with a parent or grandparent – suggests that there is a strong argument to be made for attending more closely to adolescent readers from a historical perspective, as well as from social, cultural and spatial perspectives, in order to understand better some of their subtle characteristics as they shift over time rather than as they appear when viewed merely in the here-and-now.  相似文献   

读者在阅读不同的文学作品时,会产生不同的心理状态。在阅读古典文学作品时,由于受到各种因素的影响,读者的心理状态、心理过程会呈现出新的变化。研究这一规律,对于提高读者鉴赏古典文学的水平是大有益处的。  相似文献   

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